
Opposites attract, they said.

"I... I have a confession to make." Jongin stated hesitantly, hand unconsciously tightening around Sehun's.

"I think we've had enough 'confessions' for one night, thank you very much." Sehun said, shaking his head slightly in disbelief.

"Hey, I'm serious... It's been bothering me for like, the past twenty minutes now. I just need to get it out of my system," Jongin emphasized, eyes wide. Sehun figured it was one of those rare serious Jongin moments.

"Aww you poor thing. It's been bothering you for so long?" Sehun cooed sarcastically, making the other pout and shove him slightly, "Alright, alright. What is it?"

Jongin stopped Sehun from walking and pulled him by the hand so he was directly facing the blonde boy.

"Okay, look. I'd be lying if I said I'm not scared. If it was just the two of us, I'm not scared of having a relationship with you. But when I think of everyone else... I just chicken out. I'm scared to come out to the world about this, Sehun. Especially since everyone at school knows what happened between me and Luhan. I'd like to say I don't care what other people think but... I do. Who doesn't?" Jongin sighed, staring down at the ground, "I'm afraid of how people will judge me. So... All I ask of you is to give me some time. I'm not ready to let everyone know yet, but I still want to be with you. I still want to do this."

Sehun's eyes softened as he took in the serious, determined expression Jongin had on and the little crease between his eyebrows. It was enough that Jongin was taking a huge leap outside his comfort zone by accepting his feelings for Sehun. Telling other people about it was a whole different story. They were just at square one, there was no need to rush into that.

"It's okay... I understand," Sehun said, "It's still so early anyway. Who knows, we might not even last that long. There would be no use then of having let everyone know."

Jongin smiled, "Thanks for understanding. Though, you don't have to be so pessimistic..."

Sehun shrugged, "I'm not. I'm just saying anything can happen."

"Let's just keep this between the two of us for now. And I promise you, someday, I'll let the whole ing world know. Let's just... take it slow." Jongin said sincerely, taking Sehun's other free hand in his own.

Jongin could already feel it. This relationship was going to be different, and not just because of the blatantly obvious fact that Sehun was a guy. He couldn't explain it, but Jongin felt like he just needed to protect whatever they had, to let it grow and develop, and to give it everything in him. Even though this road was so new, so different, so exciting yet so scary and intimidating, he wanted to explore every nook and cranny of it thoroughly, slowly. To take in all the little details and appreciate them.

He just knew that this was special. That Sehun was special.

"Okay..." Sehun breathed. He could see how determined Jongin was to make this work, and he was also going to try his best. Even though he was awkward and didn't know a single thing about relationships, he trusted that Jongin wouldn't judge him. This was his chance to learn and experience something new, even if it didn't work out in the end. It was a win-win situation for both of them, really.

Jongin smiled at him softly before looking down at his watch. "It's getting late and we have school tomorrow, but I really wanna stay here and spend some more time with you," He said wih a pout. Sehun shook his head and laughed softly.

"I can stay for a bit." He said, not minding the fact that he was going to miss out on some sleep because honestly he also wanted to spend some more time with Jongin. The elder smiled brightly and they started walking along the shore again, enjoying the soft night breeze and the scent of the sea. It was just so relaxing and all Jongin wanted was to stay there forever. Contrary to the past few days where his mind was just a huge jumbled mess, he was now felt somewht at peace. While he held Sehun's hand, it was all as clear as day to him.

Guy or not, I like him, and what I feel is real. And that's all that matters.


* * *


Nothing really changed at school, aside from the occasional moments of eye contact and the shy smiles. Jongin felt like a teenage girl who was having her first relationship and he absolutely hated the fact that he loved it. They still bickered all the time for no particular reason but something about it was just different now, judging by the stupid smiles they had on their faces whenever they did it.

It was sad that they didn't have any classes together except for homeroom and dance class. Jongin, who usually checked out the hot girls in his class when he was bored, didn't even spare them a glance and kept thinking about when class would end so he could see Sehun again. He was filled with giddy thoughts of their relationship and how far it would go all the time.

He couldn't be any happier when lunch time arrived. This time, he sat right smack next to Sehun. When everyone was engrossed in their usual banter, Sehun could feel Jongin's hand move towards his own underneath the table, intertwining their fingers together. He looked at the elder who was just staring ahead nonchalantly, talking to his friends as if nothing was going on.

It always made Sehun smile.

It went on for a week, and eventually the time came when the contact name on Jongin's phone changed from "Sehun" to "Sehunnie <3". His feelings were growing with each passing day and the tingles he felt all over when Sehun smiled that beautiful crescent-eyed smile only confirmed it. He was so smitten by the blonde boy it was almost ridiculous.

One day after school, when Sehun was walking towards the black car that was waiting for him, he heard his name being called. He turned around and saw Jongin jogging towards him.

"Hey." The elder said once he reached Sehun, smiling up at him, "7 p.m. Tonight. I'll pick you up from your place."

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows, "Why?"

"I'm taking you out on a date."

Sehun blinked. They hadn't actually gone on a date before.

 "Wear something nice," Jongin winked, not waiting for a response, "See you tonight."

And with that, he walked away, leaving a slightly dumbfounded Sehun.


* * *


After a really long time in his walk-in closet just trying to figure out what to wear, Sehun settled on a maroon turtleneck and black skinny jeans along with a black coat. He thanked the Heavens for finally having decided on something as he was just one abandoned article of clothing on the floor away from texting Jongin and bailing out on their date.

Just when he was done dressing up, his phone buzzed.



I'm outside your house.

Sehun opened the sliding door to his balcony and stepped out. Sure enough, he could see Jongin's black Audi waiting outside his house.

Sehunnie <3:

You're half an hour early -_-

Jongin spotted the blonde boy standing at the balcony and smiled, stepping out of his car.


Oh? Then why are you all dressed up then?

Sehunnie <3:

I was going to buy some groceries.


Sure. While looking like a goddamn supermodel.

Why the you lying~

Just admit you were excited to see me and you couldn't wait. Because I couldn't ;)

Sehun blushed because Jongin was absolutely right about that.

Sehunnie <3:

Pff... You wish.

The blonde boy left the balcony and made his way down the stairs. Thankfully his parents weren't home so he was spared the interrogation session. They have been a little up his case these days, always asking him where he was going and what he was doing. It was annoying to say the least. Once he left the mansion, he could see Jongin leaning against his car, dressed in ripped skinny jeans and a black button up under a black leather jacket. He had to admit, Jongin looked really good. He wasn't aware that Jongin was also simultaneously giving him the once-over, appreciating just how hot Sehun looked in turtlenecks.

Jongin wolf-whistled, "You look nice."

Sehun internally let out a sigh of relief. At least all that time and effort was worth it in the end. "Thanks. You don't look terrible either."

Jongin grinned at having gotten a compliment (or what's close to one, anyway) from Sehun. He made his way to the younger and took his pale hand in his own, "Why, thank you. Should we get going?"

"No let's just stay here until my parents get back." Sehun said sarcastically.

"Very funny." Jongin scoffed, gently pulling Sehun along toward his car and opening the door for him like the gentleman he was. Sehun just rolled his eyes and sat down on the passenger's seat as Jongin closed the door after him and made his way round to the driver's side. Switching on the ignition, Jongin pulled out of the driveway and they were soon on their way.

"So where are we going?"

"Downtown. I wanna walk around with you, eat at little restaurants and buy couple like every other disgusting couple out there." Jongin said happily. Sehun couldn't help but chuckle at how excited Jongin sounded. He was excited too, but he wasn't so transparent about it like Jongin was. That was Kim Jongin, never hiding his true emotions, heart always on his sleeve. Sehun, however, was the exact opposite.

"Thought you wanted to keep this relationship thing a secret."

"Eh, everyone will think we're just two friends hanging out. It's not like we'll be holding hands or anything... Though I really want to," He ended with a little pout.

Sehun chuckled, "And how are we gonna wear the couple stuff without anyone noticing, genius?"

"We'll get something that looks inconspicuous. No initials. If anyone asks we'll just say we were together when we bought them," Jongin shrugged.

"You really thought this through, huh?"

"Yup. I was actually planning on taking you out on some romantic candlelight dinner at first but then I figured that's probably not your style. And I wanted to make your first date special," He ended with a sheepish grin.

Sehun couldn't help but smile shyly. Jongin was really thoughtful, and he was right about the fact that Sehun wasn't into generic candlelight dinners. He liked strolling around the streets of Seoul whenever he needed to get a breather and the thought of doing it together with Jongin actually sounded like fun. It occurred to him that Jongin really was giving this a lot of effort, and that maybe he should try to stop being so stuck up all time and meet him halfway.



Sehun's face flushed a bright red and he quickly turned to the window to hide his face.

"Our first date."

Jongin's eyes widened slowly but he couldn't help the goofy smile that stretched across his lips. He couldn't tell whether it was because of what Sehun said or because he was so adorably shy about it.

Oh Sehun, why the are you so cute?


Just as Jongin had said, the two wandered around the streets of Seoul, stopping every now and again to eat something or the other. Sehun noticed all over again just how talkative Jongin was, but surprisingly it wasn't annoying at all. The blonde boy liked his silence but he figured he liked Jongin's smooth, melodious voice even more, even when he was talking complete and utter bull. Jongin was a mood-maker, always making ridiculous commentary about anything and everything he saw. 

And just like every disgusting couple out there, they bought ice cream, cotton candy and matching couple key-and-lock necklaces.

"Here, look at these. You can have the key and I'll have the lock." Jongin said while holding them up, smiling.


"Because you're the key that opened the lock to my heart," He winked, making Sehun's face scrunch up in disgust.


"You're so ing gross, Jongin."

Every now and then, Jongin would have this strong urge to hold Sehun's hand or just hug him, but stopped himself before he could. It was enough that there were already quite a few people around who were giving them weird looks but Jongin tried his best to ignore them. 

Jongin would occasionally find himself staring at the younger for a little longer than he had to, just appreciating the work of art that was Oh Sehun. Pale, white skin that glimmered against the moonlight, making him look almost ethereal. Perfect chiseled features and a sharp jawline, and not to mention a majestic . Jongin felt like he was caught in a whirlwind from which he would never be able to get out, and he didn't want out either. The more he looked at Sehun, the more he could find. Was there even a single flaw in the blonde? He could stare on for hours and he wouldn't be able to find one. It was odd because even though he liked Sehun, he didn't think he would be able to find him attractive they way he would a girl. And yet, here he was, shamelessly ogling him while he wasn't looking.

Or when he thought he wasn't at least. Apparently people in real life had peripheral vision.

"Would you stop with the creepy e stare?" Sehun retorted. They were currently sitting in Jongin's car right outside Sehun's mansion.

"I can't help it. You're ing perfect." Jongin blurted out without thinking. Sehun sighed and shook his head, moving as far as possible from Jongin on his seat.


"Hey! I'm not a creep."

"You should have seen the look on your face. For a second I thought you were gonna molest me or something."

Jongin's cheeks flushed, "I... I would never..."

Sehun face-palmed, "I was just kidding, Jongin."

"Well make it clear when you are!" Jongin retorted, "You're not the type that jokes around much and when you do you look awfully serious."

"That's just my face."

"Resting face indeed." The brunette muttered, more to himself than to Sehun.

"Take it or leave it," Sehun scoffed.

"Nope. After tonight, I'm pretty sure I won't be the one leaving you," Jongin admitted shyly, "The fate of this relationship is in your hands. Just don't give up on me yet, okay?"

Sehun's dark eyes bore into Jongin's and he sighed, "I think I'm the one that's supposed to say that to you."

Jongin scrunched up his eyebrows, "Why?"

Honestly, this had been bothering Sehun for the past week, "I... I know I'm not very good at outward expression. I know I tend to come off as mean and indifferent sometimes but... I can't really help it. It's just how I am. I just want you to know that I really appreciate all you're doing, even though I might not show it. I know it's difficult for you."

Jongin couldn't help but smile, "Sehun... It's okay. It's just who you are, and that's the person that I came to like in the first place. Don't ever think you need to change yourself. I like you just the way you are, nice and signature resting face included," Jongin said softly, bravely lifting a hand to cup Sehun's cheek tenderly.

"Thanks, I guess." Sehun awkwardly cleared his throat. Jongin had been a little too open about the particular liking he took to Sehun's backside and it made the latter a little uncomfortable. You don't just go around telling someone they have a nice ing .

"You're so shy, Sehun."

"Don't make fun of me." He grumbled, pushing Jongin's hand away from his face while the other laughed softly.

"So cute," Jongin cooed, making Sehun scowl at him, "Come, I'll walk you to your door."

"I can walk alone."

"But you have me now so you don't have to do anything alone anymore." Jongin winked before leaving his seat and making his way round to Sehun's side. Before he could open the door though, Sehun beat him to it and smirked at him. Jongin rolled his eyes and pulled Sehun along to his front door.

"So. I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow." Jongin said when they stopped right in front of the mansion's front door.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I... had a good time tonight."

"I wish I could say the same..."

"Hey don't be mean!"

Sehun chuckled, "I was kidding. I had a good time, too. Good night, Jongin."

Jongin smiled and, mustering up all his courage, leaned in and quickly kissed Sehun's cheek. The younger was taken completely by surprise and Jongin pulled away looking surprisingly shy.

"Good night, Sehun." He whispered and walked away quietly, a faint blush covering his cheek as he scratched the back of his head. The blonde watched him enter his car and pull out of the driveway as his hand unconsciously came up to touch the spot Jongin had kissed, feeling his own face flush red.

Yes, he could definitely come to like Jongin.

Maybe he already did.



UGGHH this chapter took me FOREVER to write! I just kept getting stuck all the time. It's like... okay, they're together. Now what? I tried my best to not make them seem out of character and it was so much more difficult than I thought it would be. I ended up doing a crappy job anyway. I rewrote this like three times and I still don't think I'm particularly happy with it, but I decided, it, I did my best, it is what it is. I reeeeally hope this wasn't terrible and cringe-worthy to read.

Anyways, sorry for the long wait, guys! Please leave your opinions in the comments as usual!

Jongin, you seriously need to chill with the Sebooty obsession xD

​(Who am I kidding, no one has chill when it comes to the Sebooty)

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
968 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT