An Innocent Love - Seohyun & Hyoyeon

Beneath The Sheets - my oneshot collection

Published:  Oct 6 2015

Seohyun and Hyoyeon have always been very close friends. But is there meant to be more to that? With a little help from the fate fairies, TaeNy of course, this might just be the gentle push they need to head together in the right direction.




After a long time of having only three SNSD members living together in the dorm, a very welcome fourth addition came along to provide a much needed spark. Hyoyeon decided upon a return to her groupmates after some time living alone in a small apartment nearby. She’d always gotten along well with her fellow shorties Sunny, Taeyeon and Tiffany, and had at one time or another roomed with each of them during trainee days or on tour. So the transition to being dorm-mates was very easy, and promised a lot of fun.

On this particular evening, Taeyeon, Tiffany and Hyoyeon were relaxing in the dorm. Sunny was out doing her regular radio broadcast, so the other three girls were listening in from home, chatting occasionally. Hyoyeon browsed through a magazine, a particular article about relationship “do’s & don’ts” catching her attention. It had been six months since she’d last been in a relationship, one of a string of dating failures that she’d rather forget. So she was interested in finding out where she’d been going wrong, not that she took the article that seriously, but a few points did get her thinking.

“Yoink!!” Tae squeaked as she snatched the mag from Hyo’s grasp, “What’s this?” she asked, laying over Tiffany’s lap to read what Hyo was so focussed on. “Yahh!!! I was reading that!!” Hyo raised her voice, glaring at the kid leader who was now giving her merong. “Why are you reading this trash?” Tae questioned Hyo, “You’re not bad at relationships … you just choose the wrong people”. Hyo laughed, Tae was right on that last part, but surely it can’t all have been ‘their fault’ the dancer thought to herself.

A forlorn look came to Hyo’s face, noticed immediately by Tiffany. “Tae! That’s not nice. Hun don’t listen to her, you chose who you were attracted to, there’s nothing wrong with that. For every right one, we go through countless wrong ones. And along the way we find out more about who we are, and become more selective about what we want in a prospective partner” Tiff wisely counsels, her words a comfort to Hyo. “Oh my God, did YOU write this article baby?” Tae jokingly asks Tiff, “She just quoted it word for word!” Tae teased, holding the magazine out of Tiffany’s reach as she tried to grab it from her girlfriend.

“Gimme that! Let me see!” Tiff demanded, scrambling and wrestling with Tae on the long sofa. “Yahhh!!! Hyo help me!” Tae squealed, her ribs being tickled relentlessly making her wriggle and thrash about. “Don’t look at me, you took the magazine, you deal with the consequences” Hyo retorted with a smug look on her face. Tae scrunched her eyes shut and let out a screech, quickly tossing the book at Hyo to avoid more torture, a simple “Thank you” coming from Hyo as she reopened to the page she had been reading.

In the midst of their continued rolling and wrestling, Tiff suddenly stopped and sat up astride Tae’s lap when she felt the vibration of her phone in her pocket. After reading the message that came in, Tiff began typing her reply, a short eyesmile on display until Tae asked “Who’s messaging you?”. Tae has always been jealous of anyone taking her girlfriend’s attention away from her, no matter who it was. “It’s Seo …” Tiff said in passing, “So anyway Hyo, why do you need to read that article anyway?”.

Hyo looked up from the words on the page, noticing Tiff still typing, but Tae’s hands were wandering slowly over Tiff’s thighs. A sigh from Hyo broke the momentary silence, seeing two people so perfectly in love made Hyo pine for affection and closeness. “I guess I’m just feeling kinda lonely lately … I don’t know” the short blonde haired hottie confessed, tossing the mag onto the coffee table in front of her as she hugged her knees to her chest. “But you’ve got us!” Tae exclaimed with a touch of aegyo, making Hyo cover her ears and cringe.

“Yahh!!! I know I have you guys … I meant … I miss having someone to … just … be with … ya know?!” Hyo whined, the after affects of Tae’s cuteness attack still ringing in her head. Tiff put her phone back in her pocket having finished her conversation, “Seo is coming over to watch Channel Soshi with us”. Tae and Tiffany smiled, “Sounds like our poor maknae is lonely too” Tae hinted, wiggling her eyebrows. The insinuation was completely lost on Hyo, who was staring at the cover of that damn magazine as it lay on the table in front of her. “Will Sunny be back in time to watch it too?” she asked absent mindedly. “Nope, she’s going to Hyomin’s tonight …” Tiff replied, “… so it’s just us four” she added, leaving Tae’s lap to sit on the sofa.

Tae and Tiff shared a look of concern at Hyo’s sad demeanour, Tae sitting up beside her lover before speaking “You know that kid absolutely adores you, Hyo” Tae disclosed about Seo, the admission making Hyoyeon shrug her shoulders in apparent nonchalance. “So why haven’t you taken it further?” Tiffany questioned the blonde in search of answers for more than just herself. Hyo’s eyes widened at the investigation, “Umm I don’t think she’s interested in that way” she reasoned having always assumed Seo to be straight, even if she hadn’t shown any interest in romance or at all. Tae and Tiff seemed baffled by Hyo’s response, clearly having spent more time getting to know the maknae through their time in TaeTiSeo.

“Really? You haven’t noticed?” Taeyeon remarked with surprise, Tiffany joining in “She’s changed so much in the last year”. Tae countered “Hell she wanted to marry a sweet potato not that long ago!”, Hyo and Tiffany erupting in giggles at Seo’s love of her favourite food. Hyo’s smile had returned, but she wondered why her two friends were trying to sell the idea of Seo to her. She had a great friendship with the intelligent long haired beauty, as close as any of the other members in the group. Their skinship was good, they were playful and funny with each other, an odd pairing of opposites that seemed to work in the best possible way.

“She asked if you were here” Tiffany said in a soft voice, almost as if she wasn’t supposed to give out such information. Tae was just as shocked as Hyo, the gasps of both making Tiff laugh. “See! She wants you!” Tae excitedly exclaimed, getting carried away in this new gossip. “You don’t know that!” Hyo sceptically started, “She might have been asking so she could avoid me!”. Tae was quick to pipe up “Well that may have been true if she’d said she WASN’T coming over once she found out you were gonna be here. But she IS coming over! So what does that tell you?”.

Hyo shook her head, a little confused at Tae’s blurted out explanation, “I don’t know … it could mean nothing … it could mean she didn’t wanna sit around here being a third wheel while you two each other!” she joked, receiving a sheepish look from the pair of lovebirds. “And now we get to watch YOU TWO each other!” Tae teased, a big grin on her face at THAT possibility. But Hyo wasn’t convinced, “I doubt it” she trailed off, hanging her head low as her thoughts returned to her loneliness.

What is it with these two, Hyo thought to herself, wondering why Tae and Tiff were talking up Seo so much. Had they talked with the maknae about her? Had Seo talked to them? Every possibility ran through her mind, but were quickly dismissed so she didn’t get her hopes up. Hyo was no stranger to being with women. She’d come to accept her biuality in her late teens, but for whatever reason it was men who seemed to sweep her off her feet and into relationships. Her attraction to women was much more … carnal. An instant lust that escalated into the bedroom quicker than her mind could fully appreciate.

Hyo had contemplated thoughts of her fellow members, and other girl group idols before. Funnily enough, Seo was very high on her list. But since she considered these female attractions more of a fantasy, Hyo never let herself get too serious about any of the real possibilities. Until now. Tiffany was biting her lip, debating internally whether she should speak up or not. The sight of her friend so down was tugging at her heart strings, so she took a deep breath … “I know something” Tiff confessed. Her big brown eyes blinked slowly as they were met by both Tae’s and Hyo’s.

“You do? What?!? C’mon tell us!!” Tae demanded on Hyo’s behalf, the blonde still in shock at the prospect of hearing something exciting. Tiffany instantly regretted her words, “I promised I wouldn’t!” she whined, realising she may be about to break a trust but it may get the overall desired result for both parties. “You can’t say ‘I know something’ then say nothing! That’s teasing!” Hyoyeon concluded, a pleading look in her eyes that Tiff was finding hard to refuse. “All I’ll say is … ask her out” Tiff hinted, content to imply rather than full on report.

Hyoyeon was gobsmacked, “I can’t DATE her! Imagine if paparazzi caught us!!” she commented at the irrationality of not just being caught dating, but it being a woman, AND a member of her group! Tiff chuckled at Hyo’s quickfire reaction, “Then it’d be two members having something to eat and seeing a movie!” she suggested, knowing all too well the perils she and Tae have faced in their seven years of dating. Tae rolled her eyes, “You don’t have to be that corny” she remarked receiving a slap on the arm from Tiffany. “Just kiss her!” Tae instead suggested with her trademark byunTae smirk. “Oh my God!!” Hyoyeon yelled, throwing a cushion at Tae who was making a kissy face and smooching noises in her direction.

With Seohyun’s arrival imminent, Tiffany tried to entice Hyo to the sofa so she and the maknae could sit together “C’mon, sit over here”. “No! I won’t force things” Hyoyeon refused, wanting any possibility of connection to be completely natural. “Who’s talking about force? We’re merely giving fate the best opportunity to happen” Taeyeon concurred with her love, patting the empty space to her left. Hyo let out a huffed sigh, pushing herself up out of the single seat she was in, “You’re crazy!” she commented as she positioned herself in the far corner of the contoured leather seat. “No, I’m crafty” Tae corrected the blonde, poking her tongue out in defiance.

Hyo looked at the amount of space between her and Tae, then at the seat she formerly occupied “Wait, what if she sits over there now?” Hyo asked as she pointed at the empty chair. “Then you have nothing to worry about, do you?” the kid leader rationalised, amused at how Hyo’s initial concern about natural progression had turned into concern at NO progression. And Hyo knew that’s what Tae’s facial expression was conveying, “You’re loving this!” she playfully hissed, narrowing her eyes at both Tae and Tiff. “I will be if we see some action!” Tae joked, nudging Tiffany with her elbow as they both giggled. Hyo reached out and smacked Tae’s calf “There’ll be no such thing!”.

Tae rubbed her leg to sooth the slap “I don’t mean … I mean touching, holding hands, her snuggling into you” Tae explained, her mind not always so erted. Tiffany immediately concurred, “Ohhh I wanna see that toooo!”. Hyo was fast becoming overwhelmed “Stop it! You’re making me nervous” she said shifting in her seat to try and get comfortable. “More like we’re making you want it” Tae teased again, bouncing excitedly in her seat, Tiff wrapping her arms around Tae to try and calm her honey down.

“Yeah and now if nothing happens, I’ll be disappointed” the dancer confessed, her voice tinged with sadness again. Tiff gave Tae a look, hoping one of them would find some words of encouragement. “Well, there’s one way to fix that …” Tae started, Hyo looking to her for inspiration, “YOU make the moves!”. Tiffany’s eyes formed crescents as she applauded this brilliant idea, her claps interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door. Silence fell on the dorm as Tiff got up to let Seo in. Hyo was suddenly in a panic, “Oh my God, Tae, I can’t …”. “Shhhhh yes you can, just chill out” Tae butted in, reassuring her friend with a hushed voice.

The sound of Seohyun’s voice saying hello and chatting to Tiffany at the door made Hyo audibly whimper. Tae was quick to respond, mouthing “Relaaaaaxxxx” and  motioning with her hands for Hyo to calm down. The blonde closed her eyes and took a deep cleansing breath, finishing just in time for Tiff and Seo to walk in. “Heyyyyyy” Hyo greeted Seo with a smile, “Hiii unnies” came the generic reply, making eyecontact with Tae and Hyo briefly before heading into the kitchen to get a drink. Tiffany sat down with Tae, giving Hyo a wink which only served to make the dancer more nervous.

Channel Soshi was just about to start by the time Seo joined the others on the long sofa, much to Hyo’s relief. She grinned to herself when she noticed the maknae had chosen to sit closer to her than to Tae, I sight not lost on the ultra observant grinning pair at the other end of the sofa. While watching the hilariously madcap episode, the four girls spent much of the time laughing at each other and themselves. Every time Seohyun laughed she’d touch Hyo’s arm or shoulder or leg, making the blonde’s skin tingle at the sensation. It was fun having some idea of how Seo felt about her, it made all the little touches and comments sweeter.

Right after their own show, a romantic sappy drama came on tv, Seo particularly happy since it was one of her favourites. She sat up straight, her left leg folded under her right, which was bent at the knee and being hugged to her chest. Hyo thought it was kinda cute how into the show she was, such a picture of concentration as she bit her lip at the lust-filled dialogue, and leaned closer to Hyo and linked her arm in with the blonde’s during the dramatic arguments. Hyo really wasn’t interested in the show, which was just as well because the one going on in her head about how she was going to make a definitive move on the maknae was considerably more interesting.

Do I hold her hand? Do I touch her leg? Do I ask her first? All these thoughts swirled in Hyo’s head, making dry and her heart pound. Without warning, Seo leaned her head on Hyo’s shoulder, letting out a sigh in reaction to the kiss that was taking place on screen. The younger woman’s linking grasp around Hyo’s upper arm slid down to drape lazily around Hyo’s forearm, and the blonde saw this as her chance. With a little apprehension, she slowly slid her palm across to Seo’s knee, settling it there with a caressing brush of her thumb against the warm bare skin. Hyoyeon didn’t need to look at Seohyun to know what sort of reaction this brazen move had.

An audible whimper escaped the maknae’s lips, that could fortunately be covered as a response to the tv show. She shifted slightly in her seat to make sure this touch was visually obstructed from Tae and Tiffany’s view, not just because she knows how they’ll react, but she wanted to keep this moment private. Seo began lightly Hyo’s forearm with her fingertips as she tried to keep her eyes on the screen, internally she was ecstatic that the object of her long held desires finally made a move. Little did she know another subtle suggestion was coming.

Hyo was enjoying the touches very much, deciding to turn her hand over as a hint that she would like to hold Seo’s hand. This would be the indisputable proof they both needed to know that this was more than just mere friendly skinship. There was no real need for them to be holding hands, they weren’t going through a crowd, or leaving the stage together. This was for purely physical benefits. And once Seo felt Hyo’s wrist swivel, she looked to her hand and smiled, easing her hand into Hyo’s and gently clasping fingers. The softest giggle came from them both at the romantic move, sensually caressing fingers and thumbs with slow .

Tiffany glanced over at the two, noticing their shy smiles and blushing cheeks. She gave Tae a tap on her thigh, alerting her to the situation. Just past Seo’s foot, Tiffany could see interlaced fingers moving, and it made her eyesmile shine. “I’m really tired baby, let’s go to bed” Tiff told Tae, stretching and yawning for effect. Seo quickly let go of Hyo’s hand, a move that disappointed the blonde, but not nearly as much as it did Seohyun. “Ohh, maybe I should head home too, so you can all sleep” the maknae politely offered. “Oh no hun, you stay and keep Hyo company” Tiff insisted, quickly confirmed by the blonde “You don’t have to go, I won’t be going to bed for a while yet”. Much to everyone’s relief, Seo sat back down beside Hyo, happy that she seemed to be wanted, and that Tiffany was on her side too.

“If it gets too late, you can always stay in Sunny’s room, she won’t be home tonight” Tiffany offered, giving the grinning pair a smile. “Okay unnie, I will. Sleep well” Seo sweetly responded, stretching her legs out to her side once Tae had gotten up. “Have fun you two” Tae purred, her signature smirk saying it all. “We will” Hyo answered, giving byunTae a wink. Tiffany proudly grinned as she headed out of the room, taking her honey’s hand and leading her away just in case she decided to stay and spy. Once the bedroom door clicked, signalling that Hyo and Seo were alone, they laughed nervously. “I think Tiffany may have noticed” Seo admitted, looking shyly to her hands in her lap. Hyo smiled, reaching over to take Seo’s hand again, “I’m glad she did, because now we’re alone”.

Something about those words made them both nervous, like it was an opportunity to take things further, something probably neither of them expected to be considering tonight. Level headed Seohyun was the first to speak up, “Hyo … I’ve … never done this before”. “That’s not true, we’ve held hands lots of times before!” Hyo jokingly stated, trying to lighten the mood. “Yahh!! You know what I’m talking about … when it … means something” Seo bashfully spoke, hoping her words weren’t scaring the blonde off. “And I don’t even mean just holding hands, I mean … uhhhh I don’t know what I mean” Seo frustrated herself, running her fingers through her long hair.

Hyo squeezed the maknae’s hand, turning her body slightly to be able to look into her eyes, “I know what you mean … and don’t worry … I’m not in any rush” she caringly reassured, switching hands so she could slide her arm around Seo’s back and still have the younger’s hand in hers. Seo turned around to be more front on with Hyo, showing her stunning smile, “there is one thing I’m really in a rush for though …” the beauty began, letting her gaze blatantly fall to Hyoyeon’s lips. The blonde smirked at the insinuation, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest when Seo slid her palm up Hyo’s forearm to her toned shoulder. At the length of this motion, the women slowly closed the gap between their faces, eyes examining studiously, anticipation building for this first magical touch.

Eyes closed, lips parted, and the final gap disappeared as soft pouts made delicious contact for the first time. Soft, smooth, delicate lips pressed gently, every nerve responding to the touch. As they pulled back slightly their exhaled breaths, tinted with faintest moans, caressed wistfully past kissed lips. The addiction had begun. Hyoyeon was mesmerised by Seohyun’s beauty up close. Those lips that had provided such sweet yet powerful singing, were delicate and inviting, a hint of moisture where her tongue just seductively swept over the fullness. That tongue, formerly only used to deliver merong to Hyo when the pair were playfully teasing each other, now became a y weapon in their more intimate games.

Reconnection after reconnection brought about longer brushings, and involved more of each of their lips. Heads tilted in opposite directions when brushings turned to rubbings, and mouths opened tentatively into the start of making out. Surprisingly it was Seo’s tongue that eased out in search for Hyo’s. The curious tip of the eager little muscle running over Hyo’s silky bottom lip, making the blonde groan at Seo’s forwardness. Hyo let her own tongue meet with the maknae’s in a slow wet writhing dance, the heat between them growing stronger as the seconds ticked by. What started as a question of how would they start to kiss, now became a matter of how would they stop.

In their still seated position and fairly innocent hand placements, nothing too intense had threatened to take hold just yet. However if things were to continue in their current speed and direction, it might become a matter of how far could they potentially go. This thought entered Hyo’s head first, causing her to ease up on their kissing so they could catch their breath and regain a little self composure. The dancer felt that as the more experienced of the pair, it was her responsibility to not get too swept up in the heat and take Seo to places she wasn’t entirely ready for. Besides … what was this really? They hadn’t talked about anything, or even thought about how this kind of connection would affect themselves or the group.

“Is everything okay? Am I doing … this … right?” the concerned maknae asked when she noticed Hyo’s faraway expression. “Everything’s fine, and ummmm yeah you’re an amazing kisser … REALLY amazing” Hyo answered, fanning herself at how hot she was getting, making Seo giggle. “Soooo … why have we stopped?” Seo asked, leaning forward and pressing tender kisses up the side of Hyo’s neck. Ut-ohhh … that’s Hyo’s dangerzone! Her fingers clawed at Seo’s thigh, a low moan purred past her lips. Seo found herself becoming very aroused at the sounds of Hyo’s apparent pleasure. “I never imagined you would sound this y Hyo, and it’s making me feel really … mmmmmh” Seo whispered beside Hyo’s ear in a sultry voice that was driving Hyo crazy with lust.

“W-We better slow down before we get too … carried away” the blonde told Seo, immediately noticing the disappointment on the younger girl’s face. “Don’t you want to get carried away with me?” the beauty asked, trying to understand why Hyo was so reluctant to continue. “Hun I could very easily get carried away with you, long into the morning …” Hyo started, her train of thought quickly knocked off track when Seo pulled Hyo towards her by the back of the neck, a hungry “God I want you” breathed from the maknae’s once innocent mouth. Their bodies crashed together, the momentum knocking Seo onto her back, Hyo falling into her embrace and right back into hot n heavy kissing.

It went against every instinct Hyoyeon had about taking things too fast. She had wanted to resist rushing into anything with Seohyun. In a way she wished Tiff or Tae would come out and catch them so they had to stop. That damn magazine article she’d read earlier was now mocking her with its words of wisdom, challenging the blonde to go against everything her head usually told her to do when it came to dating and relationships. But this was unlike anything she’s had to face before. With her concentration waning, Seo pulled back from Hyo’s lips to find out where her head is at.

“Hyo … I don’t know what Tiffany has told you, because clearly she’s told you something for us to be here like this right now” Seo laughed, Hyo giving a sheepish grin, “But you should know that I love you like I do all of the other members, right?”. Hyo could at least concur on that front, nodding in response, “likewise”. “Well … what you probably don’t know is that I’ve wanted to be with you for soooo long, and …” Seo hesitated, a sudden shyness coming over her. Hyo smiled lovingly, smoothing down the maknae’s tousled hair. This surprising news certainly boosted Hyo’s ego, but more importantly, it gave her an idea of how much emotion Seo had for what was now happening between them.

“To be honest, this is the first time I’ve seriously considered anything like … this … with you” Hyo confessed, backtracking when she saw Seo’s expression turn sad. “Oh don’t get me wrong, I’ve always thought you to be an amazing, intelligent and beautiful woman. But I didn’t know if you were interested in men, women or vegetables” Hyo quipped, Seo laughing at the ridiculousness yet truth in that statement. “So I never allowed myself to get my hopes up for anything more than what we’ve had. I hope that makes sense” Hyo queried, not wanting to make Seo feel bad. The maknae confirmed her understanding with a nod, reaching up to caress Hyo’s cheek with the backs of her fingers.

Hyo closed her eyes and leaned into the touch, enjoying it’s sensual feel. “I don’t want to rush things. I want to have that exciting build up of wondering what will happen next. Of imagining what it would be like to … be with you. To catch up with all those thoughts and feelings you’ve had for so long, yet I’m only now discovering”. Seo smiled hearing that Hyo wanted all those things, “Okay, but don’t take too long” she specified, for now that Seo had a taste … so to speak, she definitely wanted more. It seemed Hyo was on a similar wavelength, “If we keep kissing like we have tonight, I’ll be caught up in no time”. And with those words, the actions took over, the first steps of their innocent love growing into a stronger bond.



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