Then Came You






Baekhyun didn't want to open his eyes because if he did, he might find that this was all just a dream. That he was still alone inside the recording studio and imagining Chanyeol's arms were around him. But then he could feel Chanyeol's heart beating as loud as his so maybe this was real. He finally scraped up some courage and looked up to see the taller boy gazing down at him.

"I thought you fell asleep," Chanyeol teased.

He was grinning wide but Baekhyun could see a heavier emotion behind the smile. Baekhyun slightly pulled back from Chanyeol's embrace. He didn't want to but he knew they had to talk. He had so many questions. However, he was still reeling from everything that happened a few moments ago so he decided to ask the simpler question first.

"How did you find me here?" he said hoarsely, throat tight from unshed tears.

Chanyeol placed his hand tenderly against his cheek. "Even when you didn't want to be found?" the young president asked wryly. "Shall we start with the night of the party?"

Baekhyun gave him a small nod.

"I ran after you," Chanyeol said, turning serious. "You have to understand, Byun Baekhyun that you just don't tell clueless people that you love them and then run away immediately after. You should give stupid people time to think... and to catch up."

"I'm clueless and I'm stupid, pup. By the time your words sunk in you were already gone. I tried to look for you but I couldn't find you so I had to ask Zitao for help. He gave me hell for letting you go but he was the only person who could. I just wanted to know if you were alright," Chanyeol explained, urging Baekhyun to understand and believe him.

"I met with him yesterday afternoon," Baekhyun replied timidly. "But I had him promise not to tell you where I was--"


Now, Baekhyun felt guilty because he imagined Chanyeol worrying about him. "I'm sorry--"

"No, I'm sorry. All day yesterday, I remembered all the things I've said and done to you and I wanted to jump off a cliff or something." Chanyeol stepped back, arms falling from the smaller boy's waist. Baekhyun felt the loss but he knew they had to have this talk.

"I thought I was in love with Kyungsoo for so long--almost half my life--that I kept pushing what I was feeling for you away. I kept telling myself it was impossible to fall for you. I just met you. How could I fall so fast and so hard for someone I just met? But it didn’t seem to matter here," Chanyeol pointed at his chest. "When you left, all I knew was that I had to get you back."

"I knew you were going to work today. So I asked leader Shim to send you to my office once you arrived. I waited all morning for you. I waited but you never came so I was prepared to march down to Promotions and come and get you. Then my cousin barged into my office just as I was about to leave, he smugly said that he and Kyungsoo are together."

Baekhyun gasped in surprise. "They are? But--"

He didn't know. He was too wrapped up in his own problems to notice that Jongin was in love with Kyungsoo.

"Yeah, but I didn't have time to discuss it because I had to get to you. That's when my brat of a cousin so casually told me that you resigned." Chanyeol shook his head in exasperation. "It felt like the world turned its back on me. I was ready to strangle him but then he said you were still here at KSE so I told myself I'd do it another time because finding you is a thousand times more important." Chanyeol stood close and held on to his shoulders. "I got you now."

"You do," Baekhyun replied and just like that he felt another prick in his eyes. "I'm sorry for worrying you and from hiding from you. I didn't expect that you'd ever care for me and I was afraid that if I saw you again... I'd come running to you even if you didn’t love me back."

Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun gently into his arms and kissed his temple. "I love you. I was late to say it but I do." He hugged him tighter. "You have to return home with me, okay?"

He stilled. Baekhyun had already prepared to distance himself from Chanyeol, had already began to convince himself that he wasn't meant to be in Park Chanyeol's world. He had decided it was time to be on his own and to face all his problems head on. What if agreeing to return to Chanyeol's house makes him lose focus once more? What if he strays from his plans and ends up relying on the potato too much?

He should say no.

Except Baekhyun wanted to be with him. The days they were apart were too long. He wanted to be with Chanyeol every second of every minute because he didn't want to miss any of his smiles or his frowns. He wanted to be there to see all of it happen.

"You can't say no," Chanyeol said. The taller boy nudged his chin up so he could look him straight in the eye. "I won't let you say no. Be warned for I have your lightstick in my possession."

That startled a laugh out of Baekhyun. Of course he'd threaten him with his lightstick.

"You laugh but this is serious." Chanyeol tried to sound stern but failed because the corner of his lips was turned up into a smirk. "You won't ever see it again until you come back home."

Come home. Come home to Park Chanyeol.

Baekhyun burrowed his face against Chanyeol's chest because he couldn't stop the tears from falling. But this time, they were happy tears.

"Was that a yes?" Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun thought he sounded choked up, too.

"Yes, I'll come home," he said. "But only because of my lightstick."

Chanyeol's chest rumbled with laughter. "I know."

Not long after, they went out of the studio. Baekhyun was surprised when Chanyeol held on to his hand and didn't let go even when there were other employees about. Embarrassed, he tried to pull his hand away one time but Chanyeol just tightened his grip. Baekhyun wanted to hide his face from the curious looks the people were giving them and their held hands. But then a glance at Chanyeol made Baekhyun want to kiss him endlessly for the potato looked smug and proud to be with him.

I love you so much, he thought.

It was a relief when they reached Chanyeol's office, though. The taller guy finally let go of his hand and told him to sit on the leather couch. Baekhyun was unsure as to what they were doing there. He wasn't an employee of KSE anymore and he should really get started with finding another job.

Baekhyun looked around the room--thinking he'd miss this office, too--when his head whipped towards Chanyeol after he heard him say Jongin's name. The young president was leaning against his chair, the phone receiver against his ear.

"I got him." A pause. "And he took back his resignation so he'll return to your office." A nod. "Yeah, okay." Then he ended the call before turning to Baekhyun. "You're going to report back to work tomorrow."

Baekhyun stood up abruptly. There was always something in Chanyeol's dictatorial tone that raised his hackles and this time was no different. "Excuse me but I didn't say I’m withdrawing my resignation."

Chanyeol frowned. "Don't you want to work here anymore?"

He did. He did want to work for KSE but he just told himself to be independent and really, he didn't want anyone deciding things for him.

"I don't think you should tell me what to do," he replied.

"I already told Jongin to throw your resignation letter away."

"What letter?" he asked confusedly.

Chanyeol ignored his question. "Byun Baekhyun, my office, my rules. I say stay, you stay."

Baekhyun didn't want to argue with him anymore. He strode towards the door. He loved Chanyeol and he was willing to come home to him but this was the office and--

He was stopped mid-way, though, because he felt a hand holding onto his upper arm.

"Ya," Chanyeol said behind him. "I told you to give clueless and stupid people time before going off."

Baekhyun sighed.

"Okay, let me say that again. Baekhyun, please come back to work for KSE because everybody says you're good at your job, and that it would be a total loss if you leave." Chanyeol wrapped an arm around his shoulders."And because I want to know where you are at any given time of the day or I'll go crazy missing you. Please?"

It was unfair. So unfair how the potato's words easily got his knees weak. He hated him all the more because of it.

"I shouldn't say yes," he answered.

He felt Chanyeol spin him around until they were facing each other.

So weak, Baekhyun. He sighed again.

Chanyeol was grinning. "But you will, right?"

All he could do was nod. Once more, Chanyeol enveloped him into a hug.

"We just had our first fight," the taller guy said against his ear.

First fight?

"I don't think this was our first--"

The potato leaned down and gathered him closer until he could place his chin against Baekhyun's shoulder. "As a couple, silly."

As a couple.

How could Chanyeol even disarm him so easily? But then he thought if all of their fights would end up like this--he in Chanyeol's arms--then it wouldn’t be so bad.






Baekhyun must have surely been thinking he was a clingy creep but Chanyeol just couldn't let his pup out of his sight. He couldn't let go of his hand, either. He had Baekhyun wait for him while he cleared off his schedule for the afternoon, looking at him from time to time just to make sure that he really was there with him.

He thought he should start changing his ways if he wanted to keep the pup with him. He realized he should stop making decisions for Baekhyun or tell him what to do. Earlier, he just wanted to make sure that the pup would continue working for the company but he went about it all wrong. Good thing Baekhyun forgave him quickly. He would never make the same mistake again.

Their relationship was still precarious at best and Chanyeol was well aware that there were still a lot of things they needed to sort out. That was why he was taking Baekhyun right now to see Kyungsoo. Baekhyun had always known that he liked his best friend and Chanyeol even asked for his help to make Kyungsoo fall for him. This time, he wanted to show him that he was completely over the singer and that there was nothing at all between them except the best kind of friendship. After this, perhaps Kyungsoo and Baekhyun could be friends, too.

"Where are we going?" Baekhyun asked from beside him. They were walking down the corridor to the studios KSE's artists used for filming and photo shoots.

"To see a friend," he answered.

Baekhyun's brows knotted. "Which friend?"

"The superstar. The one and only--"

He waited for the pup to realize who he was referring to and sure enough Baekhyun's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Do Kyungsoo?"


Chanyeol paused mid-stride though when he felt Baekhyun pull at his sleeve.

"But you can't take me there! I mean... Chanyeol, look!" Baekhyun pulled at him again before pointing frantically at his clothes. "I'm a mess!"

His gaze went from his dark brown hair down to his yellow hoodie, faded jeans and plain white rubber shoes. Baekhyun looked beautiful and cute and adorable and comfortable and--

"Park Chanyeol," the pup called.

Chanyeol shook his head and lifted a hand to swipe a few stray bangs away from Baekhyun's forehead. "Don't worry. You look amazing," he said reverently.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at him but there was almost an imperceptible smile on his lips, making him look even more beautiful. Chanyeol thought he should tell Baekhyun that more often because he really was. He had to stifle a chuckle though when Baekhyun paused before the wide doors of the studio the photo shoot was taking place in. He patted at his hair and straightened his hoodie before linking their hands together again and going inside.

There were a number of people milling about inside. The studio was a bit dark as the brighter lights were focused on the set. There was a table to the left where computer screens for the previews were placed. To their right were three racks of costumes and another table for make-up and props. Chanyeol saw the Angel of the East sitting primly as he was being styled. He recognized some of the coordi-noonas who sat there and gave them a brief wave.

He wasn't really surprised to see Jongin there watching Kyungsoo, though. His eyes were fixed on the set where Kyungsoo was currently being photographed on. Chanyeol called his cousin. Jongin turned and smiled when he saw them.

"Hey, Baekhyun!" Jongin walked to stand next to them. "Long time no see."

Baekhyun laughed and Chanyeol could feel him relax beside him. He was torn between being grateful and jealous that Jongin had that effect on Baekhyun. He knew the two were close and were just friends but he couldn't help remembering the scene he saw on the balcony two nights ago--Baekhyun in Jongin's arms--so his tone ended up coming out a little disgruntled when he said, "Are you supposed to be here?"

Jongin just gave him a teasing grin as a reply. He would have said more but someone called his name.

"President Park!" Lu Han greeted. "So glad to see you. I was just telling myself that I needed to speak to you and here you are."

The Chinese singer darted a glance towards Baekhyun and Jongin before returning his gaze on Chanyeol. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Lu Han smiled so sweetly at all of them, Chanyeol couldn't possibly refuse. "What is it?"

The blonde guy threw him another of his saccharine smiles before pulling him to the side. "I've got this one teeny tiny bit of a problem. Just a very small one, really." Lu Han pointed at the tall photographer whose back was to them. Chanyeol thought he looked familiar. "You see, I want him replaced."

He looked back at Lu Han. He was smiling but Chanyeol could see a hardness in his eyes. He suddenly felt queasy and nervous talking to the singer. However, he wouldn't let the other know it so he asked, "May I know the reason why you would want him to be replaced?"

"I don't like working with amateurs and rookies who don't know their place," Lu Han answered, forgetting to watch his tone.

Chanyeol glanced back at the photographer and was amazed to see that it was the silver-haired guy who told him where Baekhyun was. He wouldn't fire him for that alone but Chanyeol also remembered vaguely that this was Jongin's friend whom his cousin talked to him about before. He was pretty sure the photographer was world renowned.

"I apologize but I don't think I can grant this request," Chanyeol said firmly.

"Why ever not?" At Chanyeol's raised brow, Lu Han returned to his angelic countenance. "I'm sorry, President Park if I might seem overbearing."

"It's fine." Although, he felt relieved when Lu Han got called for his turn in front of the camera. There was a strangely dangerous air surrounding the singer that had Chanyeol admittedly a bit anxious to get away from.

"What's with that face?" Jongin asked. Chanyeol didn't notice his cousin come close.

"Nothing," he answered and turned his head to look for Baekhyun. He found the pup looking in fascination at the preview screens.

"I want to see that resignation letter Baekhyun gave you. Just wanted to know what he wrote as the reason."

Jongin looked startled. "Oh, that letter. It's in my office."

Chanyeol threw him a skeptical look before holding out his hand. "Out with it."

With a resigned shrug, Jongin reached inside his coat pocket and took the folded piece of paper out. Chanyeol snatched it from his cousin's hand and quickly read the contents.


5th fl Men's Lavatory currently undergoing maintenance

Chanyeol could see the faint outline of sticky tape at the corners of the paper. He felt bad for the employes on the fifth floor.

"What if I actually read it earlier?" he asked his cousin exasperatedly.

"I knew you wouldn't. I knew you'd be too panicky to bother reading it," Jongin said complacently. But then his smile turned sheepish. "I'm sorry, Chanyeol--"

"It's okay." And it was. He understood that Jongin did that to make him run after Baekhyun. "When did you find out?"

"Kyungsoo told me yesterday that it was Baekhyun you liked and not him."

Of course, Kyungsoo would.

"Another thing. When I told you I liked Kyungsoo, why didn't you tell me you liked him, too?" he asked. He was genuinely curious as to why Jongin didn't tell him. His cousin was never one to be shy.

"To be honest, I never knew I loved him like that until you told me you did. It was like a giant tree fell over my head… I guess I have to thank you for it?" Jongin gave him a teasing half-smile.

"What would you have done if I really did like Kyungsoo?" he challenged.

"You're my cousin. I love you. But I would have still fought for Kyungsoo," Jongin said sincerely.

"Okay, you pass." Chanyeol patted his cousin's shoulder.

"Were you testing me?" Jongin asked in disbelief.

"You're my cousin. I love you but Kyungsoo is my best friend."

Jongin rolled his eyes at him. "Well, Baekhyun is my friend, too. What would you have done if you thought I really liked him?"

"I'd have punched you. No, I'd have Zitao beat you to a pulp then take Baekhyun away," Chanyeol said seriously.

"Even if Baekhyun liked me back?"

"Even then."

There was a moment of silence when Jongin seemed to ponder his answer. Then the younger guy patted Chanyeol's shoulder. "Okay, you pass."

Chanyeol was distracted though when he saw Kyungsoo approaching Baekhyun. He smirked. Someone's about to have a heart attack, he thought, knowing how big of a fan Baekhyun was. He felt content.

"We're together," he said, returning Jongin's words from before back at his cousin. "Baekhyun and I are together."

Jongin chuckled. "Feels good to say it, doesn't it?"

After all the heartache, misunderstandings, and the tears?

"Yes. It does."






Baekhyun now knew how it felt to be a fish out of the water. He couldn't move and his lungs wouldn't work properly. He tried to speak but no words were coming out. Honestly, he just wanted to run around and flail because oh, god Do Kyungsoo was standing right beside him.

I'm going to have a heart attack. No, I'm already having one.

"I usually look awful in pictures. It's a miracle Sehun-ssi was able to make me look at least human here," Kyungsoo said as he pointed on photo on the preview screen.

You always look perfect. Oh my god.

He still wasn't able to speak and that was when Kyungsoo turned to look at him.

"Hi! Do Kyungsoo," the singer said with a grin while he held out his hand for a handshake.

Baekhyun could barely keep himself from squealing. What do I do? What do I do?

Hand shake. Right. He forced his hand to lift and take Kyungsoo's. He has seen his idol so many times but never this close. At the party, he was too distraught and unstable to realize that there was just a small distance separating him from the singer.

That certainly wasn't the case today. The full impact of Do Kyungsoo's proximity hit him like a blast of ice cold water.

"Oh, my god. I'm a Starling. Oh my god," he blurted out and Baekhyun wanted to sink on the floor with mortification at how utterly embarrassing he was.

But Kyungsoo just smiled his famous heart-shaped smile. "Really? I feel honored. Thank you."

That did it. He momentarily forgot the past three months that any mention of Do Kyungsoo by Chanyeol brought him near to tears with jealousy. All he could think of was he was finally in front of his idol and so--

"Oh, my god. I love you. I was a fan since you debuted. I'll probably sound creepy but I know you like chocolate pudding and you hate the month of September because I've read every article printed about you and watched every show you've been in. I have your monthly schedules memorized and oh my god, I'm shaking your hand!" Baekhyun knew he was babbling but he couldn't help himself.

Kyungsoo just took it all in stride.

"When you did that charity event for the earthquake survivors, I cried because you're really, really kind. Then you set up that foundation for orphans. I go to the center once a month to help," Baekhyun said fervently. "It's the best."

Kyungsoo continued to smile at him endearingly and Baekhyun wanted to crawl under a big rock and never come out.

"I'm sorry. I know we've kind of seen each other on different occasions but I was never like this. I must really freak you out so I'm just, um, I'm going to stop. Like, right now."

"No, it's okay. Believe me; I'm beyond flattered that you are my fan. And thank you for supporting my projects. It means a lot to me." Kyungsoo took Baekhyun's other hand. "As thanks, let me tell you a secret. You seem to know so much but I bet you didn't know this." The singer leaned close to whisper conspiratorially, "I received my first love confession on Saturday night, at the launch party."

Baekhyun was surprised that Kyungsoo would even share that information but it wasn't exactly news to him. I do know about that.


"Yes, but the thing is. It wasn't even for me," Kyungsoo said with a mischievous slant to his lips.

Baekhyun could feel his jaw dropping again. That he didn't know. He stared at Kyungsoo and his confusion must have been apparent on his face because the singer continued.

"You see, I have this really tall best friend who thought he loved me all these years. But he wasn't in love with me, not really. And I know he wasn't someone who falls easily for just anybody. But last Saturday, he confessed his love, not for me, but for a guy named Byun Baekhyun."

"And I thought if the guy could make the Park Chanyeol fall head over heels in love, then he must be awesome. I saw the Ice Tower's heart tied up in knots he couldn't escape from." Kyungsoo looked Baekhyun in the eye. "I just wish that Byun Baekhyun takes care of him and loves him as he deserves to be."

His shyness slowly ebbed away. This time he saw Kyungsoo not as his idol but Chanyeol's beloved best friend.

"Actually," he replied a bit shakily, "The tied up heart you saw wasn't Chanyeol's. It was Byun Baekhyun's and he's glad that Chanyeol has clumsy hands so he couldn't untie it anytime soon. Because that means he couldn't let Byun Baekhyun go."

Kyungsoo's smile became wider, lighting up his entire face. "I like Byun Baekhyun a lot."

They turned their heads in unison when they heard that it was once again Kyungsoo's turn to be photographed.

"I have to go, but it seems unfair that you know so much about me while I know so little about you." Kyungsoo beamed at Baekhyun. "So maybe we can get together sometime?"

"Oh, of course! Sure!" he exclaimed.

With a wave, Kyungsoo returned in front of the camera. He stared dazedly at the singer. Everything that happened felt so surreal.

"Ya, Byun Baekhyun," Chanyeol said behind him.

"Give me a second. I'm having a moment here," he said.

He heard the taller guy laugh before he felt Chanyeol hold on to his hand once more.

"I thought you were going to collapse," the potato teased.

Baekhyun wanted to mope because Chanyeol was making fun of him and his reaction to Kyungsoo. But then again he recalled what Kyungsoo said about Chanyeol's confession so he thought he could let it pass.

Chanyeol nudged at his side. "Let's go home?"

"Only if you let me drive Joey," he said, looking up at Chanyeol.

The taller boy looked like he swallowed something bitter. "Uh--"

"I think I drive really well."







He would be lying if he said that he had not worried about Joey. All the way to the parking lot, Chanyeol tried to think of how to dissuade Baekhyun from his intent. He couldn't just say no to the pup.

He watched as Baekhyun skipped ahead of him, seemingly happy from the prospect of driving Joey. The shorter boy stopped in front of his black car and held out his hand for the keys. Chanyeol bowed his head as he felt for the keys from his pocket, hiding his pained expression from Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun? I don't think--" he started to say but the pup's hand was still held out and was looking expectantly at him. Chanyeol sighed resignedly and closed his eyes as he handed the keys over.

"This is gonna be fun! Even if I haven't driven a car before."

Chanyeol felt horrified at what Baekhyun said and he must have looked it because the pup had the audacity to burst out laughing. He frowned.

"I don't think anything's funny."

"You should have seen your face!" Baekhyun gasped in between laughter. "You totally thought I was serious."

Chanyeol couldn't believe that Baekhyun just fooled him. He frowned some more.

Baekhyun took his hand and returned the keys, pouting quite adorably when he continued to glare. "Aw, come on. I was just kidding."

Then he made those puppy noises and looked at him with cutely pleading eyes--like he did that time when Nonna said he was Chanyeol's boyfriend. How could Chanyeol even stay annoyed when Baekhyun did things like that?

He wanted to snatch Baekhyun against him but it wasn't the place so he just shook his head at him and opened the car doors. The drive was relatively quiet, a comfortable silence filling up the small space. It wasn't long before they reached Chanyeol's apartment.

Chanyeol let Baekhyun in first and almost bumped into him when the shorter boy paused by the doorway.

"You do the honors." he whispered.

"Living room," Baekhyun called out.

Then the room lit up. Chanyeol could hear the slight quiver in his voice and he was swamped with emotion, too. It sunk in that Baekhyun's back to where he belongs. With him.

He cleared his throat and led the pup inside. Baekhyun paused again when they neared the couch and turned to face him.

"So where's my lightstick?"

Chanyeol got the lightstick from the bedside table and padded back to the living room.

"Here," he said as he gave it to Baekhyun. "Ya, Byun Baekhyun, remember before you left, Saturday night?" He rubbed at the back of his neck, unsure of how to actually go about this without sounding ridiculous. "You said I was free and no longer a potato."

"Oh. Yes, I remember." Baekhyun nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Well, I want to be a potato again," he blurted out. "I mean, you know--"

Chanyeol could feel the heat travel up his face.

"Are you sure?" Baekhyun asked. He was looking at Chanyeol and his eyes were bright.

"I am," he said confidently.

The pup smiled and Chanyeol could tell he got the right answer because Baekhyun looked happy.

"Okay then." Baekhyun frowned, though, when he tried to turn on the lightstick but it wouldn't. He flicked on the switch again but nothing happened. "It won't work."

Chanyeol thought he might’ve had something to do with that. He had held onto it since Baekhyun left and he probably drained all the battery. "Maybe the battery just has to be changed."

Baekhyun looked at him in perplexity. "But I just changed it the other day."

He just shrugged, too flustered to tell Baekhyun that he stared at it for hours on end because he missed the pup.

"Then I won’t be able to make you a potato until then."

What? No. He wanted to be a potato as soon as possible. Damnit, he sounded like an idiot even to himself.

"But--" he whined.

"Although, I do know of another way." Baekhyun stepped forward until there was nothing but a few inches separating them. He was so close that Chanyeol could see the golden flecks in his dark brown eyes that shone with tenderness. Baekhyun placed his hands on Chanyeol's chest and let them slide around his shoulders as he tiptoed against him. Baekhyun's gaze flicked towards Chanyeol's lips and he could barely breathe with anticipation.

The smaller boy leaned closer but stopped before their lips met. "Oh, but rule number one. No kissing."

"What rule number one? What no kissing? There's no such thing," Chanyeol said weakly.

Baekhyun laughed lightly. Chanyeol couldn't wait any longer so he closed the distance and captured that laughter with his mouth. He felt Baekhyun mold himself against his body and Chanyeol's brain blanked out.

The kiss was slow and sweet. There was no rush, just the languid brush of their lips. Chanyeol's hand ended up around Baekhyun's waist and he pulled the smaller boy closer. He left no part of Baekhyun's mouth untouched. Chanyeol tilted his head to the side which made the kiss deeper and headier. I love you, he thought as Baekhyun clutched at the back of his neck and opened his mouth to him.

It was long and endless moments later when they finally came up for air. Chanyeol, not wanting to break contact, nuzzled Baekhyun's cheek before placing kisses against Baekhyun's closed eyelids. The pup smiled softly before opening his eyes. "My potato."

"But I don't think it worked," Chanyeol said, his voice rougher and deeper than usual. "I still don't feel like a potato. Maybe we should do that again."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes but, hopelessly beguiled, leaned in and kissed him. Then the magic began all over again.

Chanyeol reluctantly pulled back a while later. They had to eat and he still had to give Baekhyun something. He was about to go to the bedroom to change when Baekhyun spoke.

"Since there are no more rules... I can sleep in the closet now, right?"

Chanyeol turned back and gave him a questioning look. He had always been curious as to why Baekhyun wanted to stay in the closet. "Why do you always want to?"

The pup looked down and took a deep breath before answering. It was obvious it took some effort for Baekhyun to speak. "It's because I've always felt secure whenever I'm inside one. When I feel lonely, I'd go inside my parent's closet. I touch all the clothes inside, feel the fabric against my cheek and a few minutes later I feel better."

Chanyeol felt surprised. It was the first time Baekhyun mentioned his parents. Was he starting to trust Chanyeol? He hoped so. He wanted Baekhyun to trust him with all his problems so he could be there for him whenever he needed him to be.

You still haven't told him that you know about the debt.

He felt a tinge of guilt. Chanyeol shook the thought away. He'd tell Baekhyun soon. It just wasn't the time.

"Are you always lonely?" he asked somberly.

"Not lonely so much as alone. My parents usually weren't home the past few years before they died." Baekhyun's eyes rounded and he looked as if he said too much. He covered his slip with a self-conscious laugh. "And I just really love yours."

"I changed my mind. You still can't go in my closet."

Baekhyun's lips opened in disbelief.

"When you're lonely, don't go in there." Chanyeol held onto Baekhyun’s hand and placed it against his heart. "Come to me... And I'll try to make you happy, okay?"

Baekhyun gave him a grateful smile. "You just did."

Tired of the day's events, they had a quick dinner that Baekhyun prepared. After that, Chanyeol showed Baekhyun the yellow pajama Grandma Park made for him. The pup jumped excitedly from his seat and quickly took them from his hands. He put the bottom on the table while he placed the top against his torso and stood in front of Chanyeol.

"It's so cute! Does it suit me?" the guy asked giddily.

You're cute, Chanyeol thought. And yellow does suit Baekhyun and his glowing smile. He couldn't help but get drawn by the embroidered letters on the pocket, though. Baekkie it read. He scowled. He didn't quite like that. He wanted to see his name on Baekhyun's chest. He was his pup so he should bear his owner's name, right?

Baekhyun, unaware of the direction Chanyeol's thoughts were going, nudged the taller guy's knee with a small foot and asked him again.

"It doesn't," Chanyeol answered. He saw the pup's shoulder droop.

"It doesn't?" Baekhyun said with a pout.

"You should just wear the pink one."

"Oh, okay." Baekhyun sighed. "I just wanted us to wear matching pairs."

Chanyeol couldn't take the sad expression on Baekhyun's pretty face. Damnit, he brought this onto himself.

Sometime later, he stood cursing outside the bedroom door. He felt dumb as he pulled at the clothes he was wearing and cursed again. All I do for love. He winced.

Chanyeol entered the room and saw Baekhyun sitting on his usual place beside the bed. The pup went to him and burst out in giggles as he saw Chanyeol. The laughing doesn't help one bit, he thought.

The yellow pajama top was so small, Baekhyun could see Chanyeol's belly button. Chanyeol tried to pull it down but doing so just succeeded in pulling the collar down, making it bite against Chanyeol's nape. He didn't fare any better with the pajama bottom, either. It just reached a few inches below his knees and Chanyeol truly felt like a giant squeezing into baby clothes. He felt himself blush as Baekhyun continued looking at him. "Stop staring," he muttered.

"But you're so cute," Baekhyun cooed teasingly.

If it was any consolation, Baekhyun was back to wearing Chanyeol's pink and rainbow-filled pajamas. Seeing the pup wearing his name again was definitely worth it. "Let's just go to sleep okay?"

He walked towards the bed and noticed Baekhyun went back to lie on his blankets on the floor. It didn't suit well with him that he had a king size bed while the precious pup was sleeping on the floor. Without further ado, he scooped Baekhyun in his arms and heard a yelp when he dumped him unceremoniously across the bed.

"You can sleep here," he proclaimed.

"But I can't--"

"You can. I said so." Chanyeol saw Baekhyun was about to protest again so he leaned in and trapped him with his arms on either side of his head. "You can't say no."

Baekhyun looked as if he still wanted to argue, his jaw was still stubbornly set. Chanyeol silenced his protest with a short kiss. "Please?"

"You're impossible," Baekhyun said but he was smiling so Chanyeol took that as a yes.

The smaller boy moved to make room for him and it wasn't until they were lying side by side that Chanyeol realized the predicament he put himself in. He stole a glance at the pup beside him, swallowing hard when he noticed Baekhyun was so close. He felt the warmth the other radiated. He wanted to come even closer and cuddle against him and bury his nose against his neck and--damnit, this was a bad idea.

Chanyeol stared at the ceiling and it was cold inside the room but he was starting to sweat. Damnit, damnit, damnit. He groaned inwardly. He darted another glance at Baekhyun and received a smile from him.

"Goodnight, Chanyeol," the pup said sleepily.

His skin looked so soft and smooth at this angle, he thought distractedly. At any angle, to be honest. Now isn't the time to think of such things, Park Chanyeol. He should really stop thinking altogether. Chanyeol closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep but failed when Baekhyun turned to his side and gave out a soft whimper.

With a muffled groan, Chanyeol got his pillow and abruptly plopped himself down on the floor where Baekhyun's makeshift bed was still spread out. He was lying on his back and berating himself for being a thousand kinds of idiot when he saw Baekhyun look over the side of the bed at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh, I think I'd rather stay on the floor. It's really comfortable here," Chanyeol answered. "You go to sleep there."

Baekhyun looked curiously at him. "But you're the one who forced me to sleep on the bed why would you--"

"Ya, byuntae. Sleep." He turned his back on the pup and closed his eyes, declaring the conversation finished.

He should have known he wouldn't get off that easily. He heard the bed creak and the next second he had a stray pup in pink pajamas in his arms.

"You said it's more comfortable here," Baekhyun said as he snuggled against Chanyeol's chest. "And it's cold up there."

Chanyeol gave up. He probably wouldn't get any sleep but Baekhyun felt wonderful against him. "Can you please go to sleep now?" he asked resignedly.

He felt the pup nod. "Oh, but before I do--"

"Hmmm," he murmured against Baekhyun's hair, wrapping his arms tightly around his slender frame.

"I love you, potato-ahjussi."

"I love you, too, pup."













idek what to say anymore T___T
and I’m sorry if I’ll not be able to update
for two weeks? (im still not sure) because i
have tons of deadlines I have to run after lol
will still try to update tho… will try really hard u__u
but thanks again to the ppl who still read
this piece of akjdhafhkjgkas it’s the worst
but you still are all so nice.T__T
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Thank you!
ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1376 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10