Foolish Heart (Nayeon\...)


Finally, all the children calmed down and went to bed.

Finally, the two girls could exhale freely.

They sat down on the sofa, putting soft pillows under their backs, relaxed.

“Sometimes I feel like we’re a married couple and the rest of the members are our little ones,” Jihyo said, nestling comfortably in Nayeon-unnie’s warm embrace, letting her body fully trust her older friend.

“Why don’t we make it a reality, Jihyo? After a short pause, Nayeon asked, burying her face in the leader's shampoo-scented hair. - Marry me? - the question sounded timidly, the girl tensed all over, waiting for an answer. - And what? We have known each other for a long time, we are already leading as a married couple, it remains only to become official - Nayeon convinced her, crossing her fingers, flaring up with hope.

“Haha,” Jihyo said tiredly, covering Nayeon’s hands with her palms, pressing them closer to her stomach, “very funny, unnie,” closing her eyes, her brain completely turned off and spoke out: “I love you like an older sister, Nabong . And you will forever remain so - before you completely fall into sleep.

“I see,” she smiled sadly, gently touching her lips to the top of Jihyo’s head, “it was foolish to hope for a consonant answer. Apparently, as always, I misinterpreted your hints - running her thumb over her eyes, taking away a tear from there, Nayeon put her head on the back of the sofa, looked at the dark ceiling of their dorm.

Some time of silence.

“Only your word could stop me, Jihyo, but…” a short message came to her phone, seeing him, the girl sighed again, covering her eyes for a moment. Jihyo stirred in her arms, gently inhaled without waking up. Nayeon waited, watched, but the girl did not wake up. “Stop hoping, Nayeon, you heard what she said,” carefully freeing herself from the leader, Nayeon carefully covered her with a blanket, straightened the pillow under her head, kissed her temple, wished good night, and left the living room.

She herself tiptoed into her room, took out a collected bag with things from under the bed, after which she took 8 letters from the box, clutching them in her hands, went out, tightly closing the doors. She put the letters on the kitchen table, sighed heavily, and left the hostel without saying goodbye.

A car was parked near him, the manager behind the wheel looked at Nayeon carefully, helping her put the luggage into the car, asked:

- Did you say goodbye to the girls? Did you tell them that you will be away for a month (plus/minus)? - starting the car, checking the rear mirror, began to carefully drive out of the parking lot.

- Yes - remembering the letters on the table - yes, I said goodbye to them - leaning my head against the window, following the landscape that flashed before my eyes like a flash.

- You did not forget to tell them that you will not be able to contact them all this month? You yourself know that if one of you does not get in touch within half an hour, chaos begins - the manager clarified, watching the road, carefully driving the car.

“Uh-huh, don’t worry oppa, if they suddenly don’t understand something, they’ll ask you tomorrow. And you will explain to them again - Nayeon simply said, moving away from the window, sitting in the back seat, closing her eyes. “I’m tired, the baby has exhausted me, will you wake me up when we get there, oppa?” - Blindly rummaging around the seat looking for a cape, throwing it over her body, she asked sleepily.

- Rest, Nayeon, because tomorrow a completely different life will begin - making the music quieter, plunging the interior of the car into maximum darkness, the manager said carefully.


In the morning, Jihyo was awakened by the sound of a bell, she sleepily rubbed her eyes with her hands, grimaced as she rolled from one side to her back. The ringing of the phone's ringing never ceased to buzz somewhere overhead. Jihyo stretched out her legs, throwing off the covers, sat on the sofa, rubbing her temples, squinting at the clear morning. Her hand fumbled around the sofa, then across the floor, and finally found her phone, pressing the button, groaned sleepily:

- I'm listening.

Instead of a living voice, she heard a mechanical greeting, the voice monotonously informed her:

- Your meeting with the choreographer has been rescheduled for the morning, Tuesday, the 25th of this month. You have one more hour to pack.

“Oh my god, I overslept,” Jihyo groaned, turning on leader mode and yelling at the entire dorm, “Total meeting in 20 minutes!” - finally woke up only after a sip of water, when her legs entwined to the kitchen. Leaning her hot forehead against the cool bottle, Jihyo tried to figure out why she was feeling like she was having a hangover. We didn't drink yesterday, for sure. Maybe it's because of the uncomfortable sofa? How did I even end up on it? - she stretched her shoulders, shook her head, maybe memories will come to her head with a rush of blood.

“Good morning, Jihyo,” Sana greeted her with a happy smile, she wasted no time in answering from the leader, she just ran up and grabbed her in a bear hug. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t help you yesterday,” looking up at her, she pleaded with her puppy eyes. “It’s good that Nayeon-unnie came back earlier yesterday – taking the girl by surprise, kissed her on the cheek, then giggling, she gave way to Momo, who was just looking into the kitchen in pajamas with one sock put on her left leg.

- Good, where is Nayeon-unnie? yawned Momo, shifting on her toes, seeing that she was not in the kitchen either. “And why are you so loud on your day off?” - taking a chocolate bar from Sana's hands and throwing it into , she asked, pinching her friend's puffy cheek.

“That’s what I thought myself before the call,” Jihyo mumbled as she pulled out her phone and showed the duo a voice message. “So hurry up and get dressed, the manager will be picking us up shortly—rising from his chair and pushing the girls out of the kitchen, taking a quick look at the empty couch. - We fell asleep here together, but I woke up alone - I scratched behind my ear, remembering the last "hellish" evening in pieces. “Maybe Nayoni is in the bathroom?”

“She’s not in the bathroom,” Jeongyeon replied, after the order of the leader, she was already ready to go out, sweatpants and sports hugi . - Sorry, Hyo , I tried to help you, but - she spread her hands, shrugged.

- If you feel guilty, no, all of you - showed all the leadership qualities that she had been collecting for 8 years, Jihyo ordered, looking at the trio, - in 10 minutes, so that everyone is here and ready. Are you clear? - the girls swallowed, stretched out to the strings, even saluted, then quickly ran to wake up the baby and drag Mina away from the game screen. “Great, but for now I’ll find out where Nayeon-unnie is,” she said while cleaning the sofa, pulled out the phone from her jacket pocket, dialed the number of her older friend.




- Unnie...

- You called a number that is no longer listed in our operator's database. Try again.

- What the…? – typing again, thinking, maybe she accidentally typed not Nayeon.





- It 's not funny anymore - she looked at the bunny with a smiley face that indicated the name Nayeon in bewilderment, Jihyo dialed again and again, but she still ran into cold beeps in response.

- I do not understand…

- What don't you understand, Jihyo? - a voice sounded softly nearby, it turns out that Mina was sitting with her on the couch for some time, but the leader was busy making calls, and the girl did not want to interfere. “Nayeon-unnie isn’t answering?”

- That's the point, Minari - pouted her lips, tearfully looking at the Japanese woman, Jihyo let herself be hugged and pressed to her: - they either drop me or say that this number is not serviced.

“Let me call,” taking out her phone, Mina smiled consolingly at her, finding a cute smiley face and a heart on the screen behind the affectionate Nayeon-chan.

Jihyo knew that Nayeon always answered the phone when Mina called. Even if she is tired, barely able to stand on her feet and asks everyone to be quiet, even then, she answers Mina.

She is my special child - always answered jealous questions from the members - I become kinder and softer around her.



A voice message:

- Your phone is turned off or out of network coverage.

Mina pursed her lips to hide their trembling, looked sadly at Jihyo, a note of concern in her voice.

- For the first time, Nayeon-chan didn't answer me for the first time.

Jihyo interrupted the stomping of the rest of the members who were descending from the second floor.

“Unnie, I’m right now, I’m in the kitchen and back,” Dahyun shouted, running away from the others and running into the kitchen, she took out the morning drink from the refrigerator, which she usually drank to raise her energy, poured it into a cup and began to drink slowly.

Having finished her drink in a few sips, the girl washed the cup, put it back in place, and was about to run to her friends, when her eyes caught on the white sheets that lay carelessly on one of the chairs. She became curious.

- Unnie!!! - they heard Dahyun's voice unusual for screaming, they all ran headlong into the kitchen, crowded in front of the excited girl, holding some letters in their hands.

- God, Dahyunie, don't scare us like that - they scolded her clutching her heart, making sure that she was safe and sound. - What's happened? Dahyun explained, then added, “I saw that these are letters for all of us.” Look, it's Nayeon-unnie's handwriting, she points out, and indeed, all the letters are Nayeon's handwriting. “Oh, one is for me,” Dahyun wonders, carefully picking up the letter, opening it and stepping aside to read it.

Forgive me for saying this, but from tomorrow you will be left without me. A completely different project awaits me, it will last a month, so our return will be only 8 of you. Please, be a reliable shoulder for Jihyo, as you were for me. Love you, your Nayeon-unnie ."

As soon as each of them had time to finish reading the letter, the doorbell rang, and then using the spare key, the manager entered, checking whether everyone was ready to leave.

- Girls, why are you all so gloomy?

- Oppa, did you know that Nayeon-unnie was leaving? So a change in plans?

- Everyone in the agency knew about it, Nayeon said that she would inform you herself. I understand that it was because of this that you had a farewell party yesterday - the manager simply answered, checking the time on the clock whether they were late or not. Don't worry, I got her safe and sound. In addition, he said reassuringly, “only a month, we are used to waiting more,” subtly hinting at Mina and Jeongyeon. “Okay, enough talking, if you want to know more, let's talk in the car on the way to the rehearsal room,” he urged the girls, who were still in shock from what was happening. “By the way, she hesitated for a long time, decided for a long time, but two days ago she suddenly called the director and said that she agreed. I'll go get the car ready, you get down too.


On the way to the rehearsal room, the girls found out what kind of project Nayeon had agreed to for so long. Each had their own opinion on this matter, but each of them came to a mutual conclusion:

- A chance for unni to fulfill his dream. We will try on the stage, however, we are on the musical stage, she is among the actors. A month will fly by, we will not have time to blink, as unnie will be with us, selflessly sharing her days on the cinema set - that's what Jihyo said, swallowing tears, when they finished redoing the choreography, adjusting to 8 members .



Unbearably hard and difficult.

There were more loads, both in dance and in singing.

Jeongyeon was trying to pull off that crazy note that Nayeon trained so hard. They had high hopes for Jeongyeon, who was the only one who could handle such a tone. Plus, if Jeongyeon hit that note, it would be easier for the leader to handle all the other high parts.

If before, Jeongyeon quietly complained to SaMo that she could easily hit this note, disagreeing with the director's choice, now she doubted herself.

- It's not real, I just can't understand how she managed to pull out such a note - sitting in a separate vocal room, drinking the same sound over and over again, trying to make it different in each chorus. "What did Unnie say before?" She rustled through the papers on her desk, looking for Nayeon's notes to help point her in the right direction. She said she left the clues in the notes. Hmm, what is it ... no, it's not that - flipping through, putting notes aside, - oh, yes, yes ... I found it! Jeongyeon happily announced, placing the necessary sheet of music in front of her eyes, laughing at the small squiggles, recognizing Nayeon's handwriting.

In my dreams you came to me without warning

You are a thief, you are a deceiver, but my heart knows no conviction

It just loves, never stops loving.

How stupid to hope, how stupid to live with this hope.

The last words were in bold, and a broken heart was drawn in the left margin. Well it's written right there:

- When the heart suffers, how do you want to express it in sound?

- How? Jeongyeon repeated after her, poking her pencil as a question mark. - Nabong , what did you mean by "the heart suffers"? Am I missing something, didn't notice something? – reproaching herself, because she considered her closest friend that she knows best about the older unnie. “While you are gone, I will do my best not to embarrass you, Nayeon-unnie,” she said firmly, starting to prepare her voice again.

And yet, after so much practice and training, Jeongyeon did not do everything perfectly.

- There is no point in redoing it anymore - the songwriter, the sound engineers shook their heads, - let's leave it as it is. As soon as he returns, Nayeon- ssi , we will rewrite. Don't be upset Jeongyeon- ssi , it just didn't work out as we expected.

I will try my best, I promise...

- No need to make an impossible promise, but thanks for the effort - they gently interrupted her, letting Jihyo go ahead, starting to work with her and her voice.

Jihyo and Jeongyeon's eyes met for a short time, but it was enough to cheer each other up, and:

We'll discuss everything at home, with the girls.

-Please, Jihyo, start at the end of the first verse, where the part of Nayeon- ssi begins .

-Good," the leader smiled briefly as she put on her headphones, looking at the corrected music sheet in unni's handwriting.

Unbidden tears gathered in a lump near , preventing her from concentrating. There was such a familiar melody in the headphones, the voices of girls, out of habit she waited for Nayeon's voice to follow her, supporting her with her voice, but this did not happen.

- Jihyo- ssi , please, once again - sounded in the headphones, sobering her, returning her to the present. She sighed, stood half-turned so that the microphone covered part of her face, nodded her head.

Job to be done perfectly. All emotions are at home. Get it together, Jihyo.

My pain has dulled, no, it doesn't hurt me

No, you didn't ruin me, it just got so lonely

Dahyun's voice:

It was foolish to hope for your love

Nayeon's voice is cut off and Jeongyeon's voice is heard instead.

It was foolish to expect a hint from you

Chaeyoung's voice continues also sadly:

to return to me.

Jihyo knew that specifically the first verse was written by Nayeon, but she didn’t really delve into the essence of the words then, although it’s very strange of her, because she always read everything carefully. Here, now, reading them, she clearly imagined everything. As if this incident happened recently, as if she herself pushed Nayeon to write such words.

No, bull, no, no, Jihyo, don't make it up. What did I do? No. It's just that unnie saw enough melodramas again and wrote such lyrics. You are completely irrelevant here.

- And the next part, please - a whisper in the headphones, Jihyo continues to sing his part:

I know it's stupid but my love only gets stronger

I realize that it is possible to stop loving, but I love more and more

Jeongyeon's voice continues, adding poignancy:

I realize that you won't come back and give me a chance

I realize, but I ask, for the last time

And then the voice of Sana enters, softly, quietly:

say goodbye

Momo's voice

No rules

Mina's voice

Just to tell you goodbye ...

Tzuyu's voice rises an octave a little, smoothly crossing the barrier before the high parts begin:

You were everything to me, and no matter how it hurts ...

The first part of Dahyun's rap begins and then the music is interrupted in the headphones, all sounds are blocked, while the heart is pounding in the chest, Jihyo hears applause:

- I like it, yes it is in this key, I like it. That's all for today, we'll continue tomorrow. Let's start with Dahyun- ssi .

The choreography has become new, they basically changed the part with Nayeon, or rather they didn’t change it, just in the 1st and last verse, there are certain lines on which they wanted to pay special attention. They have become a key element in the entire choreography.

Everyone who worked on the choreography of the dance, even the director, came to the conclusion that the part where Nayeon sings along with Sana is the key.


Your hugs, I still remember them

Your kisses, how can I forget


I beg you, for the last time, let me be with you

It was here that everything was done for Nayeon.

Namely, the dance episode was as follows:

Nayeon in the middle.

Behind her, Dahyun makes an “X” sign, her hands are small, so it looks like “horns (cheating)” above Nayeon’s head.

Jihyo, Momo, Chaeyeon - on the one hand, Tzuyu, Jeongyeon close the circle, create a barrier.

Mina - she hugs Nayeon's neck, her lips are very close to Nayeon's cheek. Nayeon's hands tightly press Mina to her, in her eyes there is insane passion and plea.

Their bodies are tightly bound, as if tied with a red thread.

They breathe each other.

Sana is on the other hand from Nayeon, she whispers something in the opposite ear (as if the devil is a tempter). Her arms are also wrapped around Nayeon, she is claiming Nayeon as well.

It's too emotional and too embarrassing for girls.

Nayeon then barely mastered this movement, overcoming her embarrassment.

And now, now, you need to find a new hero, but whoever tried it, no matter how the production changed, everything was not right.

The picture of separation and betrayal was destroyed.

- We need to leave everything as it is, let it be empty. Sana, Mina, you will embrace the void. From you maximum emotions, girls help them cope.

To be honest, for almost 2 weeks, Momo, as the main dancer, experienced stress, frustration and migraines. But she did not complain, because she saw that the girls also walk on thin ice. It seemed that without their reliable support, everything would collapse.

Behind Nayeon-unnie's back, she always felt protected, and therefore was not afraid to say something stupid or do something awkward.

Nayeon will always help out, Nayeon will always support, he will pull everything out in such a way that it becomes ridiculous and trifling.

Yes, Nayeon has been gone for almost two weeks.

So lonely without her.

How are you, unnie? What a pity that I can not contact you to hear your voice. I have so much to discuss with you. I'll do my best here, but you try there and come back soon, okay?

Before the start of their promotion with the new song "Stupid Heart", there were only a few hours left. The girls were all nervous, worried that the fans wouldn't like it. This time, their comeback was dreamily sad, with almost no dancing (the choreographer eventually decided that they would only keep the scenes with Nayeon). It was new and seemed impossible. After all, they always danced, their return is always dynamic, exciting, fun.

Until Nayeon returns, the dance will be like this.

The change in dance meant reworking a few shots in the MV . No Nayeon remained in the frame, it was just that now she was just a background, a mirage.

The girls were indignant, not understanding why, but they could not help it. Their word does not solve anything here.

Before the show, which is intended for their return with a new song, the girls discussed all evening how best to proceed.

For the first time, the house was so quiet.

No, not for the first time, or rather, since Nayeon left two weeks ago, the house became deafeningly quiet. Everyone seemed to be talking in a whisper. Even Sana tried not to get too excited and start talking in raised tones. It's like a piece of themselves has been removed.

Jihyo began to often recall various moments, strange moments when Nayeon calmed down, withdrew into herself, remained alone in the room.

She also tries to remember the night before Nayeon's sudden departure, feeling like she's missing some important detail.

But all she remembers is the noise, the screams of "children" and Nayeon's warm, comforting hugs on the couch.

Nayeon has always given her the strength to be a leader, to be just a teenager, a girl who is supposed to love like a normal person.

Nayeon always put all the worries on her shoulders, small minor quarrels, gave her love to each of them.

Nayeon always let her breathe freely, enjoy life.

Was I so selfish that I completely took away her right to her life?

No, we shared everything equally. We are childhood best friends, she is closer to me than a sister.

She is my heart and I am her soul. We complement each other. We really are like husband and wife, no matter how ridiculous it may sound.

- Jihyo, what's wrong with you, why are you crying? she hears Sana's worried voice as she sits next to her on the couch, pulling her into a comforting hug.

- I don’t cry - sobbing, hugging Sana tightly, reveling in her warmth and love, - I shouldn’t cry, otherwise tomorrow there will be a swollen face, and the stylist will scold me - the leader’s voice sounded plaintively, dropping his tears on her friend’s shoulder.

- It's okay to cry, cry, and I promise that by morning everything will be settled - Sana lulled, her hair, on her back with consoling circles. “We were worried about you, little one. We all had time to cry, but you haven't shed a tear since unnie left. You can’t keep everything in yourself, then you can break loose at the wrong time.

“I must be strong, I must be an example for you,” she justified herself, sobbing louder like a child.

“You are the same person as we are, Jihyo, I’m glad that you are crying,” Sana whispered, listening to sobs, loud cries, healing her wounded heart with her hugs.

- I miss her so much, Sana, I so want to see her, hear her, I so want to feel her next to me - every word was said as if through force, followed by tears, until everything that was stored inside these two weeks broke out. “I feel empty without her,” an unexpected confession escapes her lips, but the realization of the words themselves did not reach Jihyo’s brain, she just continues to cry on her friend’s shoulder.

She felt better. Thoughts cleared up. As the heart was cleansed of the burden of experiences.

Jihyo knew that tears would not change anything here, Nayeon would return only when the month was up.

A month without support, you can live, try.

Just a month, yes, 31 days, and unnie will be back.

Until she returns, they must hold out, do their job by 120%.

Enjoy your comeback, show a real masterpiece with this song co-written by Nayeon.

To make Nayeon's song get the highest ratings and become successful, so that even in the place where their older friend is now, it will be popular.

That evening, before the show for their return, 8 girls made such a small vow, and they were determined to carry it out.


For Nayeon, this opportunity to appear in a cameo was a dream come true, but look here now, surrounded by the film crew, reading her script. They really filmed in a quiet, peaceful place where the only residents were grandparents. All the young people who grew up here have long since left for the city and live there.

Why did you choose a small village on the Jenju Peninsula ?

It was here that the same statue was located, dedicated to two lovers who, at the turn of fate, remained together. Let their connection passed after half a lifetime, but in their old age, they found each other and were able to die on the same day, living happily.

In addition to the statue, there was amazing wildlife here. The spirit captures and heals.

Nayeon's soul needs this healing so much right now.

Honestly, this was one of the big pluses when she first saw the script sent to her in the mail. Everything was described there: from the location of the filming to the text itself.

But she still doubted.

Can she be selfish and leave the girls before they return as a full group? Finally, both Mina and Jeongyeon were able to overcome their stage fright and return.

Seeing all the girls around, how happy Nayeon was.

They became one again.

They were preparing for the comeback, thinking through every little thing to better show themselves as a group. Yes, Nayeon came to life again, externally, but internally, where even she herself rarely looks, everything seemed to freeze, slowed down.

That spark that supported her all this time - she just began to fade away, until only smoldering from the fire remained.

Nayeon was scared. She needed advice, but for some reason she was afraid to talk about it with the girls, she toiled, did not know how best to act.

And then, as if the sky itself answered her request, she was sent a script for the upcoming mini-series, where they offered to play in the episodes. Reading the script, fully imbued with the story of love and separation from her beloved, about true friendship between a guy and a girl, she began to think.

Why not become selfish and live only for yourself? Don't think about unrequited feelings for Jihyo, don't console the girls, don't smooth out conflicts, don't think about the stage. So to speak, switch to something else.

After such verbal self-hypnosis, Nayeon came to the director, asking for an audience, frankly laid out her position and her heart to him. I decided to trust him with my future (for the umpteenth time).

- Have you shared your fears with the girls?

- No, and I wish they didn't know. We're coming back soon, they have high hopes for success, I just can't let them down. In addition, for the first time you approved my song for the “main”. True, you corrected half the text, but still, you left my lines.

- So it was necessary and you agreed to the corrections, Nayeon - he smiled paternally, then added softly: - In raw form, I could read your real feelings for one member . If I figured it out...

- Do not continue - blushed. "So what do you advise me?"

- I need to think, give me time until the evening?

And in the evening she received a script in the mail, where at the end it was written in the hand of their "father":

I give you permission to be selfish, Nayeon. A month, that's how much I give you.

Yes, that's how it was.

Now her new stage begins, where she, without the support of girls, will fight for a "place in the sun."

She was settled in a single room, thanks to the manager, the room turned out to be overlooking the beautiful mountains, soothing. The loneliness she longed for.

A month without girls. A month with its unrequited feeling. A month to play someone else's role, put on a mask and not disgrace your name and the name of the group.

Falling asleep while hugging the plush bunny she received from Mina, Nayeon tried not to cry and not imagine what her 8 friends were doing.

Excuse me girls. Forgive me Jihyo, your shoulders will become heavy again.


In the morning, not light, not dawn woke up, without an alarm clock, which is strange for me. Jihyo and Jeongyeon would laugh out loud if they saw me standing in the bathroom this early brushing my teeth. But they are not here, so laughter can only be imagined in the head.

The clock on the phone showed: 06:10.

Before the start of the first day of filming, more precisely for the first meeting with the actors and reading their role, there was still an hour of time left. I could have been lazy, but instead I decided to go and take a walk, look around, get some fresh air (clear anxiety).

I hung the camera that Momo had given her for her last birthday around her neck, tied my hair in a ponytail, painted my lips, put on my sneakers, and left the hotel room.

The rays of the dim sun were just rising from behind the mountains, a quiet, still cool breeze, still in the morning, barely stirred the trees, and there was a smell of damp earth and grass.

I set the camera to the tops of the mountains, made a click and a beautiful picture of the landscape was preserved inside.

This is how I walked and took pictures, while my alarm clock on my phone reminded me that it was time to go to a meeting. I was already near the hotel, so I ran into the room, threw a sweater over my shoulders, changed sweatpants into trousers, took glasses, a script, threw a candy in my mouth, ran to the meeting.

I'm finally getting to know the cast.

I'll do my best girls, don't worry about your unnie!

I take a breath of fresh air, close my eyes for a second, when a sunbeam broke through the foliage, winked slyly at me, good luck, good luck!


A mounth later

The song "Stupid Heart" took first place for 7 days in a row, held positions in the rankings of all music charts, artists from other groups covered, fans admired and cheered for the girls, waiting for Nayeon's return.

Promotions for this song ended a long time ago, but many fans asked to do this or that part during the online fan meeting . Basically they asked to dance the part, "love and temptations".

The girls, of course, fulfilled the request, but when they were alone, discussing how the day went, they fell silent at that particular request, quickly moving on to other topics.

A month of work flew by, and yet, they calculated each day, noting on the calendar that hung on the refrigerator of their dorm.

The month without Nayeon was very difficult and not pleasant.

It devastated, oppressed, everyone wanted it to pass quickly.

It would be much easier if they could contact Nayeon, talk, find out how she is doing. No, do not ask why she decided to leave so suddenly. Just to hear her voice, laughter, whining, confused voice.

On stage, they shone, they led like professionals, although the fans knew how they felt.

On stage, they lived a different life.

At home, where there were only 8 of them, they spent hours talking, reminiscing, watching different videos with Nayeon. Anything to fill the void in my heart.

But today, the last day of the month, which means tomorrow, perhaps tomorrow, they will finally hear from the director:

- She's coming back.


My song was playing in the headphones, so Jihyo or Jeongyeon sang where my voice should have sounded. They did a great job, they were able to pull out that note and highlight exactly the syllable that I paid attention to when recording. 8 favorite voices. I missed them.

Yes, I was returning to the music industry, leaving behind the occasional work I worked on every 31 days of my "vacation".

I was praised.

And I'm glad that I was scolded only once, and subsequent times, they praised my acting.

If only they knew that with this script I seem to be flipping through my past memories of meeting Jihyo for the first time, our friendship, our unrequited love.

The fact that I read the script, it was rewritten, simple words seemed difficult, barely pronounceable. Every word, movement, facial expression, everything screamed about not showing true feelings.

My secret must be hidden.

I can't be shown through the screen, you don't know my fans, they will understand everything as soon as this mini-series comes out.

If the fans guess, then Jihyo will be rumored too... no, don't think about it, everything will be fine.

Jihyo won’t notice, she didn’t notice all these years, so I’m safe now.

I was informed that I would see my game on the screen only at the end of next month.

Wait, I don't understand something, hmm, it's better to ask.

- Oppa - I turned to the manager who drove me back to Seoul - when will the series premiere?

- Already forgot? he smiled kindly. – At the end of this month, 1 episode will be shown. So get ready, the fans will shower you with love and adoration.

- Oh, can I ask PD -nim for a vacation? For the days when the series will be? Although after my incident, he will refuse. Where can I hide, oppa?

- Accept the glory, you deserve it, Nayeon. I got to see a little of the footage, but what I saw, you were amazing. So get used to your role, as if you are playing yourself. I was impressed with your game.

Thank you, you're embarrassing me, but thank you. When will we be in Seoul? - changed the subject.

- Somewhere around 5 hours drive, so if you want, get some sleep. Or do you want to call the girls, I can return the phone ...

- No, it is not necessary, then when we arrive in Seoul, then you will return it. I, perhaps, will sleep, something eyes stick together.

I didn't want to sleep, but I covered them anyway, evening out my breathing, trying to focus.

Soon, very soon I will see my girls again.

They won't ask for anything, I know.

They will just hug me, and they will ask, tease, tease, it will become noisy and fun again.

And maybe if I'm lucky, instead of a plush bunny, I'll hug Jihyo in my sleep.

Although, I will be ignored, but I have 7 other girls who will gladly share the bed with me.

And in the end, Jihyo will give in. She can't be mad at me for long.

The car gently parked in front of my hostel. Leaving the cabin, picking up my luggage, saying goodbye to the manager, I slowly walked to the house. I had to carefully look under my feet, so as not to stumble anywhere. After all, it's night outside. We got stuck on the road. And instead of the evening arrived at midnight.

A month ago I left at night and a month later I returned at night.

Are the girls sleeping already? Please sleep, let's meet in the morning.

I'm scared, my heart is pounding in my chest, I'm worried.

Now I will cross the threshold of our house and quietly say:

- I'm back.

And only silence will hear me. Yes, so be it, okay?

I cross the threshold, quietly closing the doors behind me, I don’t have time to say a word, as I am tightly squeezed in the loving arms of 8 arms of my sleepless friends.

Instead of me, I hear Jihyo's voice telling me:

- Welcome back, Nayeon-unnie.

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