How to Fall in Love

Your Very First Love
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Never in her twenty years of living did Kang Seulgi ever think that this is where she would wind up, sitting across from Irene Bae, her now official girlfriend of one year. One year and ongoing, but their relationship is still going as strong as ever (even after Irene had graduated and earned her civil engineering degree). Seulgi never expected this outcome, but she wouldn't wish it any other way. She would rather not be that person, a.k.a. the super sappy cheeseball who rubs her relationship into everyone's faces, but she has to admit that being with Irene has been the happiest and most exciting time of her life. Contrary to Irene's initial fears and reservations about what the future had in store for them, both she and Irene are content with one another, with or without trying to impress each other with thrilling, spontaneous dates. Of course their relationship isn't comprised of fairytale perfection, but it makes them both so happy and that is what matters most to the two of them.

It's perfect enough.

"So...have you considered my offer, Kang Seulgi?"

Seulgi peeks over her menu to look at Irene. Her eyes meet her girlfriend's, and the latter waits patiently for her response. Seulgi clears and ducks behind the menu in her hands. "Yes...I have...and I have decided to accept your offer, Irene Bae." Seulgi can't see it, but Irene smiles upon her answer. At least one of them is happy. Seulgi, on the other hand, still has her doubts about certain aspects of this decision of theirs.

Amber was going to graduate early, and she had secured a job requiring her to move to a nearby city. Reluctant to hunt for another roommate to pay their rent, Luhan announced that he was planning to move in with Sehun. That left Seulgi all by herself in their formerly shared apartment, and with the lease ending soon, she had to find a new place to stay. Once Irene found out about all of this, she extended an offer to Seulgi to move in with her, in her own apartment not too far from the university. In a universe where Seulgi manages to keep everything neat and tidy and does not have strange habits, she would be ecstatic.

However, this is not that universe.

Irene is going to come face-to-face with Seulgi's worst personal habits, and if Irene's expectations bear any resemblance to Luhan's, then she was frankly going to drive her girlfriend nuts. Seulgi would like to think of this as a test - cohabitation is the ultimate challenge for a relationship. If they could live together and not get sick of each other, that should assure the longevity of their relationship. Being together for a year guaranteed that they knew at least most of each other's habits already, like Seulgi sleeping with her eyes open, or Irene's irresistable urge to do all of Seulgi's laundry for her everytime she comes over (Seulgi tried to wrestle the detergent out of Irene's hands once and she found herself stuffed into the dryer - she hasn't tried stopping her since then). They've also been with each other through thick and thin, from the first time Seulgi got Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So V

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_eunice_ #1
Chapter 10: OMG! SHE SAID IT!! SHE IN SAID ITT!!🥹😭
_eunice_ #2
_eunice_ #3
_eunice_ #4
2178 streak #5
Chapter 10: A very pleasant read authornim
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 10: 🤍🤍🤍
423 streak #8
Chapter 9: Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So Very Spicy That You'll Wish You Never Put It In Your Food - never leave home without it.
423 streak #9
Chapter 6: Alexa, play Red Velvet - Dumb Dumb
2178 streak #10
rereading this again because I suddenly remembered Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So Very Spicy That You'll Wish You Never Put It In Your Food. T.T