Luhan's Arc - Part Two

Opposites attract, they said.

I stirred in my sleep, sinking into the warmth around me with a content sigh. I dug the side of my face into the soft pillow, almost softer than what I was used to, but didn't pay much attention to it. There was a weight on my hip, but I didn't pay attention to that either. But when I felt warm air rhythmically brushing past the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine, that was when I paid attention.


I ran my fingertips across the soft, silky skin of the arm draped over my waist, before eventually holding his hand, smiling to myself. If it's a dream, might as well enjoy it. I leaned into his embrace, intertwining our fingers. His breath seemed to pick up speed as it hit the back of my neck. It was warm and comforting, until...

I noticed something odd. His fingers were a little more calloused than I was used to.

My eyes snapped open, and I took in the sunlight shining through the white curtains around my bed. Did I always have those? I looked at the abandoned novel on a familiar armchair beside the bed, frowning to myself.

That was when I noticed the leg draped over my side and quickly turned over, facing a pair of deep brown eyes that stared back at me expectantly. My breath caught in my throat as I blinked at him, confused, heart picking up speed at the close proximity between us. His lips pulled into an arrogant smile.

"Look who finally woke up," he spoke softly, but it still had that teasing lilt to it that had me quickly backing away and sitting up.

"Wh- How did I- Why am I here?" I stammered, eyes blown.

"Don't you remember?" He asked, "You begged and begged to let you sleep next to me. You even asked me to cuddle you and everything-"

"Stop bullting," I turned to him, scowling in annoyance.

"That's totally what happened," he said, staring at me wide-eyed and serious. So serious I even doubted myself for a second, until I saw the telltale quiver of his lips.

"You're a pathological liar. And not a good one."

"You seemed to quite enjoy feeling me up just a second ago. Can you lie about that?"

I immediately flushed at that, looking anywhere but at his cocky face. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

He burst out in a fit of giggles, "Sure, you don't. You're an even worse liar than I am, but not a pathological one, I'm afraid. Just a cute one."

"Would you quit that!" I retorted, both annoyed and flustered at his constant teasing.

He held his hands up defensively, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. It was totally worth it to see your face just now though." He stifled another laugh as I continued to glare at him. "If you really gotta know, you dozed off reading that book. Looked pretty uncomfortable on that chair, so I carried you here. You didn't even notice, huh?"

I groaned, digging my face into my palms in defeat. "Where is that goddamn nurse? It's already been an hour and a half!"

"I bet you're glad you got stuck here with me. You slept so soundly, just like an angel," he cooed.

"Don't call me that," I said sharply, sending him the darkest glare I could muster. But he only laughed even more.

"Gosh Luhan, are you always so intense? You're a riot," he grinned.

"And you're annoying. Anyone ever tell you that?"

"More often than you think," he said. "Oh man, thanks to you, my head's all better. Wanna ditch this place and grab some food together?"

"Let's just wait for that woman to come back," I grumbled, although the offer was sort of tempting.

"Okay, okay. I guess it's too soon in our relationship for that. Wait- no way! You're gonna keep reading that book?" He retorted as I unceremoniously went back to sit at the armchair, cracking open the novel I had found on the nurse's desk.

"Yes, at least then I don't have to talk to you."

"At least you're awake when you talk to me. That thing bored you so much you fell asleep."

"Well, I'd rather be bored than annoyed so tough luck," I deadpanned, flipping over the few pages I had already finished. I felt his gaze burning into the side of my face but paid him no heed. Still, embarrassing thoughts of having slept in his arms so comfortably flooded my mind, and I found warmth spreading to my cheeks. My skin tingled again when I remembered the way his breath tickled my neck. And when I remembered his eyes, inches away from mine, staring straight into my soul...

Let's just say I couldn't register a word of that stupid novel after all.


Finally, the last bell of the day rang and I staggered behind the excited crowd of students heading for the doors, earphones shoved in my ears as I unhurriedly walked out into the daylight.

People ignored me and I ignored them, just like I was used to. I remembered distant days when I was a social butterfly, talking to everyone, smiling at people, letting my guard down around them. That was how I got close to Minseok. That was also how I became friends with Jongin.

But then, after the incident with Jongin, everything changed. Welcoming smiles and hugs in the hallways turned into bitter scowls and mocking jeers. He was popular, and had influence in the school. Once he turned against me, he made sure everyone did. Just like that, every day was a struggle, of being called names and shoved around and abandoned, and I constantly tried to come up with ways to hide from people. At some point I'd gotten so good at it, they forgot about me altogether. They forgot to keep hating me and ignored my existence. Which was great, really.

Even after things had been mended between Jongin and I, I never could go back to being the old me again. I maintained my hostility and my distance from people, if for no other reason than self-preservation.

It was just easier to be alone.

As much as I was good at ignoring people, I couldn't ignore the way the students talked among themselves, saying something along the lines of 'that guy', 'history class' and 'seizure'. I noticed the way they glanced at me, pointing and gossiping, and then at someone else, laughing and mocking.

I followed their eyes toward a familiar, tall figure, walking across the parking lot and toward an old jeep. He stood tall amongst the gossiping crowd, not hiding his face. He walked confidently, almost smugly, but he walked alone. I froze when I saw him climb into the driver's seat, before gritting my teeth and marching straight toward him.

Just as he was about to pull out of the parking lot, I placed a heavy hand on his hood. He blinked at me in surprise, cracking his window open.

"Uh, hey?"

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked sharply.

"Uh..." he looked around in confusion, "Going home?"

"You can't drive."

He raised a brow, "Pretty sure I can. Did you need my license and registration, too?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Yixing. Don't act dumb. You have epilepsy!"

He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Ah, I see I got my hopes up for nothing. I thought you wanted to hang out some more, but turns out you're just here to lecture me."

"Lecture you? I'm looking out for you, although you clearly don't seem to appreciate it! What if you get a seizure while you're driving?!"

He scoffed, "Sorry, but I'm missing the part where this concerns you," he said bitterly, cold humor colouring his tone, "I mean, if I do get into an accident, maybe it'll be better for everyone anyway! Why do you care?"

I stared at him in disbelief, jaw clenching. That's right... why do I care? In fact, I shouldn't give a flying !

"Well maybe you're forgetting the fact that you're not just putting yourself in danger, but other people too!"

"Other people can it up. I've never gotten anything good out of them anyway! , why am I so angry right now?!" He growled, fists tightening around his steering wheel.

I tried to get my breathing under control, closing my eyes for a second to calm myself, before eventually locking them on him again. "Get out."

"You're kicking me out of my own car?" He asked incredulously as I opened his door.

"No, I'm letting myself in," I grabbed his arm, roughly pulling him out of the driver's seat.

"I'm driving you home."


I felt a smoldering gaze burning into the side of my face as I gripped the steering wheel, eyes shifting uncomfortably.

"Would you quit staring?" I snapped, keeping my gaze steady on the road.

"I don't want to," he answered simply.

"Am I even going the right way?"

"Doesn't matter."

I turned to him with an annoyed scowl. "The sooner you tell me where to go, the sooner I can get out of your hair."

"I quite like you in my hair, actually," I could hear the grin in his voice and all I could do was groan in exasperation.

"Why am I even here?"

"Funny, I was just wondering the exact same thing."

With another exasperated sigh, I ignored him and continued to drive.

"Make a right over here."

He continued to stare as I followed his instructions. The air between us was tense from the argument we had earlier, and although he was now suddenly very calm, it was impossible to tell how he really felt. Not like it matters, anyway.

We eventually stopped at an apartment complex nestled between a dozen others that looked just like it in the middle of a contemporary, rather stereotypical neighborhood. We sat in silence for an awkward second, Yixing not making a move to leave the car.

"Well? This is your place isn't it?"

"Yeah..." He mumbled, frowning to himself as he stared ahead. After an awkward moment, I opened the car door and stepped out. "W-Wait, where are you going?" He quickly followed me out, still frowning.

"Going home, obviously," I deadpanned.


"I saw a bus stop earlier."

"Let me drive y-" he began to say but stopped himself, chuckling. "I guess that would defeat the purpose of all this, then."

"I'm impressed you figured that out all by yourself," I said sarcastically. "You should really stop driving. I don't want to worry."

"You'd be worried about me?" He asked with a rather cheeky smile.

, that came out wrong.

"You wish. I'd be worried about all the lives you'd be putting at stake every single day," I said with a scoff.

"Hm, yeah, sure, let's go with that," he said sarcastically, glancing back at his car. "And how do you propose I go to school, then?"

"Have someone drive you? Take the bus? I don't know, figure it out!"

"I have a better idea," he mused, "You take my car."

I raised a brow, "What?"

"I said, take my car. Come pick me up in the morning."

I stared at him incredulously, "You wanna give me your car?"

He nodded, his face as serious as ever, "I mean, since you just declared I can't drive anymore, I don't really have much use for it, do I?"

I couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laughter, unable to take him seriously. "You're funny. First of all, why would you trust some random classmate with your car, and second, why would said random classmate want to be your personal chauffeur? What the hell's in it for me?"

He watched me without giving much of an expression, no sign of humour on his face. "Well, you get to save yourself the trouble of taking public transportation. You get to have the car to yourself all day. In return, all you have to do is drive me to and from school."

I stopped laughing, watching him warily. "I don't really go out much. I wouldn't have much use for it either."

He shrugged, "Neither do I."

"You're serious about this?"

He rolled his eyes and leaned against the hood of his car impatiently. "This might be kinda hard to believe but, I actually have a heart and don't want to make you wait for the bus after you drove me all the way here."

"Okay, fair, but," I chewed on the inside of my cheek, tilting my head to the side curiously, "What's in it for you?"

A wide, devilish grin stretched across his lips as his took me in from top to bottom. I found myself fidgeting again, my breath catching a little when he took a step closer.

"Me? I just like the idea of being driven around by a cutie."


And I'm back with chapter two! Damn, it's been a while since I wrote anything in a high school setting. To think, I first started writing this book in high school, and now I've already graduated from university, is so insane to me. It's even crazier that despite the fact it's been such a long ride, some of you are still here. You're the real ones.

I'd like to get to know my readers a little better in three questions! What's your age, star sign and hobby? For anyone that cares, I'm 23, an Aries, and I like dancing.

Don't forget to leave a comment if you're enjoying this series so far!



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Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
968 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT