Interested (Nayeon/Sana)


The corner of the dimly lit club seemed to her a comfortable place from where she could calmly drink an alcoholic cocktail and watch what was happening around her.

They won’t notice her here, and if they do, they won’t approach her, thinking that she’s waiting for someone.

Perfect for her.

"Why?" - you ask, to which Im Nayeon, a 30-year-old girl, will answer with confidence in her voice:

- I do not make dates.

If you are persistent, then she will look at you arrogantly:

- I prefer to be free from obligations.

Then, squinting as if assessing you from head to toe, noting all your beauty, he will grin and raise his eyebrow coquettishly:

- If you agree to spend one night, then I don’t mind.

The whole truth is that she was abandoned many times, hurting her heart (she really didn’t understand why this happened, because she gave her partner the most tender and caring affection).

And so, having reached the age of 30, Nayeon suddenly decided to stop.

So, standing in the corner of the nightclub, almost at the very exit, Nayeon watched with a condescending smile as this or that girl tried to court her. Flirting, coquetry, ambiguous glances, how familiar everything was to her. After all, until recently I did this myself.

But not today.


Nayeon was so focused on the “flirting scene” in front of her that she didn’t immediately realize that someone was tapping her on the shoulder.

Yes, how much is possible? – Nayeon thought irritably, in the last 10 minutes (after she thought about “freedom” and “privacy”) she had been pestered by many potential girlfriends. She didn't look back, ignored them.

“Sorry, but not today,” Nayeon answered as calmly as possible, to which she received a persistent pat on the shoulder again. “I’m not interested in your proposal,” I put the last word in quotation marks.

For the third time there was not only a palm, but also a whisper near Nayeon’s ear:

“I wouldn’t bother you if you just moved away from where my umbrella is.”

What the hell is an umbrella? – Nayeon frowned, glancing down to the side until she discovered, yes, indeed, where she was propping up the wall there was a small niche reserved for umbrellas.

A feeling of awkwardness, shame, I wanted to fall into the ground.

“Sorry,” she stepped aside, praying that the light wouldn’t come on and the stranger wouldn’t see her embarrassment.

Nayeon became curious, just a little curiosity, she assured herself as she turned around and looked at the girl standing opposite her. True, in the dim room she could barely distinguish facial features and some semblance of a figure.

Suddenly, the light decided to turn on just as Nayeon was squinting at the girl, another very awkward moment.

At first, Nayeon did not understand why the light became so bright that it was blinding, but then her brain decided to remind, thus the club makes it clear to visitors that it is time to wrap up and go home.

Her had to blink my eyes several times to get used to the brightness, as soon as she somehow came to my senses, Nayeon quickly examined the stranger.

She looks 28 years old, maybe younger.

Shoulder-length dark brown hair, soft brown eyes, beautiful lips that curve slightly, forming a light, cheerful smile.

A pretty girl in a dark, tight-fitting purple button-down shirt and tight-fitting pants that just showed off her lower half in a delicious way. She mentally her lips, but skillfully hid it behind a smile.

“It’s okay,” the girl answered belatedly, lowering her gaze, taking out her umbrella from the niche and starting to leave.

Not Korean, for sure - the thought flashed through, - then where is she from? Japan? Thailand? Hm. I didn’t really hear it. So...maybe I can find out?

Perhaps Nayeon would have doubted it for a long time if the girl had not picked up an umbrella and left the club. No, it’s not even about the girl leaving, it’s about the proportions, especially the elastic buttocks in tight pants.

- Damn it. I want to touch them! – Nayeon muttered to herself, swallowing hard.

Apparently her voice was not as quiet as she thought, because the stranger looks back, crossing her gaze.

Oh, goddess!

Her eyes are so warm and inviting that Nayeon feels the first sparks of fire inside. One moment, but this was enough for Nayeon, clearing , to say:

- Leaving so soon?

Hmmm, just a brilliant trick, Nabongie – I heard a mocking thought from my best friend in my thoughts.

Unnie, I know you can do it, ” another voice, another close friend, encouraged.

Of course I can! – Nayeon thought to herself with a brave face, again voicing:

"Hey, umbrella girl, can I walk with you? " She caught up with the stranger in two steps.

Oh, damn, what the hell, Nabong, what are you doing?! – she mentally slapped her forehead, feeling the pain from the blow. “How did I even end up so close to her?” I'm never in a hurry! And now what i can do? Think, Nayeon, think!

- You're not from here, are you? – she asked the next question, which very, very confused her, but what to do with it, it had already been heard by the girl.

Just, bravo, and that's all you could come up with? Seriously? I am doomed to failure - she mentally said goodbye to the stranger.

- You're right, I'm from Japan, Osaka.

Apparently the girl just decided to feel sorry for me and answered - a thought flashed while Nayeon was trying to comprehend what was said.

She has such a y accent, alluring and inviting. “Oh, I want to hear it all the time, ” Nayeon thought dreamily, until an alarm sounded in her brain. - Wait. What am I thinking? I'm not dating! I don't need a relationship! No, no, no matter how pretty this girl is, run away from her! Let's say goodbye and that's it, your paths have diverged!" the parting speech was so convincing, it’s only a pity that it was not crowned with success when the sweet voice of a stranger sounded:

- I’ve only recently come here to visit a friend. Actually, she was the one who dragged me here, and then she left me. She wrote me a message, her address, how to get there and what the door code was. Is this what you do with your best friends? – the stranger was indignant, pouting cutely, very cutely.

Nayeon enjoyed her voice, when the Korean language mixed with Japanese, it sounded so cute that her heart skipped a beat.

“They usually don’t do this, but my friends do this to me all the time,” she allowed myself to smile, marking time.

They were silent. It seemed like there was nothing further to talk about, the stranger apparently caught the essence of what was happening and began to slowly leave.

Nayeon blankly looked at the retreating back, assuring herself that it was better this way, but why then did her legs catch up with her again, even opening the doors for her, allowing her (at a very close distance) to go out into the street first.

She smells so good!

Apparently, without realizing it, she said it out loud.

“Um...” couldn’t find an answer, Nayeon clasped her hands behind her back and looked somewhere over the top of the stranger’s head, who was looking at her with suspicion.

I don't look like myself. I literally look like a teenager trying to flirt with the opposite for the first time.

- Very interesting aroma, is this some kind of mixture?

I'm digging my own grave. She thinks I'm crazy.

- I first applied perfume with the aroma of chocolate, but it seemed too sweet to me, so I immediately perfumed myself with the aroma of vanilla, and then my friend sprayed me with just the scent of mint that she had bought. And it somehow mixed and it turned out like this,” the stranger said embarrassedly, combing a stray strand of dark hair behind her ear.

A simple gesture, but Nayeon seemed like such an exciting event, as if she was now seeing with her own eyes a scene from a movie.

I want to spend a little more time with her.

“I like it,” Nayeon nodded in confirmation. - Um...

“Sana,” she extended her hand with an expectant smile on her face, “my name is Sana.”

“Nayeon” she lightly shook hands in response, then boldly, as if the girl herself had given her permission, she continued: “So, Sana, how do you feel about drinking coffee? With me,” Nayeon added stupidly, as if someone else was standing next to them in the empty parking lot near the club.

Sana did not answer for a long time, looking carefully into the distance, as if thinking about the proposal.

Feeling that the chance was slipping away, I decided to go ahead:

- I'm not saying that now. No. We can exchange numbers, tomorrow morning or noon, call and meet. Just one coffee meeting,” Nayeon quickly spoke up, worried that Sana might refuse.

She may be stupid Nabongie. She could have a girlfriend or even be straight! How stupid to disgrace yourself, how stupid! That’s it, there’s no turning back, all that’s left is to wait for her polite refusal!

“Yes,” she whispered shyly, but the voices in her head were louder than her whisper, so it didn’t immediately reach Nayeon.

And when it came:

- Did you just agree? - pointing to herself as her mind processed the new information from Sana's flirtatious voice.

Yes, does she agree?

Yes, are you stupid, Nayeon?

Yes, I have a girlfriend?

Yes, let's do it tomorrow morning or...

- Yes, I'll have coffee with you, Nayeon.

Nayeon smiled the happiest smile on her face, where even her eyes turn into a crescent moon.

Sana just said yes! Yes, my invitation to coffee! We' Tomorrow?

The delight went away, a new anxiety appeared.

Someone for whom a relationship is not necessary should worry so much about what the girl she met at the club said? You said that...ah, leave your conscience alone, what was said then does not matter now. I was very interested in Sana.

- Can you clarify if we are going to drink coffee now or tomorrow?

Now, please, Sana, tell me now - Nayeon mentally begged.

- Now and maybe tomorrow. I agree to drink coffee more than once. With you,” Sana giggled in response, deliberately emphasizing the word.

Her laughter warmed, melted, and lit more sparkles in my heart.

- Then, am I getting the car? -pointing somewhere it’s not clear where, seeing her nod, her gaze shining with intrigue. - I'll quickly go there and back. Don't go, I'm coming now!

The return back to the club was delayed, firstly because Nayeon forgot where she parked her car. Secondly, the engine was acting up, and only on the 5th attempt did the car start. And third, she to the wrong side of the road!

In total, the time before returning to Sany took 15 minutes plus.

Nayeon no longer hoped to see Sana waiting near the club. Calling herself the worst names, she drove up to the club, slowed down, got out and began to look around.

Of course, there is no one. Empty.

“I missed this opportunity,” Nayeon said bitterly, ready to go to the car and go home when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Not believing what was happening, with her heart beating loudly in her chest, Nayeon slowly turned back.

"Let's reschedule coffee until tomorrow morning."

Yes, Nayeon, you ruined everything.

- Now I want to have a snack. We went to a diner, it’s located next to the house where a friend lives. The food there is very tasty,” Sana continued with a smile, pronouncing certain words incorrectly, but Nayeon didn’t care at all.

Sana is here, she agrees not only to coffee, but also to dinner, maybe even breakfast. And if you're lucky, will their fleeting meeting become a real relationship?

Why not? – Nayeon winked at the readers, opening the doors of her car for Sana, sitting in the driver’s seat, and driving off into the sunset with the wind.

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