Then Came You





"Ya, Byun Baekhyun, what are you doing?"

It wasn't even a second after he spoke when Chanyeol felt a hard slap against his right cheek. Ouch. What the hell?

Then the bed dipped as he saw Baekhyun scramble to his feet, wearing a horrified expression. Chanyeol propped himself up with an elbow and rubbed his smarting face. "Ya! what was that for?"

"I-I was... There... I mean," the boy stuttered.

"What?" He eyed Baekhyun suspiciously. Then a thought made his eyes widen. "Hey, were you breaking rule number one?"

"Of--Of course not!" the boy denied.

"Then what were you doing?" Chanyeol knew he was probably speaking nonsense but what else could he think?

Baekhyun sputterd. "Nothing!"

He had to admit it was kind of amusing to see Baekhyun blush, a becoming pink covering his cheeks. The boy muttered something Chanyeol couldn't understand but he didn't have a chance to ask what it was because Baekhyun proceeded to plop down on his bedding and scurry to cover himself fully with a blanket.

Feeling inexplicably deprived, Chanyeol slid towards the edge of his bed and stuck out his leg to nudge the boy with his toe. "Hey, you didn't answer me yet." He nudged him again. "Ya, Byun--" then a slow smile spread his lips,"--tae."

There was a gasp and Baekhyun lowered the blanket abruptly. "I'm not a ert!"

Chanyeol's grin widened when he saw Baekhyun's flushed face again, feeling much much lighter since their 'fight' earlier. "Come to think of it, it even sounds like your name." Another nudge. "Byun. Tae."

Chanyeol was too busy teasing Baekhyun that he didn't guess the other's intent until he found himself flailing and falling on his back on the carpeted floor, Baekhyun having pulled at the end of his pajama bottom and unbalancing him. The stray pup burst out laughing, the sound settling warmly inside Chanyeol's chest. Belatedly realizing he was the one being laughed at, he quickly rolled to his left and settled his knees on either side of Baekhyun's hips, successfully pinning the smaller boy beneath him.

Chanyeol looked down at him with a triumphant smile and Baekhyun promptly quieted as their gazes locked. There was a sudden rush and it felt as if he was looking at him for the first time, at Byun Baekhyun who looked like a startled angel, his soft lips parted in surprise, his deep brown eyes opened wide. Chanyeol could feel everything go haywire, like being thrown into whirlwind of wonder and bewilderment. His breath caught and his heart beat insanely fast. Then his smile fell because he has never felt like this before and he wasn't sure he wanted the chaotic tumble of emotions he was struggling to contain.

"Why?" he whispered, not really knowing what he was asking and who he was asking. Why am I feeling this way? Why didn't I let you leave? Why can't I let you go?

He bent nearer and unconsciously lifted his hand to gently sweep Baekhyun's fringe away from his forehead because maybe if he looked close enough, he'd get the answer. But all he felt was more confusion when he studied the arch of Baekhyun's brows and the tiny mole above his upper lip. Has it always been there?

His eyes went lower and right then the memories he had tried to suppress came back. He remembered that he had felt those same lips over and under his own once and would it feel the same if he was the one to close the distance between them and break rule number one--

"A bug," Baekhyun said breathlessly.

Chanyeol was instantly pulled from his dangerous thoughts. His eyes returned to Baekhyun's, a frown knitting his brows. "What bug?"

"You asked why," the shorter boy answered, his voice still a bit faint. "I--There was a bug and so I came close to swat it away."

He had to think hard for a moment to recall what they were talking about. A bug. Was that what woke him up? Was that the softness he felt on his cheek before he opened his eyes? Then more images came back. Baekhyun's face close to his, the slap on his cheek, falling from the bed, the warm press of his body against Baekhyun... my god. He quickly pushed himself away when he realized how intimate their position was. Chanyeol scrambled to get back on his bed, which was no easy task considering the length of his limbs.

He lied down, turning away from Baekhyun so the other wouldn't see the blush that he was certain was covering his face. Damnit, Park Chanyeol, get a grip. "Well, then go to sleep. You can't be late for work."

"Work? You mean... I could work for KSE?" There was so much relief in Baekhyun's voice and Chanyeol felt like an again for the words he said last night.

"Yeah. So go to sleep before I change my mind," he said grumpily. Yeah, Park Chanyeol, like you would.


There was silence and for some reason Chanyeol tensed while waiting for Baekhyun to continue.

"Can we be... friends?" Baekhyun asked hesitantly.

He thought it was probably a bad idea but Chanyeol couldn't help but turn around and look at the pup. Because inevitably the weird feelings would start up again, which they did. Friends? There was a tightening in his gut. I don't think I want to be your friend.

But Baekhyun looked so hopeful and the urge to give him everything he asked for was strong again so Chanyeol muttered a "Whatever," before turning on his back again.

"That's a yes, right?" He could practically hear the smile on Baekhyun's face. Chanyeol just let out a grunt in response.

"You're the best, potato-ahjussi."

"Shut up and sleep, byuntae."






Having slept for only a few hours, both of them woke up late and had to rush through breakfast with Nonna clucking at their unfinished plates. In no time at all, they were in the elevators going down and Chanyeol felt queasy because Baekhyun has been smiling at him all morning, his eyes doing that half-moon thing again.

They reached the lobby and Baekhyun lifted his arm for a wave of goodbye when Chanyeol took hold of it and dragged him across the parking lot. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, one he made when he saw Baekhyun take a step away from him and he remembered that the pup almost left him last night. His troubled mind barely acknowledged that reaching out for Baekhyun already became a reflex.

"Uh, Chanyeol? I have to get to the bus stop soon."

Chanyeol didn't speak until they reached Joey and went on to open the passenger door. "Get in."

The shorter boy just stood there gaping at him so Chanyeol pushed him inside and shut the door before going to the driver's side. "Your seatbelt," he said but Baekhyun continued to stare at him. He rolled his eyes and leaned towards him to fasten the belt himself. They were so close and Chanyeol could catch the smell of freshly washed cotton and a touch of mint. That was his scent on Baekhyun's skin. He could feel his face heat up for why was he even thinking of those things?

He quickly straightened but not before seeing a smile bloom once again on Baekhyun's lips. "What?" He started the car and his focus was on the road but he couldn't help throwing a quick glance at the pup beside him. "Stop smiling," he grumbled.

"But I'm happy," Baekhyun answered. "I smile when I'm happy."

"Well, then stop being happy."

"I can't." And Chanyeol could once again feel the guy's eyes on him. "Thank you for taking me to work."

"Don't thank me. I'm just making sure that you get in the office on time. We're paying you to work so of course," he ended with a shrug.


"And I'd have to drop you off about five blocks away. I wouldn't want them to see us together or people will get the wrong idea."

"Okay, Chanyeol."

But was five blocks too far? "Fine, four blocks away." Baekhyun was still looking and still smiling, damnit.

"Alright, three blocks and no more." Chanyeol frowned when he imagined Baekhyun walking that distance alone. "Okay, two blocks and you're on your own."

Park Chanyeol, did you just negotiate with yourself?





"Okay," Baekhyun said and he had to look elsewhere because he might outright giggle if he didn't. He was just really happy. He lightly traced his fingers against the car window. 박 찬열I love you, nine days and counting.

Admitting to himself that he was in love with Chanyeol made him feel a thousand times better than when he was denying his feelings for him. He already lost much of everything anyway and it was foolish to deny he already lost his heart. So he would just enjoy this for as long as he could.

Falling in love was everything his mother told him and all that she didn't. It was every bit as nerve wracking, heart thumping, toe curling roller coaster ride she described it to be but she didn't say how scary it was, how it was like falling off a cliff and even knowing you'd break in the end you'd still want to plunge in because it was that amazing. And that was exactly how he felt right now. It was the dumbest thing he has ever done and he knew he was setting himself up for heartbreak but he wanted it. He wanted to be with Chanyeol.

They were already friends and it was enough for him. Although his heart said otherwise, it would have to be.

"Also, we'll go home together. Message me when you're done with work. I'll pick you up at the same place where I'm going to drop you off. Don't go with anybody else except me. Got it?" Chanyeol ordered.

He returned his gaze at Chanyeol in surprise. Go home together, too? "Is it... Is it because we're friends now?"

But the taller guy just gave him a noncommittal shrug.

The rest of the drive passed by in silence and Baekhyun was unbelievably excited for the day to end so they could go home together. Baekhyun, you have got to calm down. This was not how you should spend your second day of work.

They rounded the last corner and stopped about two blocks from KSE. "Okay, we're here."

Baekhyun took off the seat belt. "Thanks again, Chanyeol. Have a great day, okay? See you later!"

Chanyeol wasn't looking at him but he still sent him a small wave. Noticing again that the younger's tie was too straight, Baekhyun leaned towards him and pulled on it. There, not too perfect. He realized too late that the gesture was a bit too forward and he flicked a glance towards Chanyeol's face just above his own. The guy appeared stunned and was looking at him strangely. "I'm sorry?" he said before he quickly slid out of the car. It was a few moments before the vehicle started again and Baekhyun gave another wave as it disappeared down the road.

He sighed. If he wanted this to last, he should learn to control himself around Chanyeol.

He just started walking towards the office when a dark blue car slowed down beside him. Baekhyun looked at it warily when the window slid down to reveal his boss, Kim Jongin.

"Baekhyun!" the guy greeted him.

"Good morning!" he smiled back.

"Get in. Let's go together," Jongin offered.

"Oh, no. It's okay. The office is near anyway. I'll just walk." Baekhyun thought the young department head was really nice. Just like Chanyeol, without the grumpiness.

"Come on, I insist. Why walk when I have enough room here?"

"But won't people--"

"It's no big deal. If you don't get in soon, we'll both be late."

Jongin looked as if he wouldn't accept no for an answer, so Baekhyun shyly opened the door and got in. His boss laughed. "Is it that dreadful to ride a car with me?" he asked as he drove.

"No! It's just... Won't people say anything? I mean, you're my boss and I shouldn't be seen with you?" Because that was what Chanyeol said, right? And Baekhyun didn't want any misunderstandings with anyone.

"What would they say? What's wrong with going to the office together? Don't worry about it." Jongin just smiled at him and continued driving.

He smiled back but it wasn't as bright as earlier for he was trying to forget that Chanyeol didn't want to be seen with him.






He took a quick survey of the crowd outside the building before walking languidly towards KSE's entrance. Why were there so many people? Then Sehun caught sight of a big banner being held by some girls in pink. Angel of the East. His lips pursed. Angel, huh?

He aimed his camera and took a shot of the scene. They really looked like a bunch of lemon and strawberry gum drops. The Candy Army, he smiled to himself.

Sehun turned to go in. He was there to finally sign the contract with KSE. He told Jongin last weekend that he received an offer from the company the day after his friend left. He thought it was a great opportunity to visit his relatives in Korea and also surprise his best friend while being paid handsomely for it. Sehun believed the deal was pretty good--he would have artistic freedom and the possibility of working in future projects--although he reserved his final agreement for when he arrived in KSE and had a deeper knowledge of what the project entailed. KStar said they liked his style and it would suit perfectly with the concept of the album they were working on so they chose him.

After going through the details with the management last Friday and mulling over it during the weekend, Sehun decided to go for it. There was also an upcoming photography competition next month so he would have his hands full during his stay here but he loved challenges anyways. He would just have to find the perfect subject and he'd be all set.

"Sixth floor... or was it the sixteenth?" he mumbled to himself as he entered the elevators. Now it would've been easier if he'd just walked up to a person there and asked for directions but Oh Sehun disliked doing that for it required him to talk to people. And to put it his way, he'd rather go bald than strike up a conversation with a stranger. He doesn't have anything against people, he just felt awkward when he opens his mouth.

He loved watching and observing people, though, their gestures and their expressions. He believed that you could understand a person more from the way their eyes speak to you than the words that come out of their lips. Maybe because he grew up by himself--his parents always away on business trips--that he has learned to enjoy the quiet instead of feeling lonely.  The only time he feels comfortable speaking was when he was talking to somebody he knew. Truthfully, if it weren't for Jongin, he would have spent his college years alone, too.

It was rare for Sehun to find another one like him, who would rather observe than talk, but he thought he saw something like that in Lu Han. He remembered the look in the singer's eyes. It was shrewd and calculating. Sehun thought the guy liked to study the people around him, too (derives more fun from it than he does, really). Probably Lu Han gets away with it because people are too distracted by his beauty to notice that behind that face was a pretty sound (and devious) mind.

 "Six or sixteenth?" he asked himself again. Shrugging, he just pushed the 6 button first. He could always go to the sixteenth floor if he was wrong. The doors opened soon and Sehun walked around, looking cool and, well, lost. He was sure he had been here before, when he was looking for Jongin last Friday. After about ten minutes (and fifteen wrong doors later), he realized that the sixth floor was for the practice rooms. To the sixteenth then.

He was on his way back to the elevator when he chanced upon a familiar corridor and a familiar palm plant beside a vending machine. And lo and behold, there was a very much familiar blonde person kicking the said machine.

"You," kick, "stupid," kick, slam, "!"

The lighting was perfect, the angle was perfect, and the expression was perfect. Sehun quickly raised his camera. In three... two... Say cheese.


Close enough, he shrugged. Click!

He watched as the Angel of The East froze with his leg mid-air and looked at him.


"Of course it's you," Lu Han raised his eyes to the heavens and straightened. “Of course.”

Sehun walked closer. "One of my best shots," he said blandly. He puzzled over himself, though. Why was it so easy for him to talk to this person?

"That's me in there, of course it would be the best," the blonde boy scoffed.

Sehun glanced down at the screen of his camera, at the irritated look in Lu Han's face that distorted his soft, angel-like features. "Yeah, it's the real you," he whispered absently.

He didn't notice Lu Han stepping closer until he heard a gasp close to his ear and he saw that the singer was already beside him, also peering at the camera screen. "Oh my god, delete that."

"Why? I thought every picture of you is the best," Sehun challenged.

But Lu Han just stared at him and was that a twitch in his left eye? "Just delete that."

"I don't think so," he said before walking away.

"Hey." The shorter boy grabbed at his arm. "What are you going to do with that?"

"None of your business, actually."

Lu Han stomped his foot and pulled at his sleeves again. "I can't believe I'm doing this," the singer mumbled. "I'll give you something in return, if you delete that."

"You're that desperate?" Sehun asked, a bit surprised.

The singer glared. "It's my job."

Honestly, Sehun had no intention of having this picture leaked. It was for his own amusement, nothing more. He was about to tell Lu Han not to worry but the guy chose that moment to look up at him, the overhead light casting his features with a soft glow, his eyes turning almost golden. And right that instant, inside Sehun, something just... clicked.

"What do you want?" Lu Han asked impatiently.

Sehun couldn't help himself. This was exactly what he was looking for. "I want to see you ."






"Bubblegum pink."

"Sunshine yellow!"

"Bubblegum pink."

"Sun-freaking-shine yellow!"

"Why are you shouting?" Minseok asked the almost-but-not-quite-hysterical Starling's president sitting across the table. They've been inside a meeting room in KSE for more than an hour now but there was still no end in sight.

"Why are you a dumb dodo?" Jongdae fumed.

"Yup, as always. Very diplomatic," he smirked. Minseok took his position seriously and the matter at hand was as serious as it gets (what color would the official lightstick for the Starling-Sweetest collaboration be) but it was kind of fun riling the stern looking Kim Jongdae.

"And you, as always, are a... bun!"

Minseok frowned a little. He was proud of his smooth and plump cheeks, Lu Han especially told him he was cute because of it and even called him his baozi. But the way Jongdae said it was almost insulting. "Excuse me, I'm a special bun."

"Whatever. I tried to be civilized but you wouldn't have it."

"Civilized? The way you suggested we do votations was civilized? That was cheating. You outnumber us, five is to one. How would we even win?" he asked disbelievingly.

"That isn't my problem," Jongdae said with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Well, now it is because I say bubblegum pink." Minseok sat back and crossed his arms.

"Yeah? I still say sunshine yellow."

"Bubblegum pink."

"Sunshine yellow!"

"Buh. To the ball. To the gum. Pink."

"Buh. To the Un. To the get lost because it's gonna be sunshine yellow!"



"Guys! Please," the small guy with the striped bowtie pleaded. Minseok and Jongdae turned to look at him at the same time.

"I'm sorry but," Minseok started. "Who are you?"

"You don't know him?" Jongdae looked scandalized. "He's KSE's EVP for A&R!"

Oh. There's a lot of letters right there, Minseok thought. Also, he doesn't look the position. But if he was from the higher ups then maybe he could use him to his advantage. "I'm so sorry, Mister--?"

"Kim Junmyeon," the EVP answered before offering his hand. "I was called by a prod assistant and she told me there was a commotion here. What seems to be the problem?" he asked with a calm smile.

"Mr. Kim, I'm Kim Minseok, esteemed president of Lu Han's official fan club, the Sweetest." Minseok gestured towards the irritated Jongdae. "You see, sir, this person is the problem."

"I'm not!" Jongdae answered indignantly. "EVP Kim, the real problem is we used to be very peaceful and organized here. You know that the Starlings is the best fan club, right?" At Junmyeon's nod, Jongdae continued. "But when these people got here everything came apart!"

"It didn't, not at all. What came apart," Minseok nodded at the direction of the other president's head, "was your hair. It's parted like there's no tomorrow."

Jongdae's hands went up to touch his center-parted hair. "It is not even of consequence! Can you please stop being a smart- and be serious for a moment."

"But I am serious, your hair is seriously offensive," he said with a smirk. It wasn't really offensive. It was kind of cute even, not that he would tell Jongdae that.

"Your attitude is offensive! It's a complete disgrace. We Starlings--"

"Well, the Sweetest wouldn't even think of cheating so I don't think--"

"Um, guys?" Junmyeon tried to get in the middle again.

"--So it doesn't matter at all if you came all the way from China--"

"--Travelling thousands of miles just to support our Lu Han and don't you say that--"

"Guys, please?"

"--it will inevitably be sunshine yellow!"

"--because it will be bubblegum pink."


"Sunshine yellow!"

"Bubblegum pink."

"Silence!" A sharp voice ordered and this time Minseok turned to see Manager Zhang by the doorway. One only had to look at his piercing eyes to know that the manager was not happy. "What is happening here?"

Minseok bowed at the newcomer and explained quickly. "Manager Zhang, I'm glad to see you again! We were discussing what the official color of the collaboration should be and I was calmly explaining to this fellow why bubblegum pink, Lu Han's color, should be chosen." He thought he heard a muttered 'calmly my foot' from the other side of the table but he couldn't be sure.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me that when I asked you earlier?" Kim Junmyeom said, looking a little hurt. Minseok really thought he shouldn't ever be sent to mediate. The EVP was such a softie.

"You couldn't even handle a small tiff like this?" Yixing asked with a raised brow.

"I was handling it. If you've been here a little earlier--"

But Junmyeon was cutoff when Yixing turned to the two fan club presidents. "We're giving you one week to sort this through. No fights, no fan wars. A quiet discussion between you, two. If anything that can hurt Lu Han and Do Kyungsoo's name ever surfaces anywhere, all fan privileges will be revoked indefinitely. Is that understood?"

"Yes, of course Manager Zhang," Minseok replied. He slid a glance at Jongdae who bowed stiffly.

"We would get on it immediately, Mr. Zhang."

"Remember, one week." Then Yixing went on to taunt the EVP. "And that's how you handle things."

Kim Junmyeon looked taken aback but quickly recovered himself. "I'm so happy for you, then," he said before he huffed out of the room.

It was Yixing's turn to look surprised as he watched Junmyeon go out the door. The manager went out shortly after, leaving Minseok and Jongdae alone. There was something strange with those two, Minseok frowned in thought. He couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly though because Jongdae placed his hands on the table and leaned in. "Okay, let's get to it."

"Sure." You won't win against me.

He has been a devoted fan of Lu Han for five years now, even before the singer debuted and he would prove that by winning.

"We have one week." Jongdae said with a nod.

"I know." This is gonna be a piece of cake.

"Okay, fine."

"Okay." You'll lose so bad, your dreams are gonna be bubblegum pink.

"As I was saying, sunshine yellow--"

"I still think bubblegum pink--"

Jongdae's narrow eyes glared daggers at him. "Sunshine yellow."

Minseok hid a smirk. "Bubblegum pink."

Game on.






Tao drove towards a fairly deserted road, careful to look at the rearview mirror to ensure that the gray car was still following him. It's been more than three days and Tao thought it was time to end this right now.

He already got all he could get online and what he needed now was to get the information he believed his stalker could give him. Just a few more details to complete the puzzle that was Byun Baekhyun's life.

Tao sped up, making the other car speed up, too. Come on, he thought. Catch up.

He hit the accelerator once more and the other driver, probably thinking that Tao would leave him behind, moved closer. The assistant smiled and felt a rush of adrenaline as he sped up again. The other car did, too, and the distance between them narrowed even more. Just one bit closer... Now!

Tao hit the brakes and swerved to the left, effectively blocking the road. There was the loud screech of tires against gravel when the other car tried to stop in time to avoid collision with Tao's. The vehicle took a turn to the right, its bumper missing hitting Tao and his car by just a short margin, and stopped a short second later, dust billowing all around them.

The black haired boy walked to the driver's side, his senses alert. He heard a click and the door opened. He expected to find more of the men he fought with last week. Old, pudgy guys in suits that don't fit. What he didn't expect was the tall, blonde guy who came out. He wasn't pudgy and he wasn't old. And his clothes they certainly fit.

Tao stopped an arm's length away from the man. He was amazed to see the blonde guy was even taller than him. "Who are you? And why are you following me?"

But the stranger just stared at him, one thick eyebrow raised.

"I asked you--" he wasn't able to finish because the guy slipped his hand inside his coat pocket and in reflex, Tao's own shot out to grab onto the man's hand. "Hey!"

The guy resisted and there was a brief struggle. Tao had to use more force than usual to get the upper hand. A few defensive moves and then they were face to face, Tao's right arm pinning the man against the gray car. "No funny business. I asked you who you are."

"Kris Wu," the blonde answered, a little breathless.

Kris Wu? That surname... I've read that. The split second that Tao was distracted, the guy was able to remove Tao's arm, hold on to him and now Tao was the one pinned against the car.

Kris leaned his face close to his. "How long have you known?"

"Known about what?" Tao answered, trying to lull the other with conversation to relax his hold.

"That I've been following you?" came the deep voice.

Tao smirked. "The first minute you did."

He didn't expect the stranger to laugh. "Damn, and all this time I've been suffering inside that old cramped car just to stay inconspicuous. The good it did me," the guy said almost to himself.

Tao felt the restraining arm loosen and he took that chance to knee the guy near his groin and land a side chop to his stomach. Kris Wu staggered back and Tao immediately got his hold on the other man's arm, twisting it behind his back before slamming the guy against his car again. He pushed on the back of Kris' neck with his free arm, making the blonde guy's face hit the car roof. Got ya. Tao had to smile at his handiwork. "Now this is what's going to get down," he said. “I ask the questions, you answer."

The taller man let out a chuckle which turned into a pained groan when Tao twisted his arm further. "Okay, damn, I will."

"Good answer." Then Tao noticed a scrunched paper inside Kris' hand. He quickly snatched it and saw that it was a picture of Baekhyun.

"I was just going to show you that when you attacked me," Kris straightened a bit, well as much as the shorter boy would let him, and turned his head to the side so he could look at Tao.

"Why do you have Baekhyun's picture? Why are you after him?" Tao had a clue about the answer but he wanted to hear it himself.

"Because basically? We own him."






"Do you want help with that?" Yixing asked after he found Lu Han sitting inside his office, looking annoyed and troubled.

"Help with what?" the singer asked with a frown.

"Pulling your hair out. You look like you want to."

Lu Han gave an irritated screech before slumping down on his seat. "No, I don't want to be bald and I have abs okay and I have a perfect body I just don't want to show it because... because!"

Yixing had to admit he was confused about what his friend was ranting about but he was in no mood to dig into it right now. He was tired from all the meetings he had to go to throughout the day, the thing with the fan clubs earlier and the incompetent EVP. How dare Kim Junmyeon even huff at him? Wasn't he the one who solved the problem?

God knows how long the argument would have lasted if he didn't come. It wasn't even his job to intervene. Also, he totally did not find about the meeting because he was looking for the EVP, he just happened to see Junmyeon's assistant so automatically he would inquire about her boss. Common courtesy.

Let him rot away in his office sulking, Yixing thought as he walked towards his desk.

"Let's go home, okay? I'm just going to get my stuff. I need to rest my beautiful body," Lu Han said before leaving.

Yixing just shook his head. But yeah, he wanted to go home soon, too. He was about to sit when he saw a cup of tea on his desk. He didn't remember asking for one. He sat down and took the cup. It was still perfectly warm, he observed as he took a sip. It was then he noticed a small note on his table. Curious, he picked it up and saw the neat, curly handwriting.

I don't like you. At all. But thanks for this afternoon. –KJ

It was almost an involuntary thing when Yixing smiled before taking another sip. It was because of the warm tea, he told himself. Not Kim Junmyeon.

He was still smiling though when he entered the elevators. There was just one other guy inside the carriage. "Good afternoon!" the young man greeted.

And if Lu Han could have seen him, the singer would have been surprised because he smiled and nodded back.

The guy's eye twinkled and Yixing thought he had a really cute smile. Just like an eager puppy. "I hope you had a great day."

Yixing thought back once again on all the work and the headaches and a certain man who doesn't like him. At All. "Yes, I did."






Ya, Byun Baekhyun, it's already five in the afternoon, where's your text message?

Chanyeol had been staring at his cell phone screen for the past fifteen minutes, willing it to blink. He was really getting annoyed because Park Chanyeol shouldn’t  be made to wait.

Then his phone vibrated and he almost dropped it in his haste to answer the call. But… Zitao? "Hello?"

"I'll be waiting for you at the entrance. Be down in 5 minutes." his assistant ordered.


"This is important President Park."

"Well, I can't. I also have something important to do and besides I have Joey. You don't--"

"I swear I'll break Joey into tiny pieces if you don't come with me," the boy threatened.

Chanyeol paused. If Zitao was threatening Joey then this must be important.

"What is it?" he asked, turning serious.

"Five minutes, Park Chanyeol." Then he hung up.






I'm ready.

I'm done.

You can pick me up now?

Baekhyun cringed and erased the message again. It gets worse with every trial. How come he couldn't even write a simple message to send Chanyeol? Why was he even nervous?

I'm here at the spot.

That would work, right? He was about to press send when he received an incoming message.

I have important business to attend to. Go home.

Baekhyun felt a pang of disappointment. He was kind of looking forward to this all day. He read the message again. It sounded so impersonal. But what did he expect? It wasn't as if they were close friends? Did he want to see Chanyeol send him silly emoticons? He couldn't prevent a silly laugh at the thought of KSE's Ice Tower sending him smileys.

He had just taken a few steps when his phone vibrated once more.

Stay safe.

Without warning, Baekhyun fell off a cliff again. Who would need smileys after that?

He was by now in his (Chanyeol's) pajamas but the taller boy still wasn't home. Baekhyun had already begun to play with the voice-activated lights of the apartment. (Kitchen! Bathroom! Kitchen! Living Room! And any combination he could think of), sang through Kyungsoo’s entire first album and got updated by prez regarding the meeting earlier but still no sign of Chanyeol. Where are you?

Baekhyun jerked awake when he heard the door opening. He didn't notice that he already dozed off on the couch. He hurriedly stood up and straightened himself before walking towards the entryway. His heart thundered inside his chest at the sight of Chanyeol before going to a more manageable speed. He has got to get used to this or he'd most probably die young.

"Chanyeol!" he greeted and he wanted to say more but he couldn't breathe. Because Park Chanyeol's arms were suddenly around him, holding him tight. What's happening? Why is he--? And then he could barely think at all because Chanyeol gathered him even closer and he felt his head burrowing further against his neck.

"Chanyeol," he whispered. "Why?"

"Because," Chanyeol answered, his voice quiet but fierce. "You're mine."









AN: As per usual... I'm really sorry for the late updates and the blahness of the chapter.
I've been really down w fever for the past weekend (orz i spend most of my time sick fml)
ANd I promise that the next chapter will be more substantial orz.. fail chapters seem to be my specialty.
I practically just opened a lot of questions here... BUT I promise to answer most of them by the next chapter.
and PMSL have you heard that my kaisoo fic Baby, Don't Cry, was plagiarized. After being super duper annoyed 
i found myself laughing bc..WHY??? But I really thank you guys for reporting the person so the story was taken down really quick. ;n;
(if ever you do find my other stories being, pls tell me ok? ♥)
WOW what a long an... anyway... i tried to reply to all the comments last time... and you probably noticed I at replying cause me is dumb... so sorry. BUT GUYS OMG AT UR COMMENTS..I WAS CLOSE TO TEARS..;n;
THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE TO ALL THE SUBBIES, NEW AND OLD and to those who took the time to upvote. How can I thank you enough? ;~;
again, SO SORRY FOR THE FAIL and ill try to update as soon as my schedule allows me.. tty next time o///
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Thank you!
ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1376 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10