Twenty Five

Opposites attract, they said.

"I couldn't stay at your place forever. I had to fix things up with my parents eventually."

"Well... How did you?"

Sehun bit his lip with a sly smile on his face. He gestured for Jongin to lean closer and whispered into his ear, "I told them I'd do as they wished as long as they'd let me dance for now."

Jongin frowned, "But..."

"Don't worry. I said that just to buy myself time. I lied."


Sehun took in the expressions on the two people in front of him. Shock. Anger. Disappointment. Among many others, but none were positive. 

"You what?" The words were quiet when they slipped past his mother's lips.

"I lied to you guys. It's ironic, isn't it? How the son that you wore with pride and bragged about in front of people is about to become your biggest disappointment yet?"

"You..." His father was at a loss for words.

"Do you remember what you guys told me when you found out Changjo killed himself? "It's all your fault. You couldn't take care of your little brother." Do you know how much those words haunted me? I will never forget them. I will never forget the year of hell and absolute misery I went through. And it was all because of these two sentences you told me. I was so naive and stricken with grief back then that I believed you guys. And I hated myself, absolutely loathed myself. But every time I raised the blade to my wrist, or held the pills in my hand, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't," He let out a shaky exhale of breath, "Something was holding me back, and I know what it was now. It was Changjo. Because Changjo loved me. He would never want for me to be hurt. Meanwhile, did you guys notice anything? Did you notice that I didn't eat or sleep, that I lost 20kg? That I spent all my nights holding my brother's picture and crying? That I had suicidal thoughts all the time? No you didn't. You were too busy. With work. Right?"

Sehun clenched his fists as the words were becoming harder and harder to say. But this was the day, the final confrontation. He was going to tell them everything he had held in all these years. 

"The truth is, it wasn't my fault. I did everything I could for Changjo... Everything. I would have given my life for him. You two never paid the two of us any attention. It was like he was my only family, and I was his. I wasn't a bad brother, no, it was you. You who were bad parents. The easiest thing for you was to blame it all on me, so you could feel better about yourselves. You didn't care what your words did to me, did you? When did you ever care about me? I was just an object for you, an accessory, right?"

"Th-that's not..." Tears were already streaming down his mother's face and guilt was visible in his parents' eyes. 

"I'm not going to medical school. I want to be a dancer. Whether or not you guys approve of it... is irrelevant to me now. I'm leaving anyway. You guys have damaged me too much."

"Are you kidding? You can't just leave! Where will you go?" His father asked.

"A place I can call home. Which is definitely not here," Sehun replied, gesturing to this obnoxious mansion that he loathed so much, "Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you guys. I'm gay. And I'm in love with a guy."

His parents' mouths dropped open almost simultaneously. He almost laughed at how comical it looked, "Told you I'd be a disappointment, didn't I? Nonetheless," He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and placed it on the coffee table, "Here. It's an invitation to the National Dance Contest on the 4th of April. I'm gonna be performing there. I hope for you guys to come watch me dance, just this one time. Be good parents for just this once. But honestly my expectations aren't too high."

He could see there was a lot going through their heads at that moment; they had too much to process that they just couldn't say anything. That was fine with him though. He wasn't there to argue with them this time, he just wanted them to hear him out.

"I hate you guys for what you did to me, but you're still my parents. The reason I exist," Sehun bowed down towards them at a perfect ninety-degree angle, "I'm sorry for being such a disappointment to you. Please, let me live how I want to now."

With that, he walked away and went up the stairs, not bothering to look at his parents. He wasn't exactly sure what to feel at that moment, it was just everything and nothing. He pulled the suitcase out from under his bed that he had been packing for the past few months and gathered some more things from his room before placing them in the bag and zipping it closed. Grabbing his cell phone, he made his way out of the house, without looking back or at anyone. He was done. Done with this life. Done with this house. He was going to do what he wanted to do, and he wasn't going to be held back anymore.

Enough was enough.

It was time for a new beginning.


* * *


Sehun got his suitcase from the trunk of the cab before making his way to front door. He rang the bell and waited. Not too long after, Jongin opened the door, immediately freezing once he saw Sehun standing there with his suitcase.

"Hey... Is everything alri-"

He was cut off when Sehun suddenly dropped his suitcase, stepped forward and pulled him by the neck, pressing his lips against Jongin's, hard. The latter stiffened in shock at the sudden act (Sehun was never really one to initiate kisses, either), but gradually melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the younger's neck and moving their lips together. Sehun pushed him inside and backed him up against the wall, not knowing what had really hit him at that moment but not really caring anyway. He had all this pent up frustration that he just needed to get out of his system. The kiss was hurried and a little sloppy, but they didn't mind it. Sehun could tell from the low groan that escaped Jongin's throat that the latter was rather enjoying it.

A sudden clearing of someone's throat made the two split apart within the spit of a second, faces flushed and breathing irregular. The two looked at Mrs. Kim who was standing in the hallway, arms crossed and the hint of a smirk on her face.

"Well hello there, Sehun."

"H-Hi..." He replied with a blush, mentally slapping himself for how raspy his voice came out.

"What brings you here at this time?"

"I... well..." He gestured to his suitcase and figured it was pretty self-explanatory. The woman's eyes widened slightly in shock.




"I really don't know how to thank your mom. I promise I'll move out once I have enough money. I'll get a job at some cafe or something."

"What are you talking about, you idiot? You're not going anywhere. You know how much my mom likes having you around, and me, of course. Now I get to see your face more often," Jongin grinned. The two were sat on the ledge of Jongin's terrace, enjoying the breeze and the view of the stars that littered the night sky.

"So you'll get bored of me faster."

"I'll never get bored of you," Jongin said seriously, "I'm so proud of you for what you did today, Sehun."

"It had to happen eventually. Couldn't have them weighing me down forever."

"Yeah. So... you're finally free now."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You don't look so enthusiastic."

Sehun sighed, "It's just... now that I'm free, I don't really know what to do. Where to start?"

"Hm... How about running around the entire neighborhood while screaming at the top of your lungs?"

Sehun chuckled, "No thanks."

"Hey, it's okay. I know you feel a little lost right now, but I'm here for you. Remember we have Nationals in a week. That's a good start, isn't it?"


"Hey... wanna know a little secret?"


Jongin got off the ledge and walked towards the door that led back into the house, "I'll be right back, okay?"

Sehun simply nodded and watched the other leave with slightly furrowed eyebrows. He was back a minute later, holding a small portable speaker.

"I like dancing up here, under the night sky. It's seriously the best feeling ever. Do you wanna dance with me?" Jongin offered, tilting his head slightly to the side. Sehun shrugged and got off the ledge, joining Jongin. The latter smiled and played the song, "Treat Me Roughly" by Yezi, which was their song for the Nationals. All the teammates had come to a mutual agreement for the song and Mr. Lee helped choreograph for them, with the team members throwing in some ideas every now and again. The end result was a fast-paced dance with lots of intricate footwork and transitions. Jongin and Sehun danced, hitting every beat with precision and perfect synchronization. When the song was over, both were panting heavily from the exhausting choreography, but smiling nonetheless. Jongin was right, dancing under the night sky really felt amazing. He played a few other songs and the two danced together randomly, no choreography, just improvising, going with the music, their laughs echoing into the night.

When a ballad-y song came on, Jongin grabbed Sehun by the waist and pulled him into him, a wide grin on his face. Sehun smiled and rested their foreheads against each other as they moved together slowly. The elder held Sehun's hand and spun him around, making the latter laugh softly, before landing both his hands on his waist again.

In that moment of peace, that moment of absolute clarity when he did the one thing he loved the the most and gazed into Jongin's eyes, Sehun realized what he told his parents earlier that day wasn't just a slip of tongue or an accident. It was the truth. He was in love with Jongin. The person who led him away from his miserable life and showed him a beautiful one full of opportunities. Where dreams came true.

Thank you, Jongin.

I love you.


* * *


The Nationals were a lot bigger than Sehun had originally anticipated. The auditorium was huge, and more people kept filing in by the minute. He was backstage with his teammates, briefly going over the moves and hearing encouraging words from their dance instructor. They were all in their dance outfits, their theme being red and white varsity jackets. Eyes lined with kohl and hair styled up fashionably, Sehun looked flawless as usual to Jongin.

"Let's take a selfie," Jongin suggested, and it briefly reminded Sehun of the first time they took a selfie together back at the showcase. This time though, it was consensual and Sehun smiled at the camera. After Jongin took the picture, he kissed Sehun on the cheek and took another one without warning, making the younger glare at him playfully. Thankfully, no one seemed to have noticed it.

"You look gorgeous, Sehunnie," Jongin said with a smile, "Let's take the trophy home again tonight."

"That ambitious? Look at everyone here," Sehun gestured at all the dancers from other schools around them, "I don't have high hopes."

"No no no, Sehun, look at us. We are awesome, and we're awesome together."

Sehun laughed softly, "Whatever you say, Jongin."

"When have I ever lied to you? Plus, I think we look even better together since we're both brunettes now," Jongin said with a wink. 

Sehun was about to reply to that but was cut off by Mr. Lee.

"It's started, guys. The first crew is already on stage," Mr. Lee announced, grabbing their attention.

Jongin threw an arm around Sehun's shoulders, "No worries, teach. We're gonna own that stage."

"I'm sure you will," Their teacher said with a smile. Meanwhile, Hyoyeon was staring intently at Jongin's arm with the hint of a smile on her face. Jongin had noticed her giving them that look countless times before during practice, and he could only figure she knew exactly what was going on between them. It didn't seem like she was judging them though.

Thirty minutes later, it was finally their turn to perform. Before it, Mr. Lee had given them a short pep talk and with encouraged smiles on their faces, they made their way up to the stage. Jongin took his place in the middle and Sehun beside him, and soon enough the lights were on them as the song started.

Jongin was a natural on stage. His expressions were a killer and every move was executed with precision and agility. Sehun was focused on the moves, making sure to keep his eyes on the audience and to throw in some facial expressions every now and again. The audience cheered for them, especially louder when Taemin did a back flip and when the guys looked like they were having a dance off against the girls. When the song finally came to end, cheers and screams erupted through the auditorium as the dancers panted from the effort and the lights went off. The crew got off the stage, breathing heavy, and were met with a smiling Mr. Lee backstage. He held up two thumbs up.

"It was perfect. Well done. If you guys don't win this, I don't know who will."

The team members all had wide grins on their faces, the post-performance glee evident in them.

"Come on, Sehun." Jongin said, putting a hand on said boy's shoulder, "Let's get you ready."



Dressed in a loose, messily buttoned dress shirt and black pants, hair left to move freely with the wind, the spotlight shone on him. There was no one else on stage with him this time. He was all alone, the stage was his. Letting out a shaky breath, he lifted his head to face the audience.


"I knew you guys would qualify!" Baekhyun exclaimed happily, patting his two friends on the back. Kris, Baekhyun and Minseok were all smiling and congratulating the pair for having made it through the tryouts and into the crew.

"Sehun, Jongin," Mr. Lee popped out of nowhere, smiling at the two, "Come with me to my office. I'd like to speak with you two."

The two boys looked at each other, frowning slightly, "Uh, sure." Jongin answered. They followed the teacher until they were in the privacy of his office and he motioned for them to sit down.

"The two of you have put on quite an impressive performance. Most importantly, you looked very comfortable doing something unfamiliar to you, and that was just what I was looking for. Excellent job."

"Thank you, Mr. Lee," Sehun said with a slight bow of his head 

"There is one thing that I haven't mentioned earlier, though. That I was also going to pick one person to do a solo act in the Nationals."

"A solo act?"

"Yeah. And I narrowed it down to you two, but I really didn't know who to choose. Jongin, you had improved remarkably over the past few months. As for you, Sehun, you've really exceeded my expectations. I want one of you to do the solo act."

Both of theirs eyes went wide and they looked at each other.

"I couldn't choose so I decided I'd let you two decide amongst each other."

The two stayed silent for a minute, thinking over what their teacher just told them. Sehun was about to speak but Jongin beat him to it.

"Let Sehun do it."

Sehun blinked, "What?"

"Yeah," Jongin looked at his boyfriend, "I want you to do it."

"But... I don't think I'm ready for such a thing yet..."

"Yes you are. Mr. Lee, pick Sehun. He is more than ready to get on that stage alone."

"Jongin... But what about you?"

"No, Sehun. I've already been on stage so many times before. I already had my time to shine. Now it's your turn. I want people to see how amazing a dancer you are, especially when you're dancing alone. That's the only time you can truly express yourself."

Mr. Lee looked at the two boys with a soft smile on his face, "I must say, the friendship you two have really is admirable."

Jongin smiled and looked at Sehun, who still had an unsure look on his face, "You can do it, Sehun."

The younger looked up at his boyfriend's encouraging eyes and nodded slowly, "Okay... I'll do it."

"It's settled then! Will you choreograph it by yourself or do you need my help?" Mr. Lee asked.

"No... That's okay, I'll do it myself."



No one had seen his dance except for Mr. Lee. He refused to show even Jongin. He wanted his boyfriend to see it for the first time here, on this stage. This was his moment. His time to shine. To show himself, who he really is, to expose his bare emotions through his dancing to the world.

He hoped that, if his parents really came, that they would finally be able to understand how much dancing meant to him.



We're getting closer and closer to the end guys~ 

And our Sehunnie has finally done it, I'm so proud >.< 

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter! How do you think it will end? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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Thank you!
Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
968 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT