A Very TaeNy Xmas - TaeNy

Beneath The Sheets - my oneshot collection

Published:  Dec 27, 2013

Upvote:  25

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Views:  3536

It’s that special time of the year when our favourite Soshi girls get some much needed time off to enjoy the festive season. Let’s celebrate with them!




As the year wound down to a close, our favourite Soshi girls were looking forward to some rest time from a busy year of performances, appearances, training and recording. And while they loved what they did, management ensured they were always ”on” whenever they were in public, and that was very tiring. Any time off was enthusiastically welcomed, and when it involved more than five consecutive days, it was an unbelievable godsend. Christmas and New Year was their favourite time of year for that very reason. The girls were never denied family time, particularly on such special holidays.

Being the leader, Taeyeon took great responsibility in making sure she and her fellow members were treated fairly and given adequate time off when their schedule permitted. So when the holiday season came around, Tae insisted they be given an extended break to recover from the past year, and prepare for the coming year. She wasn’t all that into Christmas, but it wasn’t all about her.

Tiffany on the other hand loved Christmas. To her it was the most romantic and happy occasion. She put a lot of thought into getting the perfect gifts for her family and friends, and loved seeing their reactions when they saw what she had chosen. It was never about how much money she spent, or the designer labels. Thought and use came well before dollar signs. Almost as important as the presents, was the decorating of the dorm, particularly the Christmas tree.

Without much time in their own country lately, the task of putting up decorations and the tree had been left very late. It was December 20th when Taeyeon and Tiffany got back to the dorm they usually shared with Sunny. However she had departed after their last schedule to go and stay with her family for the holidays. So Tae and Fany had the place to themselves. Tiffany had visited her family back in LA a week ago, so her Christmas Day would be spent with Tae and her family.

“Honey, can you hand me that string of lights there please?” Tiffany asked sweetly, pointing at the tangled mess of the star lights. Taeyeon picked up the ball of chaos and handed one end to Tiffany, helping her untangle the strand. “Oh geez, we really need to put these away neater when we take them down” Tiffany sighed studying the overlapping lines of lights.

“I don’t think it’d matter how we put them away, they’d still be a hot mess” Taeyeon laughed, gently pulling wires through loops, seeming to make a bigger tangle. “I give up” she exclaimed, letting her end of lights fall from her hands to the floor as she sat beside a box full of ornaments. “So what do you want for Christmas this year baby?” Tae asked her long-time girlfriend, looking through the ornaments that she had bought for Tiffany every year that they’d been together.

“Hmmmmm I haven’t really had a chance to think about that … surprise me!” Tiffany suggested, finally unravelling the lights and beginning to drape them around the tree. “Do you know what you want Tae?” Tiffany enquired, eager to hear any suggestions since Tae was difficult to shop for.

“I’d reeeeeally like a belt made of mistletoe” Tae responded, stifling her giggles. When Tiffany asked why, Tae went on to explain. “Well, that way I could get you to kiss me under …”

“Under the mistletoe ha ha byunTae!!” Tiffany rolled her eyes, eventually getting Tae’s joke. “But seriously, what do you want? I’m all out of ideas” she pressed, sitting beside Tae and going through the ornament box with her.

“Well, you know I’m always happy with art supplies …” Tae started. “… But to be honest, I just want you … with me … forever” Tae confessed, her eyes meeting with Tiffany’s, the beginnings of a tear forming in the brunette’s dark chocolate orbs. She reached out her hand, cupping Tae’s cheek and leaning in for a soft sweet kiss. “I love you” Tiffany purred, putting the ornament in her hand back in the box as she felt a need rise within her.

Tae happily reciprocated the sensual lip brushings, whispering her response between kisses “I want you”. Tae kneeled up, keeping their lips in contact, moving forward to guide Tiffany onto her back, laying amongst the tinsel. A breathy moan escaped Tiffany’s lips and Tae took that opportunity to slide her tongue over Tiffany’s bottom pout, finding an equally eager tongue waiting for contact. Now making out, the aroused women turned their evening of dressing the tree and getting into the Christmas spirit, to a night of undressing each other and getting carried away under the Christmas tree.




With the big day arriving tomorrow, Tae and Tiff went on separate shopping expeditions in order to buy each other gifts. Tiffany’s task was going to be simple, she knew what she wanted to get, and where to get it. She went into the Art & Hobby Supplies store and selected several high quality pencils, papers, and charcoals for Tae’s awesome artworks. Tiffany smiled wide at her own ideas on how best to present them to her lover, smiling like a fool when she eventually made her decision, arriving at her next stop.

Taeyeon’s approach to shopping wasn’t as organised as Tiffany. She preferred to wander the stores and let the perfect gift find her if she saw it. Although it wasn’t going to help Tae when she kept finding herself amongst plush cuddly creatures from bears to kitties, peas to penguins. In truth, she was easily distracted by anything cute or shiny. It was the latter that would eventually help Tae finally come to a decision about Tiffany’s gift. The giant tree in the middle of the store was beautiful. Decorated with gorgeous ornaments and twinkling lights, Tae was drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

Her wide eyes sparkled in wonder as she perused the variety of both humorous and glamorous ornaments. There was Hello Kitty dressed as an angel playing a harp, Nemo in a Santa hat, and Tae’s favourite, Santa dancing with Rudolph who was dressed as Mrs Claus. Tae couldn’t stifle her giggles at that one. It wasn’t until her eyes scanned up higher that she saw the perfect ornament, illuminated right in the middle of the tree. It was a simple round bauble covered in pink crystals and glitter. “That’s it, that’s the one” Tae said to herself, giving the ornament one more look before seeking out a salesperson.




Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the dorm,

Prince and Ginger were cosy, by the fire so warm,

The stockings were hung, and the gifts were all wrapped,

Tae singing some carols, while Tiffany clapped.


“I’m so in awe of your voice baby, after all these years I still get goosebumps when I hear you sing” Tiffany gushed, Tae’s forehead, tucking hair strands behind her ear. Tae was smiling as she sat beside her girlfriend by the fireplace. She was gently patting Prince while Tiffany was giving Ginger belly rubs. The four of them forming the perfect portrait of a happy little family, beautiful enough to appear on the front of a Christmas card.

“Awww you’re so sweet Fany-ah. And after all these years, I still get butterflies when you touch me” Tae replied, moving in closer, lips almost meeting with Tiffany’s before she stopped short. “And don’t even get me started on what happens whenever we kiss” Tae cheekily admits, biting her lip as Tiffany gave her one of those gorgeous eyesmiles. They both went to speak at the same time “I …” giggling at their timing. “You go first baby” Tae relented.

Tiffany raised her fingertip, running it across Tae’s bottom lip “Okay … I was just gonna say … I love you” Tiffany whispered, closing the gap between them and pressing her sweet lips to Tae’s.

“Mmmm what a coincidence …” Tae starts, “… because that’s exactly what I was gonna say”. Tae smiled and reconnected her lips with Tiffany, melting into sensual kisses and caresses. “I love you too baby, so much” whispered Tae in response, laying back in Tiffany’s arms, both of them watching the twinkling lights of the glowing Christmas tree.

“We should probably go to bed TaeTae, or else Santa may not visit us tonight” Tiffany warned, standing up and putting out the fire. “Besides, if we get carried away under the tree again, it’ll be the second time in a week I’ll be pulling tinsel out of my hair”. She reached out her hand and helped Tae to stand up, walking arm in arm to their bedroom, two warm pups following close behind.




It was 8:15am when Tae and Tiffany emerged from their bedroom on Christmas morning. As usual they were tailed by two energetic little furbabies, Prince and Ginger, full of life and feeding off their owner’s excitement. “He’s been! He’s been! Santa Claus has been!!!” Tiffany squealed, clapping her hands and jumping up and down as she approached the Christmas tree. Taeyeon simply shook her head and sat opposite her girlfriend, Ginger hopping into her lap and watching with interest.

“I think we should give the kids their gifts first, then they can go have fun” Tiffany suggested, earning nods of approval from Tae as she picked up Prince’s stocking and handed it to Tiff. At the same time she grabbed Ginger’s stocking and started taking out the contents. The pups were in a frenzy, chasing squeaky Santa toys, chewing treats, and scratching at their brand new outfits. Their mommas sure knew how to spoil them.

With the doggies running around the bedroom hiding treats and chasing each other, Tae and Tiff were left alone to finally give each other their gifts. “I want you to go first baby” Tiffany offered, sending Tae a special Christmas eyesmile, which is like a normal eyesmile, but on December 25th.

Tae reached under the tree for a small beautifully wrapped box. Upon handing it to Tiffany, Tae gave her a tender kiss on the lips “Merry Christmas Fany”. As her girlfriend opened the box, Tae’s smile got wider. She knew how much Tiffany loved her tradition of getting a new ornament every Christmas.

“Oh Tae it’s gorgeous!!! And pink!!!! Oh I love it honey, thank you!” Tiffany exclaimed, wrapping Tae up in a big hug before she sat back down ready to give Tae her gift. She was very excited about what she’d bought, and the anticipation of the moment was causing Tiff to almost burst with joy. “Merry Christmas honey, I hope you like it” Tiffany declared, kissing Tae’s lips when she handed her the snowman decorated gift bag.

When she looked inside, Tae’s eyes lit up at the metal tin of watercolour pencils, charcoal pencils (which she’d actually just run out of), and a large spiral bound pad of textured paper. “Ohh that’s awesome!! Thankyou baby I love them!!” Tae gushed, flicking to the first page of the paper pad. “Hey! Did you draw this?” Tae asked when she saw the picture on the first page.

“I did … so do you like it?” Tiffany asked, grinning widely, hoping Tae likes her artwork, even if she was nowhere near as good as Tae in her opinion. The picture was a self-portrait of Tiffany holding a aqua blue/green box with a white ribbon around it. “Can you tell what it is?”

Tae studied the drawing, explaining what she thought it looked like. “Sure, it’s you, holding what looks a lot like a Tiffany & Co box” she guessed, somewhat puzzled by it. Just as she was about to ask about it, she looked up to see Tiffany holding a box identical to that in the drawing. Tae’s jaw dropped, open and eyes wide.

Tiffany had the sweetest expression on her face, holding out the small box for Tae to accept. Although her eyes remained open, Tae closed and slowly took the box from Tiffany’s hand, opening it slowly. Tae’s mouth shot open again, her breath catching in as she saw an exquisite solitaire diamond ring.

“Turn the page Taeyeon” Tiffany softly spoke, Tae doing as asked. On the paper, written in Tiffany’s loopy cursive handwriting were the words “Taeyeon, you are the love of my life. Will you marry me?”. Tiffany spoke the last sentence “Will you marry me?” as she watched and waited for Tae’s answer. Tae wiped the tear that ran down her cheek before opening the metal tin of watercolour pencils. She took out a pink pencil, and wrote her answer beneath the question.

“Yes” Taeyeon read her written answer as she handed the paper pad to Tiffany. The brunette burst into happy tears, the couple instantly embracing and holding each other tight, their chests pounding, love radiating from their very being. “I love you, I love you, I love you” Tae whispered, peppering Tiffany’s neck with loving kisses.

Their lips quickly met in their first kiss as an engaged couple. The moment was blissfully euphoric, and when they finally pulled apart, Tiffany picked up the box showing her name, and took the ring from inside, reaching out for Tae’s left hand. Their foreheads rested against each other as they watched the ring slide onto Tae’s finger, fitting her perfectly. The couple sat admiring the sparkling diamond, “it’s beautiful Tae, just like you” Tiffany commented, sitting back and taking some breaths as the realisation of their commitment hit her. She smiled, wiping her eyes and simply gazing at her fiancée.

Tae met Tiffany’s gaze, giggling shyly before speaking. “Ya know, I feel kinda bad that all I got you was a Christmas ornament” Tae confessed, picking up the shiny pink bauble.

“Don’t be silly baby, it’s our tradition, and I love it” Tiffany reassured Tae, standing up with her hand outstretched, “here, give it to me and I’ll hang it up”. Tae handed the decoration to her honey, a big smile curving her lips. Tiffany looked for the perfect spot, fumbling with the bauble in her hands.

Suddenly Tiffany shrieked “OH NO!!!!”, as she felt the orb splitting in the middle. Dread filled Tiffany’s mind as she thought she’d broken her gift. Upon further inspection she discovered something that made her jaw drop. She looked down at Tae with a shocked expression that became even more shocked when she saw that Tae was on bended knee. Tiffany’s eyes returned to the bauble, prising the two sides apart of what turned out to be a secret ring box. Inside was a ring, a large diamond in the middle with a heart shaped pink diamonds on either side.

“Hwang Miyoung …” Tae began, gaining Tiffany’s attention at the sound of her name. “Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?”.

“Yes, my love, Always yes!” Tiffany accepted, presenting the bauble to Tae for her to take the ring. She held Tiffany’s left hand and slid the ring into place. Again, a perfect fit. Tae stood and swept Tiffany up into her arms, twirling around beside the tree. “I can’t believe we both had the same idea for gifts!” Tiffany laughed, Tae setting her fiancee’s feet on the floor, maintaining their embrace.

“I think it confirms just how much we’re meant to be together” Tae commented, running her fingers through Tiffany’s wavy locks. “Fany … I know we’ll have to hide this from most of the world, but as long as we’re gonna spend forever together, I want to eventually marry you in every country that allows it. If you want to of course” Tae suggested, feeling overwhelming love for her soulmate.

Tiffany shone her eyesmile as she replied “Tae, I’ll marry you on every planet in the universe”.


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Chapter 4: The sweetest TaeNy Christmas ever!