Drabble - Advice from Nayeon


I know one way how to make the girl you like undress to the waist in a matter of minutes.

Ha, I intrigued you, didn't I?

Do you want to know how?

Very simple, you just need to accidentally pour any drink on it at the right time. Her jacket, blouse, T-shirt, dress (in general, everything that she wears everyday or in the evening) will get wet and the girl will have to leave for the ladies' room.

Hey, I can already hear the guys in full outrage, but there is a way for this moment.

Shh, my close friend told me what to do.

Want to know what?

I'll tell you, only for a small fee, only 10 liam .


Hey, don't be greedy!

I know that you don't have that kind of money.

Not? Hmm, well then, sorry guys, I can't help you.

Girls, it only concerns you. My dear ladies, I will answer you completely free of charge.

Although, I think many of you have guessed it yourself.

So, who guessed it, you're right, lady.

We walk into the ladies' room together (pretext: "how can I leave my best friend in this situation"), then apologetically berate yourself for being clumsy.

A friend, a kind-hearted person, is in a hurry to assure you that everything is in order with her.

- My blouse is all wet on the chest, even the bra is wet. I don't even have a change of clothes with me to change into.

- A change of clothes? Oh, I have it, in my bag, I forgot to take it out. If you want, I can borrow.

It’s not a fact that the girl will immediately agree to accept your offer, but she won’t delay for a long time.

- Come into the booth with me - on frequent occasions, the girl will call you.

Do not react sharply, pretend that you are walking reluctantly.

When you find yourself in a cramped booth, do not immediately start sticking or quickly offer "let me help you take off ..."

So you will only alert or scare her.

Wait until the girl herself asks.

Now, when she does this, then you can safely proceed.

And one more thing, the most important thing:

Don't pass out or drool when you see her s!

Yes, she is cute, I do not argue.

Yes, you want to touch her.

You are drawn by this magical feeling to try, caress, feel the miracle of softness and warmth in your hands.

I understand everything perfectly, believe me, but you don’t have to do this.

Keep calm!

The opportunity to taste her s will come later (two or three days), the girl herself will give consent.

I guarantee!

Where do I get this confidence, you ask?

It's just that I'm a master of seduction and I'm not kidding, ask all my clients, they will answer like one: "Im Nayeon is the best, thanks to her advice, I now have a girlfriend."

So please contact us at any time of the day, from 10:00 to 15:00, except Saturday (sometimes Sunday, well, this is rare).

My advice is always free for ladies, if you are willing to pay, then you can pay for lunch, dinner or breakfast.


- You're so self-praising, Nabong. From everything you wrote here, the only truth is that in some incomprehensible way, everything happens like that - leaning back in her chair and moving away from the laptop, Jeonyoung said.

- Correction,Jeong, my methods are always successful. I have proof - seeing a skeptical look from a close friend, said Nayeon, turning to the rest of her friends. “If it wasn’t for my advice, Tzuyu would still be thinking that Chaeyoung is in love with Mina. And if not for my advice, Dahyun would not dare to confess to Momo that he loves her. And if it wasn't for me, you and Jihyo wouldn't be doing this... hmm - Nayeon's mouth was covered with both palms of JeonHyo at once , the last of them (Jihyo) stared at her, forcing her to shut up.

- No need to continue, we got it, Nabong. Except you're wrong about one thing, Sana and Mina are still alone - pointing at their friends who were standing near the Nayeon table and looking at the e-brochure and exchanging glances.

- They have been in a couple for a long time, earlier than all of you - Nayeon did not agree , bypassing Jeongyeon, approached them, stood between them, hugged her shoulders, said importantly: - They are meeting with me!

- Ha-ha-ha, - her friends laughed, even Sana and Mina smiled as they looked at the pleased Nayeon, snuggling closer to her.

- We have not yet agreed to her proposal, but we like the way she looks after us - Sana explained, winking at Mina, who simply nodded her head at the incredulous looks of her friends.

“Haha, just don’t tell me that she never asked you to take off your outerwear and show her s during all the courtship,” Jeongyeon did not believe, looking askance at the pouting Nayeon, who, however , did not leave the girls.

“Oh, Nayeon-chan asks us to do this all the time, as soon as we are alone,” Mina said simply, looking fondly at Nayeon's pout.

- Yes, Nayeon-unnie is so cute when she asks us to do it, but we constantly refuse her - Sana added, lightly touching her lips to the girl's temple, kissing her.

- You're joking, right? Jihyo still didn't believe. “Are you really thinking about dating Nabong or not?”

- Do you really think about showing her s or not? Jeongyeon asked in disbelief after Jihyo.

- Why not? Sana asked rhetorically, Mina quietly added, although her gaze was completely focused on Nayeon's lips, which pouted even more:

"Our three days are not over yet, if Nayeon-chan doesn't give up first, we'll answer her question."

- What's in three days? friends didn't understand.

“Three days for them to show me their s,” Nayeon muttered, shifting her gaze to Sana's cleavage and then looking at Mina's cleavage, “and I can taste it. We argued, obviously!

- For what? - Now all the girlfriends were interested, without exception.

“If I win…” Nayeon started, but they didn’t give up, Chaeyoung gently asked her to be quiet while Momo asked Sana:

- If you win, what will unnie do?

“Oh, a lot of things,” Sana said dreamily, Mina blushed to the roots of her hair, hiding her face behind Nayeon’s back:

“It’s a secret,” she whispered from there, while Sana looked at everyone intently, stopping her gaze at Tzuyu:

“Children don’t need to know.

They would tease Nayeon for a long time if her phone rang, with an unknown number:

- Wait a minute - she put the phone to her ear, said in a businesslike way: - The expert of love is listening.

JeongHyo gestured for her to turn on the speakerphone, which Nayeon reluctantly did with a finger to her lips.

- Oh, I don't even know why I'm calling you, but what is said on the site is true? Will this method really work? You see, I am now going to a bar with my best friend, whom I have been in love with since school, but I am afraid to confess to her ...

- You called the address, dear girl, first tell me your name so that we can have a normal dialogue. And yes, do not worry, today your girlfriend will definitely look at you with different eyes. Today I will teach you how to behave at a meeting - Nayeon said confidently, freeing herself from MiSana 's hugs , turning off the speakerphone and going to her office.

Nayeon fully stepped into the role of love advisor.

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