How to Not Fall in Love

Your Very First Love
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The sun was just beginning to set as Seulgi and Irene walked out of the movie theater hand-in-hand after their movie had ended. As they strolled towards the direction of Irene's car in the parking lot, Seulgi couldn't help but admire how the dimming rays of the sun reflected on Irene's dark hair, veiling it with a soft orange glow. Orange was Seulgi's favorite color, and Irene was becoming one of Seulgi's favorite people, alongside her family and her best buddies Amber and Luhan. Irene and orange, a great combination it was. Irene's gentle voice returned Seulgi to reality just as she was imagining how the older girl would look with orange hair or orange-dyed tips.

"I must say, I'm now convinced that you have excellent taste in entertainment, whether it's music, musicals, or movies. I haven't watched a decent romantic comedy film in a while. That was really refreshing." Irene turned her head towards Seulgi and offered the girl an impressed quirk of her brow, which Seulgi responded to with a small smile. "I honestly didn't think the movie would be that interesting, judging from the trailers you showed me beforehand. It certainly proved me wrong. You've exceeded my expectations as usual, Miss Kang Seulgi." Intentional or not, Irene began to lightly swing their entwined hands between them, and Seulgi merely followed along by contributing a bit of her own motion. She saw this as a positive sign; Irene was in a good mood.

"Thank you, Miss Bae. It's an honor to receive this praise from a dignified and highly cultured woman such as yourself. I am very glad you enjoyed the movie that I selected for our date this afternoon."

"I think it's a shame that you've already seen the movie though. We could've enjoyed a first-time watch together. It's not as entertaining when you already know what's going to happen, is it?"

"Oh no, Dumb Dumb is a classic. I could never get tired of watching that amazing movie, regardless of how many times I've seen it. Besides - I'm not sure if I should be telling you this or not but - the prices at this theater are definitely college-student-friendly. It also appears to be an -free environment, which seems to be a pretty rare find nowadays. The popcorn wouldn't be greasy enough for me to toss at them."

Seulgi flashed the older girl a smug grin and Irene giggled upon remembrance of the events that had transpired during their previous date. "Alright, you've made a good point, there's no point in arguing further." The couple eased their pace and let go of each other's hands as they approached Irene's shiny luxury car, the two of them temporarily going their separate ways to either side of the vehicle. "So..." Irene began, and Seulgi perked up to listen to her incoming words. However, the older girl unlocked the doors and entered her car before completing what she was going to say. Seulgi joined her a few seconds later to see Irene tucking her hair behind one of her pinkish ears then positioning her hands on the steering wheel despite the fact that she hadn't even started the car yet. "Seulgi, um, do you...have anything to do after this?"

"Uh yeah, I do, actually. I have plans to meet up with Wendy at the garden tonight. She's going to help me with my gardening as promised. Pretty exciting stuff, right?" Seulgi seemed to brighten instantly upon mentioning her dearest crush, but Irene didn't appear to mirror her enthusiasm so she felt somewhat guilty instead. As Yeri had pointed out a while back, significant others usually wouldn't like their  partners to talk of another romantic interest, especially directly in front of them. Seulgi forgot about that from time to time.

"Oh. I see. I hope you have fun and learn what you want to."

"Why do you ask?" Seulgi questioned, her sharp eyes reflecting concern.

Irene's eyes widened slightly as she turned to face Seulgi. "It's nothing, really. I was just...thinking about our next date. That's all." Perhaps Irene was worried about coming up with a proper plan for their next date? Though that did seem out of character for someone as confident and experienced as her...

"Okay." Seulgi leaned over her seat to place her hand over Irene's, which was tightly gripping the steering wheel. "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. No matter what you do, I think I'm going to have a good time. I'm really happy just to be able to spend time with you, Irene." Seulgi told the other girl with the most comforting smile she could muster.

With that said, Irene simply thanked her and finally the engine.



Seulgi couldn't believe it. Here she was, in a private gardening session with Wendy Son, the long-time girl of her dreams. Wendy Son, personally teaching Seulgi how to properly garden under the beautiful moonlight. This was practically a fantasy scenario come true...but for some particular reason, Seulgi wasn't feeling as giddy as she thought she'd be. Even now, with Wendy standing right beside her in a relatively close proximity, Seulgi didn't feel any more than the usual butterflies. Maybe she was numb from shock. "It's best to water plants in the early morning, but since we are planning to plant a few and some of these plants are still pretty young, we should do it now, in the evening." Wendy handed Seulgi the watering can she was carrying, and even when their fingers brushed, Seulgi didn't feel that wave of electricity she was expecting. "Don't get the water on the leaves or the plants themselves, just direct it at the soil. Make sure you water it just enough to make the soil damp."

"Okay, got it."

"I'll be right over there if you need me." Wendy said with a smile before walking away.

As Seulgi systematically moved down the rows, watering the plants in the way that Wendy had instructed her to, she tried to figure out why she was feeling this way and not the way she'd always imagined she would if she were left alone with Wendy. She should feel happier. Much, much happier. It was a chance for her to connect to Wendy, for Wendy to warm up to her and for the two of them to grow closer to each other. Yet here she was, feeling like her usual self around Wendy. Heck, she was even more excited around Irene. She was telling the truth when she told Irene that she was really happy just to be able to spend time with her. Irene didn't exactly

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_eunice_ #1
Chapter 10: OMG! SHE SAID IT!! SHE IN SAID ITT!!🥹😭
_eunice_ #2
_eunice_ #3
_eunice_ #4
2178 streak #5
Chapter 10: A very pleasant read authornim
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 10: 🤍🤍🤍
423 streak #8
Chapter 9: Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So Very Spicy That You'll Wish You Never Put It In Your Food - never leave home without it.
423 streak #9
Chapter 6: Alexa, play Red Velvet - Dumb Dumb
2178 streak #10
rereading this again because I suddenly remembered Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So Very Spicy That You'll Wish You Never Put It In Your Food. T.T