Chapter 1 : Meeting

Before Everything {HIATUS}

JaeHyun's POV -


I sighed. Why is this girl really annoying?

         "why don't you just ride it by yourself? I'm tired ok?"

I quickly got up from my seat and take my things with me. Just when i was about to open the door to go home, this girl grips my wrist. I turn my head to her with the what-do-you-want face. She pouts cutely.

          "oh come on oppa.., please? Just this once! I promise!"

She blinked her eyes a couple of times, obviously trying to do her aegyo on me. I roll my eyes.

           "aish, alright, i'll accompany you. But i'll accompany you only for half an hour, i have an appointment in one hour. Just make it fast. Is that okay Nae Ra?"

I ruffled her hair. Well, Nae Ra and i have been best friend since we were in our high school. Some people even asked us if we're dating, well, it's because we're just really really close and we also like skin-ship so much, so.. Yeah.

           "yeah, that's actually fine for me oppa. So, let's go?"

She gave her eye-smile and dragged me outside her house. I actually came just to say hi for awhile while i was passing by. But then, here i am, dragged by her to accompany her taking some coffee at the cafe we usually go. I brought my car with me here, so we hopped on.


             After about 15 minutes ride, we arrived at the cafe and quickly ordered our favourites.

            "oppa, how's your work?"

She asked after taking a sip of her coffee. 

            "just fine. Nothing special. How's it being a senior? Fun?"

I asked back. She probably in her last year in high school, i have graduated 5 years ago and i am now taking my job as an actor. I'm sure you guys might have wondered if i'm wearing a mask, glasses or anything right? Well, the answer is a 'no', and it's because we're now in a really far place from seoul plus this cafe rarely gets customers because it's far from the big city and probably because i'm not really famous right now, since i'm still a newbie actor. I live in seoul right now to make it easier for my job, and i'm here because i really miss this girl like hell. She is now laughing soundlessly while i was giving her my confused look.

             "well actually, nothing's different from last year. But truthfully, i missed your presence       at school, really" 

I smirked.

             "so you admitted that you miss me now? Wow, that was really awesome dude!"

I softly punched her on her right shoulder. She face palmed herself and rolled her eyes. I laughed at her not-so-scary face. She really likes to ride a motorbike, and of course, she's a freaking tomboy. She will never wear skirts, gowns And especially, heels. She always lets her hair down, and wears snapback or beanies, sneakers and she will always wears her not-so-bright-color jackets. That's probably Goo Nae Ra that everyone know.

             "oh, and how about jungkook and taehyung? I haven't talked to them since i moved to seoul, so i probably miss their noisiness, haha"

              "they're fine. Jungkook said he has a crush on this girl and he's now on process to be close with her so, he's a bit busy to hang out with me and taehyung" she said and put her snapback down. I knew there's something wrong here.

              "are you.. Okay with that? I mean, i know how you're feeling towards him so.."

I carefully asked. I took her snapback and put it on her head back again. She lets out a sigh.

              "i.. I don't know.., it's just that i don't think i have the guts to burden him to be close with her, right? I'm just his best friend not his girlfriend, So what can i do? I'll just support him then"

              "well, just don't get hurt too much, ok? Because i'm not sure if i'll be there to comfort you,  i'm sorry Nae ra-ya"

i patted her shoulder and gave her my best smile. She smiled back and nodded. And for about 20 minutes later, we're talking about random things, we decided to go back to her house. We actually want to spend more times together, but yeah.. I've some appointment to do.

             "call me when you need me ok? I'll try to be there. Just remember, i will always lend you a shoulder to let it all out your feelings. Don't get hurt and try to be cheerful, ok Nae Ra?"

I said as we stand face to face in front of her house. She smiled.

            "okay oppa, don't worry, i'll be alright" 

She wrapped her arms around my waist, I smiled and do the same. I kissed her right on the top of her head. She smiled once again and i started to walk towards my car.

            " Be careful oppa! I'll miss you!" she shouted and waved her hand. I chuckled and waved back.

             "i will!" i smiled.

-JaeHyun's POV end-


— on the next day —


-Nae Ra's POV-


             "yeah? — Ok i'll be there! Don't go without me or i'll kill you both!"

I ended my call with taehyung and quickly change my clothes to go hang out. 

             " Mom! I'll go hang out with taehyung and jungkook for awhile! See you later!"

I shouted as i ran outside to get my favourite motorbike. I start the engine and ride it as fast as i can. 

            "ARGH! What's wrong with this thing! Oh come on!"

I shouted frustratedly as my motorbike suddenly stop in the middle of the way. I quickly move it to the side of the road. Oh god this is so ! How can i get there then? Oh yes! There's a place to fix motorbikes and cars around here! Yeah!

           I quickly dragged my motorbike with me to the place. Thankfully the place isn't far from the place where the engine stopped. While i was waiting for the motorbike to be fixed, i texted taehyung and jungkook and tell them to go By them self because i have some problem with my motorbike here. The luck isn't on my side, i guess. I try to find an empty sit to wait, and there's this one empty place right beside a.. Handsome nerd. 


Wait... Did i just say a Handsome nerd?



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