Let this be real.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Dance practices, vocal practices, and preparations for the new album have become even more rigorous as all of the staffs are working on a tight schedule. As soon as the MV came out, they have exactly three more days to prepare for the album showcase, press conference, and the idol’s comeback stage on one of the biggest broadcasting channel’s music show.

Kai has been so busy with his schedule that he hasn’t been able to get any proper rest. So, when he finally arrives home and enters the dimly lit hallway (the lights were left on by a certain housemate), the first thing he does is take off his shoes and lazily drags his body to the nearest couch. Today is one of those rare days where he gets to finish his schedule earlier than expected. Despite his stomach beginning to softly growl, the idol dismisses the sounds and continues to leave his tired eyes shut.

Even when the sound of footsteps descending the wooden staircase is heard, the poor idol doesn’t seem to notice it at all. He lets out a low groan and shifts slightly in the confined space of the couch. The idol holds on tighter to the small, red pillow and sighs against his parted lips. This, despite its uncomfortable setting, feels like heaven to the idol after days of so much work and practice.

“Kim Jong—” Kyungsoo realizes his tone is somewhat too high and excited for his own likings and immediately clears his throat. He walks down the stairs and finds the idol’s body sprawled out helplessly on the crimson-colored couch. Seeing Jongin so tired, so exhausted, and so frail tugs at the CEO’s heartstrings worriedly, but he won’t admit it out loud. Slowly and quietly, he carefully approaches the male and stands behind the couch. Leaning forward, the tips of his fingers gently grazes the idol’s dress shirt and Kyungsoo instantly retreats in surprise; he felt a small jolt of electricity as soon as he touched Kim Jongin.

Biting onto his lower lip, the CEO shakes his head to clear all of the strange thoughts clouding his mind and decides to stare at the idol instead. “What am I going to do with you, Kim Jongin?” Kyungsoo sighs heavily and turns around, only to stop when he hears small grumbling noises. He raises an eyebrow and turns back to glance down at the exhausted idol.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t eat…”

Kyungsoo frowns at the thought and makes his way to the kitchen without realizing. Once he opens one of the fridge’s doors, the CEO groans lowly in his throat and doubles over because no, god damn it, he’s so done with himself right now. He walked right into the kitchen after hearing the idol’s stomach grumbling for food.

How great, the CEO rolls his eyes.

He purses his lips into a thin line and gazes back into the fridge. “This isn’t me at all,” Kyungsoo mutters grumpily as he spots a container of leftover rice, some vegetables, and eggs. The CEO stands there for a while, contemplating if he should really dirty his precious money-making hands and cook for the idol, but this – this is only a one time thing, right? One time only, cooking for Kim Jongin will be a one time thing. It won’t be so bad, right? Sighing and giving into his heart’s desire, Kyungsoo grabs the needed ingredients for the food.

Placing the food on the marbled counter, Do Kyungsoo takes a glance at the lump on the couch and shakes his head in pity (but he wants to believe it’s out of despise), “You better appreciate this.”




Kim Jongin awakens to the light taps on his shoulder. Groaning, he cracks open in eyelid, thanking that the lights are shining on the lowest setting and sees Kyungsoo staring back at him with a worried expression. Startled by the unexpected sight, the idol instantly sits up and accidentally bumps his forehead with the CEO’s in the process. Hissing at the dull ache that follows, Kai winces and apologetically looks at the smaller male. “Sorry for that,” he whispers as he rubs his forehead gently.

Kyungsoo refrains from glaring at the idol and stands up instead, “Right.” He awkwardly stammers, heartbeat suddenly quickening as he meets gazes with Jongin.

Just as the CEO is about to walk away, Jongin reaches out for the older male’s wrist and pulls him back a little too harshly. Kyungsoo, too startled to free his wrist from the firm hold, stumbles on his own two feet and falls backward before landing on the idol’s lap. His free hand immediately clasps onto the idol’s broad shoulder as his breathing stills. Jongin, too, widens his brown orbs in alarm as he feels Kyungsoo’s warmth against his own body and the male’s breath hitting the side of his cheeks before it stills.

Their heartbeats quickens before becoming one of the same pace.

Cautiously turning his head to the side, Jongin hesitantly glances up to find the CEO’s beautifully emotional brown orbs staring down at him without rest. The hand that still grasps around Kyungsoo’s wrist gradually loosens its hold and bravely, Jongin laces their fingers together as his other hand wraps around the smaller male’s waist.

“I…” Jongin quietly breathes out.

Kyungsoo glances down at their intertwined hands and feels his heart skipping a tiny beat. “You…” he whispers breathlessly as he returns his gaze to the man at fault.

At this very moment, Do Kyungsoo knows he should pull away, pull away from Kim Jongin’s warmth and pull away from these blooming feelings. But no matter how hard he tries, no matter how hard he protests against his actions, his heart is starting to win. The cold barriers that he built for himself are being broken down, being melted, and swept away by one person – Kim Jongin. This is all Kim Jongin’s doing, Kim Jongin’s fault, and Kim Jongin’s sincerity. Kyungsoo doesn’t know how to react to all of this – the blooming feelings, the haunting memories of his past, and the scandal that turned them into this.

Everything is too overwhelming, but with Jongin here, everything also feels so right.

But this feeling, it can’t be true.

Kyungsoo can’t surrender to these feelings so easily, he can’t.

However, the very moment Jongin pulls his body into a comforting hug, Kyungsoo feels all of his cold barriers breaking down without hesitation. The way Kim Jongin rests his chin against his shoulder, the way Kim Jongin softly breathes down his back, and the way Kim Jongin lightly grasps onto the material of his shirt has Do Kyungsoo stumbling over his doubts and finding the reassurance that yes, these feelings are true and no, he can’t avoid them.

The only thing he can do now is give in for a few seconds and stop thinking, stop doubting everything and let Jongin’s warmth embrace his cold self.

Instead of kissing the CEO like he always does when they end up in these unavoidable situations, the very moment the idol pulls the man into his embrace, he feels so much reassurance and comfort. All of his exhaustion and stress seems to vanish into thin air, and what’s left is the peaceful sound of Kyungsoo’s heart beating that calms Jongin down. The idol doesn’t dare to do anything further, because this soothing hug is all he desires, all he needs to reassure himself that everything will be okay.

 “Let’s stay like this for a while, please.” The words are hushed, but Kyungsoo hears it.

Without protest, the CEO brings his other hand over the idol’s shoulders and gently taps his back in a slow rhythm. Although his mind is protesting, screaming for him to stop, Kyungsoo has chosen to listen to his heart for once and shut out any doubting thoughts. He bites his lower lip in regret, knowing that all of this will not end well one day, and then closes his eyes to block out all distractions.

Jongin soon relaxes into the hug and tightens his hold around Kyungsoo’s waist. He inhales the male’s familiar scent and closes his eyes, “Thank you.”

The freshly made rice omelet that sits neatly on a mahogany-colored plate in the kitchen becomes long forgotten as the two basks in each other’s arms.




“You should eat, Jongin.”

Kyungsoo is the first one to speak up after quite some time, but he doesn’t pull away from the embrace.

The idol sighs and nods his head against the CEO’s shoulder. “I should, huh?”

“There’s a rice-omelet in the kitchen for you, but you probably might need to heat it up again.” The CEO is surprisingly taking this situation in all too well. He’s not freaking out, not shouting, or becoming embarrassed to admit his actions (even if it’s indirectly). This Do Kyungsoo really isn’t Enchantment’s Satan-like CEO, and it frightens him dearly.

Why is he always like this around the idol?

Why is he so different when he’s around Kim Jongin?

Jongin is the first to pull away from the hug, and Kyungsoo feels his heart constricting in disappointment. “Thanks and sorry for hugging you so unexpectedly; you probably hated it, huh?” He lowers his gaze and avoids the CEO’s expression, for he doesn’t want to ruin the thing they have. It’s okay, Jongin tells himself, it’s okay if they’re like this. This might not be much, but it’s enough to satisfy the male’s wishes.

After all, Do Kyungsoo would never like him…never.




Or so Kim Jongin thinks.




“How does it feel to be home?” Yixing questions with a sweet smile.

The man looks up from where he’s sitting and laughs, “Absolutely great.”

“The fan-sign will be happening in three days. You should get enough rest until it comes.” The assistant gives the man a pat on the shoulders.

“I know, Yixing, I know. You don’t have to remind me constantly.”

“But it’s my job.”

“Don’t tease me,” the man chuckles softly as he returns his gaze to the window that showcases the park that’s across his apartment complex.

“You’ll do fine, Author Kim, you’ll do absolutely fine.”




Two days until the showcase happens, and Kai is becoming even more nervous at how it’ll come out. Every time he has a new album, the idol always fears for worse. What if something goes wrong? What if his staffs gets injured? What if the fans dislike his new songs? Thoughts like these would always surface in his mind, and knowing him so well, Jessica decided it’ll be best if he got a day off.

“I’m fine – I just, I’m nervous!” Kai rambles on without a clear point.

Jessica sighs and gives him a reassuring smile. “Just relax, okay? Go spend your day sleeping, or simply spend it with CEO Do.” She gives him a knowing wink and leans back in her leather chair.

The idol lets out a scandalous gasp and widens his eyes, “What?!”

“Oh, I know what you two have been up to, Kim Jongin.”

“B-But there’s nothing going on!”

“Oh, there is. I know it.”

Kai pouts at Jessica’s words and buries his face into the palms of his hands. Is there something going on between them? He knows what his feelings are for the CEO, but what about Kyungsoo? What does Kyungsoo truly feels about him? What if Luhan’s words are true? What if Kyungsoo really does feel something for him? Then what do they become?

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
961 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now