Lies are Expensive

Temporarily Yours

II. Talk is Cheap, Lies are Expensive


As soon as the bell rings, Irene snatches her bag and slings it around her shoulder, awkwardly shuffling towards the door. Through the sea of students eager to go home, Irene makes her way to her locker. With a quick spin of the dial--left, right, left--it clicks unlocked and she hurriedly tucks her unneeded books away and grabs whatever binders and folders she needed for her assignments. Done. She slams the locker shut, turning around and diving back into the current. Now, it was time to find Seulgi.


She scours the first floor, then the second, then the third, and then the rooftop but to no avail, there was no Seulgi to be found. Hair disheveled and chest heaving, trying to catch her breath, Irene takes a seat on a bench near the edge of the rooftop. The cool wooden surface causes her to shiver.


Had Seulgi gone home already and if so, how did she miss her? Irene bolted all over the school to ensure she wouldn't miss the chance to talk to the girl before she left but somehow, Seulgi must have slipped by.


Irene sighs to herself. Just her luck.


Sorry Irene, but no. Go home and rest.


The refusal rings in her ear. A voice devoid of emotion. So different from how she sounded before. How warm her words felt, how genuine they seemed and in an instant, as if from the snap of her fingers, they turned cold and flat--dead. All so effortlessly.


Truly, Kang Seulgi was different.


And she was just the person Irene needed. Though the former already declined, Irene was not one to back down so easily. One way or another, this was going to work--Irene would make it work. All she needed to do was pique Seulgi’s interest. A bit of persuasion. After all, hardly anyone could refuse Irene when she tried. Kang Seulgi was no exception. She may have a bit of immunity--being who she is--but Irene was certain she could charm her way through or convince her by other means. Seulgi wasn’t the only one capable of winning people over.


Irene looks over the school yard. Trees, buildings, and fields of grass painted in warm orange and purple. The hour was getting late. Perhaps, she would just have to try again tomorrow. She releases a grunt of frustration and picks herself off the bench. But just as she’s about to leave does she hear a familiar voice across the field, carried by the wind. In a heartbeat, she rushes towards the source.




“So I heard you got yourself a girl, Kang,” the boy with neatly-cut blonde hair teases as he tosses a bottle of water to another boy with messy, chestnut hair across from them. The latter uncaps it and drinks, chugging it down instantly.


“Word travels fast,” Seulgi replies through small pants as she continues her stretches, winding down from her four-mile run.


“And word is, the girl is none other than Bae Irene,” the chestnut-haired boy chimes in, catching his breath between every other word after having finished his water in the span of ten seconds.


Seulgi carries on with some lunges, trying to ignore whatever it is they were getting at. But the two boys exchange a sort of mischievous glance that did not go missed. So Seulgi stops and straightens up, folding her arms and arching a brow. Sometimes, these two friends of hers could be quite nosy and if left alone, who knows where their minds would travel.


“What is this? Are you guys the new gossip girls or something?” Seulgi jested.


“We’re just curious, that’s all,” says the blonde.


“Yeah, I mean, Minho and Irene just broke up and then all of sudden people are saying you two are together,” the chestnut-haired boy tosses the empty bottle into the air and catches it. “You moved in fast, Kang.”


“We get it though--I mean, Irene’s a freaking goddess. Still, you could’ve let us have a chance at wooing her first. You know Johnny’s had a crush on her since middle school--”


The blonde nearly topples over as the other boy side tackles him and clamps his mouth shut with his hand.


“Shut up Mark! How many times do I have to tell you I’m over her. I don’t like her anymore!”


Mark nods aggressively, tapping Johnny’s arm indicating surrender to remove his hand. Johnny does as requested and the blonde boy spits, disgusted by the taste of grass and dirt that covered Johnny’s palm. But the latter paid no heed and turned to Seulgi, cocking his head to the side, “But I didn’t know you liked her Kang.”


Immediately, Seulgi puts her hands up, calling attention. A lot of assuming was happening and normally, Seulgi didn’t mind it. There were always rumors, gossip, tales or whatever, travelling through the student body. Whispers from one ear to another and a good deal of them were about her, this much was certain. But this time, it was a little too much, especially when it was her friends--who usually weren’t so persistent in asking--personally hounding her for gossip.


“Okay, slow down. Do you guys believe everything you hear?”


“Not everything,” Mark shrugs, done spitting.


“But people told us what they heard--” Johnny continues and Mark interjects.


“And what they saw--”


“Lots of people did.”


Then they go back and forth, bouncing off of each other.


“And because we’re your super close bros--”


“They asked us when you two got together.”


“Imagine our surprise when neither of us knew--”


“And found out last.”


“We were disappointed--”


“To say the least.”


“How could you not tell us?” they say at the same time, finishing on the same breath.


And Seulgi looks at them with a mix of amazement and annoyance. She presses a finger at the center of her brow, shaking her head with small chuckle. Oh, how did things escalate this quickly?


“It still weirds me out how you two finish each other’s sentences like that sometimes,” Seulgi confesses.


“Childhood friends,” they shrugged. The only explanation they ever gave for such a phenomenon and one that was sufficient enough for Seulgi not to question.


Yet again, they speak in unison, “So tell us! How did you and Irene end up dating?”


“Listen, Irene and I--”


“Seulgi!” a voice calls from nearby.


A sudden smile creeps upon Mark’s face while Johnny slowly turned to stone, gaping wide-eyed like a fish out of water, floundering to speak.


“Speak of the goddess--”


“H-Here s-she comes.”




“I’ve been looking all over for you!” Irene smiles just five feet from Seulgi. She tried her best to not pant so much but the quick run over had her a little winded. Her fingers comb through disarrayed hair.


“Ooooooo,” the two boys behind Seulgi coo and the latter shoots them a quick glare, shutting them up.


Interesting. She’s seen them a few times before. Close friends and track teammates of Seulgi if she remembered correctly.


“Mark and…” she taps a finger to her chin, “Johnny, right?”


The messy-haired boy she thought to be Johnny, gasps so loudly, Irene wasn’t sure if he was being overly dramatic or if it was his natural reaction. From the way Seulgi and the other boy stifled their laughter, Irene was even more confused.


“Y-You know my name?” he stutters and blinks rapidly.


“Of course, I do,” Irene smiles sweetly as his face starts to become more familiar--oh, that’s right. “We’ve been classmates since middle school, haven’t we?”


He was a lot taller from what Irene remembered and no longer sporting his coconut haircut, which was good. That hair was terrible. But it was still rather long and unkempt. Aside from that, he was very much the same, just older looking--more of a man and less like a boy.


Another loud, exaggerated gasp. Irene blinks with wide eyes, startled.


Though, one thing hadn’t changed. He was still quite awkward.


“Sorry, he’s a little weird,” Mark apologizes, hiding Johnny behind his back to maybe save him from embarrassment. Which didn’t matter as Irene could clearly see his gaping face still and admittedly, she was starting to find his gawkiness to be sort of adorable.


“That’s alright,” she giggles a bit and Seulgi arches a brow at her.


“Soooo,” Mark’s eyes dart back and forth, a wide smile cracking upon his lips, “you here to talk to your girlfriend?”


The last word comes out teasingly and Irene turns to see Seulgi unsurprisingly expressionless.

“Actually, yes I am,” Irene replies.


“Irene--” Seulgi finally speaks, trying to cut in, but is immediately interrupted by Mark who was already starting to push Johnny in the opposite direction.


“We’ll leave you two lovebirds alone then!”


And they break into a run. Finally, they were alone again. Irene smiles at a displeased Seulgi--her face may not have said so but it wasn’t hard to tell.


Thank God for friends.




Seulgi rummages through her sports bag. Sticky, matted hair framing her face. Without so much as a glance, she says, “Irene I thought I already told you no.” She searches deeper, the rustling grows louder. “And you didn’t go home like I told you to.”


“Why would I?” Irene crosses her arms and shrugs. “I felt better anyways, so it’s fine.”


Seulgi stands, a small orange towel in hand, and pats it along her neck before wiping the sweat along her collarbones. With a tired and somewhat, annoyed sigh, she asks, “Did you at least clean your face before going back to class?”


“I made sure not to make it obvious I was crying. Why are you so concerned anyway?”


And for the strangest things, too. If anyone should be concerned for Irene’s embarrassment, it should be herself more than anyone else.


“No reason in particular,” Seulgi casually brushes off Irene’s curiosity and ties her hair up.


For a moment, Irene found herself staring at her. Hair out of her face, ears showing, and the accentuated sharpness of her eyes--Irene had never noticed how piercing they were.


“Let’s make this quick since I already know what you’re going to ask me.” Finally, she looks at her, deadpanned. “No.”


Clear and cut. Straight to the point. But Irene stands her ground, digging her feet into the dirt a bit, she gives a loud huff as she sticks her chin up and chest out. Steadfast and determined, two rejections could hardly discourage her.


“Well, I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer. I’m here to negotiate.”


“Negotiate?” The strong proclamation twists the corner of Seulgi’s lip as a chuckle of disbelief escapes her. “Wow, why are you so adamant about dating?” the heartthrob throws up air quotes, “Why?”


Why? It was a good question. Why, why, why? Was it because she’s angry? Because she’s hurt? Because she was suddenly cast aside and left alone? Because she doesn’t want to be alone right now? Or is it for all those reasons, everything above and between, that she’s desperate to just have someone. Worrying her friends wouldn’t do. And throwing herself at any guy was just asking for trouble. All she wants is a distraction. A companion that would help the wounds heal and stay by her side, no questions asked. Cover her eyes, keep all the pain away, and hide her until she’s okay.


Yeah, that’s all.


It was unreasonable, unfair, and selfish for her to want this of anyone. Moreover, someone who she’s barely acquainted with.


Yet, even so...


Seulgi stares at her. Keen brown eyes waiting for an answer. Irene bites her lip and her arms fall limply to her sides.


“Look, I know it’s silly, c-crazy even,” she sighs, knotting her hands together nervously. Eyes glancing back and forth from Seulgi’s face and the track field behind her. She was going to curse herself if she cried again. “B-But... breaking up with Minho or rather, getting dumped by him… I never thought it was possible.”


She stops, releasing a slow heavy exhale from the awful way her chest constricted. Three weeks and saying it out loud wasn’t any easier. Beads of sweat fall along Seulgi’s temple down to her jaw, but she stands there unmoving. Attentive and completely focused on Irene.


How could such unwavering eyes look so cold?


Irene steps closer and gently takes the towel from Seulgi. On her toes, she softly dabs the sweat away from the bottom of Seulgi’s chin up to the space beneath her ear. She hesitates at her temple, shaking.


“I thought we were happy and nothing was going to change that. We were together for two years,” Irene confesses in whispers. “I don’t know if that seems like much to you but for me, I saw him every day. I was with him every day. And then for that to suddenly change--for him to tell me that he doesn’t love me anymore…”


Irene wipes the last bit of perspiration, looking directly at the girl before her.


“It’s hard because I’m still in love with him.” The words are nearly lost from the sudden trembles in her voice. Irene lets out a soft laugh beneath her breath. How pitiful she must sound right now. “I know I already told you this and I may sound naive--you can even laugh at me if you want but I just…”


And before Irene can say anymore or turn away, Seulgi catches her by the wrist. Slender fingers that easily wrap around, trapping her. A warm palm against her pulse. Seulgi pulls Irene’s hand from her face but she doesn’t let go. Her shoulders drop and she sighs. The tiniest smirk remained on her face.


“Fine, let’s negotiate before you start crying again.”


“Really?” Irene blinks, wondering if she might have misheard or if Seulgi was setting up a cruel joke, waiting to hit the punchline and say no again. But Seulgi lets her go, grabs the towel from her, and slings her sports bag over her shoulder.


“Yes, really,” she assures. “But first, let’s get some food before we talk. I’m starving. Are you fine with burgers?”


Irene simply nod as she sniffles a bit from tears that nearly arose earlier.


“Alright then. Follow me.”




The drive over was surprisingly normal. Seulgi didn’t joke around, , or make any kind of remarks. Actually, she didn’t talk at all. Once they got into her truck all she did was turn up the radio and then sped off. She bobbed her head, left, right, up and down, to the beat of the music. Her fingers would sometimes drum against the worn-out leather of the steering wheel but that was it. Irene watched her closely the entire drive. But that was all it was. She’d never seen Seulgi so peaceful. Though, her aura was a huge contrast to the vehicle she drove.


It was a red truck with paint peeling off here and there, probably every side from what Irene saw. The roar of its engine was so deafening when brought to life, Irene jumped in her seat when Seulgi had started the ignition. Shabby interior. Seats flat and faded in color. Stubborn seatbelts that needed a bit of fiddling to lock, Seulgi had to help her. And a passenger seat door that stay jammed if not opened the correct way--which, Seulgi also assisted her with as she struggled to get out once they parked. The truck was without a doubt decrepit, but it certainly had character.


Definitely not the kind of ride Irene thought Seulgi would have. Then again, nearly everything she’s come to know and learn about Seulgi was surprising, if not odd.


They occupied the booth at the far corner of the diner. One of the waitresses wasted no time in walking over, giving a wink and hello to Seulgi, who simply smiled and asked for her usual order. When she turned to Irene, the girl blinked twice and her lips twisted in a sour way as if Irene had done something to offend her. But before she could say anything, Seulgi went ahead and requested the same thing for Irene, wearing that signature sly grin. And off the waitress went, skipping away happily.


“Did I make her mad somehow?” Irene mumbled to herself. No one had ever looked at her that way--at least, not within the first five seconds of meeting her. But she was apparently loud enough for Seulgi to hear.


“No, not at all,” Seulgi laughs as she leans back against the hard cushions of the booth. “She’s always like that when I’m here with someone. It means she doesn’t get sit down and talk to me.”


Her tone was obviously teasing but it definitely didn’t sound like a lie. Cocky.


“Well, she shouldn’t be doing that anyway,” Irene couldn’t help but scoff. “She should be working.”


“You’re right but that doesn’t stop her from getting needlessly jealous.”


The playful curl of her lips and the tight corner that turned her smile lopsided, Seulgi was clearly enjoying herself.


“Still want to date me?”


She was messing with Irene, testing her. Finding her limit, where she would possibly break or if she could take the push.


“That’s why we’re here,” Irene replied in confidence, wearing a smirk of her own. Seulgi was good at what she did. Irene was very much aware of this and for that reason, she knew not to fall for her traps so easily.


“Fine, then why don’t we--woah what’s with the pen and paper all of a sudden? I haven’t even said yes to anything yet.”


Irene had laid out a small purple notebook and matching pen on the table. She flipped to an empty page and uncapped the writing instrument, hand at the ready. There was no backing down now and if she wanted this to happen, she had to take initiative.


“I know, but I like to be prepared,” she smiles. “And so there’s no confusion, I’m going to note everything down.”


A strange look appears on Seulgi’s face. One mixed of amusement and amazement. Her head slightly tilts to the left. She takes a sharp inhale.


“You’re too serious, you know that?”


Immediately and unconsciously, Irene pouts. It’s not the first time she’s heard it. Many others had told her the same thing, especially Minho. Apparently, she had the tendency to get a little too passionate, for lack of a better word. Not like she could help it. It just happened.


The tiny crinkles on her chin deepen and light creases form at her brow. Dark, beady eyes shining like an infant’s. Her cheeks puff like soft marshmallows. Seulgi nearly bursts into laughter, quickly bringing her hand to , stifling it. The response has Irene’s bottom lip jutting out further in displeasure.


It takes nearly two minutes for the taller girl to recover. When her chuckles subside, she wipes away imaginary tears from the corners of her eyes and clears .


“I’m sorry. You know what, alright, let’s negotiate,” she smiles, regaining composure. “So first thing’s first, as the one being coerced into this fake relationship, I want to know, why me? Like any job there are multiple candidates and yet, you just come chasing after me even after I said no. Twice.”


She holds up two fingers for emphasis. Irene blurts the first thing that comes to mind.


“Because you’re you.”


Simple. Understandable. Yet, the answer doesn’t quite satisfy Seulgi as she shakes her head.


“That’s it? Come on, tell me more. Unless,” Seulgi arches a brow, challenging her, “you’re not serious about this?”


More pushing.


Irene taps her pen against the table. Three times. Four times. Five. The passing seconds begin to feel long and drawn and Irene is beginning to learn that Seulgi is patient. But there was no better explanation. Not one of bullet pointed reasons, logically thought out, or prepared for presentation. All she had were her honest feelings.


“That’s it,” Irene replies sincerely. “Because the Seulgi who comforted me made me feel safe. In that moment, I didn’t feel so broken and pathetic. That’s why.”


It was selfish and true but that was it.


“Because I’m me, huh?” Seulgi repeats to herself.


Their food arrives and the waitress sets Irene’s plate down first then Seulgi’s. Irene briefly thanks the girl but is brushed off. Instead she looks to Seulgi, a coy smile splayed across her lips, wanting for attention. Her hand, bony slender fingers, caress Seulgi’s arm as she tells her to enjoy her meal. But the gesture goes unnoticed as Seulgi continues to stare at Irene, hanging onto those words, her lips pressed into a thin line and eyes squinting, not even sparing a glance. Eventually, the waitress leaves in a fit, clearly irritated she was ignored.


“Because I’m me,” Seulgi says again, her voice just a bit over a whisper, Irene barely caught it. She’d been contemplating for awhile now. Was her reason that strange? Or was it still not enough? A few more seconds tick by and finally, Seulgi breaks out of her trance.


“Hmm. Okay, I’ll accept that.”


Irene sighs in relief.


“Did you want to hear more about yourself or something?”


“Of course,” Seulgi smirks and the food finally catches her attention. Two gigantic bites and her burger has been reduced to half. Irene passes her a napkin and she cleans the grease from her lips. “Now, I just have one more question.”


Irene stops mid-bite of her burger to listen but Seulgi urges her to proceed, letting her eat for a bit. Once she was also halfway done, Seulgi pops the question.


“What’s in it for me?”


Irene blinks, caught off guard and Seulgi is quick to pick up on it. Pouncing at the chance.


“Don’t tell me you thought I’d just help you out of the goodness of my heart?”


It’d be a lie if Irene said she didn’t. A part of her was relying on Seulgi’s uncanny kindness, hoping, maybe--just maybe, she would give in. After all, it was plausible from the way Seulgi had acted in the bathroom. But that was a foolish thought and a lesson learned on her part. There’s always a price with Kang Seulgi. The question now was, how high is it?


Irene proposes whatever first comes to mind.


“I’ll do all of your homework for as long as we’re together.”

Seulgi grabs a handful of fries and before she stuffs , she says, “Lame.”


“I’ll also clean your house. I’ll do your laundry and iron your clothes.”


More fries.




Frustrated and clueless, Irene grasps for anything else.


“I’ll buy you whatever you want?”


But none of her suggestions were apparently good enough as Seulgi finishes the last half of her burger and wipes her fingers clean. Her hands fold together on the table and she looks at Irene with a tiny grin.


“Irene, is that all you can think of? Those are all so mundane.”


“Then what is it that you want?” Irene asks. She’d rather hear what Seulgi wanted than spend the next five minutes guessing what might entice her.


Seulgi’s thumbs twiddle together. Circling forward then backward. Ideas running through her mind until she settles and her thumbs stop. They tap together twice and the grin on her face grows.


“When we’re done, I’m going to give you a note and you have to do whatever is written on it. It could be something humiliating, something horrible, or it could surprise you and be something great,” Seulgi leans against the table. Just a little closer. “Are you willing to take that gamble?”

A gamble. That was a good way to put it. Even with this plan there was no guarantee it would help her. Would she heal? How fast would she move on? Or will she still be heartbroken and stuck? This plan with Seulgi could very well crash and burn at her feet. But this was a chance and she had nothing left to lose. So why not gamble all the way?


Firm and resolute, Irene replies with confidence, “Yes.”


A mysterious spark flashes in Seulgi’s eyes, “Great, then I’m yours.” Then, she points to the notebook and Irene’s patiently waiting hand resting atop her pen. “Now, let’s write out the details of our little agreement, shall we?”






Bae Irene and Kang Seulgi hereby agree as follows:


Duties: Kang Seulgi will enter a fake relationship with Bae Irene and be her “girlfriend”.


Duration: This contract will be made effective once it has been signed by both parties and will be terminated when either 1) Irene has successfully moved on or 2) a year has passed.


Payment: A handwritten note by Kang Seulgi shall be given to Bae Irene at which point she must do whatever is written on it.




  1. Irene is in charge and has the final say in anything.

  2. Seulgi is free to act as she pleases in the relationship with respect to Rule I.

  3. Irene may request Seulgi to say or do whatever she wants within reasonable limits. The request may be challenged over a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, best 2 out of 3. If Seulgi wins, Irene cannot overturn the result using Rule I.


Irene reads over the contract once more, making certain nothing was missed. With the flick of the wrist, she signs her name and date at the bottom and passes the notebook over to Seulgi. The latter scans the page up and down with careful eyes, her chin. With quiet deliberation, she signs as well.


A promise for the better. A promise to heal her. Irene holds the notebook close to her chest.


“Thank you, Seulgi. Really.”


Seulgi picks at the carvings on the table. Mindless scribbles scratched in by children and bored teenagers.


“Don’t thank me yet. Save it for when my job is done,” she says and her finger stops. “Which brings up the question, other than me being your girlfriend, what else is your plan? What do you want me to do exactly?”


Her mind draws a blank, lips parted as if to say something but only silent breaths flow through.


“I… haven’t thought that far ahead. I just thought having you would help,” Irene shyly admitted, playing with the spiral binding of her notebook.


Seulgi simply shook her head and Irene felt a split second of panic.




“I’ll think of something, I promise--I was just--”


A sudden hand appears inches before her face, interrupting her. And when she’s hushed, Seulgi retracts her hand and gives her a reassuring smile.


“Calm down, I got it. I’m your girlfriend for the job, aren’t I?” Seulgi says, reiterating their agreement. “What I just need you to do is make a list.”


“A list?”


“Yep. Write down your fondest memories of when you were dating Minho. Favorite date, first kiss, whatever,” Seulgi waves her hand in the air. “Just list a few of them down but don’t you dare end up giving me an essay. Around ten or so, give or take, should be enough then we’ll go from there. Sound good?”


Irene’s eyes narrow, suspicious.


“Yeah but what are you going to do with it?”


Of course, Seulgi doesn’t answer her directly but instead stands up, towering over Irene, and winks. Her voice carrying a melody, she says, “You’ll see.”


In her back pocket, Seulgi takes out a few folded bills and places them on the table. Irene looks at her quizzically as Seulgi offers her hand, helping her out of the booth seat. Only then did she realize how dark it had gotten outside.


“For now, I better take you home. Come on, babe,” Seulgi smirks.


Heat rises and Irene’s face flushes pink. On impulse, she punches Seulgi’s arm. But the latter only laughed as they walked out the door with Seulgi never letting go of her hand.




a/n: wooo! Finally updated this fic! Sorry for the long wait but now that I’ve finished Carved in Porcelain and Smoke and Peppermint, I’ll be a lot more focused on writing updates for this. Especially now that the holiday season is over, I’ll have more free time aside from work lol =] Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone who’s read Carved in Porcelain and/or Smoke and Peppermint. I’m glad so many people were able to enjoy those stories and I hope I can continue to write more Seulrene~ Lastly, I’ll try to respond to comments for the last chapter of Smoke and Peppermint soon because I really do appreciate those, so thank you =] Hope everyone is doing alright! Thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting =D I'll try to update again asap! And Red Velvet’s comeback is soon! Let’s all work hard and do our best to support them!


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A big thank you to seulhands for the amazing poster ;A;


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Chapter 13: 🥲🥲🥲
woah it's been years since the last time i read this one. i hope you still continue writing this one
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
still wishing u will continue this book 😭🤍
423 streak #4
Chapter 13: This is so good. And we've barely gotten answers to anything, its a shame 😔
Brokenheartedb #5
Chapter 13: One of the best author :))
vmr210 #6
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: started this not knowing it was unfinished and fell in love with it, I hope someday we can get an ending to this story :)
highhihi #7
Chapter 13: I don’t want to pressure you but I’ve been rereading this story for some time now and I’m hoping all of us would get the ending that we deserve… hope to hear from you soon
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 13: Idk but the fact that this story is incomplete but I still read it. And I don't regret it even a bit. This has to be like one of my fav tbh , it's just so simply beautiful. Like no heavy , lovey dovey moments but the pure bond Seulrene shared. Damn this incomplete story fills a void within. How much I want to know about Seulgi's side ughhh why do you have to leave such a masterpiece like this Author!? Why!!?? 💔😭😭😭
All I wanted to know was Seulgi's side.. Doesn't matter if this fic doesn't end.. Just Seulgi's side. Hhh author I hope you're okay.


Always makes me think.. What happened with Seulgi. And I don't like that I feel this empty feeling in my heart
I really miss this omg