Chapter three

Maybe in six years

Ji-eun :


« What are you going to wear then?” Asked Kyung-hee.

“ I don’t know, I’ll find a dress in my closet, it’s just a small event, not like a red carpet occasion” I answered, trying to remember my dresses.

“Mind if I make some suggestion” the middle aged woman asked.

“You’re welcomed to” I nodded.


She made her way to my bedroom. Our apartment have the same structure, everything is the same except for the decoration, compared to her flat, which is a paradise for bakers, mine is like a sterilize morgue, so cold and stern. She walked out, holding in her hands this fluffy pink thing.


“Oh please tell me you’re kidding, my ballet days are over, I’m so not wearing that!” I exclaimed looking at that hideous thing.

“You’ll be the cutest in this dress, it’s bring out your childlike side” She said sarcastically squinting her eyes before coming back inside the closet.


I was on my computer, fixing a photograph. My office is front of my bedroom,  and the closet is linking the bedroom to the bathroom.  Ms Kyung-hee dropped by for a cup of tea after, I invited her but totally forgot, but she kept it nice, preparing the tea while I was finishing the photo.


“Look what I’ve found, I think this is perfect.” She said showing me this blue dress. It was a satin blue cami-dress, with thin crossed traps in the back, leaving my skin bare.

“I agree, but it’s December, maybe something that covers more skin, I really don’t want to be sick.”

“It’s not a formal event right? So this is perfect, it’s not uptight, it’s easy going, it’s super y, you’ll be inside, so don’t worry, you won’t get cold, and  I saw plenty of coats that will keep you warm in there” she said pointing at the closet

“oh, please, you’ll look great, trust me, I spent more time on earth than you, I do know what I’m talking about” she continued.





            “I’m thinking about dressing up as a banana, I have this really cool onesie that I’ve been saving for occasions like this” said Luhan.

            “oooh, I know, I can totally be a unicorn, I should order the costume right now” said sehun joining his hyung.

            “What are you guys talking about” asked a sleepy Xiumin, who had just entered the room with his toothbrush still cleaning his mounth.

            “About Saturday, they’re discussing about what to wear, they act like teenage girls going to prom” I said, my eyes still glued to my cell phones.

            “ It’s the magazine’s annual party, last year we were all serious, but this time they told us that this is just a friendly get together, even thought there’ll be like 300 people, but you know, just a cute get together” Added Suho.

            “So we’re dressing up as fruit and imaginary creature?” asked Xiumin.

            “They are, I’m not doing that” I said shaking my head while looking at Sehun and Luhan.


Suho call it a friendly get together, it’s more like a Idol, actors, producers, photographers, stylist, editors reunions, most of the people in the in the industry, no matter what position they held, are invited, if you’re not invited, that’s just proves that you haven’t make it yet inside the circle. The girls will be pushing the boundaries of ty dresses, and the guys will just goof around all night.


Monday was dance practice day. We’ve been polishing up this new choreographer, and it’s been killing my calves. I can see that other members are suffering to, the desperation in their eyes, their hair soaked in transpiration, and their loud breathing were interfering with the rhythm.

“Time out men, I’m out of breath” said a Kris while swiping off his forehead.


In two months time, we’ll make a comeback. Even though the songs and the choreography are almost ready, we still don’t have a proper album cover, we had no idea what we’ll do for our promotion. The company is working on a new tour, and we’re selecting all the songs we’re going to perform. So these days we have extremely packed.


I love feeling the ached after an intense work out. It hurts, but you know it’s healthy, and going to sleep as a corps usually means I’m getting a good night sleep. Even better when I know I can sleep in tomorrow, Chanyeol is getting new haircut, Lay are being interviewed by a Chinese TV show. Tao wanted to spent some time doing art martials, and Chen wanted to cook.  The rest of us just wants to lay down, relax and do our stuff.



Ji-eun :


“Mom, you’re late”


She was there in her white coat, with a cashmere red scarf around her neck and high heels that looks way to uncomfortable for a brunch between mother and daughter.


“Honey, I’ve just arrived from the airport, kiss me first, and then complain” She said sticking her red lips on my cheeks.


“How was your flight ?” I said, trying to wipe off her lipstick

“It was long” she answered simply.

 “Dad is coming soon, honey, he wants to see his baby daughter so bad” she continued smiling at me “ I heard Sung-min is in Seoul, did you guys meet ?”

“What ? No I didn’t even know he was here, who told you that, are you sure ?”

“Pretty sure, his mother told me, don’t look so outraged sweetheart, he must be very busy”

“And I thought we were friend, that bastard haven’t even contacted me” I exclaimed, feeling angry at him.


The waiter arrives, we had English breakfast, mom is not a big fan of bacon and sausage, she barely touch her meal, while, hungry like a beast, and also angry at this so called friend of mine, I swallowed rapidly my whole breakfast.


-       How is work? She asked, comfortably seated in front of my.

-       I’m moving my stuff out of the magazine headquarter, and moving into SM, I said, sipping my coffee.

-       And what about a gentleman, have you met anyone boyfriend worthy? She asked in a calmer voice, watching out for my reaction.

-       No one. I answered coldly.

-       I’m very concerned you know, a little bit scare too. She finally said looking like a mother would.

-       You shoundn’t, it’s just the timing, let me some time.

-       It’s the only think I can do, waiting. Last summer was a nightmare, I was worried sick, you were/

-       Mom, I said cutting her words, it’s in the past now, it won’t happen again, and please look at it more like an experience, an opportunity to see the world, that’s what it really was for me.

-       Meet with Sung-min, and say “hello” for me, he’s a good friend.

-       I know mom.



Mom left Seoul 3 days later, we went out for lunch and just stay home for dinner. She felt like a real mom cooking for me. She was aging,  superwoman mom is getting tired faster, and her wrinkles keep getting deeper. We went out for shopping, and she never mentioned anything about last summer again. I contacted Sung-min, who simple answered by a text : “we’ll see each other again soon, don’t worry”. I’m too tired to nag him, truthfully, I felt a little bit betrayed.

            Dad sent me this beautiful diamond necklace; he engraved my name in the back. Receiving expensive gift from your dad is such a good feeling, waking up to a present, I felt like a small princess still in the cocoon created by my parents. The necklace wasn’t the only thing I received this Saturday morning. Kyung-hee also sent me a box, a bigger one though, it came with a note : “hope your feet won’t hurt too much, have a good night”. Inside I found magnificent high heel sandals, the traps were wrapped by blue satin tissue, they matched my dress, I truly felt like Cinderella.




As an ensemble, we look ridiculous. Out of 12, at leat 7 of us were wearing onsies and pyjamas, imagine our manager face when we get inside the car to go to the party. We have this mixed group of serious looking men in suits, and these boys laughing to death in their unicorn attire.

People were not even surprise with us showing up dresses like that. They just laugh it off, looking at us as if we were kids. Suho looks mature in his suit, he had this black tuxedo, that fit him like a glove, and just put all his assets out in the light. I got myself a glass of champagne, my tie were strangling me, but the stylist spent to much time dressing me, I felt almost bad for loosening it. With Suho, Kris, Xiumin and D.O, we sat at a table, people were dancing on the dance floor, it was rather dark inside, and we just wanted to watch, none of us was really interested in dancing right now.


“It’s a party guys, smiling is mandatory !” Said a familiar voice.

“Sung-min, it’s good to see you man” answered a excited Suho.


Sung-min was our producer for our last album, he’s a crazy guy. We worked for hours, we weren’t going out, he wanted everything perfect. He’s this easy-going guy in everyday life, but once inside a studio, the workaholic inside him came out.


            Sung-min stayed at our table, we chat, he told us about his last trip to Europe, how he went camping with strangers, and was face to face with a bear. We told him about our upcoming album. Suho and him are really good friends, so of course, our leader was super happy to see him again, you could see his eyes lighten up, compared to the dull eyes he had when he’s bored.

The room was filling up, we were one of the first to arrive. Our onsies guy were owning the floor. It was getting so hot, I took off my jacket.

Ji-eun arrived. Our  table was on a higher level to the dancefloor, and the entrance. We have the best seats to see everyone arriving. She was in this blue dress that barely cover the front, her back was bare, if not protected by two lines hanging loose. The dress was loose, and fell on her body, letting every minds in the room imagining the lines of her body. The dress was short; it stayed above her knees, showing off her thin legs.


She looked around, smiling and saying hello, and for some weird reason she looked up. I realized then that I wasn’t the only one starring. Sung-min was too, and he was also waving at her. She smiled at him.

She got up the stairs slowly, and on the way pick up a glass of champagne. She soon arrived at our table.


-       Why didn’t you call me when you got here ?, she asked while embracing tighly Sung-min.

-       I’m here now, so it’s all right baby, he answered tightening their embrace. His hand was now caressing her .


Did I miss something, how come they know each other? For like a whole minute, they were in their own world, making small conversations, asking how life was going, blaming one and other for neglecting the other. After a while, they finally noticed us.


-       Oh, hi guys? Are you having fun? She asked finally seing us. 








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bobjo1913 #1
Chapter 4: Ooohhhh this is pretty fun~
ohsehoonye #2
i'll start reading nooooow!!!~~~
smtownn #3
i can't wait to read looks really interesting