Twenty Two

Opposites attract, they said.

"The way you shake it... I can't believe it... I ain't never seen an like that~" Jongin hummed as he poured his coffee into his brand new mug. It was a little stupid but he was excited to drink coffee in the mug Sehun had gifted him for the very first time. With a gleeful smile, he took the mug and headed for the dining table. Just as he placed the mug down and was about to take a seat-

"What the—!"

Jongin jumped back once he saw some random white splotches on the mug. He didn't remember that being there before. Is this thing ing possessed?! Eyes wide and heart thumping in his ears, he grabbed the nearest thing he could find - a spatula - and held it up as a weapon. With hawk-like eyes, he observed the demented beverage container as the white splotches began to spread. It almost looked like something, an image, was slowly forming on it, starting from the bottom upwards. Once the whole image was formed, the spatula fell from his hands and he stepped forward, eyes wide open in awe.

It was a picture. A picture of him and Sehun, to be more precise. The first picture they took together backstage on the day of the showcase, the same one with Jongin having on a handsome smile on his face and Sehun looking like he hated his life. At the corner of it, a single word was written.


Below it, there was a date, the date of the showcase. Jongin traced his hand along the word but immediately flinched, remembering he just pouring searing hot coffee into the damn thing. He couldn't really describe how he felt at that moment. Sehun's gestures were always subtle, and Jongin always appreciated them. But this... he wasn't expecting anything like this at all. Of course, how could it have been just a plain black mug? Surely Sehun was a lot more tasteful than that.

That morning, he kept staring at the mug with a smile on his face, and coffee had never tasted so great before.

How was he ever going to let go of such an amazing person like Sehun?

The answer was clear, he wasn't.


* * *


"Alright bro, what's this 'important meeting' all about? I had to leave my little sister with my holier-than-thou neighbors for this," Baekhyun said, looking annoyed.

Jongin looked at all of his friends, who all had curious expressions plastered on their faces.

No turning back now...


Jongin swallowed down the lump in his throat. This was it. He was going to tell them. Sehun wasn't just an experience anymore, no, he was now one of the most important people in his life. And he wanted to prove just how important. The first step, obviously, was telling people. Starting with his friends. The friends he had known for so many years. He wasn't sure what reaction to expect of them but he had decided he was going to tell them, today.

"Jongin don't scare us. You look like you're about to tell us that the world is ending." Chanyeol said, eyebrows furrowed in worry. Jongin wasn't the serious type, but when he did look serious, they knew must have been real.

"Honestly, it could be pretty close," Jongin sighed, "How do I even put this..."

"What's wrong?" Minseok asked concernedly.

"You guys haven't wondered why Sehun and I are so close these days?" He started somewhat safely.

"Well, yeah," Kris replied, "But we thought it's because you guys are dance partners and all."

"Yeah... But there's more than that. I... We're..." He ran his fingers through his hair, "We're like... together."

Everyone had blank looks on their faces.

"What do you mean by 'together'?" Kris finally asked with a confused frown on his face. Jongin sighed.

"You guys will probably hate me after this but... you're my friends and you deserve to know. I'll just say it as it is. We're together. Together as in we're in a relationship. Together as in we're boyfriends. I have feelings for him. I like him. Maybe even more than like."

Jongin stared down at the table, too afraid to meet his friends' eyes. He said it all as blatantly as he could, no twisting and turning, no mysteries and puzzles. There was no clearer way to put it in words than this. Jongin knew he was an impulsive person. That morning, he decided that he was done hiding from his friends, that he was going to let it be known. And now, they knew. And he wasn't sure if they were even going to be friends anymore.

"What?" Minseok said lowly, looking as if he was trying to contain his anger, "What kind of sick joke is this?"

"It's not a joke," Jongin muttered, still looking down, "I wouldn't joke about something like this."

Minseok was breathing heavily now, fists clenching.

"Minseok, calm down..." Chanyeol rubbed his shoulders and turned to face Jongin, "When did this happen?"

"About a month ago. I don't know how or why it happened but I... I started having feelings for him. I tried so hard to deny it, I swear I did... But I just couldn't any more. I couldn't do it. I gave in and I decided to just go with it."

Minseok slammed his hands on the table, turning a few heads in the coffee shop to them. Jongin flinched.

"You ing hypocrite," He snarled, standing up from his chair, "After everything you did to Luhan, you have the audacity to come and say this to our faces?"

Jongin was expecting to hear that line, and from Minseok more than anyone else, since he was always the closest to Luhan. He knew he looked small right now. He knew that his friends wouldn't really mind the actual fact that he was gay, but the fact that he ruined a few years of someone's life because they were the same. He really was a hypocrite. They had the right to hate him after what he did with Luhan. Especially Minseok. Some measly apology wasn't going to fix anything. The damage had been done– the guy had been bullied, neglected and called names. All because of him. 

He deserved this.

Minseok let out a humorless laugh, "I forgave you, Jongin. But this... I can't accept this."

And with that, he walked away, storming out of the place. People were still staring at them curiously and Jongin still had his head down.

"Minseok, wait up!" Baekhyun stood up to follow the other male but Kris stopped him.

"Leave him. He'd probably want to be alone right now." 

Baekhyun hesitated but sighed and sat down again, deciding Kris was right.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. You guys have every right to hate me and walk out of here just like Minseok. You should have left me the moment I did those things to Luhan."

"Jongin..." Baekhyun sighed, "We're not gonna leave you. Yes, you've been a douche and all but that was in the past and what's done is done. You made a stupid mistake and you learned from it."

"It's not simple like that..." Jongin sighed, "I'm sure Minseok hates me now."

"Minseok's just angry. After all, Luhan was his best friend. I'm sure he'll come around."

"Yeah just give him some time to cool off," Chanyeol said, "But damn, I would have never guessed it. Kim Jongin ended up going homo, huh. Damn it, I knew I saw a flying pig that day."


"Yeah, and I was wondering why he was blatantly ignoring Seolhyun's approaches. I knew something was up, but I didn't think it'd be this." Baekhyun looked as if he was having a hard time believing it.

"I think it's safe to say this is more than just a little weird," Kris stated, "But we'll get used to it, I guess. Although I'd rather you guys do your homo stuff when we're not around and save us all the awkwardness."

"Wait so you guys are actually cool with this?" Jongin's eyes were wide.

Baekhyun shrugged, "Well I just found out that my friend likes . At least my face is still beautiful and it's not the end of the world."

Jongin rolled eyes, feeling slightly relieved now, but still worried about his other friend.

"Don't worry about Minseok, okay? We'll talk to him." Kris assured, "Just give him some time."

"Thank you guys... I seriously don't know how to thank you."

"Dude, stop. You look super ridiculous when you're all sentimental," Baekhyun said with a disgusted face, "Although you could treat me that super-expensive lava cake from here I'd been dying to try."

"Yeah me too." Chanyeol said with an evil grin, and Kris wasn't far behind to jump on the 'make-Jongin-broke' train. For the first time, he didn't really mind it at all.



* * *


Jongin was walking, hands shoved deep in his pockets, still lost in thought about Minseok's outburst earlier that day. He doubted the elder was ever going to forgive him, and they'd been friends for so long, so he was upset. He found himself standing in front of Sehun's home and briefly recalled the blonde saying his parents wouldn't be back until next week. With a sigh, he walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

For the first time, it wasn't a servant that opened up for him, but Sehun himself. He was dressed in a grey t-shirt and shorts that stopped at his knees, and Jongin realized he had never seen the other in such care-free attire before.

"Hey," He greeted, "You look... different."

Sehun looked down at himself, "Thank you?" He opened the door wider, "Come in."

Jongin walked into the house and the blonde closed the door behind him, "So, why are you here?"

Jongin shrugged, "I missed you?"

The blonde rolled his eyes, "You were here just yesterday."

"I know," Jongin laughed airily, "I needed to tell you something."

Sehun noticed that the brunette seemed slightly off. Frowning, he asked, "Is something wrong?"

Jongin bit his lip, "I... told my friends about us today."

Sehun widened his eyes, "You what?"

"I told them about our relationship."

Sehun remained quiet for a while, not really knowing how to respond.


Jongin shrugged, "It just felt like the right time. I'm... I'm not ashamed of us, Sehun. I'm not ashamed of my feelings for you. I just felt ready to come out with the truth."

"... And how did they react?"

"Minseok didn't take it very well... The rest were fine with it."

Sehun sighed, "Well that's understandable."

The fact that Jongin's friends knew about this now made it all feel more real, more serious. And while he had his doubts in the beginning, he felt as if he could trust Jongin without batting an eyelash now, because the latter had done something that could have potentially damaged his relationship with his friends forever. All for Sehun.

"So... what happens now?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'll try talking to him. It's about time I took responsibility for what I did."

The blonde looked at Jongin, his eyes shining somewhat fondly. Jongin had really matured so much ever since the first time they'd met. He felt sort of proud of him.

"So this means you're really sure? You're really sure you want to continue with this?" Sehun asked, making the elder boy look up at him.

"Yes, I'm sure. I would have been long gone by now if I wasn't," He said firmly, bringing his hand up to cup Sehun's cheek, "I want us to be together for as long as we can because... you're different from everyone else, Sehun. No one else ever made me feel this way."

Honestly, he didn't care anymore. He didn't care if Sehun was a guy, because Sehun was the most amazing person he had ever met. No one had ever taught him so much in such a short time ever before. No ever made him want to be a good person before. It was only Sehun.

Without much thought, he leaned forward and captured the younger's lips with his own, gently caressing his cheek with his thumb. Sehun was a little shocked at first but slowly melted into the kiss, eyes fluttering closed. Jongin had wanted to do this ever since that night in the rain but never found the right opportunity, until now that is. Letting out a soft sound of satisfaction from the back of his throat, he moved his lips against Sehun's, taking control of the kiss and gently coaxing the younger along. He loved the way the blonde's thin lips molded perfectly against his own, the tingles it sent all over his body, the way it made his heart beat that little bit faster. Without breaking the kiss, he led Sehun to the sofa in the living room, carefully laying him down on it and hovering over him, resting his knees on either side of the younger's body. He pulled away after a few seconds, the two of them slightly panting and their breaths mixing.

"You're perfect..." Jongin breathed, voice slightly husky from all the sensations swirling around inside of him. He wanted to show Sehun just how much he meant to him, how much he wasn't scared anymore. He dropped down to kiss his lips again, capturing Sehun's bottom lip between his own and lightly tugging on it. He smirked in victory when he felt Sehun breathing hitch from the action and pulled away to kiss the corner of his lips, before leaving a soft trail of kisses down his jawline and to his neck. He gently trailed his lips across the small bumps leading up to his chin, lingering on his prominent Adam's apple, reveling at the feeling of his soft milky white skin. Sehun let out a soft yet deep groan, biting his lip immediately in embarrassment at the noise he just made. However, it only spurred Jongin up even more, and he swore he never heard a ier noise before in his entire life. The thought that he was the only one to ever have Sehun like this made him feel all fuzzy inside. He pulled away to meet Sehun's slightly hooded eyes and his pink, flushed lips, knowing he himself must have also looked the same. His fingers lightly traced across the flawless skin of his cheek before they went up to slowly comb his hair back.

"I like how you look like this," Jongin said with a smile, "shorts and all. You look a lot more comfortable."

"Yeah?" Sehun laughed softly, voice a little breathier than usual, "Maybe that's because I am. Without my parents and all those servants around. I can never wear stuff like this when they're around."

"Hm... You never told me, you know? Why you came back here."

Sehun remained quiet for a while, "I couldn't stay at your place forever. I had to fix things up with my parents eventually."

"Well... How did you?"

The blonde bit his lip with a sly smile on his face. He gestured for Jongin to lean closer and whispered into his ear. When he was done, Jongin pulled back, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

"Holy , Sehun. I think I like you even more now."

The other simply laughed, eyes scrunching up into those tiny half-moons that Jongin was so in love with. Jongin observed him with so much admiration shining in his eyes at this beautiful being in front of him.

"You know... I thought that mug you bought me was possessed at first. I was in full-on fighting mode, spatula and everything. And I was going to murder you later for scaring the out of me."

"Are you serious?" Sehun burst out in a fit of giggles, "I can seriously imagine how you looked in my head."

Jongin was a little embarrassed but he couldn't help but laugh, too. He knew he must've looked ridiculous. Once their laughs died down, he gazed down into Sehun's eyes.

"Thank you, Sehun, for the most thoughtful and amazing gift ever."

Sehun smiled, "You didn't think I'd just get you plain black mug, did you? I mean yeah I love the color black and all but that'd be the pretty lame."

"It wouldn't be lame since it's from you," Jongin said honestly, "But you really are full of surprises, you know? How does that thing work anyway? It turned black again when I washed it."

"It's heat-sensitive."

"That's so ing cool," Jongin said in awe, "Maybe I should get you one for your birthday."

Sehun rolled his eyes, "You're supposed to be original, ."

"Hm... I'll give you that I promised you, then," Jongin winked, making the other scowl at him.

"No thank you."

"You can't say no to a ~" Jongin sing-songed.

"Watch me. And get off me, it's getting hot."

Jongin stuck his tongue out childishly and lay his head down on Sehun's chest, letting his weight rest on top of him. The younger tried to get him off him but Jongin only clung tighter, placing his hands around Sehun's waist to hold him down. In the end, Sehun gave up with a sigh, "You're so ing annoying, you know that?"

Jongin's lips curled up and he shifted his body to lie down next to Sehun on the couch, nuzzling his forehead against his neck and draping his leg over the other's body. If they were going to have cuddle-time, they might as well both be comfortable.

"Can you play with my hair again?" Jongin requested, almost a little shyly. Sehun chuckled and lifted his hand up to gently the elders soft brown locks. The latter closed his eyes and sighed in satisfaction, just wanting to stay in this position forever, enveloped in the comforting heat that radiated off Sehun's body.

How can our relationship be wrong when everything about it feels so goddamn right?



I'm so glad I updated a lot faster this time, albeit with a shorter chapter. So far I'm happy with the flow of things and it seems you guys are, too! If you have any criticisms, please do leave them in the comments below. I would love to know how I could improve this story. 

Also, what do you guys think Sehun told Jongin in his ear? Mwahahahaha you shall find out soon ;)

One is never enough~

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
969 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT