Number one! (MiNayeon)


It was hopeless from the start, but Nayeon won't admit it to anyone, and it's not because her confidence is shaken, no, it's just that if you admit defeat, then you've lost. Nayeon didn't like to lose. This run was a small obstacle to the goal.

The goal is to win the race.

And even if it's just a race in the school sports festival, but all classes are fighting for the prize.

The prize is the recognition of everyone and getting additional points.

Although, for Nayeon, the prize is quite another thing - to muster up the courage and invite the captain of the parallel class, Miyu Mina, on a date.

She has been in love with her since the day the girl moved from another city.

She admired her from afar, secretly gave her every little thing, secretly wrote love letters.

Her best, bosom friends cheered her on, encouraged her to muster up the courage to talk to her in person.

But as soon as she left the classroom, walked down the corridor and stopped in front of the right class, and saw Mina sitting near the window, all her courage disappeared.

Her body froze near the window, her heart began to beat loudly in her ears and all the rehearsed words disappeared in her head.

She left before the girl or any of her friends noticed her.

But today, today everything will be different!

Today it is a deal, or rather a dispute, and even more precisely:

If you don't talk to her today, you'll miss your chance!

- Yes, Nabong, you should step up and talk to her! Be brave, you can!

- I heard a conversation, today after the festival, someone confesses to her. And since Mina is free, then everything is possible, she can answer with consent.

Yes, that's exactly what became the decisive point.

- I'll be the first to confess! – with all determination, Nayeon answered, shaking the air with her fists. “Today or never!”

So when the question was asked:

- Who wants to be a captain?

Nayeon, knowing full well that Mina would definitely not miss this race, because she is the captain of her class, confidently raised her hand:

- I!

No one objected, everyone, on the contrary, sighed freely.

And it does not matter that their captain is not the best among runners, who, even in physical education, can barely withstand one lap around the stadium.

It doesn't matter, to be honest, the class didn't want to participate in the race at all, but it was a condition for holding their Meow Yum Café in a Kopley ero manga cat costume .

And so, in sportswear, with a blue bandage on her forehead, holding a wand in her hands, she was preparing for the start. She glanced nervously at her rivals, but Mina was nowhere to be found. Instead of Mina, Momo was going to run, then Sana and on the last lap Dahyun.

Why isn't Mina here? Where is she? Nayeon wondered until the warning whistle blew for the start.

Nayeon, as befits an athlete, looked at the judge and her jaw dropped, literally.

Miyu Mina in cute shorts, a sleeveless t-shirt, a whistle around her neck. Her golden hair shone like a halo in the sunlight. She was like an angel descended from heaven.

A beep sounded, then "Go!" and all the runners rushed along the path.

Everyone, including Nayeon.

With only one difference.

She ran to the judge, got down on one knee, folded her hands on her chest, said passionately, looking at the surprised Mina:

-I Im Nayeon take you as Miyu Mina’s wife, I promise to cherish you all my life.

A minute after not waiting for a response from the girl, Nayeon continued:

- If I win the race, will you kiss me?

-Uh, I’m sorry, but you lost, - Mina smiled, slowly starting to blush from what she had heard earlier, when the meaning of the girl’s words came to her.

-This race is not the only one, I have two more attempts, - Nayeon said smugly, without losing any of her bravado and courage.

- If you win, we'll see - Mina said evasively shyly, moving away from her, looking around with curiosity at a strange girl who, after her words, jumped up and began to dance strange dances.

Now the second race, Nayeon is ready to fight to the end, she is determined to win. She stands in front of her class, her hands on her hips, in all seriousness she makes a speech:

- I need this win, I was promised a kiss, and I want to get it. If you help me win, dinner is all mine. Deal? - she extended her hand, the rest eagerly (everyone wanted to eat for free) crossed with her.

JiHyo, her true friend, friend in all crime, along with Jeongyeon, the same reckless friend, looked with disbelief as Nayeon stretched out in front of them. Before that, they listened to a fiery speech for the class, realizing that no victory shines for them. And even before the fiery speech, they heard the most hopeless declaration of love. Well, who first says that he "wants to get married", and then asks for "a kiss"? Isn't it the other way around?

Now, everyone knew perfectly well that Nayeon was not an athlete, but everyone wanted to believe that she was.

- Are you serious about running, Nayeon-unnie? - JiHyo asked while massaging her shoulders.

- Yes, JiHyo, I’ve made up my mind - smiling sweetly at her other friend, Jeongyeon, as she handed her a bottle of cool water. - Thank you, you better tell me why it's so hot today?

- The temperature is quite normal, Nabong, it’s just you being nervous. - Taking a towel and starting to fan her older friend’s sweaty face with it, Jeongyeon said. - Maybe you will refuse? If you want to participate so much, then run last. Save your strength, let the others show themselves. At least you won't get hurt like that, unnie.

-They will show themselves at the finish line, - Nayeon waved absently, her attention now focused on Mina, who was just passing at a very close distance from them, talking to Chaeyoung, the best runner, not only in the class, but also in the school. They had a cute chat, very cute according to Nayeon. - I have to run now to get Mina's attention.

- You'll definitely draw attention to yourself, - both girls muttered, looking at each other uneasily. - Run as usual, you don’t need to set world records, - they tried to reason with their friend when the whistle sounded for the start of the steeplechase competition.

- Attention, take your seats! 5 minutes before the start!

- So, where is my team - jumped to their feet, looking around and beckoning the participants in the race: - You remember what to do. Think about free food while you run.

- We will do what is necessary, Nayeon, the main thing is that you do not do stupid things - patting on the shoulder, they said, walking towards the stadium, taking their places.

- Raise your legs higher and immediately jump - JiHyo and Jeongyeon advised her, seeing her friend to the start.

- I will do what I need to do, - Nayeon said confidently and with bravado, smiling, waved her hand and jogged to the start of the race.

True, she almost tripped over her own feet when she saw Chaeyoung standing next to Mina again.

She stared intently right up to the moment when Chaeyoung said goodbye to the girl and kissed her on the cheek. Mina blushed, looked away and their eyes met. Mina blushed even deeper, then shook her head and pointed the word "no" with her fingers.

I will win, I have to win against Chaeyoung! Mina, watch carefully, I'll show you how much better I am than Chaeyoung!

- You have no chance of beating me, Nayeon-unnie, - Chaeyoung chuckled as she stood to her side, getting ready. Mina will be mine.

- There will always be someone who will beat you, Chaeyoung. - Nayeon responded to the sneer, showing her wide smile, then fully focused, becoming serious.


Nayeon tried, really tried to show herself in all her athletic glory, but…

Everyone who was on the podium, everyone who ran next to her, everyone who led this race, even Mina (she remembered this with an accuracy of 100%, however, if she had been more attentive, she would have noticed that Mina was not laughing , she looked worriedly in her direction) - they all laughed.

Laughed at her.

It was an outburst of laughter, loud and clear and bitter.

JiHyo, Jeongyeon are the only ones who didn't laugh, they helped their girlfriend to get up, helped her to leave the field, shielding her from mocking eyes.

She walked straight, never showing how much pain she was in, there was a smile on her lips, but as soon as she disappeared, the smile subsided and instead of skillful laughter came a sob:

- It hurts so much, it hurts so much, I'm afraid to look

-Shh, unnie, it’s okay, it’s okay, - squatting down next to the crying girl, Jeongyeon reassured her, carefully examining if there were cuts anywhere, but apart from a bruise, not a single scratch.

- It’s just an unfortunate fall, it’s just that you strained your muscles on your legs too much, that’s why everything turned out like this, - JiHyo whispered, holding her in her soothing arms, her head, her back.

-Yes, I’m not crying about that, - Nayeon sobbed into her shoulder, moving away to look into her friend’s eyes, she puffed out her lips in an offended way, - I lost this battle with Chaeyoung! Now Mina won't kiss me for sure!

- You didn't lose, Nayeon-unni, you have another chance to win! There is one more race left, the relay race.

- And how can I win when I can't even get up without your help? – Nayeon’s voice sounded tearfully, once again diving into JiHyo’s comforting embrace, absorbing the love and care of Jeongyeon, who hugged her from behind.

- You will get up and run, because you are Im Nayeon, who is full of ambition and self-confidence! – ardently disagreed with the words of JiHyo.

Exactly, you never lose! Get up!

- But…

- Im Nayeon, get up, show what you can do! - the girlfriends did not give up, encouraging not only with words, but also with actions, helping the girl to her feet, trying to take a couple of small steps around the locker room, showing her that not everything is lost.

- Everything went away for me - Nayeon whispered in surprise, then raised her hands up, shouted: - Nothing hurts me!!! Yes! You are right girls! There is one more race, and I will definitely win it!

- That's the mood, we like you like that, unni. Yes, you can, you will win! they chanted to her as they left the locker room, heading back to the stadium.

They were so engrossed in their shouting for victory that they walked past Mina and Chaeyoung, who were standing outside the same locker room, not daring to go inside.

- See, I told you she was fine. And what did you find in her, Minari? Better pay attention to me, you know, I’m ready for anything for you, - Chaeyoung flirted, imperceptibly approaching the girl who followed the retreating backs of the three girls with a soft look.

-Powder brains to someone else, Chaeyoung, your charms no longer work on me, - Mina said, stepping back in time, hurriedly walking in the same direction as Nayeon and her friends. - Once I believed you that you were ready to do anything for me until the choice presented itself. Me or your career. You didn't choose me.

- Okay, okay, why so abruptly - raised her hands in the air, surrendering - I'm just kidding. I still don't understand why Im Nayeon? She is hopeless in terms of sports, she will never win the competition.

-There is a reason for that, and you are not the person I would like to discuss this with, Chaeyoung. Now excuse me, I have to go.

The second time that day Nayeon saw them together, she did not like it, but she could not do anything. So far, I couldn't.

Why can't I do something? I can and will do it now - I resolutely went to Mina, who held the post of judge.

- Hello - all the courage left, as soon as she was next to her.

- Hi, - Mina replied, combing her hair back as she adjusted the whistle strap around her neck.

- Do you remember your promise? - Nervously scratched her hand, Nayeon began to shift awkwardly next to her.

- I remember I told you 'we'll see', - Mina smiled shyly, putting her hands behind her back and crossing her fingers.

- I will definitely win this race, Mina. Look at me, Nayeon said bravely, showing all her confidence.

- Good luck and be careful this time, - Mina said softly, tilting her head slightly to the side, looking at the head coach, who was showing her signs for the start of the competition.

- Ah, the Angel himself in the face of Miyu Mina wished me good luck! - theatrically put her hands on her heart, her eyes raised up to the sky, Nayeon again knelt down. - Who am I to lose after these words!

- You're awesome, Nayeon, - Mina let out a chuckle, not hiding the glint of amusement in her eyes as she looked at the girl on her knees. - Be careful around corners, don’t forget to watch your step, and please don’t get distracted by me. Just run - put her hand on the girl's shoulders, patting them hesitantly.

- I'll be distracted by you after, during the dinner, which you agree to go to - cheekily winked at the blushing girl, then sent a kiss and ran to her friends in a jump. - JiHyo, Jeongyeon, did you see?! I just flirted with Mina! And she responded to my flirting! - Nayeon reported to them very loudly, besides them, Mina and those who were nearby heard.

- Now you have only one thing left - victory! So that your achievements for today are not in vain! Come on, unnie, you can do it!


It was hopeless from the start, from the minute she accepted being the captain and leading her class to victory during the relay. She did not like running, because he always brought her only bruises and wounds all over her body. She didn't like wasting her energy on running. And now, look at her now, running as fast as she can, catching up with her rivals only to get her prize at the end of the finish line. Her rivals are faster, they do not give her a chance to taste the victory, but Nayeon tries.

Lim Nayeon had already overcome her limit, her leg muscles were aching from exertion, her breathing had long been stuttered, and a veil of yellow dots stood in front of her eyes. She was near fainting when she passed the flag to the second runner in her class. She did not see or hear what was happening next, she simply dragged herself to the nearest wall, sat down, closed her eyes, plunging into her world of peace and quiet.

I woke up with a whistle.

She blinked.


Then she looked around and opened by itself when she felt an unknown load on her neck, she looked at the hanging bronze medal in disbelief.

All the runners from the class crowded around her, they shouted her name, praised her for her efforts, and none of them were upset that they took only third place.

The question of who won the first place was on the tongue, but it fell away by itself when Chaeyoung majestically walked past them with the rest of the team of the parallel class, carrying a golden cup.

- We already knew that we would not win, but no one expected that we would take third place at all. Chaeyoung is a strong opponent, Nayeon-unnie, but you gave her a hard time, making her nervous.

-Yes, Nabong, - Jeongyeon picked up, sitting down next to her on the ground, - we have never seen you run so fast! What do you want, our captain?

-I have no strength at all, - Nayeon breathed. - I want meat, lots and lots of meat, and after that I want to go to karaoke and scream to my heart's content.

- So what are we waiting for, let's go celebrate our bronze! - the whole class laughing picked her up and carried her out of the stadium, shouting: - Our captain is the best!

They almost carried her to school when JiHyo saw a very familiar figure.


The girl stood modestly near the doors of the school, looking in their direction, but not daring to approach them.

-Nayeon, - she called softly, pointing at Mina.

- Oh, I see, I understand, captain - the others laughed, putting the girl on the ground, and then retreated from sight as quickly as possible.

Both girls stood shifting, both shy, both indecisive.

- I lost, which means that you will not agree to go to dinner with me, - Nayeon took the first word, sadly looking at the girl. - I don’t need to personally report this, and it’s so clear.

- Where… - Mina began softly, -where did your confidence go, Im Nayeon? – Nervously clasping her hands behind her back, she asked, taking a small step closer. - Why are you so sure you lost?

- Well…um…because that’s how it is. - She scratched under her ear with her index finger, Nayeon sighed, boldly met Mina’s gaze. - But, you're right, it doesn't look like me. Miyu Mina, I do not go back on my words. I ask again, will you go on a date with me?

- Nayeon-unnie, close your eyes, - Mina asked, taking another small step forward, mustering all the courage in her chest to do some of the things she promised earlier.

- Ah… it will be easier for you to refuse me…

- No, this is to make it easier to do this - she stood up on her toes (although they were almost the same height) Mina kissed her lightly on the cheek.

- Mina ... you ... - a shocked face, in the eyes of disbelief and expectation, - but ...

- You've always been number one for me, Nayeon-chan. And yes, I agree to go on a date with you.

That soft "chan" that Mina said made something click in Nayeon's mind.

A picture flashed before my eyes:

A girl of 12 years old, black hair, dances in front of her the learned steps for the black swan...

…with a gooey smile on his lips, giggling, dodging her face as she tries to count the moles.

... holds her hands, cries, her broken voice tries to say the right words, but says half of them in Japanese:

- I will never forget you, Nayeon-chan. Please don't forget me too. You are always my number one!

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