12: The Truth Behind the Tails

Living as a Vampire III


  "How's the experiment, Junmyeon?" A woman with a auburn hair asked the scientist.


  The man in his 20s adjusted his round eyeglasses and looked to the auburn haired woman, "Still processing..." he gave the clipboard with results to her. The woman looked to it and her eyes were a bit widen, "It takes a week before it would grow into a fetus, Hyomin." he explained.


  Hyomin smiled, "You are an awesome scientist, Junmyeon sweetheart." she wrapped her arms around the scientist's waist, "You really had a great idea how we will create our baby."


  "Yes, my love, I want have a baby." The man replied, "Me too." the woman added and leaned each other and kissed.





  "Please, Victoria and Luna, keep an eye on Hyojeon for a while. We'll be on Music Bank today, just for today." I heard Taeyeon eonnie said to them before they left along with Stephanie eonnie. Good thing their manager announced that they were having a surprise concert in Music Bank. Bad thing is... my eonnies didn't bought some packed meat for me, so I'm still struggling.


  My senses were getting stronger, even my hearing sense. I could hear birds chirping outside, cars honking, dog and cat fighting in the alley, and even Victoria eonnie and Luna eonnie's conversation in the living room. I focused myself on playing video games inside my room. I was playing zombie games, and I felt uncomfortable and hungry.


  I ate my veggie salad but it tasted like rotten foods so it caused me to vomit. Eating junk foods was fine, but Seohyun eonnie told me not to eat too much. Nah, this is just for a while.


  "You know Luna, I really hate babysitting." I heard Victoria eonnie's voice from downstairs. "We have no choice, Vic. Everyone's busy, and we have the only ones that has free time." Luna eonnie answered, looks like they are going to my room. I heard their footsteps coming closer to my room, I stopped playing and turn off the screen.


  As they knock the door, I winced and answered: "Come in." With a bored look.


  "Hi there, Hyo!" Luna eonnie greeted with a sunshined smile, behind her was Victoria eonnie. "Good morning, my dear. How are you?" She greeted in a formal way, I smiled and got up to my bed, "Hi eonnies." I greeted, "How's your mission in Italy?"


  "That place brought me all the medieval memories with your sisters." Victoria eonnie answered. "Unsuccessful, Hyo. Our target has been escaped." Luna eonnie answered with a pout. I smirked, "Too bad, I was going to buy a new lipstick for you, but you said that your target escaped. I don't think I'm gonna buy you one." I said, that makes Lune eonnie groaned.


  "Where are the others?" I asked them, "Krystal was with Jessica in California. Amber had an extra vacation in China and Sulli was on the east camping site." Luna answered, "Well, that explains it." I commented. "Listen, we're here to keep an eye on you." Victoria eonnie said, "I know." I said thriftly.


  "How did you know?" Luna asked, I adjusted my eyeglasses and look to them, "Let's just say, I eavesdrop the conversation with you and Taeyeon eonnie." I lied.


  Why should I have two babysitters inside our house? I'm already in my age enough to handle myself. Well, I'm used to have a babysitter with me. Especially those two. I always made a prank whenever they are here.


  I remember the time that Luna eonnie ate the melon bread with wasabi inside, that made her face priceless. And the time that Victoria eonnie was splashed by a bucket of blue paint from the top of the door of the bathroom. That was five years ago and they never babysit me.


  "Uhh, why are you smilling like that?" Victoria eonnie asked, she maybe noticed that grim smile of mine. I don't want to remind them what happened when they babysit me when I was only 13. "Nothing, I just... I'm just out of the blues again." I lied, for the second time. I heard Luna eonnie heave a sigh, "Please don't make us hard to babysit you, Hyojeon. You're 18 and don't act like a 13-year-old girl." She warned.


  I groaned, "Gosh, I thought you forgot about it!" I scratched my head. I glanced at Victoria eonnie and she gave me a glare, "Yeah, you thought. That's why I really hate babysitting." she added .


  "Good thing for you, we haven't prepared a payback for your pranks." Luna eonnie said, with a half-smile plastered on her face. "Look, I'm not that kind of kid. I will not do any pranks to you again." I swear, "Is that a promise, my dear?" Victoria eonnie asked. I nodded and raised my hand, "I promise."


  Then I heard a tik-toking, "You guys hear that?" I asked them. They looked around, "We heard nothing." Victoria said. Then someone threw a can-shaped thing inside my room, that's when we were alerted, "A tear gas!" I yelled as the bomb explodes inside.


  An awful odor explodes inside my room and it affect my eyes, I coughed and walked closer to the window, "We have been attacked!" Luna eonnie shouted. "Damn it, I can't see through this thick and awful smoke!" Victoria eonnie said.


  "Nobody moves!" A man said with a firm tone as he pointed a gun to me, "Raise your hands and come with us!"


  We all looked to each other and slowly raised our hands. What should we do? What should we do? What should we do? I asked myself for hundred times. I looked to Victoria eonnie, I think she has an idea. "What are you doing?" The man said as he pointed his gun to her, "Why? I was only biting my itchy finger." She reasoned.


  Not just a bite, she wounded her index finger, revealing her black blood there then...




  Victoria eonnie used her blood whip to knocked out a man, "Hyojeon! Open the window!" She said then I opened it because it was behind me. I jumped on the window, waiting for the two of them to come out. "Eonnie! Hurry!" I shouted, "Save yourself, Hyojeon! We'll take care of these guys!" Luna eonnie said.


  I heard gun shots coming from my room that makes me surprise, "Run!" Luna shouted as she pulled one of the men who tried to follow me. I didn't complained and run away, I have to get to the HQ to get some help.


  I almost stumbled as the bullets were trying to make a shot, "Whoa!" The bullet almost shoot me on my arm if I didn't dodged it. Why those men were after me? I come to think of it while running through the alleyways. No one else had an interest to chase after me but one...


  Wait a second...


  Minjae told me that an agency wants me dead. Dead. Dead!


  So the Rogue Hunters Agency wants me DEAD!


  "No way!" I said as I kept running. I have to go to the HQ immediately! Before I got to the next alleyway, I something hard struck my head very hard  that I felt numb all over my body and fell down. I can feel my blood dripping from my forehead.


  "Where the hell you're going, Scooby Doo?" She's here.


  "Mi...Minjae?" That's when my consciousness went blank...




  Hot liquid poured me from the head woke me up, as I opened my eyes, I can see was all white.


  "Rise and shine, Hyojeon Kim!" Minjae's sarcastic greeted me, I glared at her and going to yelled at her but my mouth was covered by a tape and my arms were taped behind the metal chair as well as my feet. "A hot boiling water can wake you up eh?" Then she splattered a hot water in my face which makes me scream.


  "Now that will wake you up." She chuckled and put down the bottle of hot water. I struggled myself to free from the tapes that tied from my arms to my feet. "So, have you figured out already?" She asked while walking around me, I just glared at her and not giving a response to her question. "Is it hard for you to nod, Hyojeon?"


  Then she suddenly punch me in my cheekbone, "Answer with a nod or I'll make it worst?" She raised her fist again. But why would I gave an answer to her?


  "Answer!" She punched me again but this time, it's harder and painful.


  "Mmmmmghph!" I answered by my mouth though it was covered a tape. She smirked and violently removed the tape from my mouth, "Ow! What the heck?!" I groaned and still glaring at her. "Are you going to admit it now?" She asked.


  I gritted my teeth, "Fine!" I looked to her again, "I'm a werewolf. I'm a monster. Are you happy now?" I admit. She laughed, "You are not just a werewolf, Hyojeon."


  She put a folder near me and written as a confidential folder, "Read this." She opened the folder and separate all the papers to read it. I saw my name filled up and my picture. Where and when I was born. My race: unknown? My race is unknown? Why?


Name: Kim, Hyo Yeon (김효연)

Created: September 22, 1996


  Father: Kim Jun Myeon - Deceased

  Mother: Lee Hyomin - Deceased

Nationality: Korean

Race: Unknown

– Secret experiment of Dr. Kim Junmyeon in 1996, created in Shinhwa Observatory.

– The second and perfect experiment that mixed with the blood of the rare breed of Black Wolf and a DNA of her deceased mother.

– A highly intelligent hybrid.

– Rogue Hunters Agency's second humanoid monster.

– Rogue Hunters Agency's one of the powerful and lethal weapon.


  My father? Dead. My mother? Dead. I wasn't really born in my mother's womb. I looked to her in disbelief, "You're lying." I said trying to deny the fact that I was only an experiment and the fact that my parents were long dead. "Lying?" She scoffed and showed me a paper that has a stamp on it. "Do you think I am lying, Hyojeon?" She pointed on the paper that is signed by the director of the BBS.


  "Director Oh?" I gasped as I saw the founder's name.


  "Black Blood Society and Rogue Hunters Agency had an agreement on keeping your identity hidden, but since your vampire eonnies didn't know what you are and you worked for them only. We decided to retrieve you from where you were created. And here you are, this is your home, Hyojeon." She said.


  "I have no idea about this agency! I know I grew up in the orphanage!" I denied again.


  "But you were created by your father in our observatory, Hyojeon. You are one of the lost perfect subjects of Shinhwa Observatory." She explained, and brought new papers again in front of me. "After you were a complete new born baby, your father sent you to the orphanage and never came back to you." I read another file and it has a picture of a 4-months old baby in a large tube with a red markered note: Project Nemesis


  "Project Nemesis?" I looked to her again, "You are Project Nemesis." She called. 


  I closed my eyes and shook my head, "No! I'm not an experiment! I'm not the baby in that picture! I'm not!" I denied again. "You are, Hyojeon! Accept the fact that you are the missing experiment of RHA!" She insisted then squeezed my face, "And it proved that we owned you, and your family."


  My anger starts to lit up again and gritted my teeth more, "You don't own me." I muttered as I clenched my fists. "You don't even know me! You don't know what I'm going to do!" I can feel my canines grow inside my mouth. She laughed, "RHA already signed this, saying that you are with us and not from those bloodsucking hunters of BBS."


  I tried myself to hold my anger but failed when I already blinded by my rage, I freed myself and lunged on the top of her. I growled and was going to punch her but she halted it then pushed me away with an inhuman strength, "I'm not on a mood to fight with you, Hyoyeon." She stood up and snapped her fingers as the two masculine men came inside while Minjae got out of the room quickly.


  "Show her no mercy." I heard her whisper to the two men in a distance.


  Then the two muscled men grin and went closer to me, "Piece of cake." Said the one. He quickly ran to me with full speed, causing me to dodge quickly but a tight grip hold my nape and throw me in a distance. "Aghh!" My back hit against the cold metal wall, "One more thing, boys..." Minjae's voice were on the PA speaker.


  "Kill her."




  Outside of the chamber, there is a long wide bulletproof glass window, revealing the two masculine men and the brunette haired woman fighting inside. An old man in his 50s, wearing an eyepatch, slick white hair and wearing a commander's outfit. Beside him was Minjae, the old man's favorite huntress since her childhood.


  They were watching them, testing the girl how long would she take her body to finished the two strong men. "You have a great idea to retrieved our very own weapon in here, Min." The old man said while staring at the girl, "I was only following orders, commander." She answered.


  Hyojeon was struggling to get away from those two masculine men, her gray oversized cardigan was ripped, her jogger pants were full of scrapes and her body was full of bruises, blood and scars. Her teeth were clenching so hard while her eyes were looking at the two enemies.


  No matter how hard and painful she have been through right now, she has no choice but to survive and live. She doesn't know how to fight, how to defend herself, Hyoyeon never taught her how to fight because she knew she's not in a danger ever since she's a kid. Hyojeon just watched her vampire self punching and kicking those punching bags and even had a combat training with her other eonnies.


  "Ahh!" She groaned loud as one of the two broke her left femur, it snapped louder. She know she can't handle the two strong men, she was just lying there, very weak to got up and her bones were broken. Her face was full of red trails of fresh blood, was popped out of blood.


  "Taeyeon eonnie..." She started to mention all of her eonnies before her consciousness out again. "Jessica... eonnie..." Her eyes went back to normal color, "Hwang eonnie..." She mentioned her twin eonnies, "Sunny eonnie..." moved slightly because of blood pouring out of it, "Yuri eonnie..." Her sharp canines were change back to normal canine. "Sooyoung eon-nie..." Her finger twitched a little but she can't move all of it, "Yoona eonnie..." She saw the two men walking slowly towards her, "Seohyun eonnie..." Tears were falling down from her weak eyes.


  She tilted her head 90 degrees, "Hyoyeon eonnie..." She called the one she needed the most of the time. "Please... I need... you..."


  Flashbacks have been flashed in her mind, the memories with her...


  "Ha! Checkmate!" The kid Hyoyeon smiled in victory.


  "Wow, I can't believe I lost from a kid like you!" Hyoyeon pouted like a kid, "See? I'm good at chess, blondy!" The girl stick out her tounge at her. "I think you cheated." Hyoyeon said to the kid.


  "No, I'm not."


  "Yes, you are! When I was a kid like you, I always cheated when my sister and I played chess."


  "Well, I'm not like you though." Then the kid pouted like her and sighed, "I thought vampires were cool, I was wrong." She suddenly cry, literally cry!


  "W-Why? Why are you crying?" Now she can't hold the crying kid version of her then she looked to me, I just gave her a bored look. "I hate you, eonnie! You copied my name and now you said that I cheated!" She cried more, "I... I'm sorry, Hyo. I didn't mean to make you cry."


  "Yes, you mean it! I hate you, eonnie!" Then she sobbed and run out of the room, that's when Stephanie and Taeyeon came. "Hey, what happened?" Taeyeon asked the little Hyoyeon. She sniffed and pointed her body double, "S-She... she said that I cheated." She said.


  "So, you hungry?" Hyoyeon eonnie asked which brings me back to reality.


  "A little bit..." Then I heard a loud grumbling sound inside of me. She chuckled and stir the wheel to the left, "Don't worry, we'll stop by at McDonalds." she said, giving me a groan. "Again?"


  "Why? You don't like having a bond time with your older twin sister?"


  "Of course, I do! What makes you think I don't like it?" I said then rolled my eyes, "You're such a denial type, like me." she commented. "I'm not. And we're not blood related, eonnie." I deny.


  One of the men grabbed her neck and and snapped it without effort, now Hyojeon didn't move and dropped dead on the bloody floor. Not moving a single twitch of her fingers anymore. "Piece of cake." Said the one of them. Minjae smirked as she saw her fake best friend died in a snap, "A perfect experiment, huh?"


  The old man grinned, "You don't know what she will do next?" He said and still staring at the lifeless corpse. That makes Minjae looked to him, "What do you mean?" She asked him. He looked to her with a excitement look on his eyes, "Must watch."


  As the two of them left the lifeless body of the girl, they heard a nostalgic laugh behind them. The two men stopped on their tracks as they heard a laugh. "Piece of cake?" A voice of a girl echoed inside the chamber and a bone crackling sound. Minjae's eyes widen as she saw her.


  Her long brunette hair had changed into silky blonde hair, her eyes' irises were purple and the small round of pupils turned into slit shape, her smile is now haunting and revealing a perfect sharp canine in her teeth. No more scars and bruises, she's all fine but bloodstains were still in her tattered shirt and torned jogger pants.


  "Piece of cake, you say?" Hyojeon repeated as she bring her dislocated shoulder blades back to its normal angle and dislocated fingers to normal shape. She eyed the two muscled men and grinned, "Or maybe..." Something was growing behind her, eight long black tails binded in one person.


  "Piece of meat." She her lips as she charged forward swiftly and slit the men's throats in a second, blood splattered on the white floor leaving the two lifeless body there.


  Minjae can't believe what she saw, that girl is too strong to fight with. She didn't expect that the girl was the very first hybrid with the gene of Black Night Wolf, the extinct races that has been gone long time ago, and the DNA of her biological mother, a nine tailed fox.


  The girl hid her eight black tails and glanced on the two dead bodies, she walked towards them and starting to feed herself from them. "Meat." She uttered as she continue to eat human flesh.


  "See? This is what I had an interest with her." The old man said to her, "She is our ultimate weapon. Project Nemesis."




I think I had overcounted this chapter. It's 3274 words! And I freaking shocked with it.

Stay Tuned! 

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I am back. For real! But there might be slight changes on the story but this will not change the whole plot! ^^


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Phisfounder #1
Chapter 39: Update please
Phisfounder #2
Chapter 39: 💖
Chapter 35: Now they just have to remove the chips from Yeri. Red Velvet prequel YAY!!!!
miyoungie108 #4
yaay, finally you're back, i kept reading all the 3 books just make sure i won't forget the whole story
Chapter 33: Its been so long I had to read the whole thing again lol. SO glad you're continuing it. Hope for more RV action.
Chapter 33: you're back you're back author. Wow! thanks fpr coming back. Looking forward to the story especially to yoona hihi
sigh...its already 2021 and still waiting for this story Curious about the story and yoona. I love this alot and I already read this from book 1. Still waiting
charmiesushi #8
Chapter 29: I'm still waiting!! Looking forward to your next update ^^
Chapter 28: YAAAASSSSS
I missed this story :')
Looking forward the next update ❤