Chapter Six

Maybe in six years




“Look, I wanted to call, but I was so busy, my phone was taken from me. You know our manager is a bit crazy and he just wanted us to be concentrated”

His dark circles are hypnotizing me. His bleach blond hair is messy, he plays with it, hunched back, pouted lips, looking pitiful.

“I don’t mind one night stand, I’m not even mad at you for not calling nor texting” I said, trying forget all those time, glancing at my phone, hoping for a text, “But coming here at this time, asking for a shelter … I mean, we’re not even friends, I’m your photographer, we’re colleagues! Last time I checked you have a dorm, even if you have nowhere else to go, hotels are available too.”

We are colleagues that just happen to share a night together.

“First off, I’m really sorry for not calling, and made you think that you were just a one nightstand, because you’re not a one night stand” He said, trying to get closer to me “And you’re right, I do have a home, but I wanted to come and see you, because tomorrow I’ll have to go again” He was now just 2 inches from my face, his hand was already around my waist.

“You’ll sleep on the couch”, I said before going back to my room.





I was locking my door, when I saw a young man getting out of my neighbour house. He has these black jeans and spiky white hair that my mother would never have approve of. I looked at my watch, 6 am, why did I accept this breakfast job? I’m a chef, I do dinner, but then it’s been a while since I’ve done pancakes, plus the money will be funding my Europe trip. He saw me, and quickly said hello. We ended up being in the same elevator. I’m not sure if this guy is Jong-in. The awkward atmosphere was amplified by the lift’s music. I could see is reflection on the door of the lift. He was massaging his neck, yawning, and trying to keep his eyelids separate, it was quite humorous.


            I got to work on time. Other chefs were already working when I enter our kitchen, like always the atmosphere is magical. We like to turn on some opera, and enjoy our cooking experience in this environment.


“Once again, the food was amazing” I heard when I was taking some air, in the back exit of the hotel

What is he doing here? It is not even Saturday.

I could tell that he won’t be here for long, as his driver was opening the car’s door just behind him. I smiled; of course he was the one asking for a special breakfast. My secret admirer, that’s how Ji-eun called him.


“I don’t even get roses today?” I asked, smiling. It’s been a while since I’ve flirt hope I’m doing it right.

I guess he was taken aback, as he took a second to respond. I usually just say thanks and went back to the kitchen.


“I have no excuses, how can I make it up to you?” He said, with his eyes round, he was acting like a lost kitten, adventuring in this new territory.


“Then please upgrade your game, roses are too classic”

I didn’t really know where all these courage came from. I’m usually not this daring. Well I was, once upon a time, but that was college time.


“What do you suggest then?” He said, surprised by my sudden needs of conversation.

“I’m a chef, I like food.” I said, before walking out on him.


I hoped that he would take me out to dinner, like a real gentleman, not send me a box of chocolate like a scared high school boy. Take the hint man, do it, you looked experienced, and I truly think that you had more than a couple of women in your bed.


            Between now and dinner, I had plenty of time. Before going back to work I could use some shopping. It’s been awhile since I last bought myself something. “You never take the chance to display that perfect body of yours”, I could already hear Ji-eun saying those words next Wednesday.

            I was mire than glad to discover a calm, almost empty mall. I like my shopping serene. People do yoga, I do shopping. A couple of dresses caught my eyes. Black, navy blue, and Bordeaux red, those were simple but very flattering colours. I got myself trousers, some jeans; I like them slim and fit, not skinny, Ji-eun sometime looked like a skeleton in those. Scarfs are my favourite accessorize, done right, they will dress up most of your outfits. Bags are also important, they balanced out the whole outfit, their shapes and colours say it all, you can guess a lot of things through someone’s bag. I was trying a pair of black pump when my eyes lay on some spiky hair. The boy was speaking with a sale girl, who was just drooling on him.

            “I hope these are for Ji-eun” I said walking to him. I was eyeing the pair of heels in the box.

            He looked at me, took of his sunglasses, which cause the sale girls to go wild.

            “They are”, He finally said. “You must be her neighbour, we met this morning in the lift”

            “Yes we did, you leave her place quite early. I’m Kyung-hee” I said as I put forward my hand. He shook it.

            “I’m Jong-in” He answered.

            “I hope these are her size”, I said, looking at the heels again. They were nice, but I’m not sure Ji-eun is the kind of girl who likes receiving high heels from boyfriend.

            “Don’t worry, I checked this morning before leaving, do you think heels is a good idea?”

            “Sincerely, no, be more original, shoes are personal, girls like to buy them themselves”. I said, before going back to my own pair. I paid for them, and before exiting the store I wished him luck on finding another gift. The poor boy must be given horrible treatment, Ji-eun seems like a “hard to get” girl. She won’t let a guy get to her that easy.


I open the door, try to turn on the light, after dropping off all the bags. I think I might have got too excited with the shopping, now I have to clean up the mess made of clothes, plastic bag, shoes and boxes.






It was the first time, that I heard more than two words from her.

I saw her the first time in front of the hotel. She was laughing with another guy, who looked younger than her. A couple of minutes later, I saw her again, a couple of table away from mine. She got this big smile that I couldn’t help but stared at. The kind of smile that felt genuine and couldn’t be fake. I did not know what they were talking about but I was finding myself being jealous of this guy. He got to be enjoying good food with her, the beautiful lady in red. Her wrist was tiny, and was decorated with a watch. She was goofy. At the end of the meal, which she enjoyed fully and mine was almost untouched, she has her teeth tinted by her lipstick. She looked ridiculous. When her partner told her about it, she laugh it off, didn’t even mind wiping it away.

The second time, was a couple week later. Same place. It took me a minute to recognise her. This time she was wearing pants and a blue coat. Her hair was tied back in a bun, sleeked back, she looked serious. I followed her inside, as I was also planning to have dinner there. I was surprise to see a chef uniform under that blue coat. She barely notices my presence.

Since then each time that I went to the hotel restaurant, I ask to see the chef, after awhile, I started to wait for her at the end of her night to give her roses and express my gratitude towards the good food. I never tried to make further steps, as she never really replied to my advances. It was usually just “thank you”.  On a good day, I might get a smile. But truly I didn’t mind, I was way too busy to have a girlfriend, and at my age, I better spend more time with my new-born grand child.

So imagine my surprise when she talked to me. And that wasn’t all. She wanted me to ask her out. Her game was strong. It was subtle, but you know she was confident, I usually don’t have to invite women out, it’s been a while since I last shared a relationship with someone

So the first thing I did when I got back to my office, I ask my assistant to send her some flowers and some chocolate. Not roses, some lavender for a change and a card, asking for an hour or two of her company.







Coffee, I need coffee. Suho was buying me an espresso; it was kind of him to come get me at the mall. Funny enough I stumble on Ji-eun neighbour, a mysterious lady who told me not to buy her shoes, so I bought her a polaroid, I figured, she likes photography and stuff.


“You look tired” Suho hyung said, handing me my cup.

“Yeah, that’s because I am” I said, “that’s how you look, when you spent your short night on a couch without pajamas and blanket”

“She didn’t even let you sleep on the bed ?” He asked sipping his paper cup

“Nah, she was not happy” I said as I remembered her words last night. “I mean I didn’t call for 3 days, and then I suddenly show up at her place”


            Last night was a mess. After practice, for some crazy reasons, the boys wanted to go see the beach. So they drove there, rented a house and as I am speaking right now to Suho they are still there. Suho and I was the only people that were not crazy enough to do that sh*t. Suho wanted to go home to his parents, which was understandable, so he dropped me off in front of the dorm. That’s when it got crazy. Not only did I not ask for the keys of the door, I also forgot my freaking wallet. So there I was alone at 11pm on the street, trying to call Suho, who turn off his phone so he could go to sleep. So after 17 attempts I gave up. No wallet, no money, no credit card, nothing. My only hope was Ji-eun.


I like her a lot. I wasn’t lying when I told her that I couldn’t call her, our manager is a maniac. I was just so weird out because of her behaviour. So I hesitated, but when finally, I thought about calling her, the manager came in.

She was quite distant. She seemed genuine the Saturday night. It was fun walking with her through the city. But Sunday night was a fiasco. It was too quick. Hey it was cool and all, being in bed with her. It just didn’t add up. She was faking it. And she’s not a good actress. For some crazy reasons, I wanted to know more. Part of me wanted to make her fall for me. And part of me was already crazy about her jasmine scent. So I went to her house, hoping for another great night, but no. This time, it wasn’t fun. I couldn’t make myself tell her that I’m here just because I lost my wallet, that’s like telling the girl you want to conquer that you are using her. So I end up lying.

 “Alright man, do you have your wallet?” Asked Suho, after I got out of his car.

 “Yes” I said patting my pocket.

He said “bye” and then drove away. Here I am again, in front of her building. I rang number 42, it was the lovely old lady that open the gate for me yesterday. So I’m not risking ringing everyone again and being yelled at again. And I doubt that Ji-eun will open.


“What are you doing here?” She asked coldly once I stepped in. At least, this time I got to enter the apartment.

“I got you something” I gave her the bag with the polaroid inside as she was closing the door.


She took it; take the present out of the bag. It was wrapped, and she was turning it around, wondering what I was getting her.


“I wrapped it myself”, I said, hoping that it would heighten the value of the gift.


She just starred at me. Not in a mean way, but she wasn’t batting her eyelashes either.


“It’s a polaroid, a white one” She said, once she has destroyed my work of art.

“I have a blue one” She added.


Of course she has a Polaroid, she’s a pro, her gear are important!


“But I like it, I guess now I have to get the rest of the other colours” She said, with an evil smile. Does that mean that I need to get her another 2 or 3 Polaroid in different colours in exchange for a place in her bed?

“Let’s go get some dinner, it’s on me, thanks for the gift, I like it”. She said.


Mission accomplished!

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bobjo1913 #1
Chapter 4: Ooohhhh this is pretty fun~
ohsehoonye #2
i'll start reading nooooow!!!~~~
smtownn #3
i can't wait to read looks really interesting