Under Watchful Eyes - Part I

Temporarily Yours

VI. Under Watchful Eyes - Part I


Despite being a no-show this morning, the heartthrob kept her word as she was the first one waiting at their lunch table. She sat hunched over, resting on a propped elbow, eating her usual bag of chips. Irene took the seat next to her.


“Don’t you have practice later?” Irene asks.


Seulgi nods.


“Shouldn’t you be eating more, then?” Irene says, staring worriedly as Seulgi pops another chip into . “Or something better than chips at least? Like actual food.”


The other girl shrugs. Casual as ever. Unconcerned.


“It doesn’t matter. As long as I drink lots of water, I’m fine.”


Irene found her reply more troubling than reassuring. The girl didn’t seem to eat much. That, or all she ever ate was junk food. She frowns, wanting to say more but a loud clank of trays steals her attention away.


“Sup, Kang!”


“Hi, Irene!”


Mark and Johnny beam at them with their usual cheerful demeanor.


“How’s our favorite couple doing today?” they ask rather loudly in unison.


“Peachy, obviously,” Seulgi sneers in full sarcasm, flicking a chip at Mark. The latter swats it away and the greasy potato piece lands in Johnny’s hair. Immediately, the boy shakes his head like a wet dog drying himself. They all laugh.


“Wow!” Someone dramatically gasps nearby. Their heads turn towards the girl walking towards them. “Am I seeing things or are you actually here in the cafeteria, Bear Seul?”


The way she spoke, how her voice raised in pitch on certain words, accentuating them. Upbeat but somehow, condescending at the same time. That was enough for Irene to recognize her--Park Sooyoung. Or more popularly known as Joy.


“Bear Seul?” Irene says, interested. The corners of Seulgi’s mouth pull downwards into a small sort of frown. Clearly, she wasn’t entirely fond of being called that.


“It’s my cute little nickname for Seulgi,” Joy bats her eyelashes. Tilts her head oh so slightly as she smiles. Cherry red lips parting to show pearly whites. ”Interesting that you two are together now, Irene.”


Too sweet--the way she says Irene’s name. A shiver runs down her spine. There was something about Joy. Something off-putting. Irene couldn’t put her finger on it but she felt it. Or maybe, she was just overreacting. The girl was beautiful, her features were nearly flawless, and she had the personality to back it all up. Too good to be true. Or perhaps, Irene was just intimidated.




Either way, it was obvious Joy was close to Seulgi. Another unexpected surprise.


Irene forces a small smile back.


The two boys spin in their seats. Eyes full of anticipation and food forgotten.


“Joy, where’s our souvenirs?!” Johnny shouts excitedly.


“Yeah, you said you’d get us some!” Mark chimes in.


“Boys, boys, please,” she puts her hands out, settling them down. “I’ll bring them tomorrow. More importantly, where’s my welcome back hug?”


As soon as the question is asked, the boys leap from their seats, wrapping their arms fully around Joy’s shoulders. Practically burying her in their embrace. She laughs as they tighten the hug and snuggle her.


“Joy! Hurry up and get over here!” a girl calls from across the lunchroom.


The wanted girl snakes her way out of Mark and Johnny’s arms.


“Gotta go. My people are calling me,” she winks. “And don’t worry about later, Bear. Sungjae is taking me out tonight.”


Seulgi merely responds with a lazy thumbs up as Joy struts her way to the other end of the lunchroom. Her bob cut bouncing up and down with each step.


“Miss me?” Joy sings playfully and a loud mass of voices drowns everything out.


The loud sound of crumpling and crackling, Seulgi balls up her now empty bag of chips and makes a shot for the trash can a few feet from their table. With a soft swish, it successfully disappears into the bin. Irene wonders how close exactly were Seulgi and Joy. Not that it bothered her but it certainly made her curious. Nicknames. A ride home. What else?


Running through her thoughts, she hadn’t realized her mindless stare directed at Seulgi. The latter arches a brow, snapping Irene back to reality, recovering herself.


“So,” Irene clears , acting as if she’d been attentive all this time. “Bear Seul, huh?”


Seulgi’s face immediately deadpanned. Her reaction was too good to pass up.


“I’m half tempted to start calling you that,” Irene giggles.


“I’d rather you didn’t.”


“Should I change your contact name to that?” Irene continues to tease but of course, Seulgi eventually fires back. Toothy grin and all, leaning so close her breath brushed the side of Irene’s cheek.


“Only if I can change yours to babe?”


A small shiver runs up Irene’s spine. And she reflexively shoves a laughing Seulgi away from her.




The room hadn’t changed much the past few months she’d been away. Looks like someone took over her cleaning duties so she was happy about that. After all, a cluttered Student Council room wouldn’t do. Wendy would never stand for it.


She takes her regular seat. Table at the front, chair on the right side of their President, Seohyun.


“Welcome back, Wendy,” she smiles as Wendy scoots her chair in. “Did you enjoy your study abroad?”


Seo Juhyun or what she preferred to go as, Seohyun. Senior and Student Council President. The epitome of elegance and intelligence. Both role model and mentor to Wendy. It was through her encouragement that Wendy partook in her study abroad experience. The Senior had told her that it would only be beneficial and surely, she would not regret it. And she didn’t, she only regretted not keeping in closer contact with Irene while she was away.


Wendy places her notebook and pen on the table. Hand at the ready.


“Yes, I did and thank you, glad to be back,” she responded in kind.


Pleased with her reply, Seohyun nods, clears and quietly rises from her seat, grabbing the whole room’s attention. Eyes waiting patiently for her to speak.


“Alright, let’s get this meeting underway then. Today we’ll be discussing the upcoming class trip. It’s been decided that we’ll be going to Japan this year.”


Seohyun turns around to the whiteboard and with a bright red marker, writes several bullet points outlining the details and topics needed to be discussed. Her eyes quickly examine the board, double checking that nothing was missed. She caps the marker.


“The first important thing to note is that the Student Council--that’s us-- is expected to help staff with supervision since we’re going to be a bit short on hand but that shouldn’t be a problem. I trust you guys to be responsible enough to lead your peers. As for the budget, Yeri, our treasurer,” Seohyun gestures towards the blonde girl on the left side of the room, “will be assisting the staff with that. So what we need to do now is plan some events. Start some brainstorming. Where to go, what to see, what to do, and approximate how much that will all cost. Got it?”


Everyone nodded.


“Let’s get started then.”




The meeting finally came to a close, expending most of their lunch hour save for ten minutes or so. Wendy gathers her notes, storing them away in the Student Council’s desk cabinet for next time. Most of the students had already left. It was a habit of hers to be last. Always cleaning up after them, tucking in the chairs they left out, throwing away the scraps of paper, and erasing the board after they were done. But today, someone else decided to stick around as well.


“So what was this morning about?”


The Vice President turns around to see none other than Yeri, casually leaning against one of the desks, misaligning it after she had just fixed it. Wendy gestures the girl to get up and again, corrects the placement of the desk.


“Earth to Wendy, are you going to tell me what that thing with Minho was about?”


Wendy pauses for a moment and blinks. That’s right, she’d forgotten Yeri shared the same class as Minho and Krystal. The girl was a bit advanced for her grade, believe it or not. Unfortunately, that means she saw the suspicious way Wendy had confronted Minho.


“Nothing,” Wendy quickly dismissed, making one last sweep around the room. Good, everything was back the way it should be.


The blonde gave a loud scoff, sounding offended, “I may not have a perfect GPA like you, Wendy, but I’m not stupid. Definitely not stupid enough to believe you when you say it’s ‘nothing’. I have eyes and more importantly, common sense. It was about Minho and Irene breaking up, wasn’t it?”


No, Yeri wasn’t stupid. Wendy had never thought that. But Wendy knew the girl was incredibly persistent. She was hoping to nip the topic in the bud, dissuade her from asking any further, but from the look in Yeri’s eyes, she wasn’t going to leave Wendy alone until she answered her.


“And what makes you think that?” Wendy casually replied.


Another scoff.


“Oh please, Wendy. Irene’s your best friend,” Yeri examined her nails in thought. “It’s obvious what this is all about.”


Wendy grabs her bag in the corner of the room.


“Then it seems you already know the answer to your question.”


She slings the bag around her shoulders, ready to leave for class but when she turns around, there Yeri is yet again. Standing a little bit closer and giving Wendy little way to get past her.


“Yeah, but I’d like to hear you say it,” the blonde stared at her and smiled. “You know I’m just going to keep asking, Wendy.”


Wendy liked Yeri. She really did. Yeri was her junior by one year. She was smart, talented, conniving, and persistent. In certain situations, the last characteristic could be quite troublesome but most of the time, it was a good thing. Rather, it was Yeri’s interest and delight in gossip that Wendy disliked. But as she’s learned time and time again, it was completely unavoidable.


“Fine,” Wendy sighed. “Yes, I pulled Minho out of class to talk to him about Irene. Satisfied?”


“Very,” she claps her hands together. Then, a small pout surfaces, “Hmm, it is kind of sad they broke up. I have to admit they were sort of cute. But I guess it’s fine now since it looks like both of them have moved on. Irene definitely got the better deal, though.


Wendy glances at the clock and arches a brow. Five minutes left until the next bell.


“The better deal--you mean, Seulgi?” she questions in disbelief.




And Wendy can’t help but roll her eyes. Unbelievable.


“Woooow, so you’re an admirer, too,” the Vice President sneered. “How do you all like Seulgi so much?”


“Uh, how do you not?” Yeri retorted, as if Wendy was the one who was crazy.


“Easy. She’s a jerk.”


“An incredibly attractive jerk.”


Wendy stares wide-eyed and begins to laugh. It was just so ridiculous to her. But it didn’t matter whether or not she understood the appeal of Kang Seulgi. Because honestly, she didn’t care. What did matter was Irene. And maybe, Yeri’s like for gossip could actually help her this time.


“So then, Yeri,” she begins, recovering her composure. “I answered your question about this morning, maybe you could answer one of mine.”


Suddenly, there’s a tiny glint in the Treasurer’s eye. Curiousity. Wendy had her hooked, “Do you happen to know how Seulgi and Irene got to together?”


“Irene didn’t tell you?” Yeri asked, rather surprised.


Her eyes cast downward. No, Irene didn’t say a word. Nothing of her break up. Nothing of her new relationship. Nothing until Wendy came back and found out this morning when a fellow classmate had asked Irene where Seulgi was. To which Wendy questioned, why would Irene know? Why would she even care? The answer, Wendy would have never guessed it.


“I didn’t ask,” Wendy shrugged. “And after she told me she was with Seulgi the first thing I did was find Minho.”


Yeri shook her head.


“Nice job, Wendy,” she said in full sarcasm.


The Vice President was well aware of how rash she was confronting Minho right after the fact. Not to mention. running into Seulgi as well and talking her down. It was incredibly hot-headed and yet, Wendy felt no regret. Irene was her best friend and she would do everything and anything for her. Just as she had done for Wendy.


“So do you know?” Wendy inquired again.


“Unfortunately, I can’t tell you. I have no idea how they started dating. But I was there when everyone found out. And let me tell you,” Yeri whistled, “the whole school knew about it by the end of first period. And from the look on Minho’s face when he saw Irene all over Seulgi’s arm, he didn’t know about them either. Seems like we all found out at the same time.”


Wendy kept silent, poking through all the thoughts in her head. She just didn’t understand it, how did Seulgi worm her way into being Irene’s girlfriend?


“That’s it? You really didn’t hear anything else?”


“That’s all I can tell you, Wendy.” Yeri sighed. “It just happened out of nowhere. Not even those two pals of Seulgi’s, Johnny and Mark, knew. I guess it was just one big secret they kept from everyone.”


The class bell rings and Wendy clutches the straps of her backpack.


“Yeah, a secret she even kept from me.”




Irene sat on the bleachers, leaning lazily against the railing in front of her. With her dance activities still on break until the end of the week, she decided to stay and watch Seulgi and the rest of the track team after school.


Coach Kim ran them hard. As soon as one group finished their sprint the next was up at the line, kneeling at the ready, and in the next second, the whistle blows. Those who weren’t running took the time to rehydrate and stretch. Others chatted. A few sat in the grass, trying to catch their breath.


One of the boys lapped up the last few drops of water that fell from his bottle. Chest heaving with no signs of slowing. His shoulders slumped as his mouth hung open, desperate for just one more gulp. But he endured it with struggled breaths--that is, until Seulgi, who had just finished her sprint, walks up to him, offering the rest of her water.


Irene watched intently. She couldn’t exactly hear them from so far but one could probably guess what was being said through body language.


He shook his head. Most likely refusing, saying he was fine and that Seulgi should have it. It was hers after all and she had just ran as well.


But the girl smirks the same way she always does. Cool and confident, she shrugs and places the bottle directly in his hands. Irene could practically hear her say, I’m fine. Again, the same way she always does. Irene was sure of it. And of course, the heartthrob leaves him immediately, giving him no opportunity to object again. He smiles thankfully at her back and gulps all the water down.


And despite having just ran, Seulgi lines up once again. Ready to go.


Irene’s brows knit together at the sight.


“Hey, mind if I join you?” Jackson shouts as he approaches. A wide smile illuminating his face. “I think I need a small break.”




Irene didn’t mind the company at all. He stands near the railing about two feet from where Irene sat.


Jackson Wang. Irene somewhat knew him. They’d gone to middle school together, always classmates but never much more. Different circles and such. Athletic. Loud-mouthed. Average grades. And lastly but most importantly, kind. If there was one thing people should know about Jackson, it was that he was a good guy. And from Irene’s experience, that was no exaggeration.


“Hey Jackson, I never properly thanked you for looking out for me at that party,” Irene says slowly. “Seulgi told me what you did. Thank you.”


“No problem and no need to thank me,” the boy shakes his head. “Although, I was surprised to see that you’re quite the party animal, Miss Bae.”


A blush creeps upon her cheeks at the thought of her drunken escapade. Jackson laughs. The whistle blows for the nth time. And once again, Seulgi runs the fastest.


A sudden question comes to mind.


“How long have you known Seulgi?” Irene asks.


“I met her when she joined track. So about a year or so,” Jackson hums in thought. “I’ve gotten to know her pretty well since then. Why, what’s up?”


Seulgi finishes first. She walks, hand resting at her hips, trying to catch her breath. Her hair now completely disheveled from the wind and sweat.


“No reason really, it’s just that--,” Irene takes a short pause, a look of concern on her face. “She’s good at watching out for other people but for herself... not so much. Has she always been like that?”


At first, Jackson blinks without saying a word. He simply looks at her. Then, finally, he smiles.


“Since the day I met her.”


“Jackson!” Coach Kim yells. “On the track!”


The boy hangs his head and sighs, “Back to the grind. Talk to you later, Irene.”


She nods and waves him goodbye. Coach tells him to pick up the pace, his whistle just inches from his lips. Jackson takes his spot. A sharp pipe sounds off. Irene’s eyes search the field and she spots Seulgi sitting on a bench, arms crossed, head hung low, and eyes closed, resting.


Irene takes her wallet from her bag and gets up from the bleachers, heading towards the opposite side of the field and back to the gym. The walk wasn’t terribly long. About five minutes or so. She checks her wallet, ensuring she had some change to spare. She reaches the back doors of the gym. It should be just around on the other side of the wall. Irene rounds the corner where the vending machines are as expected.


Just the right amount of change. Any drink would do, wouldn’t it? Irene picks the third choice from the top. The machine churns, clunks and clanks, then a bottle falls with a large thump. She bends down to grab it, ready to head back to the field when she’s greeted by an unexpected face as she turns around.


“Oh, Irene,” Krystal blinks, equally surprised. “Hi.”


“Hi, Krystal,” Irene replies stiffly.


Of all the people to run into. It just had to be her. She had forgotten that the track team weren’t the only ones practicing after school. Tons of other teams and clubs were still around working hard. But the possibility of the cheer team being one of them didn’t cross her mind.


Awkward tension fills the air. Neither one of them say a word but their eyes never part. Leave, Irene tells herself. Just go. But something claws at the back of her mind. Words crawl up . She shouldn’t ask or even bother. Yet, her lips part and her voice trembles.


“H-How are you and Minho doing?”


Krystal stares with wide-eyes, shocked. It’s none of Irene’s business and perhaps, it would have been best if she didn’t ask. But she wanted to know. Just to ease her curiosity. The sound of blood pumping through her veins roared in her ears.


“We’re doing well.”


The answer comes quick and simple, albeit with a reluctant tone to answer. But Krystal barely bats an eyelash. What more could be said? What else should Krystal say? Nothing. Irene gives a small nod.


“That’s good,” Irene clutches the drink in her hand a little tighter. “Well, I should probably go--”


“Krystal! What are you doing?” a familiar voice yells. “Everyone’s waiting!”


Both girls turn to see another member of the cheer team jogging towards them. As she comes closer, Irene finally recognizes her, Joy.


“Oh,” Joy smiles vibrantly. “Hello, Irene.”


The sweetness in her voice made Irene’s skin crawl.


“Sorry, Joy. I’ll head back now,” Krystal bows.


Joy looks her over, “You didn’t buy the drink you wanted?”


“It’s fine. I’ll just get one later,” Krystal says and then runs back to the other side of the gym building where their practice was being held.


Thinking that she should go too, Irene starts to walk away but Joy turns her attention towards her with lips curved upward. Her eyes roam up and down like a queen looking down upon her servant. She taps her finger against her lips, thinking.


“So how did you do it, Irene?”


“Do what?” Irene asks.


“Make Seulgi say yes,” she says sweetly.


There’s a dangerous look to her eyes as well as her voice. Words veiled in fake politeness attempting to lure Irene in.


“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”


The short-haired girl seems ready to say more but the voices of the cheer team interrupt them, hollering for their member to return.




The girl sighs, “On second thought, don’t worry about it, Irene. See you around.”


Another smile. Another bat of the eyelashes. And then she leaves.


Irene would have to be more careful around her.




When she returned, she found Seulgi standing at the bleachers, scratching her head at the left-behind bag where she once sat. Irene approaches with quiet footsteps but the creaking of metal beneath her weight gives her presence away as she climbs the stairs. Seulgi turns around.


“I was just about to go look for you,” she says. “Where’d you go?”


The heartthrob was practically covered in sweat. From her forehead to her neck and down the back of her shirt. Her breaths were still short from all the running. Irene doesn’t answer but simply hands over the drink she had bought.


Seulgi takes it and looks at her quizzically.


“Because you gave yours away,” Irene explains. “Make sure you drink all of it, okay?”


Surprised by the gesture, Seulgi stares at Irene as she walks back to her spot and digs through her bag. She looks back at the bottle in her hand, uncaps it, and proceeds to chug the whole the thing. A satisfied sigh leaves her lips. It wasn’t her favorite flavor and yet, she found the taste extremely delicious.


“Hey, Seulgi, I was going to take the bus with Wendy after school but she just texted me that she’ll be staying longer to tutor another student. Sounds like her pupil’s been struggling while she was gone,” Irene explains, glancing down at her phone. “Mind giving me a ride home?”


Seulgi caps the empty bottle and salutes with it.


“Anything for you, babe,” she smiles.




“So neither of you know?”


Mark and Johnny shake their heads.


“Boys, you were supposed to be my eyes and ears while I was gone,” Joy sighs. “What if Seulgi got herself caught up with some weird boy or girl?”


“But she didn’t,” Johnny quickly butts in. “She’s with Irene.”


“And Irene is nice--”


“And pretty.”


Her eyes roll at Johnny’s last comment.


That’s all she was able to get out of them. Joy had been watching. Joy had been asking. But it seemed like no one knew. Not really. Whoever she asked, they knew just ask much as the last person.


First, when did they even start talking to each other? Jackson says he’s not sure.


Did Irene ask Seulgi out or did Seulgi ask Irene? Lisa shrugs but if she had to guess, it was Seulgi. More realistic, she says. Joy scoffs.


When did they become official? Rose finishes putting on a new coat of lipstick and tells her she’s not sure. But everyone found out at the same time which was almost two weeks ago. It was before school started when Minho and Seulgi were about to go at it in the hallway.


Two weeks.


And if Joy remembered correctly, that was a few weeks after Minho and Irene broke up.


Now, don’t get her wrong, Joy didn’t just pry into anyone’s business. Sure, she liked knowing about everything that went on in all the different social circles--it wasn’t hard to stay informed--rumors and whispers easily travelled throughout the school and eventually to every student. And so she knew of this and that. Who sells drugs behind the gym. Where some kids went to do piercings for each other. The latest breakups and the newest hookups. So why is it when it comes to the one person she’s most concerned about and her new girlfriend, there’s nothing.


Joy knew Seulgi better than anyone. She’s willing to attest to that. But this was something she just couldn’t piece together. Not when she’s been away and in a different country for the past three months.


She was impatient.


There was only one way she was going to figure it out.


The car stops.


“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait? I can take you home after,” Sungjae offers.


Joy undoes her seatbelt, gives him a small peck on the cheek, and gets out of the car.


“It’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow!”


She shuts the car door with a soft thud. Thank god it wasn’t as loud as Seulgi’s truck, otherwise she might have woken the neighbors. As she hears Sungjae drive off, she’s already at the front door. In the small hidden pocket of her purse she takes out a rusted silver key, inserts it into the lock and turns it. Joy opens the door and enters.


All the lights in the house were off save for one room down the hall. The only room that was ever occupied for as long as she could remember.


Joy kicks off her shoes to the side. The bedroom door slams open. Light comes through the doorway and into the hall and Seulgi pops out holding a bat. But when she sees it’s Joy at the door, she groans in frustration and tosses the would-be weapon back into her room.


“God, it’s just you. I forgot you still had the spare key,” Seulgi shuts the bedroom door behind her as she walks towards Joy. And if the latter wasn’t mistaken, she heard the click of a lock. That was rare. Seulgi didn’t usually care for safeguarding her room when she was around. “You could have at least told me you were coming over.”


“Where’s the fun in that?”


Joy walks over to the kitchen, opens a cabinet or two, then shuts them. Opens another cabinet and then closes it again. All she wanted was a bowl of instant ramen or even some chips but to her dismay, nothing. She decides to check the fridge.


“So how was your first day back?” Seulgi asks as she pulls out a stool to sit at the counter.


There wasn’t much luck to be found in the fridge either. Empty take-out boxes that should have been thrown out long ago. A jar of mayonnaise. A bottle of ketchup. Some mustard packets. Condiments with no food to complement.


“Fun. I was, of course, greatly missed,” Joy checks the freezer next. It was like staring into an empty ice cavern. The only thing mildly appealing was the basket on the counter that had three apples. “Ugh, when’s the last time you went grocery shopping? There’s barely anything here.”


“Can’t remember. Been lazy,” Seulgi shrugs.


Typical. Joy rolls hers eyes and grabs an apple. Her first bite comes with an audible crunch, crisp and juicy. Seulgi watches her with undivided attention.


“So are you going to tell me what it is you want to talk about?”


Joy stops eating, “Who says I’m not just here to mooch from your empty kitchen.”


“Because I gave you that key for two reasons. One, a place to stay if you ever needed one. And two, to talk to me whenever you needed to.”


Joy’s phone goes off. It was probably Sungjae wanting to check up on her. She silences it. Sungjae could wait.


“You’ve never needed to stay here,” Seulgi continues, “but you’ve always needed to talk to me.”


Ever since they were little, Seulgi was the one Joy would run to ranting about her annoyances, crying about her sorrows, sharing her happiness. There was never a time where she wouldn’t lend an ear. But tonight, Joy didn’t want Seulgi to simply listen. What she wanted were answers.


“Then let’s cut right to the chase, I want to talk about Irene.”


For an instant, Seulgi’s eyes widen.


“Irene?” Seulgi repeats as she regains her composure. “What’s there to talk about?”


“Why are you dating her?”


“Why not?”


A spitball response. Seulgi was trying to avoid the question.


“Don’t think for a second I’m going to buy that answer,” Joy scoffs, rolling the apple in hand. Her irritation was growing. “I’m not stupid, Seulgi. If dating for the hell of it is your reason then you would’ve dated every person that’s come your way--everyone who’s ever confessed how much they liked you. But you’ve never done that.”


The heat was starting to get to her face. Unlike Seulgi, she wasn’t quite as skilled in keeping her emotions in check.


“You’re not leaving until I tell you, huh?” Seulgi more or less asks, scratching the back of her neck, knowing full well what Joy would say.


“No. I’ve asked almost everyone and I can’t figure out how you two are together. There’s something off, I know there is. And now I’m too impatient to come up with theories. I want answers. ”


“Can’t I just give you some lies and you pick the one that sounds the best?”


Joy throws her apple but Seulgi dodges it and the fruit hits the couch in the living room.


“I want the truth,” Joy demands.


Seulgi’s shoulders slump in defeat.


“Fine but this stays between us.”




Seulgi starts from the beginning. She tries to condense the story but Joy wants every detail, stopping the heartthrob mid-sentence more than once so she doesn’t miss a thing. Outside, night had already fallen. Given how late it was, Joy received a phone call from her mother, briefly interrupting them. She tells her she’s at Seulgi’s house then hangs up and gestures for the latter to continue. And when the tale comes to an end, Joy rubs her temples in thought.


“And you actually agreed to this contract? So you’re dating Irene but not really…” Joy tries to sort out her thoughts. “Yeah, I don’t get why you’re doing this.”


“Because it’s fun,” Seulgi says and then yawns.


Fun. Wasn’t that always the reason?


“Well, besides that,” Joy sighs as she glances down at her phone for the time. “Sounds like more work than fun to me being with someone fresh out of a breakup. Especially when it’s their first one. God, how long were they together again? A year?”


“Two,” Seulgi corrects her. “Her first relationship lasted longer than all of yours put together.“


Joy glares at her. The heartthrob laughs.


“Whatever. I still don’t get it. You barely knew her before. She’s not doing anything special for you and you’ve decided to just be her emotional pillar?” Joy thinks aloud. “I knew you were weird but are you some kind of masochist too?”


Another yawn. Seulgi ruffles her hair.


“Maybe,” she carelessly replies, causing Joy to raise a brow.


“Or maybeeeee--”


Seulgi immediately recognized her dangerous singsong tone and interrupts.


“Don’t get any ideas, Sooyoung.”


Joy’s birth name was only ever spoken when things got serious--when Seulgi was serious.


“I do what I want simply because I want to. Don’t go looking for some kind of deeper meaning when it doesn’t exist.”


The short-haired girl puts her arms up in defense.


“Alright, alright. Calm down.”


She knew pushing any further on the topic would only mean trouble. And although she was usually one for trouble, tonight wasn’t the best of nights. But there was one last thing she wanted to say.


“But you can’t pretend all the time, Seul. Remember last time? That mess ended up hurting you. I can’t tell you to stop but be careful.”


The last thing she wanted was for Seulgi to hurt again.




Wendy waits with Irene by her locker. The former apologizes for running late yesterday. It’d only been one day since her return and already she was occupied with Student Council meetings and tutoring as well as other activities. Today was no different. Another meeting at lunch. Another tutoring session after school. She apologizes to her best friend for not having the time to catch up.


Irene, of course, being as understanding as she was, shakes her head.


“Don’t worry about it, Wendy.”


“You say that but I still feel bad,” the Vice President pouts. “How about this Saturday? I’m free that day. What do you say?”


“Do you even need to ask?” Irene smiles.


And Wendy would’ve smiled back but as soon as she caught sight of Kang Seulgi walking their way, her face hardened.


“How good to see you’re actually early today,” Wendy says with evident sarcasm in her voice. It was her best attempt at keeping things civil with Irene present. Though, she’s quite sure she wasn’t fooling anyone. Unlike Seulgi, she wasn’t good at that.


“Of course,” Seulgi glances at Irene. “I have to walk my girlfriend to class after all.”


“Oh, but weren’t you late yesterday?” Wendy reminds her.


Their gazes were unyielding.


“I was but I made sure to text Irene of my whereabouts to ease her worries,” Seulgi smirked, wrapping an arm around Irene’s shoulders. “You see, the last time I was late she was asking everyone where I was. Lesson learned.”


Wendy wanted to say more. Seulgi urged her to--one could see it on her face. She was enjoying it. Pushing Wendy. Playing with Irene. The Vice President held her tongue but her eyes said everything as they stared daggers into the heartthrob.


“Wow, well this is great,” Irene laughs nervously. “I think I’ll just go ahead and go to class now. I’ll text you later, Wendy--”


At that moment, Seulgi takes Irene’s hand and pulls her away.


“Bye, Wendy,” she sings with a wide grin on her face.




They walked past her classroom. Irene says something but Seulgi keeps walking. They don’t stop. Not until they reach one of the quieter hallways where Seulgi pauses for a moment, she looks all around, surveying the area, and then she takes them left. Walking faster, she pulls Irene with her and they exit the side doors of the school.


Irene blinks, confused. Classes were about to start in five minutes.


“Seulgi, what’s going on?”


The heartthrob is quiet. Again, she looks to the left and then to the right.


“We’re skipping.”


“Skipping?” Irene repeats, surprised.


“Ever done it?”


Never. Why would she? Besides the obvious fact than to get out of class.


“No,” Irene answers. “And I don’t think we should.”


From her pocket, Seulgi unfolds a yellow sticky note. She smooths it out a bit and then shows it to Irene. A mess of jumbled scribbles. The note read:


Adventure is everywhere.

You just need to look hard enough.


Seulgi takes her hand again.


“Come on. Let’s rebel a little.”




a/n: I am sooooo sorry it took me this long to update and that this is a bit shorter than some of my previous updates. I had a lot more planned for this chapter BUT it ended up making the chapter really long and I still wasn’t done writing. So I cut it into two parts. This is the first part. Hopefully I can finish the second part in a timely manner but I always say this lol. Still working on my other oneshot =] I haven’t gotten a reply back on the fest so I’m assuming it’s cancelled but I’m still writing the oneshot and I’ll be posting it here on AFF to share with readers because more Seulrene is always welcome~


There were so many plans with friends and family plus I was playing games and reading A LOT of comics the past two months, it just all kept me so busy. But rest assured, even if I don’t update within the usual month or two, i have every intention of finishing this fic =] i also update my twitter sometimes on how i’m doing on my updates lol but mostly i just retweet haha so you can follow me there if you want. Or feel free to PM if you’d like to ask me something =]


As usual, thank you to everyone who read whether you’re a silent reader, subscriber, or just a passerby! I’ll try to update again as soon as possible!


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A big thank you to seulhands for the amazing poster ;A;


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Chapter 13: 🥲🥲🥲
woah it's been years since the last time i read this one. i hope you still continue writing this one
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
still wishing u will continue this book 😭🤍
423 streak #4
Chapter 13: This is so good. And we've barely gotten answers to anything, its a shame 😔
Brokenheartedb #5
Chapter 13: One of the best author :))
vmr210 #6
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: started this not knowing it was unfinished and fell in love with it, I hope someday we can get an ending to this story :)
highhihi #7
Chapter 13: I don’t want to pressure you but I’ve been rereading this story for some time now and I’m hoping all of us would get the ending that we deserve… hope to hear from you soon
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 13: Idk but the fact that this story is incomplete but I still read it. And I don't regret it even a bit. This has to be like one of my fav tbh , it's just so simply beautiful. Like no heavy , lovey dovey moments but the pure bond Seulrene shared. Damn this incomplete story fills a void within. How much I want to know about Seulgi's side ughhh why do you have to leave such a masterpiece like this Author!? Why!!?? 💔😭😭😭
All I wanted to know was Seulgi's side.. Doesn't matter if this fic doesn't end.. Just Seulgi's side. Hhh author I hope you're okay.


Always makes me think.. What happened with Seulgi. And I don't like that I feel this empty feeling in my heart
I really miss this omg