Then Came You

He almost stepped on him.

It wasn't his fault. Chanyeol had always been disoriented when he woke up. And Baekhyun was not really supposed to be sleeping on the floor beside his bed. Or was he? Either way, Chanyeol's muddled brain functioned barely in time enough to avoid stepping on Baekhyun, who was curled into a ball with his back to him, sending Chanyeol crashing out of balance back into his bed. Damn.

Sitting up, he stretched his right leg to nudge the sleeping boy with a foot. "Byun Baekhyun." The boy just replied with a whimper similar to the sounds a whiny puppy makes. He nudged Baekyun's lower back again. "Ya, Byun Baekhyun." With a moan, the boy slowly sat up rubbing one eye with a hand while the other was barely open to peek at Chanyeol. The taller boy sat there staring for a moment at Baekhyun in his large pink pajamas and he thought once again that he really was cute. In a pet sort of way, he clarified to himself. To dispel the foolish thoughts, Chanyeol stood and snatched at the back of Baekhyun's collar to pull him up with him. "Time to wake up." Not letting go, he dragged the half-asleep boy outside the room so he can start the day and get rid of his houseguest.

He wasn't sure what made him stop Baekhyun from leaving last night. All he knew was that his heart hurt a little with the memories of his unsuccessful lunch date and the sight of the small figure in the yellow hooded jacket walking away from him made him feel like he was suffering another loss. He felt his lips move before he could think and the next thing he knew he was embarrassingly asking a stranger to stay with him for the night as if he was a child afraid of being left alone. Well, the sooner Baekhyun got out the door the sooner he'd be able to forget his moment of weakness and go back to being the normal Park Chanyeol. 

He was so occupied with his thoughts that he forgot it was only six in the morning and there was bound to be another person in his apartment.

"Chanyeol!" Nonna greeted. "And our little Baekhyunnie." He let go of Baekhyun's collar in surprise as he gaped at the old housekeeper. Two things hit Chanyeol at once. First was Nonna knew Baekhyun and second, apparently they were close enough because the lady enveloped the shorter boy in an affectionate hug. "You know him, halmeoni?"

"Why, yes, “ the housekeeper answered still holding on to Baekhyun. "We met yesterday morning. I must say you do have great taste. Baekhyunnie is so cute, isn't he?" Then the older women pinched the said boy's cheek. Chanyeol winced at the uncomfortable expression on Baekhyun's face and he was about to... wait, what? "What taste? What cute?"

The older woman rolled her eyes. "Oh, you baby. You don't have to hide it from me. Baekhyun here already told me it was love at first sight." Nonna proceeded to pat Baekhyun's head while the shorter boy sputtered a denial. Chanyeol's jaw dropped with Nonna's statement.

"It wasn't love at first sight!" he said indignantly.

"First sight, second sight. It doesn't matter, it's still love." The old lady let go of Baekhyun, clasped her hands and glided towards the kitchen. Noticing that Baekhyun and Chanyeol were both unmoving, she came back and said, "You darlings, what are you standing there for? Breakfast!" Then she proceeded to get a hold of each of their arms and pulled them with her. Despite the big height difference, she was able to push the two boys down to sit on the chairs next to each other across from her on the dining table. "Eat!" She ordered.

Chanyeol complied, used with having Nonna order and take care of him since he was a small boy. He took a glance at the shorter boy sitting beside him and his lips twitched at Baekhyun's harassed expression. Feeling his gaze, Baekhyun looked at him wide eyed with confusion.

"Just look at you two lovebirds." Nonna sighed happily. "So young and in love."

"No!" The two males said at the same time. Nonna frowned at their raised voices.

"I am old dearies, but I'm not deaf and stop being noisy so early in the morning. Chanyeol, stop influencing little Baekhyunnie with your barbaric ways." The old woman clucked.

"But I didn't-" Chanyeol wondered why he bothered to speak when he couldn't finish anyway. He should have been used to Nonna cutting him off.

"Hush, child. Eat. And you know there's no use in denying that he is your boyfriend. I've seen Baekhyun come out from your room for two days now and the way you look at each other speaks volumes." She ended with a wink.

"No, ahjumeoni. There really isn't anything between us. I can explain." Baekhyun entreated. Chanyeol looked at him patiently and waited for the boy to start. He sounded a little desperate. The housekeeper looked at him with a raised eyebrow and Baekhyun stuttered as he began. "You see, the day before yesterday, I was... you know, and then I saw him at the bus stop... there was... and then we," Baekhyun paused and Chanyeol watched distractedly as a soft blush climbed and settled on the shorter boy's fair cheeks. "We, uh, and then again we met and I have to... I guess, but then-" Chanyeol felt the boy tug at his sleeves as if asking for help in explaining but he himself was confused about what really happened to Baekhyun the first day they met so he wanted to hear the explanation, too. And he was still distracted by how pink his cheeks were, almost as pink as Chanyeol's oversized pajama. Maybe later, Chanyeol would berate himself at how he shouldn't be noticing such things but not now.

"Dear, I haven't understood a word you were saying." The old woman smiled. "But it's alright. As I've said you don't have to explain things to me." Chanyeol and Baekhyun watched helplessly as Nonna stood up and took off her apron. "Now, you children be good and finish your breakfast, okay? I have to go back earlier since our Jongin came home yesterday." Chanyeol was momentarily distracted by the mention of his cousin. He wasn't even able to go to the mansion to welcome Jongin home. The housekeeper was already near the door when Chanyeol realized that Baekhyun was still after her trying to explain their non-relationship. "Ahjumeoni-"

"Baekhyun-ssi, don't worry. I told you I won't tell Chanyeol's grandmamma about the two of you yet. Just don't take too long, okay? Now give ahjumeoni a hug." She gathered Baekhyun into her embrace. "And you too, Park Chanyeol." She motioned for Chanyeol to get closer. The old woman squished the two boys into a group hug and Chanyeol couldn't do anything but gingerly place his arms around the two. With a last squeeze, she left, leaving Baekhyun and Chanyeol to stare disbelievingly at her wake. They didn't notice that their arms were still around each other. "I would have to reject you. Sorry, but I don't date potatoes."

Chanyeol looked down at the shorter boy against him and it took a while before what he said sank in. "Yeah, well, who wants to date homeless puppies like you?" He asked indignantly. Baekhyun turned to him with sad puppy eyes, nose a little scrunched and lips in a droopy pout before making sad puppy sounds. Then the boy promptly burst out laughing distracting Chanyeol from his annoyance and turning his attention to how beautiful Baekhyun was with his eyes almost disappearing into half-moons, not to mention the nice sound of his laughter which drew Chanyeol's gaze to the shorter boy's mouth, lips parted to reveal even white teeth. The taller one didn't notice when his hand against Baekhyun's back drew him a little closer, when the laughter in Baekhyun's eyes faded to be replaced by surprise then a flicker of awareness. He didn't notice his head dipping, leaning closer and closer to Baekhyun's upe, until there was but little space left between them. Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun's eyelids slowly closed and he himself was doing the same as he felt their noses touch, one more inch and their lips will...

Beep. This is Park Chanyeol, leave a message.

Ten minutes, Park Chanyeol. Beep.

Both their eyes widened as they became aware of their closeness before they jumped apart in shock and embarrassment. Chanyeol turned his back, grimacing as he asked himself what the hell he was doing. Then he remembered the voice mail. Zitao. Damn. He darted a quick glance at Baekhyun who was fidgeting and wouldn't look at him either. He cleared his throat. He was Park Chanyeol, dammit. He had no time for this. He went to take a shower and spent the next five minutes rationalizing what happened... well what almost happened. He told himself it was the lack of sleep, Nonna's presence earlier and the scrambled eggs she forced on him that made him feel weird. It was not because he felt attracted to the puppy or anything. It was not. Yes. It was just the eggs.

Feeling infinitely better after his logical explanation of things, he went out of the bathroom in his robe, ready to face Baekhyun. He was fully expecting to find the other waiting by the sofa but there was no trace of the boy. All he saw were the pink pajamas folded neatly on top of the coffee table. Baekhyun was gone. He quickly finished dressing, conscious of the time but unconscious of his eyes sweeping the bedroom here and there looking out for that Starling lightstick Baekhyun kept poking him with. Chanyeol closed the door to his apartment, feeling more than weird when he realized that Baekhyun didn't forget his lightstick and that meant he was probably never going to see him again. He wasn't actually feeling disappointed, was he? He shook his head. No, it was just the eggs.




"How's my Joey?" Chanyeol asked the black-haired boy driving him to the office.

"Be patient, you'll get your car soon." Zitao answered. It wasn't what Chanyeol was asking but he supposes the younger boy's answer was enough. Zitao has always been like that. He liked to get to the crux of the matter and doesn't dilly dally although he was patient and meticulous at the same time. He wasn't into smiling too much, opting to smirk just once in a while, but Zitao has a quick wit and a dry sense of humor which Chanyeol knew too well as he was almost always his victim.

They reached KSE and Chanyeol was quickly greeted by Junmyeon as he walked through his office. "Hyung, what are you doing in my office?" He knew he shouldn't have asked because everyone knows of his older cousin's affinity for the President's office's leather couches. Junmyeon gave him a sheepish smile before standing up and patting his shoulder. "I heard Jongin's back."

"Yes. He called me yesterday on his way to the mansion." Chanyeol answered as he sat on his desk.

Junmyeon made his way to the couch again. "That's good to hear! It's been quite a while. He's been studying in London for the past three years, right?"

"Yes." Chanyeol remembered the last day he saw Jongin before he left. It was just two weeks after his parents' funeral and Jongin lost a lot of weight. He looked so sad and forlorn that Chanyeol hurt just seeing him. He has always been the one who planned their nights out and escapades, the one who always picks on Chanyeol and teases Kyungsoo until they were both ready to kill him. But for all his childishness, Jongin  was a great confidante. There was a serious side to him that you could always run to whenever you had a problem. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo wanted to be there for his cousin when the accident happened but Jongin closed himself off. He was really glad his cousin was back and he hoped the wound from his parents' deaths have healed. He hoped he felt better because no one deserves to go through such pain least of all Jongin.

There was a short knock on the door before a tall, dark-skinned boy wearing a dark gray blazer over a white shirt and black pants, looking like a model straight from a photo shoot. "Yo, happy virus."

"Jongin-ah!" Chanyeol immediately went to his cousin to give him a welcoming hug. "It's been so long, man." He stepped back to study him. Jongin looked healthier since last time and Chanyeol was glad to see him smiling again. "How are you?"

"Uh, don't I get a hug, too?" Junmyeon said from behind Chanyeol.

"Hyung!"  And Jongin proceeded to envelope the guy in a hug before lifting him up. "You're still so small!"

"And you are still a brat!" Junmyeon said affectionately after Jongin put him down.

Jongin smiled at the two. "I'm really glad to be home." He then turned to Chanyeol. "Although, I think grandmamma was the only one happy to see me. How come no one else came to the mansion?"

Chanyeol felt guilty. He knew he was supposed to go yesterday but it was all sorts of complicated. He was torn between wanting to see Jongin and not wanting to see Kyungsoo with Jongin. He knew he shouldn't feel this way. He doesn't have anything to be jealous about. There was nothing between Jongin and Kyungsoo, right? There wasn't even anything yet between him and Kyungsoo. Although he was afraid that when the time comes for Kyungsoo to choose... he stopped those thoughts. "I'm sorry. It was just a busy day here and by the time I finished it was already late and I wanted you to rest." He finished lamely.

"Whoa. My cousin? So concerned for me?" Jongin teased. "How about-?"

"Oh, goodness. I'm gonna be late for my meeting with the EM. Got to go. I'll just visit with you later, Jongin-ah." Junmyeon nodded at the two boys and promptly left the office.

"EM? Is that a new position?"

Chanyeol smirked. "No, it means Evil Manager. He has a hate thing going on with the manager of our newly acquired talent."

"Our Junmyeon-hyung? Hate? But he's a sweetheart. The manager must really be evil then."

Chanyeol shrugged. "You'll meet him soon enough. So are you really back for good?"

"Pretty much. I've nothing to go back to in London anyway." There was a subtle shift in Jongin's demeanor. "I was meaning to ask, how's Kyungsoo?"

"Didn't you see him yesterday?" He was surprised because didn't Kyungsoo leave the lunch date because he was going to the mansion?

"Um, no. I didn't see him." Well, that was strange, Chanyeol thought.

"He's more than great. His career is going strong. Knowing grandma, she already filled you in about the things that happened while you were gone, right?"

"Yup, pretty much." Jongin answered with a fond smile. "She wore me out more than my 11-hour flight home to be honest."

"And I guess that she nagged you into starting to work here."

"Yeah." There was a pause when Jongin sighed. "I said yes."

"That's great." Chanyeol didn't know what else to say. For some reason, he felt a little uncertainty.

"Anyways, what has the happy virus been up to while I was away?"

"I haven't been called that in a long time." He answered, which was true. There was an awkward silence that has never been there before when Chanyeol was with Jongin.




Jongin watched as Chanyeol schooled his features into a blank mask, devoid of warmth that has always been Chanyeol's charm. A lot of changes have been wrought by the three years he was gone. For one, his cousin doesn't laugh with his whole body anymore; it was now kind of lackluster. He used to laugh with so much joy, not caring how his face contorted and twitched. Now, he looked controlled as if letting his emotions show was against the rules. Jongin wanted to know what happened, but above all else, he wanted to have the relationship he had with his two best friends back. "You still look like a virus to me." He teased the taller boy.

"Well, you still look sun burned to me. Isn't London supposed to be a cold and rainy place?"

"Excuse you. They find this hot back there." Jongin said while spreading his arms to show his tanned and toned body. Chanyeol just rolled his eyes at him. "Anyway, won't you take me to a tour of the office since I'll be working here and all?"

"Fine." Chanyeol replied. Jongin opened the door for both of them.

Yes, a lot has changed in the past three years, even in the company. There were a lot of new faces Jongin didn't recognize although there were still some he knew since he was a child. He got a hug from Miss Cho, who has always been the President's secretary for as long as he could remember. He caught a glimpse of Junmyeon-hyung from the glass wall of his office arguing with a bored looking Chinese guy. "Is that the uh, the EM?"

"Yes." Chanyeol answered. "That's Zhang Yixing, Lu Han's manager."

"Lu Han, the Angel of the East? Kyungsoo's new partner, right?"

"Yes, China's biggest star."

Jongin was curious about KSE's newly acquired talent but he was more curious about Kyungsoo and how he’s been doing during the time Jongin was gone. He left quite abruptly after his parent's funeral and he wasn't there when Kyungsoo debuted. Jongin always knew that Kyungsoo wanted to be a singer and he even made a promise that he would be there to support him when that time came. He broke that promise and perhaps a whole lot more but Jongin figured that since he was home he would start making it up to his friend. Well, he would start as soon as Kyungsoo shows himself. He was kind of disappointed when neither of his two best friends welcomed him home yesterday. He wouldn't admit it, perhaps even to himself, but out of all the things he missed when he was away, Kyungsoo topped the list.

As if thinking of him conjured his presence, Kyungsoo stepped out from the elevators just as Jongin and Chanyeol reached the lobby. Jongin froze in his tracks. The smaller boy was talking with a blonde guy but Jongin barely noticed. His heart wasn't prepared from the jolt it got from seeing Kyungsoo again. He looked different. His hair was now shorter, styled beautifully by professional hands. He was used to seeing Kyungsoo in plain shirts and loose pants but that was now replaced by a red designer jacket, and jeans so skinny, Jongin could trace the slim outline of his legs. Jongin knew the moment Kyungsoo saw him when his already wide eyes widened even more and his full lips stopped moving midway. He wasn't completely sure how long he stood there staring but Jongin was kind of glad when the blonde beside Kyungsoo broke the silence with a "President Park!" and drew Kyungsoo closer to him and Chanyeol. He felt his cousin tense a little but he didn't have the time to think about it because Kyungsoo was suddenly in front of him and it has been three years and Jongin for all his outside cool was pretty much a nervous wreck inside. Although he did notice how Kyungsoo's big eyes never left his face and he was wearing a stumped expression. Back then, Jongin would have just laughed at him but now he couldn't because his heart was beating so loud and fast he could barely hear the blonde guy talking animatedly with Chanyeol. "And may I ask who this is?"

"He's my cousin Kim Jongin. Jongin-ah, this is Lu Han." It was only when he heard his name that Jongin looked at the other male. The media did not exaggerate with their praises. Lu Han really was beautiful but... he wasn't Kyungsoo. "Hello, nice to meet you." Lu Han smiled and bowed at him and Jongin almost forgot to bow in return. His eyes kept on straying to Kyungsoo. Finally, Kyungsoo spoke up smiled at him. "I'm glad you're back." Jongin felt disoriented because since when did Kyungsoo's smile affect him this way?

"Yeah." He was also unprepared for what happened next. Kyungsoo stepped close to him and gave him a hug. Jongin thought it was probably the most common of welcoming hugs but his reaction to it wasn't common at all. His breath hitched and he had an insane impulse to gather the shorter boy closer and well, to never let go. That made him abruptly pull back. He hid his discomfiture with a smirk although both Chanyeol and Kyungsoo could probably see right through it. "It's great to see you." He said. "Like Junmyeon-hyung, you're still... short."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at him and he was glad to see that some things didn't change. "And you're still... burnt." Kyungsoo shot back at him.

"Exactly. You're outnumbered, Kkamjong." Chanyeol said smugly.

"Hey, wait. You used to defend me whenever someone calls me that." Jongin told Kyungsoo accusingly but the boy just shrugged and laughed. He felt that everything was as it should be, the three of them teasing and laughing at each other just like the old times. Jongin blamed jetlag for his earlier reaction to seeing Kyungsoo. Nevermind that he never felt jetlagged in his life because it was the only explanation he could think of on why he wanted to stay in Kyungsoo's embrace longer than was necessary. He was his best friend and he shouldn't really be feeling this way, should he?

"Jongin-ah," Chanyeol looked at his watch. "I'm sorry to cut the tour short. I have a meeting in five minutes. Maybe we can continue later?"

"Oh, we have to go, too, Kyungsoo-ssi. Our break's ending soon." Lu Han latched on Kyungsoo's arm. "President Park, Kim Jongin-ssi."

"Okay. Um, let's talk sometime then." Kyungsoo said before he was dragged by Lu Han towards the practice rooms. Chanyeol walked to the elevators but Jongin was left staring at Kyungsoo's retreating back, a part of him wanting to follow. And here he was again. Something crazy was going on in his head and he couldn't figure out what it was. He was afraid though that that something crazy was messing with his heart as well.



Baekhyun sighed the sigh of the weary as he walked the streets of Seoul. Another day spent looking for a job but to no avail. He began to realize just how incompetent he was. The only available jobs were either in food houses or offices that require full degrees. He didn't know how to cook, he was slow with doing chores and he hasn't finished college yet. He really was no good. Memories of his mother interrupted his thoughts.


My Baekhyunnie is the best so don't frown. My favorite son can do it.

But I'm your only child, eomma.

That's why you're my favorite.


Then she'll kiss him on the head and squeeze his shoulders in a comforting hug. After that Baekhyun would feel that he'd be able to do anything. He needed that right now. He needed someone to tell him he could do this, that he could survive on his own. It has been three years since his parents died but he wasn't completely alone and broke until seven months ago. Now his will was weakening and sometimes he just wanted to sit down and cry for his mother and father. Life had been too easy for him growing up. There was always someone who attended to his needs. He looked at his slender hands that never knew labor, smooth and soft and... useless. Baekhyun sniffed and scrunched his nose to somehow stop the stray tears from falling. He knew crying wouldn't solve anything so it has been a long time since he did. He really shouldn't start giving up now but it was just so tiring. I'm sorry, he said to the heavens, where he was sure his parents were watching over him. I'm sorry for thinking of giving up. He continued walking, busying himself with thoughts of what to do next, there were still a few hours left before the day ended, surely he would think of something.

He was also quite guilty for leaving Park Chanyeol's apartment neither with a thank you nor a good bye. It was just because he panicked. He almost kissed him again and Baekhyun wasn't sure how they ended up in that position but he knew it was wrong because he was starting to want things, impossible things that he knew weren't meant for him.



There were three things you shouldn't mess around with where Tao was concerned: his car, his suit and his instant cup noodles. He loved his car almost as much as Chanyeol loved Joey just minus the name, his suits were all steam pressed to perfection (he liked to keep it that way all day) and his cup noodles was his guilty pleasure. He knew it wasn't healthy to eat the MSG ridden food but Tao loved the artificially salty taste. His diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables anyway so noodles twice or thrice a week wouldn't hurt.

It was just nearing 5pm but Tao was already off work. He did not need to drive Chanyeol home because he was going out with his cousin, Jongin, so he was let off early. Tao figured it was a good time as any to drive to a near convenience store to have his cup noodles. He parked his car outside the store and went inside to get his favorite beef stew flavor. He looked completely out of place in the area mainly because you don't normally see a boy this good-looking lounging against an expensive car while holding cup noodles and being entirely too happy about it.

Tao was about to put the vegetables in when a small hand snatched the packet from his hand. He looked up quickly and looked down again because the boy in front of him was decidedly short. The boy was in a yellow hoodie and was wearing a preoccupied expression on his small face. Tao was actually too perplexed to react when normally he would have already snatched back the packet and did some bodily harm to the intruder. "No, you shouldn't put the vegetables too soon. Wait for the noodles to soften first then add them in, they'll be little crunchy and it will taste better." The boy smiled absently, put the packet on top of the cup lid and patted Tao's shoulder before walking away with a faintly dazed expression. Tao thought the boy looked like he was sleepwalking. He dismissed thoughts of the guy and turned his attention to his noodles. It was actually quite late to add the vegetables in and it wouldn't hurt to try out the boy's advice. He shrugged and waited a few seconds before adding the contents of the packet in. He stirred it a little before taking a taste. Well what do you know? It tasted a bit better. Tao smiled and looked at the direction the brunette went to. He could still see him a few meters away and he had half a mind to call out a thanks to him, maybe warn him about the dangers of walking distractedly even if the street was deserted. But he was surprised when he saw two black suited men flank the boy and hold on to each of his arms. Tao instinctively straightened and ran towards them, his cup noodles still clutched in his left hand. The boy was struggling earnestly against his captors when Tao reached them. "Let go."

The two men turned their heads, distracted by Tao's commanding tone. He used that chance to grab the man on the right wrist and pull it from the boy's arm, using his hold to support him as he threw a side kick to the man on the left, dislodging him from the boy's other arm. He then let go of the wrist he was holding and sent him a hand chop to his side, making the man hunch in pain. Tao pulled at the yellow hoodie to get the boy behind him as the two assailants recovered from the hits they received. The man on the left threw a punch which he quickly dodged before hitting the man with an upper cut, his other hand still holding his noodles securely. The other guy tried to strike him with a kick but Tao was faster. He took hold of the man's leg with his free hand and pulled at it to outbalance him before throwing a straight jab to his nose making the man fall back and cringe in pain. Tao prepared himself for more attacks but the sound of a phone ringing halted the two men. Still cautious, Tao watched as one of them took out his phone and after a few seconds the man signaled to his companion with a nod before the two of them retreated down the street where a black car waited for them. Tao would have wanted to come after them but the car quickly sped away and his noodles were cooling. He turned to look at the boy behind him. He was biting his lower lip and looked worried. "Are you alright?" Tao asked.

"Yes. Yes, I am." The boy stepped closer. "But are you alright?"

Tao felt insulted with the question. Of course he was alright, didn't he see how easy it was to beat the two pudgy men in suits? "Of course."

"Thank you. I'm sorry for-" He bit his lip again. He then bowed and with another thank you, started walking away. Tao was puzzled. Wasn't the boy worried that those goons would come after him again? And who were they anyway?

"Hey, wait up.” He called out. The boy stopped walking. "Aren't you afraid they'll come back and get you?"

"Uh, I'll be alright."

"How can you be so sure? Do you know those people?" He asked.

He could see the other hesitate before replying. "No, I don't know them but I'll be alright."

"Are you on your way home? It's getting dark. At least let me take you home." Tao wasn't sure why but he felt a little concerned about the boy. Maybe because he looked small, shaken and lost.

"There's really no need-"

But Tao interrupted him. "I insist."

The boy eyed him warily before nodding slowly. He probably sensed that Tao would not take no for an answer. He motioned his head to the direction of his red car. Remembering his noodles, he opened the lid and tipped the contents into his mouth in two big gulps. He returned his gaze on the boy whose eyes had widened. Tao wanted to laugh at his startled expression. He thought the expression was because of how he gobbled the noodles quickly but then the boy looked back and forth at him and his car. "You... you're from KSE."

"You know me?"

"No. I...  I just saw you there once."

Tao's eyes travelled from the boy's dark brown hair, cute pixie-like features, to the yellow hoodie and faded jeans covering the small body. "Are you a trainee?"

"Oh, no." A slight smile spread the boy's lips. "I was there once for Do Kyungsoo's fanmeet."

They reached his car and Tao opened the passenger door. The boy timidly went inside. "You can call me Tao,” he said once he got behind the wheels. He only allowed a few other people to call him by his name Zitao and those were his parents, Chanyeol’s grandma and Chanyeol. "What's your name?"

"Uh, Byun Baekhyun."

"Okay. Where to, Byun Baekhyun?"




From a few feet away, he watched as the tall black-haired boy opened the door for Baekhyun before going inside the red convertible. He memorized the plate number as the taillights disappeared towards the main road. Running his hands through his thick blonde hair, he adjusted his long frame against the leather seat of his car. He had been there watching from inside ever since the two men tried to take Byun Baekhyun. He observed as the tall boy defended Baekhyun and beat up the two men easily. He decided that his men couldn't handle the boy, the reason he called to tell them to retreat for the meantime. So there was someone helping Byun Baekhyun out. Interesting.

He started the car engine at the same time putting on a Bluetooth earpiece before dialing on his phone.

"Did you get him?" A man asked from the other end of the line.

"No. But there is something you should know."




"This is my car. Tell me again why I am letting you drive it?" Jongin asked Chanyeol from the passenger seat. Chanyeol spared him a quick glance and a smirk.

"I don't let anyone drive for me remember? Well, except Zitao."

"Where is yours anyway? Joey, isn't it?"

"She's being repaired but they say I could get her in a day or so." Chanyeol really missed his car. He would be glad to have her back after the nightmare of letting Zitao drive him to work and waking up early so his young assistant wouldn't get angry. So much for being the boss. They were on their way to Chanyeol's apartment after getting dinner together and catching up. It was unfortunate that Kyungsoo wasn't able to come with them since his recording would end late.

It was like having to re-learn his cousin for the three hours they were together, an hour for every year they were apart which wasn't nearly enough. He learned that Jongin already finished his degree in Advertising and Marketing communications. He graduated with good marks and Chanyeol complained about Jongin not telling the family. They could have flown to London to attend his graduation but Jongin just brushed it off with a smile and told his cousin that it wasn't really important. He learned that Jongin moonlighted as a bartender for some time, telling Chanyeol that it wasn't really for the money but for the new people he meets every night. The talk turned serious for a time as they discussed how Jongin coped during the first few months of his life there, how he slowly got over his parents' death. "It was hard being alone in a foreign place and I didn't know anybody there. But it was also a great time to think and to be at peace after what happened. I miss them so much." Chanyeol heard the grief behind every word.

"We miss them, as well. But I'm glad you're back because we missed you, too." He said solemnly. They talked some more about Jongin's plans. Inevitably, Kyungsoo was brought up and Chanyeol watched for signs on what Jongin felt about their other friend.

They reached his apartment and Chanyeol invited Jongin to have coffee but his cousin declined. "You still have work tomorrow. Let's get together again this weekend. With Kyungsoo if he's free."

Chanyeol knew he had to say this before tonight ended. He was not sure why but he just knew he had to say it. "About Kyungsoo... There's something I want to tell you." Jongin raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"I'm... I like him." Jongin's smile fell for a moment and Chanyeol suddenly felt unsure. But then Jongin smiled again and he breathed a sigh of relief. There was nothing there, right? He wouldn't have to compete with Jongin for Kyungsoo, would he?

"Oh. Okay."

"That's it?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah. It's great. Kyungsoo is wonderful."

"Yes. He is." There was silence as Chanyeol looked for something else to say. "Right. I better go now. I'll just see you in the office then?"


Chanyeol went up to his apartment feeling way lighter and happier since yesterday. All in all this was a great day, he thought.




Tao looked at the short guy beside him. "So this is your place?" Baekhyun nodded. They were parked in front of an apartment building just a block away from Chanyeol's which he thought was funny. "The guy I work for lives just around the corner. What a coincidence, huh?"

"Ah, yes." Baekhyun started to open the door. "Thanks for helping me out earlier."

"No problem. But maybe you should report what happened to the authorities because what if-"

"It's okay, really. I think it was just a misunderstanding. I'll go in now." Baekhyun bowed his head before going out. He stood by the building entrance and waved what looked like a lightstick as Tao drove away. He dialed Chanyeol's number because for all his impertinence he was still Chanyeol's assistant--bodyguard and he needed to make sure Chanyeol was alright. "Hey, Park Chanyeol.“ He said when the elder picked up. "Are you home already?"

"Yes. Boss." He could hear the exasperation and Tao smirked.

"Yeah? Oh by the way Junmyeon-hyung handed me some papers he forgot to give you earlier. He says it’s for your meeting tomorrow. You want me to give them to you now? I'm just a block away."

"Are you actually going to do something nice for me? I'm touched." Chanyeol said in a dry tone.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll be there in a minute or two." He shifted gear and turned the car around. He was reaching for the papers from the glove compartment and almost missed the yellow hooded figure walking alone on the sidewalk. Wasn't that Byun Baekhyun? Where was the boy going? He let the car follow the boy's progress and when he reached a crossroad Tao became sure that Baekhyun didn't know where to go because he looked like he was debating on which direction to take. He parked on the side and quickly got out before Baekhyun could decide where to turn. He walked towards the him. "Hey, where are you going?"

Baekhyun jumped back a little in surprise and guilt was painted all over his face. "Uh, I was just-"

"You don't live here, do you?"

Baekhyun looked a little panicked. "Uh, no. I do. I-"

"Come on." Tao pulled at the hood of Baekhyun's jacket and made him enter the car again. Once inside, he immediately began his interrogation. "Where do you really live? And tell me the truth this time." He looked intently at the other.

"I... I can't go home." Baekhyun fidgeted with the lightstick in his hand. "The people after me have my house under surveillance."

"Tell me, why are they after you? Maybe I could help." Tao felt sorry for Baekhyun because he looked genuinely worried and scared. His father always taught him to help those who were in need and Baekhyun looked as if he really needed it.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I can't tell you."

"Are you involved in something illegal?"

"No! No, I'm not." Baekhyun held on to his arm. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"Okay. Okay, I believe you. But where are you staying now?"

The boy mumbled a reply which he couldn't understand. "What did you say?"

"I'm... I don't have one."

Tao gaped at him. The boy's life was probably in danger but he doesn't even have a place to stay? He knew the proper thing to do was ask for the authorities' help but he could see Baekhyun's obvious reluctance to do so. He was confused as hell as to what to do with him. He studied Baekhyun's profile. He looked too innocent and fragile to be involved with those kinds of people. Tao knew that this wasn't his business but he was already involved. He was resolved to find out whom Baekhyun was running away from and how he could help him but he was sure he wouldn't be able to do that tonight. The more pressing matter at the moment was where Baekhyun could stay safely for the meantime. His eyes fell to the papers visible through the still open glove compartment and the answer hit him.

"Come with me." He said as he drove to the safest place he knew. He was the one who oversaw the installing of the security devices and had even surveyed the area so he was sure Baekhyun would be safe there. It would just be a matter of convincing the owner of the house to let Baekhyun stay for a while until Tao could find the best thing to do. It wasn't long when they arrived. He got out and waited for Baekhyun to follow. When the other didn't seem to want to get out the car, he knocked on the window. "We're here. Come on."

"But...uh." Baekhyun bit his lower lip worriedly.

"You need a place to stay. And this is the best place I know." Tao opened the door and pulled Baekhyun out. He held on to his arm to keep him from drawing away because he was obviously reluctant to come with Tao. They rode the elevator up and he could feel how nervous Baekhyun was. "Don't worry."

They stepped out and he directed Baekhyun to stop in front of a door on the left. Tao pushed on a button of an electronic lock pad and spoke into it. "Open the door." A deep voice answered after a few seconds. "Could you be any ruder?" Then the door was opening and Tao could feel Baekhyun stiffen beside him. A tall guy stood by the doorway. Tao saw Chanyeol's eyes widen at the sight of them before speaking. "You have got to be kidding me."







an: yes. here i am again.. saying sorry to those who waited and got this instead..orz
word vomit.. now at 7k.. how? why? 
sorry again.. and..well.. yeah.. and ive got a surprise(?) for all the subs of Anywhere with You is heaven..
wel.. ull know later or tomorrow..lmao
comments? violent reactions? bricks?
im sorry i dont know how to action scene..orz


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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1376 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10