How to Behave While on a Date

Your Very First Love
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"You know what, I still haven't recovered from the shock."

"Of seeing this extraordinary beauty up close?" Seulgi suggested, cupping her hands around her face. 

"Yeah you're beautiful Seul, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about this." Amber gestured to Seulgi's entire being, which was currently undergoing a transformation, courtesy of Suzy. Amber's girlfriend paid no attention to the conversation between the friends as she busied herself with straightening Seulgi's long, fine hair. "I still can't believe that Irene Bae actually agreed to go out with you."

"But she goes out with anyone." Seulgi reasoned, holding up a mirror to check on her makeup. Her lips looked a little bare compared to the rest of her features, so she picked out a tube of lipstick from Suzy's makeup pouch.

"She goes out with anyone on a date." Amber corrected. "She's going on dates with you, dates as in plural of date, meaning that she's pretty much your girlfriend now."

Seulgi chuckled and tried to shake her head until the hot straightening iron grazed against the skin of her neck. After that, she just remained still and chuckled. "Silly Amber, that's not true. We didn't agree on anything like that." 

"Did she say that she'll go on dates with other people while dating you?"

"She said that she wouldn't."

Amber slapped a hand to the side of her face and slid it down. "Seulgi, she's freeing all of her time and resources for you. She's dating you and you only. I don't think this is something she usually does, especially for someone called 'Irene the Serial Dater'. She's totally your girlfriend."

Seulgi was applying lipstick as she listened to Amber speak, but upon this girlfriend revelation, her hand slipped. She quickly turned her head to the side to face Amber, causing Suzy to accidentally press the hot iron against her skin. Seulgi was screaming bloody murder just as Luhan poked his head through the crack of the door.

"Irene's here. She's waiting outside. Should I let her in?"

"Don't let her in yet! Seulgi's not even ready - "


Amber couldn't finish her sentence as Seulgi shot up from her sitting position on the floor and hurried toward the door, also tripping over her short-haired friend in the process. Suzy and Luhan could only observe in complete and utter horror as Seulgi tumbled and dove into the wall right after tripping over Amber. Face first.

Amber, groaning in pain, looked up to see Seulgi clutching her precious face and releasing an endless stream of curses that would scandalize sailors if they heard it. "Aw , Seul, are you okay -  " Amber fell silent once she had realized that she could tell exactly where Seulgi's face planted into the wall, as there was an imprint of the girl's face in that area. There was an oval shape consisting of a thin layer of BB cream, accompanied by some blush, dark eye makeup, red lipstick...and bloodstains where the nose was supposed to be.

Cries of "I'M BLEEDING!" and "YOU'RE BLEEDING!" simultaneously erupted from the girls, and Luhan made a dash for the bathroom to grab more tissues as Suzy gave what she had at hand to a lightly sobbing Seulgi.

"My nose, I broke my perfect nose." Seulgi whimpered as she tilted her head back to allow Suzy to gently push some tissues into her leaking nostrils.

"Here's some more." Luhan passed a box of tissues to Suzy, who grimaced as she pulled the blood-soaked tissues out of Seulgi's nostrils but nonetheless helped the girl add more to contain the bleeding. Suzy gave the used tissues to Amber, and her girlfriend promptly tossed it into a nearby wastebasket with a disgusted expression.

The quartet froze and exchanged panicked looks as they heard knocking at the front door of the dorm. Amber and Luhan left Seulgi's bedroom to answer it and let an impatient Irene Bae inside. Meanwhile, working in a swift and steady fashion, Suzy quickly cleaned the blood off of Seulgi's face and fixed what she could. Before she could get to the final, glaring bit, Irene stood at the threshold, eyeing the girls sitting on the floor.

"H-Hi, girlfriend - I mean, Irene." Seulgi choked out, wincing as she lightly touched her nose.

"What happened?" Irene calmly asked, as she had heard the high-pitched shrieks and hurricane of commotion from outside of the dorm.

"Um, I had a little accident. I may have broken my nose and a few other parts of my face, as you can see. But the side of my neck is burned for sure."

Irene entered Seulgi's bedroom, approached the girl with small, light steps, and crouched down beside her, closely examining her face. She pressed her thumb against the side of Seulgi's mouth, where her lipstick had been smeared, and smoothly rubbed it off for her.

"You missed a spot." Irene softly pointed out, holding up her now reddish thumb. 

The two remained in that position for a bit, where their faces were a mere inches apart, and Seulgi could feel Irene's warm breath against her own lips. Irene was pretty from afar, but she was definitely gorgeous when Seulgi was looking at her within this close proximity. While Seulgi was wordlessly studying Irene's fair features, the older girl was looking past her and happened to take notice of the face imprint on the wall.

Irene suddenly drew away from Seulgi, holding her fingers up to her lips as she let out a small giggle. "I think... I have an idea of what happened in here."

Seulgi pouted, realizing that Irene had seen her little work of art on the wall. "Amber tripped me."

"What?! You tripped over me!"

"You were trying to sabotage my date, 'cause you're jealous of the fact that I'm about to have dinner with Irene over here." Seulgi turned her (maybe broken) nose up, releasing a small 'hmph' thereafter.

"Seulgi, I have a girlfriend - and she's right here." Amber retorted, placing her hands on Suzy's shoulders. "You know what, just - just go on your date already, before you somehow do any more damage."

"She's driving me out of here now, you see that?" Seulgi quietly muttered to Irene as they peered up at Amber with narrowed eyes.

"Just get out of here, already."



Seulgi and Irene were walking alongside one another, passing by several establishments of their city's shopping district. Said shopping district wasn't too far from their campus, so many couples actually went there often for dates and such. Since Irene was driving, Seulgi insisted that they go somewhere nearby, so she wouldn't be troubled by the distance (and Seulgi also didn't want to pay for the gas, but she didn't tell Irene this of course).

"So this is my very first date..." Seulgi breathed out, staring at the back of the head of a fellow pedestrian walking in front of them.

"What do you think of it so far?"

"Honestly, it just feels like any other outing with a friend - except that we're not friends. I think. Are we friends? Or..."

"Well, you called me your girlfriend back at your dorm - "

"That was an accident - "

"But that's okay. It's pretty much accurate, I think? Just you and me, and no one else... It's already like a commitment." Irene explained as Seulgi slowly nodded.

"So you're my gi

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_eunice_ #1
Chapter 10: OMG! SHE SAID IT!! SHE IN SAID ITT!!🥹😭
_eunice_ #2
_eunice_ #3
_eunice_ #4
2178 streak #5
Chapter 10: A very pleasant read authornim
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 10: 🤍🤍🤍
423 streak #8
Chapter 9: Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So Very Spicy That You'll Wish You Never Put It In Your Food - never leave home without it.
423 streak #9
Chapter 6: Alexa, play Red Velvet - Dumb Dumb
2178 streak #10
rereading this again because I suddenly remembered Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So Very Spicy That You'll Wish You Never Put It In Your Food. T.T