There's always a first time for everything.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Kyungsoo eyes the movie invitation emotionlessly before throwing it into the trash bin without a second though. “Tell them I’m not going.” He says nonchalantly as he returns to his work.

“Is it because Kim Jongin is attending?” Baekhyun raises a suspicious brow.

The CEO rolls his eyes. “Now, why would I stop my precious Enchantment from becoming something better just because of one stupid idol?” he grumbles in defense, mood becoming foul after remembering the stupid things that Kim Jongin did.

His assistant shrugs, “I don’t know…because he touched one of your books?”

As soon as the words reaches Kyungsoo’s ears, the CEO stops typing away on his keyboard and refrains himself from letting his anger take control of his actions. “Proves to me how I should’ve just canceled his contract with Enchantment a long time ago,” he groans in disbelief.

Baekhyun sighs and walks up to his boss’ desk. “Look, I know that book means a lot to you, especially because the person who wrote it is J—”

Kyungsoo holds up a hand. “Leave; I have work to do.”

“The kid doesn’t know anything about your past. You shouldn’t become angry with someone who’s innocent. And please, Kyungsoo, leave your past behind. It’s been ten years…” His assistant quietly pleads before walking out of his office.

Do Kyungsoo doesn’t watch his assistant leave, but he doesn’t exactly focuses on his work. Instead, the CEO stares at the papers in his grasp blankly as he occupies his mind with his assistant’s request. Deep down inside, Kyungsoo knows he’s wrong for putting Kai on the spotlight with his overwhelming feelings, but his past speaks louder than his logics at that time, and he accidentally exploded with rage. He doesn’t forget how Kim Jongin reacted, and when he remembers the idol’s expression of innocence and confusion, the CEO’s heart doesn’t make it hard to figure out that he’s feeling guilty.

Sighing in distress, Kyungsoo reaches out for the crumpled paper in the trash bin.

“What have you done to me, Kim Jongin?”




The idol sighs softly against his parted lips for the fifth time now as he continues to let Luhan style his hair for his guest performance on a talk show. Kai still remembers the split second of sadness that gleamed in Kyungsoo’s eyes when they fought, and he wonders if he’s really ed up this time. He’s personally never seen CEO Do Kyungsoo let his guard down so quickly, and the thought worries him to no end. Did he really say something that was Kyungsoo’s weakness? Kai lets out a soft groan at the thought.

The stylist holds the flat iron in his hand with a raised brow. “What happened to you?”

“I – I don’t know, honestly.”

Luhan scoffs and pats the idol’s shoulder, “C’mon, tell me. That face is disgusting to look at, okay? Spit it out so I can see something more pleasant in the mirror.” He uses the flat iron to point to their reflection in the big, rectangular mirror. Kai has on a small pout and his eyes aren’t as bright as usual. “Besides, you’re about to perform in front of respectable people. Be more presentable, big boy.”

Kai rolls his eyes. “Why, thank you for your kind words.”

“You’re welcome. Now spit it out.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.”

“I’m not stupid; I know.” Luhan groans at how oblivious Kim Jongin can be. “Just tell me what’s on your mind because that face is going to give me nightmares.”

The idol contemplates for a moment whether to tell or not tell the issue that’s been bothering him for the past few days. After a few seconds, Kai’s frown deepens and he ends up running his mouth in desperation for a solution. “I don’t know what happened, honestly! Do Kyungsoo and I were actually starting to become okay – I noticed – like, we’re becoming a bit better with each other and all of a sudden I ed up without realizing!”

Luhan nods his head, “Not surprising.”


“What? It’s the truth. You everything up.”

Kai directs a glare at his stylist through the mirror. “Anyways, I accidentally touched one of his possessions before the photo-shoot in Jeju, forgot to put it back, and now he’s mad at me! I find it ridiculous because it’s just a book, but after thinking about it for so many hours, I think…that book might be really important to him.” He rushes his words out, hands flying around everywhere as to demonstrate his distress with the whole situation. “Do Kyungsoo really hates me right now and I don’t know how to apologize to him without getting killed!”

Luhan narrows his eyes. “Are you kidding me?”


“You touch my all the time and you’re never once sorry.” Luhan deadpans.

The idol bats his eyelids in realization, “Oh?”

The stylist sighs in displeasure and continues to straighten out the short strands of Kai’s brown locks. “Kim Jongin, sounds to me like you’re caring for Do Kyungsoo more than you should.”

“And what is that suppose to mean?”

“Just saying there might be something more that you want out of this so-called relationship with CEO Do than a simple friendship.”

Kai looks at him in confusion, “I never said I wanted a friendship with Do Kyungsoo, but I guess I do want one.”

“That’s not the point,” Luhan groans in frustration.

“Then what is?”

“You’re an oblivious idiot. I can’t talk to you anymore.”




Kim Jongin enters the house cautiously and quietly closes the door. He slides off his shoes at the entrance and neatly places them onto one of the rectangular spaces on the wall in the shoe closet (which he usually never does unless Kyungsoo screams for him to do so). Walking into the living room, he finds Do Kyungsoo typing something away on the expensive laptop on his lap. He feels a lump forming in his throat due to the nervousness forming in his heart and does his best to force it down.

Kai stares at the CEO for a while until said male glances up at him through circle-rimmed glasses.

“I’m not going to say anything so just continue on with your work!” the idol ushers with wide eyes as he walks slowly across the living room, trying his best to not get into the CEO’s way and possibly setting off another ticking bomb.

Kyungsoo snorts quietly, “Pathetic.” He says under his breath.

“I heard that, but I won’t say anything.” Kai continues on with his contradicting statements.

The CEO ends up taking off his glasses before glaring at the idol. “Shut up and let me work.”

“And you’re still mad at me. Okay, I’ll shut up.” The idol pouts in disappointment that Kyungsoo still hasn’t forgiven him even after four days of pathetic attempts at apologizing from him. Sighing, he dejectedly makes his way into the kitchen as his stomach growls in hunger.

Kyungsoo notices the sound and shakes his head. “Shut it!”

“Sorry!” Kai squeaks.

The CEO slightly turns his head to glance at the kitchen, his gaze landing on the freshly picked up takeout from the Chinese restaurant near his mall and then quickly adverts them to Kim Jongin’s back figure. He slightly cringes at the memories of stepping into the Chinese restaurant – the loud noise that leaves a distant ringing sound in his ears, the rude children running without a sense of direction, and the unfamiliar vibe of family happiness from the place. Once he catches Kai about to turn around, the CEO immediately turns his gaze back onto the computer screen.

As soon as the idol catches a glimpse of the food laid out on the table, he gasps in surprise. “Food! Wow, it smells good!” Kai’s mouth starts to water as he hastily takes off the plastic bag from the food container.

Kyungsoo holds back a scoff.

“Wait…” Kai trails off and he turns to look at Kyungsoo. “Is this yours?”

“I don’t eat takeouts.” The CEO nonchalantly answers.

“Oh…then who bought it?”

“I don’t know – stop asking questions and let me work!” Kyungsoo’s voice rises from where he’s sitting.

Kai furrows his brows in suspicion (because something doesn’t sound right in the CEO’s reply) but dismisses it later on. Knowing that the perfectly good food will go to waste if no one eats it, the idol makes it a must to finish it for dinner.

Do Kyungsoo stops typing when he hears Kai rummaging through the silverwares and he silently scoffs again. The boss isn’t sure if this is some kind of apology form of his to the idol for lashing out his anger, but he doesn’t want to admit it either. Kim Jongin also has fault in their argument, and he can’t be humiliated for apologizing first. After all, Do Kyungsoo never apologizes – especially to a dumb idol that goes by the name of Kim Jongin.




CEO Do doesn’t know what’s gotten into him, but he finds himself getting dolled up for the movie premier along with Kim Jongin at around six in the evening. He sits in the chair as a hairdresser styles his hair up with some gel. The idol is sitting next to him, and he doesn’t miss the small glances that are directed to him once in a while. Being in public with people who probably know about their relationship, Kyungsoo can’t lash out on Kai as easily and so he takes out his phone for the purpose. He completely forgets about his own warning of never touching Kim Jongin’s name in his contact lists as he types out a message.

  [to: Stupid Kim Jongin]  Stop glancing at me, stupid.


Kyungsoo hits enter and the text message is sent to Kai’s phone.

The idol receives the message a few seconds later and gasps as he sees Do Kyungsoo’s name appearing on his home screen. His heart is beating wildly against his ribcage, and if this continues any further, it might even burst through his chest. Kai stares at the

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now