I will protect you.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     He was curious.

He was too damn curious.

Curious about Do Kyungsoo’s past, about Kim Sookhee, and about Kim Junmyeon.

Jongin couldn’t keep his curiosity to himself any longer, not when his lover is crying behind his back and facing all of this pain alone. He can’t let Kyungso continue to drown in this ocean of sorrow; he has to find out what’s going on. Who was trying to take away Enchantment? His mind flashes back to the night when he saw the document on the CEO’s desk – a request for the Do Group to return Enchantment to the Kim Group’s chairwoman, Kim Sookhee. From his knowledge, the chairwoman is Author Kim’s mother. Does this mean that Enchantment was never under the Do Group from the beginning? Then why is Kyungsoo crowned CEO instead of Kim Sookhee’s son, Kim Junmyeon? There were so many things to connect, yet Jongin didn’t know where to start. Everything was so confusing, and his head hurts. Yet, he can’t find himself to give up – not when Kyungsoo is harboring all of this unknown pain by himself.

The idol sinks back in his seat, his eyes downcast.

What kind of a boyfriend was he, really?

He really doesn’t know where he’s ed up. Kyungsoo can’t even lean on him during hard times. , he doesn’t even know the root cause of the CEO’s misery, and it’s killing him in so many goddamn ways. But this isn’t the time to blame himself for the CEO’s actions. Jongin understands that in order for Kyungsoo to let all of his walls down, he has to be the one to make the first step. The idol has done this so many times, and he won’t hesitate to do it once more. Yet, the question is how – how will he be able to destroy those walls again when Kyungsoo can’t even bring himself to tell him anything?


“Nothing’s bothering me; you don’t have to worry.”


If Kyungsoo thought he was a good actor, then he’s wrong. The idol was too familiar with the CEO’s way of speaking; he heard the waver, the hesitation, the agony in the man’s words. And thus Jongin had to pretend to fall asleep that night in hopes that he’ll be able to figure something out. He did. Kyungsoo’s desperate plead for help, although silent, had reached him. Kim Sookhee, Kim Junmyeon’s mother, wants Enchantment back, and as Kyungsoo’s official (not to mention, internationally famous) boyfriend, Jongin will not let such a thing happen.

To Do Kyungsoo, Enchantment is what brings him pride and comfort.

And to Kim Jongin, Do Kyungsoo is what brings him warmth and happiness.

Kim Sookhee has no right to take away what is rightfully Kyungsoo’s.

Yet, in all of this hazy mess, Jongin still has no idea where Junmyeon fits in.

He’s the son of the Kim Group’s chairwoman, and Kyungsoo’s precious childhood friend. Does he know about his mother’s plan? Jongin’s eyebrows furrow inquisitively. The answer has to be no, or else why would the author not do anything yet? He remembers the day in the hospital when the author was by Kyungsoo’s side. The expression on his face showcased regret, guilt, sadness – but what for?


“…a friend that did something wrong…”


Just what the hell did Junmyeon mean by this?

The idol then reminisces to the day when his boyfriend’s grandfather came and he was dismissed rather abruptly from the conversation. Being too curious, Jongin stayed back – he hid behind the wall by the stairs and heard everything. Kyungsoo blames himself for his parents’ death and, apparently, for Author Kim’s inability to walk. Something just didn’t add up at all; it seemed too weird for the idol.

Junmyeon, rather than harboring hatred for the person that supposedly caused his disability, showcases guilt instead. His mother, if feeling the same as her son, wouldn’t want the rights to Enchantment again, not when her son’s a famous writer now. What confuses Jongin even more is the fact that if Junmyeon is the heir to the Kim Group, and if the Kim Group previously owned Enchantment, why wasn’t Junmyeon the CEO then?

Something secretive happened back then.

And because Jongin is too damn curious for his own good, he’s set on finding the truth.

The idol gets up from his seat and walks down the stairs, careful as to not make any loud noises in case his boyfriend is still at home. It’s still a bit early in the morning; the sun has just risen from its slumber and the birds were chirping about outside as they welcome the soft breeze of summer’s remaining moments. Thinking back, the idol can’t believe that his encounter with the CEO was months back, when summer just begun. Now, it’s almost ending.

He walks into the kitchen, where he unexpectedly encounters a busy Do Kyungsoo walking around, seeming to be angry at the person who he is conversing with over the phone. Jongin feels himself releasing a sigh of relief, a delightful tug at his heart because his fierce CEO boyfriend is back, even if it may only be for a limited time only. The idol proceeds to make some morning coffee when Kyungsoo finally takes notice of his appearance.

“We will discuss your incompetence later.” The CEO mutters under his breath and ends the call.

“Did you sleep well?” Jongin hates himself for putting up such an act, especially after witnessing his lover cry so painfully last night. But he has to do this. Kyungsoo won’t tell him anything. This, he tells himself, is the only way to find out.

The CEO places his phone down on the table, mustering up a small smile. “I – it wasn’t bad. You?”

Jongin takes notice of the thin material of the dress shirt Kyungsoo is wearing and goes to the living room to find a jacket. “You haven’t been looking so well lately, so keep yourself warm.” He drapes the jacket over the CEO’s shoulders and unexpectedly pulls the man into his embrace.

Kyungsoo’s heart skips a beat, “Jongin.”

“I – I’m probably not the best boyfriend out there, but I love you.”

The CEO’s lips curve upward into a warm smile, and he wraps his arms around the idol’s waist. “If anything, I’m the one that—”

Not wanting to here the heartbreaking confession, Jongin pulls away from the hug, brings his hands up to cup the man’s face, and pulls him into a passionate kiss.

The kiss doesn’t last long, but it’s enough to bring comfort to Kyungsoo’s trembling heart. He responds back to the kiss just as passionately, tilting his head to the side to gain more access. Kyungsoo feels his boyfriend onto his lower lips, releasing a low moan at the pleasuring sensation. They go on at this for a while more until they both pull away for oxygen.

His eyes are glossy as he stares into Jongin’s brown orbs.

“It’s difficult, I know, but I’m here.” Jongin interrupts his train of thoughts.

These words make his eyes wide in fear, quickly pushing the idol away and turning around to fully catch his breath. Kyungsoo doesn’t miss the flash of hurt that flashes in his boyfriend’s eyes, but his fears are consuming him once more. His mind goes back to the argument he had with Baekhyun—


“Consider our friendship over because I will tell Jongin everything.”


Jongin can’t find out.

He can’t get involved in this mess, not when he’s innocent to begin with.

Kyungsoo can’t let his lover in, can’t let him get hurt—

He feels a tug on his right wrist, and before Kyungsoo can process the situation, he takes in the familiar and soothing scent that belongs to no other than Kim Jongin. Instantly, as if someone’s put a spell over him, his breathing calms down and eyes shut close. Leaning into the man’s arms, the CEO once again feels peaceful. “I’m sorry,” he sorrowfully whispers into the man’s chest.

Jongin closes his eyes and holds back the urge to demand for an answer to the CEO’s strange actions. “Don’t say it; don’t tell me you’re sorry.”

“I can’t hurt you, Jongin. I don’t want to.” Although his words are barely audible, the idol still catches it.

Choosing not to respond, Jongin decides to hold Kyungsoo closer to him.




“What to do, I left my reading glasses upstairs.” Kyungsoo mumbles with a soft chuckle as he pulls back from the hug, eyes showing a different emotion from his tone of voice.

“I’ll go get it. It’s on your desk, right?”

“Yeah, it’s there.”

Just as Jongin is about to turn around and go back upstairs, the CEO’s voice stops him.

“Thank you, Jongin.”

Thank you for not questioning any further.

Thank you for comforting me.

Thank you for everything.

There were so many meanings behind the man’s words, and Jongin didn’t know if he should be proud by the fact that he’s brining Kyungsoo comfort by not doing anything. This has to change. It just has to. He has to make the man realize that no matter what, he will stay by his side.

Jongin’s not going to leave.

Not when Kyungsoo needs him the most.




As Jongin searches around for the pair of glasses, his eyes catches a small jar of paper stars inside. He vividly remembers the way Kyungsoo reacted when he touched the innocent jar – the man was full of rage, rage that masked the fear he truly felt inside. The idol also remembers the jar of folded paper stars on the CEO’s nightstand at the hospital.

It instantly clicks in his mind.

Kim Junmyeon.

Come to think of it, this house has many things that are Junmyeon related. The book collection, the old photo, and the glass jar with the paper stars – it all has something to do with the author.


“How can I live happily when Junmyeon lost his ability to walk because of my carelessness?”


Just what exactly happened back then?

The idol soon finds the pair of glasses he’s been searching for, but then another memory comes to mind when he realizes Kyungsoo’s reason for apologizing to him just now.


“Everyone I ever loved ends up getting hurt, and now that I love Jongin, I…don’t want to hurt him.”


His legs begin to move without thought, and Jongin finds himself running down the stairs, the pair of glasses clutched in his right hand. He doesn’t care if he accidentally misses the last two steps. What matters now is that Kyungsoo has to know that he won’t get hurt, won’t get damaged, won’t get injured; no, that’s impossible. Loving the CEO is his own choice; no one can stop him, not even Kyungsoo himself.

“Kyungsoo? Kyung—” he enters the kitchen, almost out of breath but that’s not what matters right now. No, his mind is focused on Enchantment’s CEO, the sole heir to the Do Group, his loving boyfriend Do Kyungsoo. But his heart drops when he finds the room empty, void of the CEO’s presence. “Where did you go?” Jongin’s gaze falls onto the pair of glasses in his hand, chest beginning to ache.




Kyungsoo rushes out of the house. He couldn’t bear to see the hurt on Jongin’s face any longer, not when he’s the cause of it. The CEO emits a breathless laugh and leans against the steering wheel in his car. He’s done everything so that the idol wouldn’t get involved in his affairs, done everything so that the idol won’t find out, done everything to not hurt the man he loves so dearly – yet, everything is not enough because Jongin is clearly hurt. Jongin’s hurt by his actions, just…just like how Junmyeon was.

The painful memories of that fateful day flood his over exhausted mind, and Kyungsoo lets out an excruciating sob. Kyungsoo feels the hot, sticky blood between his fingers, feels Junmyeon’s lifeless body against his, and the haunting sounds of waves crashing against the boulders. He can’t hold it in anymore. Why is life so unfair to him? Kyungsoo has done so many things to ease away the guilt from ten years ago, he had put his best into Enchantment, and yet, why is everything starting to repeat itself?

He doesn’t want to hurt anyone.

He’s not even strong enough to hold onto Enchantment anymore.

Everything that he’s built is falling apart.

Kyungsoo can’t even blame Kim Sookhee for wanting Enchantment, can’t blame her when he’s the one that took everything away from the Kim household. Junmyeon was supposed to be the rightful heir, but he never wanted to be. Kyungsoo knew this, but he also knew Sookhee wanted her son to fulfill the position nonetheless. If it weren’t for that day when the author protected him as they slipped down the hill, would he still be hurting this much from all the guilt?

“I’m so sorry…” he cries out, not realizing that Jongin is witnessing his breakdown from afar.




“Enchantment Hotel is progressing very well.”

The CEO glances up from his document in shock, eyes wide and heart beat almost coming to a cease. In front of him, standing as if nothing has happened, is his assistant. The corner of his lips almost tugs up, almost forms a smile, but then he notices the indifferent glint within the man’s dark brown orbs, and Kyungoo retreats back into his defensive walls. “I see,” he mumbles.

Baekhyun places the document down. “I would love to see how long this act of yours will go on.”

As soon as these very words reach his ears, the CEO stiffens.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten what I said.”


“Even if I don’t tell him, sooner or later, his curiosity will find a way.”

Kyungsoo remains silent, choosing to block out any painful memories and possibilities from consuming his hectic mind. He knows Baekhyun only wants to help. He knows Jongin is catching onto things. He knows he can’t keep his past a secret any longer. But to Kyungsoo, there is hope. If he doesn’t tell Jongin, makes sure Jongin won’t get involved in his affairs, his secret will be prolonged. After all, he doesn’t want to hurt the man he loves.

“You can leave him in the dark and let him find out the hard way, or you can tell him yourself.” The assistant seemingly threatens the CEO, fists clenched tightly by his side. He inhales a small breath of air, his jaw tight with determination. “This defense mechanism of yours won’t do you good for long.”




Author Kim gazes out at the night sky, uncertainty filling his heart.

“Did you find out anything regarding Mother?”

Yixing stands by his side, gaze full of hesitation. “What would you do if I did?”

“I have caused enough trouble within these ten years.” Junmyeon explains with an empty laughter. “Of course, I will have to fix everything.”

The assistant shifts his gaze to the author, his trembling hand wanting to reach out and grasp the man’s arm desperately. However, Yixing pushes the urge away and swallows his pride. In moments like this, he just wants Junmyeon to have peace, even if it means he will have to lie to his boss.

“I…” Yixing begins softly, his heart already heavy with guilt. “I haven’t found anything.” Without waiting for a response, he immediately leaves the balcony.

Junmyeon doesn’t turn back to watch the man leave

He continues to stare up at the night sky, this time, a cheerless grin on his face. 

“It must be hard for you…to keep this away from me. I’m sorry, Yixing.”


“Young Master…”

Junmyeon looks up from his laptop, eyebrow arching in question as he sees his mother’s secretary standing at his door. Taking off his reading glasses, the author gives his full attention to the older man. “Is there something wrong?”

Secretary Ahn, slightly fidgeting from his position, timidly makes his way to the author. “I have something to tell you.” His heavy footsteps come to a halt in front of the desk. “It is about Madam.”

“Mother?” Junmyeon frowns. “Did something—”

“My loyalty has been sworn to her, but what she is doing right now, I am not sure if I will be able to keep my mouth shut any longer.” Secretary Ahn explains grimly, his voice low and cautious.

The author furrows his eyebrows, although not feeling very surprise since he’s been suspecting her actions these past few days. “Tell me,” he closes his eyes shut, the uneasy feeling within him rising again. “Kyungsoo, does this have anything to do with Kyungsoo?”

The secretary’s silence was all that he needed.


“Mother, when will your greed stop?”




“On May 19th, the contract between Enchantment and Genie Entertainment was officially sealed. Kim Jongin, known as Kai, was to be the model of Enchantment for three years. According to various sources, Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo never met prior to the contract. At the time, Kim Jongin was preparing for his concert and Do Kyungsoo had just gotten back from an overseas trip. The next day, May 20th, was when the first article was published about their scandal. In other words, Kim Jongin first met Do Kyungsoo on the night of the nineteenth, when Kim Jongdae caught them in the bar. Some days later, both companies confirmed the relationship between the two.”

Kim Sookhee holds her hand up, signaling for the secretary to stop reading. This was all she needed – a mistake from Do Kyungsoo, a mistake that will eventually cost him his career. The corner of her red-stained lips curls upward into a smirk. “That will be all. Leave the file on my desk. You are dismissed.” Secretary Ahn obliges and bows respectfully before taking his leave from the study room.

Once the door closes, she releases a content sigh.

She then picks up the picture frame on her desk, sharp gaze becoming soft once she takes in the view of her late husband smiling in their family picture. “Honey, I’m almost there. Enchantment will become ours again; Junmyeon, our Junmyeon, will reclaim his place.”




CEO Do stares at the golden invitation in his hand, lips purse together tightly. “So, this is what it all comes down to?” His grip on the invitation tightens, and Kyungsoo has to inhale a deep breath to remain calm.


The Kim Group hereby invites Do Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin to attend a formal party in celebration of the Kim Family’s official return to Korea.


He has tried so hard to avoid this situation.

Kyungsoo has done everything to keep Jongin out.

But now, it seems like the powerful CEO isn’t so powerful anymore.

His worst nightmare has come true.

Kim Sookhee is willing to pull an innocent soul into this mess.

She wants to use Jongin against him to get Enchantment back.




Later that day, Baekhyun makes his way into the CEO’s office, wanting to inform the man of an upcoming meeting. Furrowing his eyebrow once he realizes his boss wasn’t in the room, the assistant heaves a sigh and decides to personally leave a message on the man’s desk. However, when he catches sight of a gold invitation with the Kim Group’s symbol in the middle, his blood runs cold.

“Just what in the world is this woman up to?”

Angrily picking up the invitation, the assistant reads the content inside.

Without delay, Baekhyun grabs his phone and immediately runs out the door.




Jongin rushes into the secluded restaurant after receiving a call from the CEO’s assistant, his heart pounding wildly against his ribcage. Not bothering to catch his breath, the idol ties to locate the assistant through the dimly lit room. He ignores the waiter that comes to greet him, his mind too occupied with wanting to know the truth, or more precisely, Kyungsoo’s mysterious past.


“Jongin, this is Baekhyun.”

“Do you—”

“Kyungsoo’s past - you’re curious about it, right?”


The idol finally spots the assistant sitting at a table by the corner, and he absentmindedly nods to the waiter before walking up to the man. “Kyungsoo—” The name that has occupied his mind for so long, the person that he only cares about –

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now