How to Ask a Girl Out

Your Very First Love
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Irene's eyes flickered between the phone on her lap and the boy sitting across from her, quietly eating his meal. Song Minho was his name, and he enjoyed rapping, dancing, and composing music. That was what he told her before he asked her out, at least. He was pretty cute, and he seemed nice enough, so Irene agreed.

When did she ever refuse a date anyway? Dating was an acceptable way to pass the time, eat free food, expand her social circle, and maybe engage in some gratifying activities after if she was in the mood for it (which was quite the rare occurrence, but some of these people apparently loved to make things up to brag about later). Irene didn't care what people thought of her, so she let the rumors fly freely and her peers' imaginations to run wild.

Irene the Serial Dater; that was what everyone called her. Her serial dating in itself wasn't a lie though, seeing that she went on at least three different dates per week. The dates just keep coming, and Irene just keeps going. However, she's dated so many people on her campus, that she's actually starting to get bored. All the people who asked her out, boys and girls, they were all the same to Irene. None of them really stood out to her and garnered her sincere interest.

Irene sighed, peering down at her phone to message a friend.

"How's the food?" Minho asked, barely catching on to his date's obvious boredom.

Irene's eyes remained fixated on her phone screen, and Minho's eyes travelled to her untouched plate. "It's alright, certainly not the best I've ever had."

"Oh...s-sorry about that. I'll bring you to a better place next time."

"Next time?" Irene didn't recall agreeing on going on another date with this boy; he was just making assumptions now.

"Y-Yes..uh, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out again? It'll be much better than this, I promise."

Before Irene could utter a reply, the doors to the restaurant were flung open, drawing the attention and concern of its patrons. A young girl around Irene's age stormed in, the front of her shirt coated with dirt and a dirty shovel in one of her hands. Minho snorted at the unusual sight, while Irene rolled her eyes and continued to exchange messages with her friend. Around this area, it was either boring people or weirdos. She had yet to date a weirdo (thank goodness) and as bored as she was, she still wouldn't agree to date one.

What Irene didn't know, was that this filth-covered weirdo had bursted into the restaurant specifically searching for her.

The waiters and restaurant's employees exchanged worried glances, wondering if they should approach this strange newcomer. The girl's narrow eyes scanned the restaurant and the faces of its patrons, looking for the most attractive of the bunch. Her sharp gaze locked onto a petite girl sitting at a table not too far away. It appeared that she was on a date, as she had expected, but that would not sway the girl's burning will.

A frantic-looking pair stumbled into the restaurant just as the shovel carrier was marching towards her target. A boy and a girl, trying to catch their breaths while their eyes darted around desperately.

"D-Do you see her, Luhan?" The girl questioned, grabbing onto her aching side as she hunched over.

"Amber, she's right over there, carrying the shovel. You can't possibly miss her." The blond boy replied, quickly fixing his pink button-up.

"Shoot, she found her already. Stop her!" With that said, the duo raced toward the shovel-wielding girl, but they were too late.

Irene's phone nearly slipped out of her hands as the weird girl approached her table, eyeing her intently. For the first time during that date, Irene set her phone down. Minho gaped at the girl, surprised that the dirty stranger had come to his table of all places. This couldn't possibly be any good.

The girl cleared , completely oblivious to the perturbed stares she was receiving. "Excuse me, are you Irene Bae?"

Maybe she shouldn't have told her the truth, but Irene was too startled to think clearly. "...yes, I am."

The girl paid no mind to Irene's deep grimace when she grabbed ahold of one of her tiny hands with her filthy one.

"Nice to meet you, Irene. My name is Kang Seulgi, and I would like to date you."

Irene had no idea that at that very moment, her life would change forever. For better or for worse, it would be nonetheless be very interesting.



(Not too long ago, about an hour earlier actually)

"Stupid dirt, stupid shovel, stupid gardening club, stupid me!" Seulgi plunged her shovel into the dirt, turning the compact layer over with her tool. "Why did I join this stupid club, I'm so stupid."

Amber watched her friend's actions with a pitiful expression. "Because Wendy Son joined this club."

Seulgi's shoulders slumped down upon hearing the name of her beloved crush, aptly named crush because she had crushed Seulgi's heart a few days ago. That fateful day, Seulgi got tired of creepily staring at Wendy every time they had class or gardening club together, so she decided to take the initiative and pulled the girl aside for a confession. To say the least, Wendy had somehow heard about Seulgi's nonexistent dating history and turned her down. Just like that.

"I can't believe this. I joined this stupid club for her!" Seulgi threw her shovel on the ground in frustration, causing Amber to flinch.

"She's not gonna date you just because you're part of the gardening club... She has no obligations whatsoever. It doesn't really work that way..." Amber muttered, placing a comforting hand on Seulgi's shoulder. "It's gonna be okay. You'll get over her soon enough."


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_eunice_ #1
Chapter 10: OMG! SHE SAID IT!! SHE IN SAID ITT!!🥹😭
_eunice_ #2
_eunice_ #3
_eunice_ #4
2178 streak #5
Chapter 10: A very pleasant read authornim
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 10: 🤍🤍🤍
423 streak #8
Chapter 9: Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So Very Spicy That You'll Wish You Never Put It In Your Food - never leave home without it.
423 streak #9
Chapter 6: Alexa, play Red Velvet - Dumb Dumb
2178 streak #10
rereading this again because I suddenly remembered Isabella's Incredibly Insane Intense Inferno Scorching Diablo Hot-Hot Fire-Fire Sauce That Is So Very Spicy That You'll Wish You Never Put It In Your Food. T.T