Chapter Two

Maybe in six years



-       Great job guys, thank you everybody for your hard work, said the very tired me who was putting back my camera in my bag.


People were taking down the set, the lights, and the models were exiting the room. Taemin look quite exhausted, he was struggling during the whole shoot, it was hard to keep him composed while he’s trying to fight sleepiness. Shooting small scale group is so much nicer, Shinee is a really good ensemble, there are five of them, so it’s not too hard to put them in a frame, they all listen and understand quickly, compared to my first shoot, this was less demanding.


It was snowing outside. A white, fuzzy blanket covered the streets of Seoul. Grown ups are walking carefully, while kids find all the occasions possible to glide on ice. Homework was the last thing I wanted to do. A great movie and a cup of tea, that’s what I wanted. Mom came by at the end of September, she was so mad when she discovered that I was lacking off my studies. “I know that you’re capable of making a living, because that’s what you are doing right now, but school is important, and finishing high school will not hurt you as a person” she said, nagging me on and on. It was just 2 weeks with no lessons.

How could I have managed integrating the company and being a perfect student at the same time? I can’t. But mom is still mom, she got me to promised her that I will achieved another excellent semester, so I’m working my off to do both my online lessons and complete my task as a photographer for the magazines. After my shoot with Exo for the magazines, SM offered me a one-year contract. They basically told me that they needed me for promotions of all their artist. The pay was good; my 3 shoots contract with the magazine was also ending, and the last thing I wanted is moving out of my apartment (again), I decided why not give it a try.





We usually don’t go out much. The last thing we wanted was attracting attention, but from time to time, like any other human, we do enjoy fresh air, so we would drive out of the city. Suho was driving, Sehun was on the phone, D.O was reading, and Xiumin was just starring at the scenery. It was our day off, and the rest of the guys wanted to watch a movie.


-       Guys we’re here, said Suho after parking the car.


None of us wanted to go outside, it was so cold. From my seat, I could see the wind whipping bare tree’s branches, the park looked especially sad on this gloomy winter morning. The place was deserted and that’s exactly what we wanted. I was the first one to exit the car. I filled up my lungs with fresh air, and exhaled, trying to calm down my fidgeting arms reacting to the cold.


-       I’m gonna go for a run with Xiumin, we’ll see you at the car in 2 hours, declared Suho.

-       Okay, said Sehun.


Soon, there were just the 3 of us left.


-       I’m just gonna read on this bench, you can sit with me if you want, if not I’ll see you at the car in 2 hours.

-       Try not to be late Kyungsoo, I said.




-       Just the two of us left, this is a date Jongin.

-       I hate to break it down to you but “us” is never going to happen, he answered jokingly.

-       And I thought I’ve found the love of my life.


We were wandering around in the park, I miss spring so much. The scenery looked like some horror movies set or some dramatic break up scene background. I can totally picture lovers saying goodbye to each other under a tree, with snow falling down and skinny dry branches covering the sky. And here we are, two guys, walking together.


-       Who are those people? Jongin said, indicating their direction with his chin.


It looked like a photo-shoot, I sincerely pity those models. There’s no way their suit is warm enough for them. Both Jongin and I were wearing big coat and burying our face into our scarfs, while they were exhibiting their flesh on camera.


-       Isn’t that GOT7?  I answered.

-       Looks who’s photographing them, said a smirking jongin.

-       Hey, it’s Ji-eun, should we go say “hi”?

-       Nah, let’s just keep moving.


We continued our walk, and sat on a bench near the shoot, no one seemed to recognize us, and from here, we could still distract ourselves by watching frozen guys trying to act cool.


-       How old do you think she is? Suddenly asked Jongin

-       Ji-eun ?

-       No, no, my grandma. Yes, Ji-eun.

-       I don’t know, 19, 20 ? She looks younger than us, I continued, why the sudden curiosity Jongin?

-       Just wondering how she ended up doing this at such a young age.

-       We started out quite early too, you know.  And stop starring, I know she’s cute and all, but with the comeback, dating is not a good idea.


He didn’t listen to me at all, he kept on starring. The girl was laughing while trying to direct her models, despite not feeling her fingers, she was having fun. GOT7 are enjoying themselves too.



We sort off kept on watching them until the end of the shoot. Ji-eun was struggling to clean her lenses. Her black hair keeps on falling down, blocking her view, and her fingers were bright red, numbed by the winter. JB was approaching her; he has a fuming plastic cup in his hand. He then gave it to her while smiling, and they started chatting.


-       Is he asking her out ?

I turn my head to Jongin, he was frowning, his eyebrows were drawn together, his lips pinched. His toned was a little bit harsh too.


-       I don’t know, we’re too far, I can’t hear anything.

Duh, we’re 20 m away from them, unless they yell at us, there’s no chance of hearing their conversation from here.


“You know what, let’s go, it’s time anyway” he growled before standing up leaving me alone on the bench.




“A cup of tea for our lovely photographer, drink it, it will warm you up” JB said, handing me the tea. The warmness of the cup revived my hands; I smiled stupidly at the cup.

            “Thank you, that’s really thoughtful” I answered.

            “You’re welcome”

I kept on drinking my tea without saying anything, wondering how on earth he survived this shoot in his tuxedo. It’s sure looks really good on him, but winter is harsh, and it’s not coming, it’s here. 


            “So I heard this is your last job for the magazine?” He asked

            “Yup, my last job was you guys” I said.

            “Well that’s unfortunate, because I want to see you again” He said “ what about dinner, we can see each other again and have good food. What do you think?”


Well, that escalated quickly, I was cringing inside.


            “I’m flattered, really I am, but it won’t be possible, I’m sorry” I said, while my eyes keeps on going down despite my head telling them to look into his eyes.

            “Don’t worry, we can still be friends, and maybe some day you’ll regret saying ‘no’, I’m such a great catch you know” He said jokingly.

            “One day, when I’ll be dying alone with my 19 cats, I’ll think of this day, regretting saying ‘no’”.





            I’ve always wondered how history will evolve, I mean the subject that we learn in school. With all the sh*tty things going on in the world, one day, people will be learning about the 21th century, the century where Kim Kardashian was an icon (well technically her became an icon), Kanye West self declared to be the “greatest rockstar” while not making rock music. I wonder if we, human, will be able to declare “world peace” and finally achieve the millennium goals? Meh, we’ll see, hope I’ll still be there when it happens. As I tidy up my office, I realized that I already spent 4 month in the new city; it’s crazy how time goes by so fast. I made friends; most of the idols are very nice. Last Saturday I dinned at my neighbor place, she’s a cook, and she makes pizza taste like gourmet food, her homemade ice cream is to die for.


She has always lived in Seoul, her parents own a small furniture business and she spent most of her childhood nurturing her younger brother because of their busy schedule. He was apparently the most demanding kid on earth, and feeding him vegetables was a nightmare. It was from that young age that she develops skills for cooking. By the time she became an adult, her parents sent her abroad. She took on crappy jobs at first, but then slowly climbed up the scale. Now at 40 years old, she’s a head chef’s in a prestigious hotel. She’s incredibly classy, thin lips, straight hair, perfect teeth, and she has the build of a ballerina. Every inch of her being calls out sophistication.


Being successful, independent, beautiful and happy, she’s the image of a modern woman. I kind of wish I will be like her someday, being independent and being able to manage on my own. When SM proposed the job, it was like Christmas for me, because this time, they picked me because they saw my jobs from the magazines, and not because they’re friends with my mother. 

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bobjo1913 #1
Chapter 4: Ooohhhh this is pretty fun~
ohsehoonye #2
i'll start reading nooooow!!!~~~
smtownn #3
i can't wait to read looks really interesting