
Temporarily Yours

VIII. Collide


For the past week or so, Joy has been vigilant. Eyes like a hawk. Ears like a bat.


This contract between Seulgi and Irene is just something she can’t let go of. Why? Well, she can’t quite put her finger on it. A feeling is all it is really. A sort of unsettling feeling deep down at the pit of her stomach. Perhaps she’s simply paranoid. When it came to matters concerning Seulgi, she often was.

But truth be told, Joy doesn’t know Irene that well and in turn, she doesn’t quite trust the girl. And maybe that’s the source of her uneasiness? Or is it Seulgi who she has a hard time believing?


Seulgi’s words echo in her head.


I do what I want simply because I want to. Don’t go looking for some kind of deeper meaning when it doesn’t exist.


So she says, Joy thinks to herself.


Looking across the lunchroom over at the table in the far off corner, Joy stares and ponders, observing a certain couple. A smile present on both of their lips. Seulgi leans forward to say something, eyes twinkling playfully. And Irene shakes her head, laughing happily. If Joy didn’t know the truth, they probably would have had her fooled.


Kang Seulgi. Her oldest and closest friend. A star pretender. Her act was certainly convincing enough.




How long will it last?


“Hey, Joy! Joy?” Sungjae calls. “Helloooo.”


The girl tears her gaze away, attention refocusing on the boy beside her. A look of stark annoyance in his eyes, he glares at her. Joy’s expression contorts to mirror his.


“What?” she practically snaps at him. She really didn’t like the grimace he wore. For what reason did he have to seem so bothered?


He blinks, clearly taken aback for a moment.


What?” Sungjae repeats questioningly. “What do you mean, ‘what’? Are you actually going to enjoy lunch with the rest of us,” he scoffs, chin pointing at their friends sitting with them, “or just keep staring across the room, huh?”


Joy’s eyes narrow at him, obviously not caring for his hostile tone. Sungjae had been whining an awful lot lately. Most likely from the lack of attention she’d been giving him, she assumes. She rolls her eyes. It didn’t matter. Whatever the reason, it certainly wasn’t cute.


“Whatever,” Joy says with the click of her tongue before popping a chip into and brushing her boyfriend off.




“What is this?” Seulgi asks, lifting the small container to her face. She rotates it in her hands as if it were a puzzle to be solved, eyes intensely scrutinizing it.


“What are you doing?” Irene giggles at the sight. “Just open it.”


The smallest smirk plays at the corner of Seulgi’s lips. She arches a brow, setting the container down and then, with exaggerated caution, she pries off the lid. Looking somewhat bewildered, Seulgi tilts her head to the side.


“It’s food,” she says, sounding almost suspicious.


Of course it was food. What exactly did she expect? And Irene remembers that Seulgi could be rather odd at times. A characteristic she nearly forgot after becoming more accustomed to the heartthrob.


“Yeah, for you,” Irene smiles, passing Seulgi her extra plastic fork.


She spent last night preparing the meal. Just a simple lunch. Some rice, pork, broccoli, onions, and the like. It wasn’t much but it was leagues better than what Seulgi ate on a day to day basis, which was barely anything. It was worrying--extremely worrying and a small miracle that the girl has yet to collapse. And so, Irene decided to take matters into her own hands--to make a simple lunch for Seulgi every day from now on.


After all, it’s the least she could do given everything Seulgi has done for her until now.


“Honestly,” Irene heavily sighs as she gives Seulgi some spare napkins as well, recalling how messy the girl could be, “considering the upcoming track meet and how often you’ve been practicing for it, you should be eating more, Seulgi.”


Silence. The heartthrob stares at her meal. Nose scrunching. Eyebrows knitting together. And Irene sees something she’s never quite seen before, a frown present on Seulgi’s lips. Not just a tiny tug, the kind that can be easily overlooked. But a deep, deep frown, as if she were visibly hurt somehow.


“But there’s vegetables,” Seulgi grumbles childishly. With her fork, she proceeds to separate the vegetables from the rest of her food. Gathering it all up on the right side of the container, leaving the meat and rice on the left. “I don’t like vegetables.”


For the second time, in the span of less than five minutes, Irene once again remembers how odd Seulgi is.


She places her hand on top of Seulgi’s, preventing her from filtering her food any further. Seulgi barely ate enough as it is. Now, to be picky on top of that? Absurd.


Irene shakes her head, “You have to eat it.”


The heartthrob drops her fork and sets the container down. Her eyes drift upward to meet Irene’s.


“Didn’t you hear me, babe?” Seulgi attempts to smirk, but twitches ever so slightly. “I don’t like vegetables.”


Irene raises a brow, surprised at Seulgi’s passionate dislike. But Irene isn’t having it. And like a mother scolding her child, she says, “And didn’t you hear me? You have to eat it.”


It’s a standstill. Gazes battling it out with only one true way to resolve this squabble. Neither speaks any further. Instead, they put their fists forward on top of the table. It’s a habit they’ve gotten used to.










Rock for Irene. Scissors for Seulgi. The latter slumps in her chair, crestfallen from her defeat. A victorious smile spreads across Irene’s face as she cradles her head within her hands, leaning forward on the table. With her attention solely focused on Seulgi, she watches in anticipation.


“Come on,” she sings. “I’m waiting.”


Seulgi’s eyes flicker to her, then down at her food. She softly slaps her cheeks. Readying herself. Fork slightly trembling, she stabs into a piece of broccoli and lifts it to her face. An audible gulp. The entire sight is ridiculous. All Seulgi has to do is eat some greens and here she was, treating it like some sort of punishment. Irene tries to keep quiet but it’s becoming harder and harder to stifle the laughter threatening to erupt.


A deep breath through her nostrils, Seulgi bites the bullet and shoves the piece of broccoli in before she could hesitate anymore. Immediately upon contact, she nearly gags. Jaw hanging, struggling to chew as if it were the most vile thing she had ever eaten. Irene gives a round of applause.


“Do my eyes deceive me or is Kang Seulgi--”


“--actually eating broccoli?”


“How?” Mark and Johnny finish in unison, plopping down at the lunch table, both equally astonished.


“I told her to,” Irene grins proudly. More like forced rather than told but between her and Seulgi, it was more or less the same.


“It’s a miracle,” Mark utters, wiping an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye.


Johnny joins in on the dramatics as well. Clasping his hands in prayer, he looks up at the ceiling, peering into the heavens to give thanks.


“It’s a blessing.”


And Seulgi coughs on the remaining bits of broccoli still lingering in . She leers at her two friends, “Shut up before I spit this out.”


Despite her threats, the miserable sight of her causes the two boys to laugh. Even Irene herself begins to chuckle. One had to admit, seeing Kang Seulgi reduced to such a state by a mere vegetable was utterly ridiculous and completely entertaining.


The teasing persists as Mark and Johnny continue to mess with Seulgi, provoking and taunting her. The girl scoffs at the fact that they would dare try and playfully lunges at them with her plastic fork. They yelp and dodge and soon, Seulgi begins to cackle along with them.


But there’s another roar of laughter resounding from the other end of the lunch room that catches Irene’s attention. A laugh she’d recognize anywhere. One that she shouldn’t even pay attention to. Yet, she can’t stop herself.




She feels she hasn’t heard his voice in ages. He was smiling from ear to ear. Shoulders shaking with each chuckle and his right arm slung across Krystal’s shoulders. They seemed to be having fun--Minho, Krystal, and all their friends.


For a brief moment, it reminds her of what used to be. Memories stir and bubble at the forefront of her mind. And it seems like only yesterday, she was holding his hand. But no, she hasn’t felt the warmth of his skin in weeks. Hasn’t heard the sound of his voice in days. And yet, she recalls it all so vividly. All so very clearly.


The aching empty void. The clawing in her chest. Heavy lungs and suffocation. The feeling of being broken--she feels it still.


It hurts.


But the fascinating thing is, this time, it hurts less.




A familiar voice drags her back to reality and Irene blinks to find Seulgi is no longer sitting beside her but across from her. Directly in her line of sight of Minho. Wearing a hardened look, appearing unusually serious, she stares straight at Irene.


Seulgi slides the container of food towards her. The latter blinks at her quizzically.


“I can’t force myself to eat it. You have to feed me,” Seulgi simply says, refusing to let Irene look anywhere else but at her.


The reasoning is laughable. The request even more so coming from Seulgi. But the warm glow in her eyes show her true intentions. They speak to Irene. Asking if she’s okay. Telling her not to give Minho any attention. Commanding her to only focus on Seulgi--her comfort and distraction.


She wonders how pitiful the look on her face was for Seulgi to notice.


Kang Seulgi. The name repeats in Irene’s head. A small curve makes its way to her lips.


She picks up her fork, stabs a small piece of broccoli, and leans in to feed Seulgi. This time, the heartthrob doesn’t hesitate when biting into the vegetable. She barely flinches. With her gaze still fixated on Irene, she smirks.


And Irene finds herself grinning wider as well.


Then, with a whisper just loud enough for the heartthrob to hear, Irene says, “Thanks, Seulgi.”


“Ooooooooh!” the two boys howl, swooning in their seats.


The reaction elicits a few shy giggles from Irene and without even glancing at them, Seulgi throws a couple of napkins at their faces.




“So it looks like almost everything is settled. Wendy, make sure you copy this all down and I’ll discuss it with the school staff. If all goes well, our class trip should be in 2-3 months from now,” Seohyun says, examining the board once more. Skimming the details. She nods thoughtfully to herself before turning around to address the rest of the student council. “Thanks everyone. This meeting is now concluded.”


Diligently, Wendy neatly transcribes everything into her notebook for now. Postponing the formal write up for later tonight as she plans to get little to no sleep. With all of her student council duties, tutoring, and, not to mention her ever increasing mountain of assignments, she had little time to relax let alone sleep.


She nibbles the cap of her pen as she double checks the board and her notebook. Perfect.


Suddenly, a loud creak echoes from the chair in front of her. As she closes her notebook, Wendy looks up to see Yeri smiling at her curiously, already smelling of mischief.


“Skipping with Seulgi?” Yeri wiggles her eyebrows. “Sounds romantic.”


Initially confused, Wendy blinks at her but then her mood sours realizing just what Yeri was referring to. How the girl found out or who she heard from, Wendy could only guess.


Even she herself had no idea about Irene’s escapade with Seulgi last week until she practically badgered her best friend. Telling her she couldn’t find her during the time. Texting her, asking where she was, only to be ignored. The next day, Irene finally spilled the beans and apologized for worrying Wendy, simply saying that she and Seulgi ditched school for a little fun. Needless to say, Wendy was surprised.


“Romantic?” Wendy scoffs, packing her things a little more roughly than needed. “More like irresponsible.”


Yeri narrows her eyes and whistles.


“Wow, sounding a little bitter there, Wendy. Any particular reason for why you hate Seulgi?”


Hate? Wendy repeats in her head, slowly zipping up her bag. That was a strong word. It was undeniable that she disliked Seulgi to a rather large degree. Just imagining her face was enough to make her scowl. But it was more for her reputation than anything else that Wendy couldn’t overlook.


“I don’t hate her,” the Vice President clarifies, meeting Yeri’s stare. “I’m just wary of her. She’s trouble. Irene doesn’t need trouble.”


The treasurer hums in affirmation. Lips pursing together before she asks another question with a loud pop.


“And what if Irene wants trouble?”


Wendy’s brows knit together, “What are you talking about?”


A casual shrug. Yeri stands from her seat, shoving her hands into the pockets of her uniform blazer.


“Nothing. I’m just thinking out loud. That’s it.” Tucking her hair behind her ear, Yeri smiles. “I mean, sometimes it’s fun to be a little reckless.”


Wendy shakes her head but it stays in her mind.






“So you want to go out tonight? Maybe watch a movie or something?” Sungjae suggests, leaning lazily against the lockers. His fingers playing with his bangs that seemed to have grown too long, well past his eyebrows and nearly touching his eyes.


Classes would resume soon with lunch ending in a little under five minutes. Joy idly switches out her books. Grabs a tattered notebook, her pencil pouch, and a small box of peppero that she’d been saving as an afternoon snack.


“Not really,” Joy sighs, still fiddling about inside her locker. “I’ve got a neglected paper to write, so just drop me off at Seulgi’s--”


“Seulgi’s?!” Sungjae cuts her off, practically shoving himself off of the lockers. Voice spiteful. Eyes flashing red, angry. The echo of metal rings down the hall. “Again?” he hisses.


Everything freezes in heavy silence. Joy shuts her locker and takes in the sight of him. She’d never seen him so irritated. Honestly, it was both appalling and embarrassing. She shakes her head, sweeps her hair out of her face, and gives him an indignant look.


“What’s up with you?”


“You’re really going to ask that question?” he sneers, cheeks beginning to flush. Temper flaring. “You know, ever since you came back you’ve spent more time with Seulgi than you have with me.”


So that was the issue. A rather sorry excuse to get worked up in Joy’s opinion. And definitely not something worth yelling over in the halls as the class bell rings and students begin to trickle in.


She rolls her eyes, growing increasingly annoyed at Sungjae’s behavior.


“I don’t see how that’s a problem. I want to hang out at Seulgi’s tonight so I’m going to. Stop acting like some baby craving for attention.”


A loud crash. His fist hits the locker. But the action has no effect as Joy stares at him with dead eyes. Not caring for the way he trembles angrily. Or how the left corner of his lip twitches.


“Joy, I’m your boyfriend,” he says as if it were the only explanation she needs. Enough to diffuse any arguments or rebuttals. Enough of a reason to clarify why he was right and she was wrong. There’s just one complication with that line of thinking.


Joy doesn’t care.


“So that’s the problem? Fine, let’s fix that,” she nods in understanding and then narrows her eyes, making sure Sungjae doesn’t miss a beat. “We’re done.”


Seulgi was right. Her relationships were always short-lived.




“What’s going on?” Irene mutters curiously as they reach a blockade of students in the hall.


They were huddled all around. Bouncing on their toes and bobbing their heads for a better look. But amidst the disarray, two distinct voices boomed over all the rest. A voice that made Seulgi’s eyes go wide beside her and push into the crowd. Irene immediately follows.


“What do you mean we’re done?!”


“As in, you’re not my boyfriend anymore!”


“So you’re just tossing me aside like crap?!”


“Yeah because guess what, I don’t put up with whiny s!”


“Everyone was right! You really are a ing --”


“What’d you say?” Seulgi shouts as they break through into the center where a boy and girl stood. Irene hides in the shadow of the taller girl, just peering over her shoulder. She then recognizes the two people--Joy and Sungjae.


A creepy smirk spreads across Sungjae’s face. Clearly amused for whatever reason--amused and angry. The kind of combination that spelled trouble and Irene could feel a coldness run through her.


“Look who it is,” Sungjae raises his arms as if welcoming Seulgi to the stage. He laughs to himself, shaking his head, rolling his eyes. Teetering on the edge of an outburst. “Of course you would pop up!”


Joy turns around, surprised to see them. She puts her hand out signalling not to come closer.


“Seulgi, it’s fine,” Joy reassures. “Don’t worry about it.”


But from the way Seulgi’s back stiffens, she wasn’t having it.


“Definitely doesn’t look fine,” Seulgi scoffs, not the least bit convinced. “What’s going on?”


Sungjae ruffles his hair and points, practically jabbing his finger at Seulgi from afar, “It’s none of your business.”


The voices surrounding them grow louder. More students crowding to see. Ready for a fight to breakout, hoping for it. Irene looks around nervously. She wants to reach out to Seulgi, calm things down, but the heartthrob steps forward in between Joy and Sungjae, unwavering.


“You know what, how about you just shut your mouth and leave Joy alone,” Seulgi orders, hiding the anger in her voice as best as she could. But Irene picks up on it and she knows it’s too late. “From what I can tell, she doesn’t want to deal with you anymore.”


Something snaps and it’s the last straw. His eyes flicker, dark and furious. Sungjae closes the distance, roughly pushing Seulgi by the shoulder but when the latter refuses to budge, he cackles mockingly.


“Do you have a thing for Joy, is that it?” he spits out venomously. Lowering his face to the same level as Seulgi. His haughty smirk daring her. For an instant, Irene catches his eyes glance over to her and he his lips. “Oh I know, you must love leftovers. First Minho’s girl and now mine. Never knew you were into sloppy seconds--”


And the sound is like a crack of thunder as Seulgi’s fist connects with Sungjae’s jaw, causing him to fumble backwards a step or two. All talking stops and Sungjae charges forward, throwing a punch. But Seulgi is quick and manages to avoid it.


“Seulgi!” Both Joy and Irene shout.


But it’s a mess of punches and shoving. The crowd watches intently, egging them on. Adjusting the circle around the two, allowing them to fight feely. Seulgi’s fast, faster than Irene thought and more trained than expected as she nimbly moves about, avoiding all of Sungjae’s attacks and then countering with a few body shots. Still, Sungjae doesn’t fall. He doesn’t slow down and continues to lunge at the girl. Eventually, a punch lands, striking Seulgi’s left cheek, causing her to stagger.


“Stop!” Joy yells and she tries to run over but Sungjae shoves her away.


The heartthrob recovers quickly, putting her fists up.


“Come on, Kang!” Sungjae taunts and they go at it again.


Irene’s hands clamp together nervously. She has to do something. Anything to help Seulgi. And when she sees a familiar face weave past the crowd and into the center of the commotion, she immediately grabs him.


“Minho! You have to stop them!” she pleads frantically. “I--” There’s a loud metal boom and she turns around to see Sungjae and Seulgi gripping each other by the collar, grappling against the lockers. “Please! Help Seulgi!” Her voice cracks and she can feel herself shaking.


Maybe she shouldn’t be asking him. Maybe it wasn’t smart. But at this moment, who else was there to turn to?


Without a word, his actions answer her desperate cries as he jumps into the fray. Minho forces himself between the two, tearing them apart. A mess of limbs all fighting until finally they separate. But neither are ready to back down. Minho struggles to restrain Sungjae.


“Cut it out, Sungjae! It’s done!”


Seulgi pushes herself off the lockers, steps forward, but just as she does, Sungjae breaks free of Minho. Like a bull seeing red, he barrels into her and they fall to the ground. Quickly, Minho locks Sungjae’s arms in a hold to prevent him from striking anymore. Then suddenly, a sharp whistle pierces their ears and the crowd begins to disperse.


Irene finally breathes, not realizing she’d been holding her breath.


“What’s going on here?!” The Principal yells, demanding an answer as he approached.


“Choi Minho! Yook Sungjae! Break it up--Kang Seulgi?! You too?!” Coach Kim shouts.


Minho rises to his feet, bringing Sungjae up with him. On the other hand, Coach Kim helps Seulgi up, shooting her a disapproving look. She merely casts her eyes away and clicks her tongue. An awkward hush falls over them as everyone around ran for class, leaving only Sungjae, Seulgi, Minho, Joy, Irene, and Krystal--who Irene didn’t even notice until now.


Principal Jung glares at each and everyone of them. He points three fingers out, marking the participants of the earlier fight as his targets.


“My office. Now,” he orders.


Unexpectedly, Coach Kim speaks up and bows before Principal Jung.


“Sir, please allow me to talk to Seulgi first,” he humbly requests. Irene catches the surprised look on Seulgi’s face. Though, the Principal himself didn’t seem all that shocked.


“Fine, I’ll deal with these two for the moment then but send Seulgi over as soon as you’re done speaking. Disciplinary action will be taken,” he declares and then motions for the two boys to follow. But before he turns on his heel, he narrows his eyes at the rest of them. “As for you three, get to class.”


Coach Kim passes a disappointed look to Seulgi but the latter shrugs it off. He pats her shoulder twice before they begin to walk down the other end of the hall. On the other hand, Principal Jung, Minho, and Sungjae were already turning the corner towards the faculty offices.


Krystal is the first to break the silence among the three girls who remain, “How much trouble do you think they’re going to be in?”


Joy rubs her arm and Irene notices the fresh bruise on her elbow. Her fingers run over it gingerly. Must have happened when Sungjae pushed her away.


“Minho, not so much since he was just trying to stop it,” Joy answers matter-of-factly. “But Seulgi and Sungjae,” she takes in a deep breath. “They’ll probably get suspended from school and any club activities.”


Club activities?

“But Seulgi has a track meet coming up,” Irene exclaims.


They’d been practicing nearly everyday in preparation. If all of that was for naught, if Seulgi’s forbidden to participate--Irene frowns. And Joy becomes just as crestfallen.


“That’s probably why Coach Kim wants to talk to her first,” Joy sighs and then bites her lip. “Looks like she’ll be missing it.”




Five minutes to talk is what Irene requested, claiming it was urgent enough to warrant meeting up immediately during class. It was definitely odd but Wendy always obliged her best friend. And so, Wendy made the excuse of needing to go the bathroom.


She waits at the stairwell, their designated spot, checking the time on her watch. One minute’s already passed. Then, appearing out of thin air, Irene emerges from the other corner. Quietly, she briskly jogs over to Wendy.


The Vice President arches a brow from her hurry.


“So, what is it that you needed to talk about?” she asks once Irene approaches.


The girl sweeps her tousled hair from her face. Combing her fingers through, untangling the ends. Her expression turns rather serious. Then, in a low voice, just above a whisper, she says, “I need help. More specifically a favor.”


“What kind of favor?”


Wendy is quick to answer, already guessing what this favor may be pertaining to.


“It’s about Seulgi.”


Spot on. Wendy nearly laughs. Though a scoff easily escapes her lips and she shakes her head,“Of course it is.” When was it ever not about Seulgi recently? Wendy takes a quick glance at her watch, taking note of how long they’ve been gone. Three minutes left. “I heard she got into a fight with Sungjae after lunch. Don’t tell me your favor is about that?”


Irene nods. Before she continues, she leans out to scan the hall for any stray students or teachers. Thankfully, no one. A tiny crease forms between Irene’s brows, signalling her slight bit of distress.


“How bad do you think their punishment will be?” Irene asks. “Joy said they might get suspended.”


Wendy purses her lips and gazes up at the ceiling, trying to recall the details of disciplinary action. The consequences varied based on how severe the violation. Expulsion could be considered but as far as Wendy knows, Sungjae has never been involved in acts of violence. Neither Seulgi, at least, based on her time as a student here. Other infractions such as unexcused absences and tardiness certainly littered her record. And there was also the case of her record from her previous school where she’d nearly been expelled. Still, suspension seems more likely than expulsion.


“Probably a week of outside school suspension which could be followed by some after school detention when she comes back. She’ll definitely be prohibited from any extracurricular activities for a time. Might be the whole month,” Wendy explains and at the end of her sentence she notices the tiny pout on Irene’s lips. “Don’t tell me--”


Her best friend clasps both her hands together, pleading, “Is there any way you can vouch for Seulgi and convince them of some other punishment? She’s got a track meet coming up and she’s been practicing nonstop.”


The words came out in a flurry. A usual sign of worry when it came to Irene. But Wendy can’t help herself from rolling her eyes.


“So have the rest of her teammates,” Wendy chides. “She acted like a delinquent, Irene, and there are consequences. I told you, Kang Seulgi is just trouble.”


She’s repeated it over and over. Incessantly warning Irene to just stop and cut things off ever since she came back. But for some unfathomable reason, Irene won’t listen. Wendy understands she’s still hurting from her breakup with Minho. She understands she needs comfort. But Kang Seulgi was far from what she needed. And nothing has shown otherwise.


Irene sighs.


“Wendy,” she says, gently. “I know you don’t like her. And I know you don’t like that fact that we’re dating even more. But can you please--please, just do this for me?” she begs once again, making Wendy wonder just what Irene sees in Seulgi. “Convince them of something else as long as she gets to go the meet.”


The Vice President scratches her head in frustration.


“Why are you pushing so hard?” she finally asks.


“Because Seulgi would do the same for me,” Irene quickly responds. Her tone left no room for argument. Speaking as if it were a fact proven over and over. “She’s already done so much for me. And she’s not as bad as you think, Wendy.” The latter simply tilts her head in thought. Irene sighs, “Do you know how that fight happened?”


Wendy raises a brow, waiting to hear more.


Five minutes have passed.




Her fingers delicately trail up and down her left cheek. Sore and aching. She flinches from the sharp shoot of pain. One bruise at the corner of her lip. Another at the outer edge of her cheekbone. Just two in total. Not a bad take away considering the whirlwind of punches Sungjae threw at her. Though she’s sure there’s more bruises down her back and shoulders from slamming and brawling against the lockers as well as the floor.


She stares out the window, bored out of her mind. Having been confined in detention for the rest of the school day was agonizing. Well, it could’ve been worse, she supposes. Sungjae and her could’ve been locked in the same room, forced to get along and deal with the other’s presence. Thank God Principal Jung had enough common sense to know that was a foolish thought and separated them into different rooms.


Seulgi glances over to Mr.Park who sat at his desk, seemingly reading his book. Eyes half-lidded and slouching in his seat, she’s sure he’s half-asleep already. Just as bored as she, it seems. The clock above reads ten minutes before the end of the school day.


Ten minutes, the heartthrob thinks, letting herself float away. That’s six-hundred seconds. Six-hundred is a big number. Therefore, a long time. Time is--


“Ugh,” she groans in frustration, sinking deep into her chair. She’s starting to lose it.


The sound of the door opening breaks the silence, saving Seulgi from spiralling further into her nonsensical thoughts. She turns her head to see the newly arrived only to be surprised at who it is. The last person she’d expect to come walking in.


Ms. Vice President.


“Mr. Park, this is from Principal Jung,” Wendy politely says, passing the man a folded note. Seulgi fixes her posture, amused. Ms Vice never spoke to her like that. All nice and calm. She only ever received mean hisses and glares from the girl.


He lazily reads the note, struggling a tiny bit as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He shifts his attention from the paper to Wendy. Then back to the paper. And then to Seulgi. A number of seconds pass and he finally speaks.


“Looks like you’re dismissed, Kang Seulgi.”

She rises from her seat, “Really?”


“Yes,” Mr. Park nods and gestures to Wendy. “I believe your Student Council Vice President will explain your updated situation.”


Their eyes meet and Wendy is the first to turn away.


“Let’s talk outside,” the Vice President suggests.


Or perhaps it was more of an order as she exits the door without another word, assuming Seulgi would follow. The latter chuckles to herself but obeys. What else could she do? She certainly didn’t prefer staying with Mr.Park.


As soon as the door shuts behind her, an all too familiar scowl appears on Wendy’s face. An expression that seemed to automatically come to her whenever Seulgi was around.


“So, what’s going on, Ms. Vice?” Seulgi tilts her head to the side, curious. Exactly what was this updated situation of hers?


Wendy’s eyes turn dark and serious. Daggers that could just cut right through her. But despite her stare, she didn’t seem as hostile as their last encounter. Still, it’s quite obvious Wendy didn’t trust her at all. Which makes Seulgi wonder even more as to what was going on.


The Vice President takes a deep breath and she begins to explain, quickly and concisely. “You’re not suspended. No more all-day detentions. And you can still attend your track meet or whatever.” She waves a dismissive hand. “I was able to talk with the principal and after some convincing, you’ll instead be doing community service by helping out the Student Council for the next month. I am also entirely responsible for your behavior during this length of time,” she heavily emphasizes her last sentence. Ensuring Seulgi heard every syllable. She starts to count on her fingers.




“That means no skipping class.”




“No showing up late.”




“And no more fights or anything of the sort.”


Wendy then claps her hands together, putting on possibly the fakest and most exaggerated smile Seulgi has ever seen. “You’re going to be the best student you’ve ever been.” She drops back into a scowl. “Is that clear?”


For a moment, Seulgi is speechless. Simply blinking at everything Wendy said. Impatient, Wendy raises her brows, prompting the heartthrob to respond.


“Wow, uh, not a bad deal,” she manages to say, finger scratching beneath her chin in thought. But there was one question. “So, no offense, but why? Because we both know there’s no way you did this out of the goodness of your heart.”


It’s the truth. One that Seulgi was certain they both agreed on.


The shorter girl releases a heavy sigh. Sounding both annoyed and exhausted. Her fingers play with the buttons of her blazer.


“Because Irene asked me to. That’s why.”




“She asked you to do this?”


Wendy nods.


And there’s this fluttering feeling--a sense of weightlessness that rises from the inside of her chest, making its way to her lips, trying to carve a smile. The back of her hand hides her face and Seulgi looks away to a far off corner, hoping Wendy doesn’t notice.


Irene. Of course. Who else could it have been? Truly, the girl was too caring for her own good.


Seulgi pretends to clear and suppresses her jubilation.


“Well, even if was only because of Irene, you still helped,” Seulgi says, redirecting her attention back to Wendy. “And I guess if I’m supposed start being the best student I’ve ever been then I should probably show some gratitude.” She gives a full bow. “Thanks, Ms. Vice.”


“Yeah, well, you defended Irene. I heard Sungjae said some pretty trash things, so thanks for punching him,” Wendy says, sounding less irritated and more bashful. ”Just don’t punch anyone else for the rest of the month.”


Seulgi lets out a small laugh.


“Violence is bad. Got it.”


The Vice President rolls her eyes and turns to leave. Probably not wanting to associate with Seulgi any further the latter assumes. But before departing, she announces one last thing. “Oh and this Saturday, be here at 8 a.m. You’ll be cleaning tables the whole day.”




Irene stuffs her bag, filling it with all the books required for her assignments tonight. Lockers slam open and close. An endless ruckus as everyone prepares to go home. She moves slowly. Languidly slipping the books into her bag one by one. A stream of thoughts occupying her mind.


She wonders if Wendy succeeded. Wonders if Seulgi is alright. Wonders if--




“Ah!” she yelps, nearly jumping out of her shoes. A familiar laugh greets her ears and she needn’t look to know who it was. She punches the prankster’s arm.


“Ow,” Seulgi overreacts, acting as if the entire limb went numb. “I think I have another bruise now.”


And although it was a joke, immediate regret flashes in Irene’s eyes. She reaches out, concern evident on her face. But her fingers only graze the sleeve of Seulgi’s blazer as the latter catches her wrist, stopping her.


“Relax, Irene,” the heartthrob says, letting her go. “You worry too much, you know that?”


Only now did Irene get a good look at her face. It’s a sight that hits the pit of her stomach. Two dark, purple blemishes. The one at the left corner of her lip looks to be the most painful. But for the most part, or at least from what she can see, Seulgi wasn’t too roughed up. But she’s good at keeping up a mask. So Irene watches her carefully.


“So what did Principal Jung say?” Irene asks.


The halls grow quieter. Just a few students stick around to chat. Seulgi’s eyes seem to scan over them as she scratches her nape.


“Well, I was in big trouble but now I’m not,” Seulgi happily reveals. “Ms. Vice was able to pull some strings.”


Irene smiles. She knew Wendy would pull through. There was nothing she expected less from her best friend. The school faculty held her in high regard and so, if they were to be convinced by anyone’s words, why not her?


“That’s good to hear.” Irene cranes her head, attempting to examine Seulgi’s injuries more closely. “Still, you shouldn’t have started a fight,” she half-heartedly scolds the taller girl. Cringing from simply imagining the pain. She remembers the cold fright that seeped into her bones as she watched them brawl. How small Seulgi looked going up against Sungjae. She stayed light and quick, but it didn’t make it any easier to watch. Irene had never been so scared.


Seulgi shrugs.


“I couldn’t help it. I didn’t like what he said about you and Joy. I don’t take too kindly to words like that.”


She finds Seulgi’s tone unusually somber as the girl’s eyes still wandered around the hall. Gently, Irene cups her face in one hand, forcing the heartthrob to look at her. Turning her head to the right then to the left, inspecting.


“Yeah,” Irene draws a small breath, “well it looks like your face didn’t take too kindly to his punches either.”


Again, Seulgi shrugs.


“It’s just my face and it’s not that bad. It’ll heal.”


It’s a response Irene doesn’t much like but one that Kang Seulgi would of course say. Irene retracts her hand, folding her arms across her chest, wearing a contemplative look.


“What?” Seulgi asks, raising a brow as she began to feel the weight of Irene’s stare.


The heartthrob seems to always be quick in brushing things off. Saying ‘I’m fine’ or ‘don’t worry’. Almost like lines rehearsed. Or maybe words spoken too often, they became reflex. And Irene wonders, when did it start? When did Seulgi begin to hide?


And if those words were always true.


“If you smile, does it hurt?” Irene questions.


She catches the quick flash of confusion in Seulgi’s eyes. The latter doesn’t say a word. She stands quietly, hardly moving. Chest rising from each breath. She tilts her head and gives her signature smirk, causing her to wince for a brief second. A chuckle ends up escaping the heartthrob and she breaks into a wide grin. “Doesn’t hurt too much.”


And Irene laughs along with her.


“Good, as long as you can still smile then I guess I don’t need to worry.”


The grin on Seulgi’s face reaches from ear to ear. Pain completely forgotten. She leans in, nearly pressing her forehead against Irene’s.


“Bae Irene, are you aware that you’re starting to become quite the charmer?”


The close proximity isn’t so foreign anymore. In an odd way, Irene’s grown comfortable with it. And so, she meets Seulgi’s gaze head on, unwavering. She shrugs just as the heartthrob would.


“It seems I’ve learned from the best, haven’t I?”




Earlier, after Seulgi dropped Irene off at home, Joy made the regular visit to her house. Weeping and shouting when the heartthrob opened the door to greet her. The first thing that came out of Joy’s mouth was, “My poor baby! Your face!” Followed by a suffocating hug and a vice-like grip that wouldn’t let her escape.


After eventually letting go, Joy repeatedly apologized. Saying that Seulgi didn’t have step up to Sungjae, things would’ve been fine. Yet, she knew just as well that the heartthrob would’ve never let it go. And so, ‘sorry’ was all Joy could give.


Then, Seulgi asked the one question that lingered on her mind.


“It sounds like you two broke up? Why?”


No answer. Only a forced smile and another hug for the night. Plus, one last piece of advice. “Put some ice on your face.”


It seemed that whatever the reason was, Joy had no intention of telling. And for now, Seulgi decided not to pry.


It’s an hour before midnight.


Seulgi stands at the mirror of her bathroom, scrutinizing her reflection. A bag of ice sits at the edge of the sink. She grabs it, presses it gently against her cheek, and shivers from the sudden cold. Minutes later, when it starts to numb, she sets the bag back down. A tiny sigh escapes her.


Her fingers lightly dance from bruise to bruise. Gauging the pain again. Staring back into the mirror, a familiar voice pops into her head and she smiles, laughing to herself.


If you smile, does it hurt?


No, it didn’t hurt.


She takes in a deep breath.


“Not bad, Irene.”




The morning is the same as usual. Busy and chatty. Except for one small, odd detail.


Seulgi walks down the halls, hands stuffed in her pockets and ears attentive, picking up on passing conversations. Everyone was talking but they all seemed to speak a little quieter when she got closer. Retreating to whispers and mumbles. But their stares--oh, she could certainly feel those.


A walk of shame.


She shakes her head. It seems that yesterday added a bit more to her reputation. A repeating occurrence that can’t be helped and something she’s quite used to.


Chin high. Back straight. It doesn’t affect her. Not the least bit. Let them say whatever they want. She’ll take it all in stride.


There is one voice though. A sudden shout over all the rest. Krystal unexpectedly comes walking up to her. Seulgi plants her feet when they’re face to face, blinking at her. Wondering what the cheerleader could possibly want.


“Seulgi!” Krystal gives her a smile. A hint of worry in her voice. “Are you alright after yesterday?”


The heartthrob offers a smirk, “For the most part.”


Krystal Jung. If Seulgi remembers correctly, they’ve never once spoken before. This was the first time. She only knew the basics about her. New girl who came from abroad. A rookie cheerleader. And cute--much cuter than she admitted to Irene that day in the bathroom.


Looking at her up close, well, it was certainly difficult to deny her charm. And seeing her smile only convinces Seulgi that Krystal was also probably too good for Minho as well.


“Does it hurt?” Krystal asks, instinctively reaching out to touch the bruise at the corner of Seulgi’s lip a little too roughly. The latter flinches slightly.


Krystal jumps in surprise and immediately draws back her hand. Seulgi gives a small laugh to calm her, rubbing the back of her nape. “It does when you touch it like that.”


“Sorry!” she bows her head and apologizes. “At least the damage looks pretty minimal.” Her eyes scan the condition of Seulgi’s face one more time.


Cute and nice. Not as gentle or delicate as Irene it would seem but Seulgi still holds the opinion that she was much too good for her current boyfriend. Speaking of her boyfriend...


“Yeah, I’m fine,” the heartthrob reassures, smirk still holding. “By the way, tell your boyfriend thanks for helping stop the fight. I--”


“Tell him yourself,” Minho interrupts as he walks up to them. Casually, he wraps his arm around Krystal’s shoulders and she glances back at him with a grin. Seulgi nearly gags at the two and rolls her eyes.


“Oh look, my favorite person,” she sneers. The calm tone in her voice begins to ease away, irritation quickly replacing it. “I could’ve handled it myself, you know?”


He raises a brow.


“That doesn’t sound like a thank you.”


Well, it certainly didn’t and Seulgi had no intention of relaying her thanks any longer. Not after he came strutting in looking utterly repulsed by her presence.


“Yeah, well, after seeing your face it kind of ruined my grateful mood,” Seulgi jeers at him, glaring.


She could’ve attempted to keep herself more civil--more polite for Krystal’s sake as the girl looks back and forth between her and Minho, brows furrowing at their inability to get along. But Seulgi can’t help it. Being this close to him is enough to annoy her. Hearing his voice provokes her. Setting her eyes upon him bothers her.


After everything he did. After leaving Irene broken. Seulgi simply can’t overlook that.


And she knows, Minho can barely stand her guts either.


“Whatever,” he shrugs, not bothering to hide the edge in his voice. “I only stepped in because Irene asked me to. Otherwise I would’ve watched you get beat.”


Seulgi narrows her eyes.


“Beat?” she scoffs. “Oh no, I would’ve won in the end.”


But Minho doesn’t hiss back at her. No jabs. No resentment. He simply jerks his head back, wearing the most incredulous look, he tells Seulgi, “You had her scared, you know that, right?”


The heartthrob tilts her head, somewhat confused at the sudden statement. She opens to speak but a delicate voice calls out instead.


“There you are, Seulgi! I thought you went missing again--oh.” Quickly, Irene’s lips press into a thin line as she pulls up next to Seulgi, realizing just who it was that was with her. It’s a mess of a meeting and Seulgi can feel Irene’s hand latch onto her arm for security. One glance over. A flash of dread flickers in Irene’s eyes.


“Morning, Irene,” Minho timidly greets.


“Hello,” Irene says back, mimicking his tone. “Thank you for helping Seulgi, yesterday.”


“No problem.”


His gaze remains fixated on Seulgi. Eyes locked in an ongoing clash. The air seems to grow heavy. Awkward silence and bitter tension. Still, no one speaks.And Irene’s hand travels down Seulgi’s arm and to her wrist, fingers coiling tight.


Finally, Krystal speaks up.


“This is a bit awkward, isn’t it?” she points out, attention shifting to each of them. Awkward was an understatement in Seulgi’s opinion. The cheerleader bites her lip. “Listen, I know we may have all started on the wrong foot but maybe we can all talk, get to know each other, and get past this?”


Such optimism.


Seulgi scoffs, “And how do you suggest we do that?”


“A group date.”


The idea is near foolish and Seulgi blinks dumbfounded upon hearing it. Krystal may have been cute, she may have been nice, but perhaps she wasn’t that smart. Either that or naive.


“Actually, never mind,” Krystal scratches her cheek. “It’s kind of a bad idea--”


“N-no,” Irene cuts in.


And Seulgi breaks away from Minho’s piercing eyes, wondering if she heard correctly. Hoping she was mistaken. Irene takes a deep breath. Puts on her best smile. A performance that would convince anyone.


“Let’s do it,” Irene nods with a cheerful tone. “It’ll be fun.”


But it doesn’t convince Seulgi. Not when she feels Irene’s hand slide into her own. Fingers intertwining, holding on for dear life.


The heartthrob looks down at the girl beside her and she wonders to herself.


What the hell are you thinking?




a/n: Woooo, I was able to update in a reasonable amount of time compared to the previous updates~ I’m trying to get back into a good pace of writing again so fingers crossed lol =] As usual though, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thanks so much to everyone who read--silent readers, subscribers, random ppl, etc lol Also, thank you in advance for any comments~ I’ll be sure to reply to them before my next update as usual~ And as always, I am incredibly grateful to you all.


Now, I’ll begin working on my update for my relatively new ongoing, You Mistook Me for the Stars. For those who are reading it, please forward to it lol I’ll do my best to update asap. Hmmm, well I think I’ve rambled on long enough so until next time~


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A big thank you to seulhands for the amazing poster ;A;


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Chapter 13: 🥲🥲🥲
woah it's been years since the last time i read this one. i hope you still continue writing this one
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
still wishing u will continue this book 😭🤍
423 streak #4
Chapter 13: This is so good. And we've barely gotten answers to anything, its a shame 😔
Brokenheartedb #5
Chapter 13: One of the best author :))
vmr210 #6
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: started this not knowing it was unfinished and fell in love with it, I hope someday we can get an ending to this story :)
highhihi #7
Chapter 13: I don’t want to pressure you but I’ve been rereading this story for some time now and I’m hoping all of us would get the ending that we deserve… hope to hear from you soon
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 13: Idk but the fact that this story is incomplete but I still read it. And I don't regret it even a bit. This has to be like one of my fav tbh , it's just so simply beautiful. Like no heavy , lovey dovey moments but the pure bond Seulrene shared. Damn this incomplete story fills a void within. How much I want to know about Seulgi's side ughhh why do you have to leave such a masterpiece like this Author!? Why!!?? 💔😭😭😭
All I wanted to know was Seulgi's side.. Doesn't matter if this fic doesn't end.. Just Seulgi's side. Hhh author I hope you're okay.


Always makes me think.. What happened with Seulgi. And I don't like that I feel this empty feeling in my heart
I really miss this omg