Good to You

Temporarily Yours

V. Good to You


Seulgi kills the engine. The roaring fades and the radio peters out. Static crackles for a few seconds before it’s silent. Her fingers drum along the steering wheel’s worn leather.


“Tell me a place you’ve never been to and want to visit or something you want to do but have never done.”


Irene presses down on the red button, jerks the buckle to the left, and shimmies it out, removing the seatbelt on her own as she manages to remember Seulgi’s instructions from the other day. She looks at the driver curiously.




Seulgi shrugs.


“Well, our first date wasn’t exactly fun, was it? If you could even call it a date, that is.”


Right, their date from a few days ago. Seulgi only called it a date to coerce her into coming with her. In reality, the heartthrob cleverly tried helping her into a stage of acceptance. Which, in the end, worked.


“So,” Seulgi whistles, “anything come to mind?”


A low hum rests at the base of Irene’s throat as she taps her chin in thought. There were a lot of things she hadn’t done. A lot of places she hadn’t been to either. She jumps in her seat, suddenly excited.


“I know what we should do!”


This is what you wanted to do? You’re kidding, right?” Seulgi scoffs, folding her arms across her chest. “You’re shaking.”


Irene clings to the railing along the wall as if her very life depended on it. Her teeth chatter from the cold but mostly from her nervousness. Both kids and adults speed by them, making another lap around the rink.


Ice skating--that’s what she decided on.


It always looked fun in the movies. Her friends did it quite often. Always inviting her to join but she never had the guts to say yes. Truth be told, she was rather scared of it. Her sense of balance was terrible. Put her on ice and some skates--even worse. Whoever thought falling onto cold hard ice was fun must have been a masochist. But alas, here she was, barely standing and struggling to move as she uses the railing to pull herself along.


It was new. It was scary. It was different.


And before, she would have never tried it--ever. But now, it was the perfect opportunity for Irene to challenge herself. To change. To be better.


“I’m going to do one lap around the rink,” Seulgi says as she starts to drift away, slowly sliding backwards to the center. “And when I get back you’re going to let go of that rail.”


Irene doesn’t bother nodding as she concentrates on her current situation. From the corner of her eye, Seulgi skates away and blends into the rest of the crowd. Not only was she good at running but she was decent at skating too. Irene bites her bottom lip, using all of her willpower to at least stay standing. But her legs quiver like twigs threatening to break.


Perhaps spontaneously coming here was a bad idea. Irene thought having Seulgi take her at a spur of the moment would have been enough but who’d have thought her courage would run out so quickly, leaving her trembling. Her hands instinctively cling harder onto the railing.


There had to be a better way than just hugging the wall.


She scouts the immediate area, trying to think of what she should do. It was all open space. Just a great white expanse of ice. Nothing to aid her aside from the walled perimeter she’s become so acquainted with. Irene sighs in frustration, ready to give up, when something interesting catches her eye.


Seulgi would likely be back soon. She had to get it. Irene hurries over.




She moves faster. Of course, not nearly as fast as everyone else but this was better. Much better. Irene smiles as she glides forward, holding onto the handlebars of her tiny buddy. How lucky she was to have found it. In the back of her mind, she thanks the kind soul who left it behind just in time for her to take it.


Watchful eyes bore holes into the back of her head but Irene pays them no mind as she happily continues on her own. The presence lingers silently after her. Irene makes her second lap in a little over five minutes and her follower finally speaks up.


“You have to let go of the penguin,” Seulgi pulls up beside her, wearing a tired look as if she were exhausted from simply watching Irene.


Instantly, Irene’s grip tightens on the tiny penguin’s handlebars--a skating aid usually reserved for beginners, more specifically for children ten and under. But that didn’t matter to Irene. All of the kids around her seemed to be getting by just fine anyway. Compared to her, they might as well be pros.


Her brows knit together and she objects with every fiber of her being, refusing to give it up.


“No, this is my new best friend,” she scowls.


Seulgi suppresses a chuckle. Inside, she was probably dying of laughter watching her. Irene knew how ridiculous she was being but she couldn’t help it.


“The kids need to use it,” the heartthrob attempts to reason, pointing at a boy who looked to be around their age and his little sister beside him.


Irene stands her ground and shakes her head. Was her own struggle not apparent?


“Well, I need it more--S-Seulgi!”


Without warning, Seulgi’s right arm snakes around Irene’s waist, holding her tight. With her free hand she pries the penguin out of Irene’s grip and pushes it off to the side. In a panic, Irene clings onto Seulgi’s arm for dear life, afraid to fall after having her “best friend” taken away.


“Here, you can use this,” Seulgi calls out to the little girl behind them.


“Thank you!” the child beams, eagerly taking the penguin by the handlebars and whisking it away.


Her brother followed suit, giving a small bow, “T-Thanks.”


Seulgi simply nods her head and smiles. And the boy’s face turns beet red. Though, Seulgi hardly seemed to care. Irene shakes as Seulgi starts to remove her arm.




“Calm down,” Seulgi instructed as she freed Irene’s waist and instead held her up by the elbows. “Now, you want to learn how to skate, right? That’s why you came here, isn’t it?”


Irene nods with hesitance.


”Alright then, just hold my hands and we’ll skate. Okay? I promise I won’t let you fall.”


Irene gives her a long hard look. Obvious distress written across her face.


“Trust me,” the heartthrob smiles.


Irene could feel her knees wobbling more and more. She nods again.


And so Seulgi slithers her hands down to meet Irene’s, holding them tight. Then by her lead, Irene shakily glides across the ice.




It was terrifying the way she slid along the ice with no rails or walls nearby to hold onto. But at the same time, it was exhilarating. She wasn’t as fast or steady as everyone else but that didn’t matter. Her blades scrape lines tracing her path. Her legs quiver, still. Just a bit, not as much as before. She squeezes the hand locked in her left tighter, while her right arm hangs extended outward in the air for balance.


“Nice, there you go,” Seulgi cheers.


Irene cracks a wide smile. Confidence booming, she picks up a little more speed.


“I’m actually doing it!” she exclaims but her excitement is interrupted as she feels the person holding her shifting. “What are you doing?”


With her free hand, Seulgi pulls her phone out of her pocket. After fiddling with it for a few seconds, she holds it up directly in front of Irene and monitors the screen.


“Recording you, of course,” she smirks.


Irene’s legs tremble and her face burns bright pink.


“Oh my god, no--stop, put that away!” she shouts, trying to swipe the phone out of Seulgi’s hand. Unfortunately, her god-awful sense of balance prevents her from doing so and the heartthrob simply laughs as Irene continues to struggle, both in skating and in trying to stop Seulgi.


“But this is what girlfriends do, isn’t it?” Seulgi holds the phone up high out of Irene’s reach, still recording.


Irene raises her arm, fingers fluttering to grasp the device. She shakes and immediately stops. If only she were taller. The heartthrob stares down at her, challenging her to try again. Taunting her. Irene takes a deep breath and gives Seulgi’s hand a squeeze.


“Seulgi, stop.”


The taller girl blinks and then chuckles, “Oh, are you ordering me?”




“Well, I’d like to challenge that.”


Irene shuts her eyes in frustration. She’d completely forgotten about Seulgi’s ability to challenge.


“Damn that third rule,” she curses beneath her breath.


Seulgi halts her recording for a moment and frees her hand for a game of rock, paper, scissors. On the count of three they shoot and Irene’s shoulders slump in defeat as her paper loses to scissors. The happy victor takes her phone out once again.


“Woooo, say hi to the camera, babe,” Seulgi laughs. “Looking good.”


Irene could feel eyes watching them but Seulgi remained oblivious or rather, she just didn’t care. But Irene’s embarrassment rose as the heartthrob continued to coo and laugh, calling her cute and telling her to pay attention to the camera. She could practically feel the heat radiating from her cheeks.


“Irene, come on--”


Beyond flustered and barely able to contain it any longer. Irene yanks her hand out of Seulgi’s grip. The excessive use of force causes her to sway uncontrollably.




Big mistake.


Her arms flap back and forth as she tries not to fall. Irene’s entire body flounders for balance but it’s eventually lost. Then, just as she’s about to spill face first onto the ice, those same pair of arms wrap around her waist again.


“I told you to hold my hand, didn’t I? See, this is what happens when you let go.”


Irene looks over her shoulder to see Seulgi’s annoying smirk in such close proximity.


“Maybe if you weren’t an embarrassing idiot, I wouldn’t have,” Irene puffs her cheeks.


The taller girl carefully removes her arms from Irene’s waist and instead holds her by the elbows again. She was surprisingly considerate about being overly touchy for too long. Seulgi then spins her around until they were face to face.


“Sorry, but if you didn’t already know, being an idiot is one of my more endearing qualities--compared to everything else, that is,” Seulgi shrugs with a chuckle.


Confused and skeptical, Irene raises an eyebrow. She’d never heard anyone say such a thing before.


“Being an idiot is endearing?”


“When you compare it to my being cocky, arrogant, and overconfident, yes. Or do you disagree?”


Irene tilts her head to the side.


“Actually, that sounds about right.”


“But hey, this idiot didn’t let you fall, right?” Seulgi flashes a smile that reached from ear to ear, her eyes transforming into crescents.


It was unfair. Irene should have been more annoyed but just seeing that expression on Seulgi’s face was enough to dissolve most of her irritation--though she maintained her pout at the tiny bit of displeasure that remained.


The heartthrob places her right hand across her chest as if to make a pledge, her other hand still keeping Irene steady.


“I’m done recording,” Seulgi straightens up, chest out and shoulders pushed back, firmly stating, “I swear! Idiot’s honor!”


Idiot’s honor. It repeats in her head. The tiniest smile plays at Irene’s lips. What a silly thing to say and with such a serious tone too. A giggle escapes her and Seulgi offers her hand out again.


An endearing idiot, indeed.


And Irene accepts her hand with a smile as they take off across the ice once more.




Outside was the smell of pine and grass carried by a light breeze as the sun began to set. Hues of orange and purple painted the streets. Irene trailed just behind Seulgi, gazing upward at the clouds. She smiles at the sky despite the painful bruises on her legs.


“Did you have fun?” Seulgi asks without looking back.


Near the end of the day, she’d grown confident enough to try skating on her own and Seulgi obediently watched her closely from behind. How many times she fell? Well, she lost count. But each time, Seulgi would help pull her back up and she’d try again. Eventually, she got the hang of it, more or less--enough to shakily skate one lap around the rink without falling. An astounding accomplish in her book.


“Yeah, I did.”


Her arms stretch up towards the sky, hands reaching for the clouds overhead. Muscles aching satisfyingly. Ice skating was surprisingly enjoyable--once you get past the pain and embarrassment of falling, that is.




Irene’s arms fall down to her sides. Her eyes fixates on the back in front of her. The heartthrob keeps a pace of five steps ahead of her. Irene makes sure to keep up, lining up their steps, walking in rhythm. She stares at Seulgi’s shoulders, smirking to herself. Past her usual indifference and nonchalant demeanor, Seulgi was notably reliable.


Actually, there were a lot of good qualities to her. It was a wonder why so many chose to paint her in such an unfavorable light.


A heavy sigh escapes Irene as she gazes at the sky once more. Light was beginning to fade. The aching in her legs throbbed every few seconds.


“God, I’m so tired,” Irene groans, rubbing her lower back. “How far did we park again--”


She nearly stumbles over as her knees bump into Seulgi who was now crouching on the ground. Luckily, Irene manages to prevent herself from toppling forward.


“Get on,” Seulgi says.


Irene blinks in confusion.


“Hurry up, it’s starting to get late. You want to get home, right?” Seulgi reasons, waving her hand for Irene to accept her offer for a piggyback ride. The heartthrob waits readily and Irene nods to herself, climbing onto Seulgi’s back and she’s hoisted up in one swift motion. Seulgi bounces on her feet, easily carrying Irene’s weight.


“You’re lighter than I thought,” the heartthrob laughs.


Irene has the urge to pinch her ear but resists. She instead keeps her hands on Seulgi’s shoulders, holding firmly as the latter begins to walk. Her shoulders were surprisingly strong. They saunter down the sidewalk in silence and Irene starts to lean more and more comfortably against Seulgi’s back. Breathing her in, she smelt faintly of oranges. It was nice.


They continue to walk.


And just as she thought, Seulgi really wasn’t all that bad--


“Better hold on tight.”


The sudden statement snaps Irene out of her thoughts.


“What? Why--”


The rest of her sentence is drowned away by her high-pitched scream as Seulgi lurches forward into a sprint. Irene’s arms wrap around Seulgi’s neck like a death grip, nearly choking her but the latter has no trouble breathing as she cackles into the wind from the ringing in her ears.


Perhaps, Irene spoke too soon.


They make it to the truck in a matter of minutes. But once seated and buckled up, exhaustion sinks in and wastes no time lulling Irene to sleep.




“Hey. Wake up.”


A voice calls out to her.




Cold wind brushes her cheek, causing her to shiver. She’s shaken by the shoulder.


“Wake up.”


Eventually, Irene forces her eyes to open. With the heel of her palm, she rubs the sleep away from the corner of her eyes.


“What’s happening?” Irene grumbles, her mind still floating in a haze of pictureless dreams.


“You’re home now, sleeping beauty.”


And although Irene didn’t look at her, she could hear Seulgi smiling. Her seatbelt comes off with ease--she’s getting better at it. Irene pushes herself off the seat and steps onto the sidewalk leading up to her driveway. Lamp posts lit the streets as daylight was nearly snuffed out. Still groggy, Irene trudges clumsily towards her house with Seulgi close behind.


“Be careful. Don't fall over now.”


Irene nods. Her whole body aches. They reach the front steps of her house. Careful not to disturb, Irene unlocks the door as quietly as she can and when she turns around to bid Seulgi good night, the girl isn’t the usual five-steps distance away. At the foot of the step, she stands looking up at Irene, mere inches between them. Cold wind blows through. Irene shudders.


“Hey, before you go inside, I just have one question.”


Her hand reaches out to Irene’s, fingers playing at the end of her sleeve. She stops. Irene holds her breath.


“Your first kiss with Minho--was it on a night like this?” Seulgi asks. Voice steady. Eyes piercing. “It was on your list.”


The question catches her off guard and Irene could feel her insides knot and coil at the memory. She barely answers, “Y-Yeah.”


“And how did it happen?”


How did it happen? It happened in a flash. Nearly a blur that she could hardly recall. The soft pressure of his lips against hers. Warmth radiating from his body. Burning cheeks. Her heart practically bursting out of her chest, the loud thumping in her ears. And when they parted, she found herself missing him and wanting more.


“He j-just leaned in and k-kissed me,” Irene stutters and it’s as if the air was being from her lungs.


Seulgi’s fingers move from Irene’s sleeve, brushing the back of her hand. The heartthrob holds her wrist, a gentle grasp. Her slender fingers, soft skin. The light touch of her thumb rests on her pulse. Irene could feel the heat rush up her neck.


What was going on?


“That’s it?” Seulgi tilts her head.


A deep inhale. Irene does her best to calm her nerves but under Seulgi’s unsettling eyes, she grew more and more nervous.


“Yes,” she nods.


And Seulgi smirks, causing shivers to run down her spine.


“So what would you do if I kissed you now?”




It’s out of left field and Irene chokes on her words as Seulgi climbs up the step. She instantly backs away but Seulgi still held her. Her eyes shut, preparing herself for what’s to come. She wasn’t ready. It was all too fast. Her ears burn and there’s a loud pounding, her heartbeat escalates. Waiting. Anticipating. But when she feels soft lips not pressed against her own but brushing skin, she opens her eyes.


The heartthrob holds Irene’s hand to her face, placing a light kiss on her open palm. Irene stares, stunned.


“Sorry, but that’s the best I can do,” Seulgi smiles as she lets go. “Sweet dreams, babe.”


And as if nothing happened, Seulgi walks back to her truck to leave. The pounding still resonates in Irene’s ears as she watches Seulgi depart. Her hand still held out where the latter left it.




The roar of the engine snaps Irene out of her trance and she frantically turns the knob of her front door. Left, right, left. Until finally, it opens. She darts up the stairs and into her room. Shuts the door, slumping against it when her legs give out from exhaustion. Irene stares at the palm of her hand where the faint touch of a kiss still lingered.


The ice skating.


The piggyback ride.


And the kiss at the end of it all.


Almost like they were real.


Irene throws her head back and sighs.


Kang Seulgi was too good.




It had been two months. Two, rather fast, enjoyable months filled with new experiences Irene could have never imagined. Everything really did change when you liked someone. As if all that was gray and mundane was now pretty and rose-colored. Being together was like seeing the world in a whole new perspective and it made her heart leap uncontrollably. She was elated.


In the library, seated at a table in the far corner, Irene flips the page of her textbook, eyes quickly skimming down the page. Her right hand busily jots down notes. Words fall diagonally off the lines.


“Hey, Irene,” Minho calls from across the table.


Her hand stops.




“For this Saturday, I was thinking this time we do something that you like,” he smiles, leaning across the table.


Irene sets her pen down, folds her arms across her chest and frowns. Not quite sure if she understood what Minho was getting at.


“What do you mean? I’ve liked all of our dates until now--they were all things I liked.”


It wasn’t a lie. Honestly, she didn’t have any complaints.


Amidst the shuffling of books, the sound of fluttering pages, and the muffled whispering that filled the room, Minho gives a loud sigh that was more audible to Irene’s ears than anything else. His fingers rake through his hair, brushing his bangs back. Revealing chocolate-brown eyes staring at her fondly.


“Yeah but they were all things I suggested and you just said yes to. None of them were really within your interest, right?”


Watching a basketball game. Joining a 5K run together. Visiting the Farmer’s Market. Minho was the one who wanted to go and although it is true that they didn’t coincide with Irene’s hobbies and whatnot, she enjoyed them nonetheless. As long as they were together, she didn’t mind it--and if it wasn’t something completely out of her league, of course.


Irene scratches her cheek, “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”


Minho shakes his head and the kindest smile graces his lips.


”Irene, I think you’re missing the point. I want to get to know you better. I want to learn more about you.” Across the table, his hand reaches out to hers. “So this time, let’s do something that you really like.”


Her eyes go wide. Plain astonishment on her face. It was a rare occurrence when someone would ask to join in on Irene’s interests. Whether it was with friends or family, she’d nod quietly and agree to whatever the majority wanted to do. She was never asked first. She never spoke up either. If everyone else was happy with what they were doing, then she was too. But here Minho was, wanting to share with her. Wanting to try what she liked.


And Irene can’t help but feel touched. She smiles from ear to ear.






My first kiss was on a winter night. We were on a date. Minho suggested that I choose what we do. Something I like, he said. Something different for him. So I took him to a musical. He was awestruck. He’d never been to one before. I was afraid he wouldn’t enjoy it but thankfully, my fears were unrealized.


When it was done, we drove home. He was so full of excitement, telling me everything that he loved in the show. It was rather cute. And before we knew it, we were already at my house.


As usual, he walked me to the front door. I returned his jacket which he had given me to keep warm and was just about to say good night--but there was a longing in his eyes that me freeze. I held my breath. My heart beat like a drum and then.... He kissed me.


That night, when I lied in bed trying to fall asleep… I just couldn’t stop smiling.


As cliche as it may sound, whether or not you believe it Seulgi, my first kiss is something I could never forget.


Seulgi smirks at the last sentence, finding the direct addressal to herself amusing. But Irene was right, she did find it cliche. Like a sweetness that made her cringe. She folds up the purple parchment into a square again. Tucks it away in her front drawer. Peels a sticky note off the bulletin board and reads her nearly illegible scribbles.


Irene thinks a lot to herself.

She’s very careful and mopes around quietly.

Get her to do something new.

Make her smile more.


She crumples the note into a tiny ball in the center of her palm. Without so much as a glance, she tosses it at the trash can and it bounces off the rim and onto the floor. Just more scrap littering her already dirty room.


Seulgi yawns with arms stretched wide as she falls back in her chair. It creaks and groans. Then, all fell silent. Everything starts to settle in, the night, the exhaustion, the drowsiness--her eyelids slowly close. Resistance was futile.


Arms folded across her chest, sitting still in that blanket of darkness, she becomes lost in thought.


She seemed to be doing that a lot these days.


A loud tremor from the phone on her desk disrupts her.


1 new message.


Annoying Cutie: We’re finally back! Just arrived at the airport~ Pick me up tomorrow, k?




Clear skies like a canvas of bright blue paint . Not a single cloud in sight. Seulgi rolls down her window, feeling the soft morning breeze roll by. Her finger taps the top of her truck’s dashboard, counting the seconds. The minutes. They were going to be late.


“Mom, I got it!” A girl yells, exiting her front door, “I’ll see you later--no, we’re not late! Stop worrying, bye!”

She runs towards Seulgi’s truck.




Seulgi turns the key in the ignition. The truck shakes and grumbles, engine purring. It’s been some time since she last took her truck to the shop. Probably best to take it in soon, she thinks.


The passenger door is thrown open and then slammed shut. Seulgi sighs. The girl never was the gentle type.


“Welcome back,” Seulgi smiles, turning to her passenger who had hastily strapped herself in.


Three months abroad didn’t seem to change a thing. The only difference was her hair. As opposed to the usual long length she kept since they were kids, it was a bob cut now. The ends just an inch or two past her jawline. Surprisingly enough, it suited her. But everything else about her appeared to be the same as always.


“So, where is it?” she asks, eyes wandering around. “Where are my flowers?”


Yep. Same as always.


“You could at least say hi first,” Seulgi rolls her eyes as she reaches into the back seat, revealing a modest bouquet in an arrangement of warm colors. “Here. Welcome back, Joy.”


“Wow, you actually remembered. And here I was, expecting you to be empty-handed. I’m impressed,” Joy eagerly accepts her gift. Playing with the petals of a few flowers before sniffing them. “How about my balloons?”


Balloons? Seulgi arches a brow.


“You never said anything about balloons.”


“Oh my god, Kang Seulgi,” Joy groans in a rather dramatic fashion. “I swear, read your messages. I told you to get me flowers and balloons.”


There was no way. Seulgi may have been forgetful at times but this, for sure, she was certain. Balloons were not part of Joy’s demands.


“All you told me was flowers--you’re lucky I even got you those,” the heartthrob scoffs as she quickly scrolled through her message history on her phone. There. “See, nothing about balloons, loser.”


The phone is instantly snatched from her grasp. With her face barely five inches from the screen, Joy squints as she reads over their previous conversation. “What the hell? Why am I saved as Annoying Cutie on here?! I told you, it’s y Cutie.”


“Because annoying is more fitting for you than y--”


In a split second, Seulgi jerks her head back, avoiding the bouquet that just about clubbed her precious face. It would have been a terrible thing to ruin one of her best assets. Though, Joy most definitely would have disagreed. They were always debating. Just like now. Kids that grew up bickering, getting taller, older--through thick and thin--but never growing out of such trivial squabbles.


Seulgi snickers to herself and shifts into drive. She glances at her side mirrors and over her shoulder before merging onto the road.


“Come on, we’re late.”


“Oh?” Joy straightens up in her seat. Mild intrigue present on her face. She rests the bouquet in her lap, completely forgetting the lack of balloons. “And since when did you care about getting to school on time, huh?”


Obvious suspicion laced her voice. It held a bit of a teasing tone as well--as if there was something on her mind. But Seulgi didn’t pay it any heed.


“No reason in particular,” Seulgi responds, nonchalantly brushing her off. She turns the dial on the radio a few notches, raising the volume. A mix of buzzing static and music.


Joy was a big gossiper. Being one of the most popular girls, it was no surprise. Member of the school’s cheer squad. Friends with all the other populars. Generally liked by a majority of the school--unlike Seulgi who seemed to be either overly liked or completely loathed. And always getting in and out of relationships within just weeks. Gossip was just always around her. It was hard not to hear things. Not that it mattered anyhow because Joy loved to hear and know everything.


It was best to stop or ignore her before she even started.


All of a sudden, the radio fades to quiet murmuring, just buzzing static rather than music. And Seulgi looks to her right to see Joy turning the volume all the way down.


“I think I know why.” Joy mischievously grins. “Actually, I heard something interesting while I was abroad.”


And there it was. She was starting.


Seulgi takes control of the dial and turns the volume back up to where she wanted it.


“Cool, well you can tell me all about it after we get to school,” Seulgi says, swatting Joy’s hand away from the radio. “You know I like to enjoy my music while driving.”


The short-haired girl stares at her hard. Her lips start to pout and she slouches in her seat, crossing her arms. Joy was throwing a fit again and she moped for the next few minutes, her frown deepening as the seconds ticked by. God, the girl could be so unbelievably childish. It still surprised Seulgi. Joy was rather shameless when it came to getting what she wanted. But Seulgi never learned either.


“Fine,” Seulgi sighs, her shoulders drop.


She always gave in.


Seulgi turns off the radio completely, “This is why I named you Annoying Cutie. I swear, you haven’t changed since we were in elementary. Just tell me. What is it?”


Immediately, Joy springs up in her seat, the bouquet nearly falls to the floor. She leans in as close as she possibly can, her face hovering near Seulgi’s shoulder. Her eyes sparkle and the smile on her face is so wide, Seulgi could see it from the corner of her eye.


“I heard a certain heartthrob got into a relationship--” Joy sings.


Seulgi should have known.


“--I heard you’re dating Bae Irene. Oh, but no worries, you don’t have to say anything,” Joy leans back in her seat. “I’m curious to see for myself--how is it that, you, Kang Seulgi got with Bae Irene of all people, I wonder?

She twirls the short-length of her hair around her finger. Joy clicks her tongue and smiles playfully.


“After all, you never say yes to anyone.”




“You’re dating Kang Seulgi?!” Wendy shouts.


The look on her face is a mix of expressions blended into one and Irene couldn’t quite tell if Wendy was shocked, disappointed, angry, or perhaps all three and more.


But one thing’s for sure. She didn’t like Irene’s new relationship status.


“How are you dating Kang Seulgi now?!”


“Shh,” Irene tries to hush her. “You don’t need to yell about it, Wendy.”


Sure, practically everyone in the school knew already. But they definitely didn’t need to hear Wendy ranting about it. Her first day back from her study abroad trip and Wendy was already being loud. You’d think the Vice President of the Student Council would be more careful in how she projected her voice, especially when discussing more private matters.


Wendy slams her hands onto Irene’s desk, baffled. She shook her head.


“You’re joking, right? This is a joke?”


Irene adjusts herself in her seat and takes a quick glance at her phone. No new messages or notifications.


“It’s not a joke,” Irene says, looking Wendy dead in the eye. Making certain she was taken seriously. “Minho broke up with me about a month back. You weren’t around, Wendy. There wasn’t anyone here that I could really talk to and I needed someone--”


“And that someone ended up being Kang Seulgi?” Wendy scoffs.


“Believe it or not, she was the one who comforted me.”


“She’s a player, Irene. She messes with people’s feelings all the time. She could have just been toying with you.”


Little did Wendy know that Irene was the one using Seulgi first to get back at Minho. Latching onto her arm that day, batting her eyelashes and begging she’d play along. Thankfully, Seulgi complied right away.


Irene shook her head, “People say a lot of things about Seulgi but I trust her.”


The Vice President frowns, a crease between her brows begins to form.


“You obviously haven’t heard the more severe rumors then.”


Rumors here. Rumors there. That’s all they ever talked about--the rumors. Irene didn’t care for it. Not presently, at least.


“Listen, Wendy,” Irene sighs, reaching out to take one of Wendy’s hands in hers. “I understand that you’re worried about me but I’m dating Seulgi now.”


Dating. It was true to some extent but not entirely. But for now, Wendy didn’t need to know about their contract or agreement. Even if she was Irene’s best friend. This was just between her and Seulgi. Hopefully, Wendy would understand.


Yet again, Wendy’s face contorts into a dozen different expression at once before finally settling into one. A look of quiet anger.


“Okay, sorry I just--I should’ve been here for you, you know? But Minho... I can’t believe he did that to you,” Wendy growls, seething. “That’s it. You know what? He’s going to get a piece of my mind.”


And without another word, Wendy turns to march and exit the classroom. Irene stutters from her seat.


“W-Wendy, where are--Wendy!”


Then, she was gone. Irene was just about to get up and follow when her phone vibrates.


1 new message.


Seulgi: You might have already noticed but I’m running a little late. Thought I’d message you just in case, since you were so worried about me last time~ See you at lunch, babe ;P


Irene scoffs at how Seulgi managed to always successfully convey her cockiness through simple text messages. She stands up. The first bell rings indicating the start of class.




“Alright, everyone, surprise quiz!” their teacher announces as he enters the room.


Irene reluctantly sits back down and prays that Wendy doesn’t go overboard. But in all likelihood, knowing that girl for as long as she has, it was definitely going to happen. When Wendy gets started, it’s hard to stop. And her mind lingers back to Minho.




Room 105. Past two hallways from the main entrance and on the corridor to the right. If she remembered correctly, his first class was Math. If she remembered correctly--Wendy swings the door open and there he was sitting at his desk by the window, talking to a familiar girl seated behind him. Wendy shakes her head. She always remembers.


“Minho,” Wendy calls in a strained tone, trying to control her emotions.


She takes the longest strides she can. As much as her short legs would allow.


“Wendy, you’re back!” He blinks with surprise and smiles, “How was the U.S. of A?”


Normally, his jokes would have been cute. She would’ve laughed along with his boyish chuckles. Minho was a nice guy--one of the absolute nicest guys she knew. So how did one of the nicest guys end up breaking her best friend’s heart?


“I’d like to have a word with you if you don’t mind,” Wendy cuts to the chase and looks to the girl behind Minho. She was pretty and rather quiet from what Wendy knew. “Is this your new girlfriend? Krystal, right?”


The awkward glance exchanged by the couple does not go missed. Wendy goes further and extends a handshake.


“Nice to meet you. I’m Wendy--”


“Miss Vice President, so nice to see you’re back,” Mr. Kim interrupts, setting his bags down at his desk. “The class bell rang already. Is there something you need?


Mr. Kim was usually at least five minutes to his classes. Of all days, today he chose to be punctual. Wendy spins around and bows. She then flattens the creases out on the front of her skirt, hands pressing them out, making sure she was polite and presentable as always--as expected.


“Sorry for intruding, sir,” Wendy apologizes in her sweetest voice. “If you don’t mind, I have something I need to discuss with Choi Minho. It’ll just be a few minutes.”


Mr. Kim takes out a number of folders out of his bags one by one, setting them on top of the already cluttered file cabinets behind him. His eyes quickly glance over to the clock overhead.


“Ten minutes.”


Wendy bows again.


“Thank you!”




Wendy scopes their surroundings, looking up and down the hall, checking the nearest corner--empty. Good. With no one around, Wendy takes a deep breath. And everything flows through.


“How could you do this to Irene?!”


She tries her hardest not to shout but her voice still echoes in the hall.


“Wendy, look, I’m really sorry,” Minho scrambles to explain. “It’s not like I wanted this to happen! Irene was busy. I was busy. Before I knew it, I was talking to Krystal every day. I wanted to see her every day, be with her every day, and my feelings for Irene they just--”


“Two years with Irene!” Wendy cuts in. “How many months have you known Krystal?


Minho shakes his head. Eyes filled with hurt. Wendy could tell she wasn’t the first to say that to him.


“That’s not fair Wendy. You can’t measure feelings with time,” he mutters. Just barely loud enough for her to hear. His eyes fall to the floor. Hands open and close at his sides. “I’m sorry I hurt her. I know it’s my fault but it’s better that I ended it sooner than later.”


In some way, he may have been hurting too. Wendy’s tone softens.


“But why? Couldn’t you have at least waited a little longer before getting together with someone else?”


“I couldn’t and I’m not the only one.” He clenches his fists. “Apparently, Irene’s dating Seulgi now, so what does it matter?”


“It’s because of you she’s dating Seulgi!”


“Me?” Minho blinks. “What are you talking about?”


“Ah, I knew I heard my name.”


Wendy and Minho stop. Both turn towards the direction of the distant voice. Emerging around the corner was the person of discussion. Kang Seulgi herself. Smirk and all.


“If it isn’t Minho and--oh, Vice President Wendy, right? Oh yeah, you also just came back,” Seulgi snaps her fingers. “So, you two talking about me? I seem to be a favorite topic these days. Well, more than usual, I mean,” she shrugs.


There was always something Wendy just felt was off about Seulgi. As Student Council Vice President she not only heard her fair share of rumors but she knew truths. Past records. Profiles. Backgrounds. It wasn’t confidential information she took upon herself to snoop into and enjoyed but assisting the school staff just called for it at times. And in turn, she knew.


Minho’s shoulders stiffen in Seulgi’s new presence. Beside him, the Vice President leers.


Hands in the pockets of her blazers and head tilted to the side, Seulgi’s grin widens, “Those are some scary faces you guys are wearing.”


There’s a palpable tension. So much, it was nearly suffocating.


Minho scoffs and turns on his heel, “I have to get back to class. I’ll see you later Wendy. And I’m sorry. I really am.”


The classroom door opens and shuts. Only Wendy and Seulgi were left.


“Aren’t you late for class?” the Vice President glares. Simply irritated by the look on Seulgi’s face.


“An astute observation Miss Vice. Indeed, I am. But you seem like you have something you want to tell me. Or am I wrong?” the heartthrob says, insisting Wendy speak her thoughts. To which Wendy needed no invitation or approval to do so. For she fully intend to give Seulgi a piece of her mind and more.


“Why are you dating Irene?”


With that same aura of indifference she always carried, Seulgi shrugs.


“Because she asked me to.”


“That’s it?” Wendy’s eyes narrow. Carefully scrutinizing Seulgi. Her expression was just one Wendy couldn’t trust. “She asked you and you just said yes?


“That’s exactly it.”


No. There had to be more to it. Seulgi is a selfish person. She does things of her own accord. To just suddenly start dating Irene--she wanted something. The heartthrob may be skilled in her charms and persuasion, but Wendy knew better than to fall for it. She was lying through her teeth. Wendy was sure.


The Vice President puts her hands to her hips.


“I’ve heard a lot about you Seulgi and not just the regular rumors that go around about how charming you are, how many girls or guys you’ve been with--I’ve heard other things. I know.”


And Seulgi’s ears perk up, catching her odd tone. This time, it was Wendy’s turn to smirk.


“For example. I know about what happened at your last middle school before you transferred into our district. You were nearly expelled, weren’t you?” Wendy taunts and she manages to wipe that seemingly-permanent grin off of Seulgi’s face. The latter glowers at her. An expression Wendy had never seen Seulgi make. “If I find out you have some ulterior motive for dating Irene and you hurt her--I’ll end you. I hope I’ve made myself very clear. From this day on, I’ll be keeping a close eye on you, Kang Seulgi.”


No witty remark. No immediate response. The heartthrob simply stands with a hardened look on her face. Fists clenched tight within her pockets. She crouches to her knees, takes a deep breath. Wendy arches a brow. Seulgi then exhales and springs back up with a new grin plastered across her lips.


“Feel free to watch me all you want, Miss Vice. You’ll see.”


And with that, Seulgi walks right past Wendy, giving her one last smile. But when she rounds the corner into the next hall, finally out of sight, she stops. Staring down at her feet, Seulgi bites her lip and curses.





a/n: Sorry it took me so long for this update. I finally beat my game haha if you guys read my last a/n, you know what i’m talking about. Also, sorry for the misunderstanding but when i said “my game” last time I meant it in a way as in “a game I really like/have been waiting for”. I didn’t help develop it. I could only wish of making something like that.


But anyways! Yep, so I finally updated. You guys now know who Annoying Cutie is lol. It’s not Wendy but Joy. So now that both of them are back from their study abroad, we’ll see what happens since they both have their own opinions on Seulrene’s relationship. I’m excited to reveal more in future chapters.


Once again, thank you for all the support. I lurk around twitter and sometimes see the nice things ppl tweet about my fic and it really makes me happy to see that ppl are enjoying reading them. So thank you to all the readers, subscribers, silent readers, and to everyone who comments and shares my fic =] My next update will probably take as much time as this one since I’m also trying to write a oneshot for the Red Velvet fanfic fest Wish me luck on getting it done fast haha. Until next time~


I wonder how many of you read all my author’s notes lol >.> just a thought =]



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A big thank you to seulhands for the amazing poster ;A;


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Chapter 13: 🥲🥲🥲
woah it's been years since the last time i read this one. i hope you still continue writing this one
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
still wishing u will continue this book 😭🤍
423 streak #4
Chapter 13: This is so good. And we've barely gotten answers to anything, its a shame 😔
Brokenheartedb #5
Chapter 13: One of the best author :))
vmr210 #6
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: started this not knowing it was unfinished and fell in love with it, I hope someday we can get an ending to this story :)
highhihi #7
Chapter 13: I don’t want to pressure you but I’ve been rereading this story for some time now and I’m hoping all of us would get the ending that we deserve… hope to hear from you soon
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 13: Idk but the fact that this story is incomplete but I still read it. And I don't regret it even a bit. This has to be like one of my fav tbh , it's just so simply beautiful. Like no heavy , lovey dovey moments but the pure bond Seulrene shared. Damn this incomplete story fills a void within. How much I want to know about Seulgi's side ughhh why do you have to leave such a masterpiece like this Author!? Why!!?? 💔😭😭😭
All I wanted to know was Seulgi's side.. Doesn't matter if this fic doesn't end.. Just Seulgi's side. Hhh author I hope you're okay.


Always makes me think.. What happened with Seulgi. And I don't like that I feel this empty feeling in my heart
I really miss this omg