24 seconds to spare (you're mighty quick this time).

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     CEO Do Kyungsoo heaves a long, fed up sigh as he pretends to listen to the stockholders’ opinions about the company at today’s meeting. He stifles a yawn and peeks at his expensive white-gold Rolex watch, threatening time to move faster so he can escape from this mind-numbing meeting. Tapping his fingers against the wooden surface, Kyungsoo glances around the room and takes in the view of every single person here. There’s a young man who has a horrible 90s middle hair parting with big rimmed glasses that framed his face terribly, a middle aged man who probably needs a shave badly (or maybe it’s just Kyungsoo who thinks this), some normal looking people (who Kyungsoo thinks shouldn’t even be a part of this), and some others that aren’t worthy of mentioning (also…according to Kyungsoo). The big boss mentally rolls his eyes and signals for a new cup of coffee with a wave of his hand that’s directed to his assistant.

Baekhyun stands up from where he sits and goes to refill the cup, stifling a laugh as he notices how uninterested Kyungsoo looks.

“As you do know, CEO Do is currently in a relationship.” The young man with the horrible hair parting speaks up and finally has the gold win – gaining Kyungsoo’s attention.

“And your point is…?” Kyungsoo replies with a sharp gaze.

The man adjusts his glass and clears his throat. “There have been some unpleasant rumors going around about the relationship; I believe it’s affecting Enchantment badly.”

You’re affecting me with your ugly looks. Kyungsoo tilts his head, “Is that so? And what are these rumors saying?” Baekhyun comes back with the cup of freshly brewed coffee and the boss takes a small sip, his piercing gaze never once leaving the young man.

“According to my findings, people are saying that this is all a scheme.”

Kyungsoo feels the burn of the hot coffee against his throat and holds back from coughing it up as he keeps a calm posture in his leather chair. He flutters his eyelids and places the cup down. “You can’t possibly just go around and believe these rumors, you do understand that right? Lowering yourself to those who have no lives…” Kyungsoo mutters the last sentence with pure irritation.

The young man is taken aback, but quickly lets the rude remark slides since Do Kyungsoo’s power in the business industry is humongous. “As stockholders, we want to believe that these aren’t true. However, don’t you believe the news came out of nowhere?” Everyone nods with a stern look. “No one has caught—”

Do Kyungsoo raises up a hand to silence the speaking male, “There’s something called keeping it private. I do believe you’ve heard of that?”

An older man in the meeting room speaks up, “We may have our doubts about this relationship if it’s affecting Enchantment, Mr. Do.”

“And I assure you that these rumors are nonsense.” Kyungsoo immediately snaps back with an annoyed smirk.




The big boss storms into his office and shrugs off his expensive navy blue blazer, throwing it carelessly onto his leather chair before grabbing a drink to cool himself down. “I can’t stand those rotten bastards!” Kyungsoo sneers at the mere thought of the stockholders and tightens his grasp on the tiny, helpless cup in his hand.

“They have a point, though.” Baekhyun speaks up with a small smile.

“Does it look like I care?!” CEO Do Kyungsoo retorts with a scowl.

His assistant shrugs his shoulders and takes out his phone, typing something on it before handing it over to Kyungsoo. “The rumors are pretty cruel.”

Kyungsoo glances at the phone, not wanting to see it but somehow ending up grabbing it anyways. He goes through the search results about Kai and him and scoffs as he scans through the ridiculous rumors that come up. “I’m dating him because of his popularity? I’m using him to make Enchantment famous? ing , Enchantment has more popularity than a mere idol that can’t even process simple .”

Baekhyun stifles a laugh as he takes back his phone. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

CEO Do Kyungsoo places his hands on his waist and grumpily huffs. “I can’t believe I’m degrading Enchantment and myself just for a stupid idol.” Massaging his aching temple, Kyungsoo drags himself to his leather chair and slumps down.

“Well…there is always a way to dismiss these rumors.”

“And that is…?”

“Go out on a date,” Byun Baekhyun gives his boss a suggestive wink, only to end up getting kicked out of the office and possibly having his name in bold letters on Kyungsoo’s blacklist for the day (or is it for eternity?).




“There’s no way in hell I’m asking Do Kyungsoo to my concert.” Kai stubbornly repeats as he sips on his apple juice. He glances over at his manager and frowns. “Don’t give me that look.” The idol crinkles his nose and shifts in his seat to find a comfortable position. Once done, he heaves a heavenly sigh, leans back, and closes his eyes.

Sehun rolls his eyes. “If we’re going to make you two look real, at least try to act real.”

“We’re living together now, aren’t we?” Kai gives his manager a side-way glare.

“Hey! I didn’t know, okay?” Sehun defends himself.

“Whatever, I can’t be bothered anymore.” The idol finishes up the last drop of his apple juice and smiles pleasantly. “This is good. Where’d you get it?” he shakes the small bottle of juice toward Sehun.

“I traveled to the highest mountain, spent three days there on a treasure hunt, and found it.” Sehun sarcastically replies as he grabs the bottle from Kai’s grasp, “The grocery store, dumb .” He places it inside the cup holder, making a mental note to throw it out later once they reach their destination. Turning the steering wheel to the left, Sehun goes back to focusing on the rode.

Kai scoffs and crosses his arms. “I have a fan meeting, right?”

“We’re heading to Gangnam right now for it.”

“Okay then,” the idol mumbles as a reply and gets out his phone. Somehow, he has the urge to scroll through his contacts and finds himself stopping as soon as he spots the name: CEO Do Kyungsoo. Kai’s finger hovers dangerously above the name, wondering if he were to touch it, would Kyungsoo know instantly and send the grim reaper to retrieve his soul.


A shiver runs down his spine and Kai immediately turns off his phone.




Kai stands behind the rectangular table as he grins brightly to the crowd of flashing cameras. After a few more seconds of waving to his beloved fans, the idol takes a seat and grabs the microphone. The crowd takes a while to quiet down, but eventually everything settles down nicely. “Wow, so many of you came today! Thank you!” he laughs into the microphone and the entire theatre becomes noisy again.

“How are you guys?”

Again, a roar of excited fans screams in reply.

Kai widens his eyes at the outburst before chuckling again. “Good, I suppose?” He nods to the crowd cheerfully and the fan meet officially begins. The idol glances around the theatre, still grinning ear-to-ear. After some more chatting, the fans line up one-by-one for Kai’s signature. Some fans left messages of encouragement as they stood in front of him, others were too shy to say a thing, and surprisingly some even mentioned about his relationship.

“You should appear with Do Kyungsoo, Kai.” A fan with long black hair and cat-like eyes shyly says as she watches Kai autographing one of his pictures from a recent photo shoot.

Kai glances up at her with momentarily wide eyes, “Is that so?”


He hands her the autographed photo with a smile, “Thank you.”

The next fan in line suddenly squeals in happiness as she finally gets to meet her idol. “I’m so happy to meet you! And congratulations on your relationship!” She clasps her hands together, bright red adorning her cheeks.

The idol almost messes up on his signature, “I see. Thank you.” He manages a sweet smile as he hands her the autographed photo.

A new fan, dressed in a simple white shirt and blue jeans with short black hair, walks up to him with a cute pout. “You were mine, Kai.”

“Oh? I was yours?” Kai teases her with a mischievous glance.


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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now