Ice Crush - YulGi

Beneath The Sheets - my oneshot collection


Published:  Jan 26 2016


This is an extremely fluffy, almost diabetes inducing New Years fic starring two of my favourites, Yuri and Seulgi. A chance encounter with a stranger on a snowy winter afternoon leads to a chance at something that may just warm Yuri's heart all year round. Do you wanna build a snowman?


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It was madness to be out on a day like today, Yuri thought to herself. Yet here she was, contradicting her own words and braving the elements to walk her dog Hani after they’d both had their share of Christmas leftovers for lunch. The park beside her apartment building was stark white, every element covered in ice and snow. The chill in the air was so cold that even the snowflakes wished they’d stayed in the clouds. Yuri’s fluffy little canine, dressed adorably in matching winter coat and warm booties on his feet, trotted along the cleared footpath in search of the perfect tree.

Across the other side of the park was another foolish soul, crouched down scooping up the frozen ice around her. Upon closer inspection, thanks to Hani’s continued tree inspections, Yuri noticed that the person had a much smaller companion in front of them, the pair appearing to be building a snowman. A smile came to Yuri’s lips the closer she got, hearing the sounds of laughter and watching the adult receive enthusiastic help from the child. “We need more snowwww!!!” came the command from the tiny voice wrapped up in so much pink winter wear that her face was barely visible between fluffy hood trim and knitted scarf.

“Okay here we go!” the feminine adult voice responded, pushing a pile of snow with gusto. Her gloved hands acted like a snow plow, transporting white goodness towards the partially formed snow structure. “That’s better, good work!!” the little girl cheered, grabbing small fistfuls of snow and smashing them against the foundation snowball by her side. The scene was completely adorable, and Yuri watched with the goofiest grin, not realising her dog was trying to tug her towards them. “Hani no!” she scolded, bending over to pick him up when he started barking. “Ooooh cute doggie!!” the girl squealed, getting up and shuffling toward Yuri and Hani, her guardian in close pursuit.

“Hiiii!” Yuri greeted the cutie, crouching down to get to her eye level, and Hani to patting level. “Hi … what’s your doggie’s name?” she asked inquisitively, taking her little mittens off so she could hopefully pat his fur. “This is Hani. And what’s your name?” Yuri said before glancing up toward the adult who was now standing behind the girl. “I’m Jina, and this is my cousin” Jina pointed behind her to the adult in nonchalance, clearly more interested in Hani than doing formal introductions, “May I give Hani a pat?” she politely added, clasping her hands together in pleas. Of course Yuri was unable to resist Jina’s abundant charms, “You certainly can” the dark haired goddess spoke, closely supervising Hani in her arms.

Up until now the other adult had kept silent and mysterious, wrapped up in her warmest clothes making her unidentifiable to strangers. However with a brush of hands, she pushed her jacket hood back to reveal long flowing brown hair under a Pikachu beanie, framing a beautiful face with exquisitely exotic eyes. “Be gentle honey, don’t pat him too hard” the beauty finally spoke, her low soft tone capturing Yuri’s attention immediately. She put Hani on the ground once she was comfortable with his behaviour, letting him roam around Jina’s feet. Yuri rose to stand, her eyes meeting the woman’s with a warm smile, “I’m Yuri” she offered her name and her hand. “Seulgi, nice to meet you” came the reply with a breathtaking grin and gloved handshake.

“Looks like the beginnings of a masterpiece right there” Yuri remarked, pointing at the snowman taking shape. Seulgi readjusted her knitted hat, her eyes returning to their sculpture “You think so? I wasn’t sure we were making much progress. She begged me to help her make Olaf, but I think we’re fighting a losing battle with this weather” the attractive brunette rationalised, rubbing her hands together to keep warm. “I honestly didn’t think I’d find anyone out here as crazy as me. But when it comes to Hani, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go” Yuri joked, her infectious grin and sense of humour eliciting an adorable laugh and eyesmile from Seulgi.

“I found them unnie! I found Olaf’s arms!” little Jina exclaimed, appearing from behind Hani’s chosen tree with two twigs in hand, her shuffling footsteps leaving tracks that Hani jumped through on his way back to his owner. “Great work hunny, we’ll need them after we build the next snowball” Seulgi sweetly praised her cousin, crouching down to help mould the gathered snow. Yuri smiled watching this master building team continue their work, about to leave them to their fun since Hani had done his business. “Ohh nooooo! We forgot the carrot for his nose!” Jina suddenly shouted, her hands covering her own nose cutely. The look on Seulgi’s face was one of anguish, “Ohhhh I don’t think I have any at home” she lamented in the midst of this critical emergency. “But he has to have a nose!” Jina whimpered, looking around her on the ground for a miraculous carrot to appear.

“I think I might have one at my place” Yuri interrupted the disappointed pair, suddenly faced with two astonished looks. “Really? Can we pleeeeeease borrow one?” Jina sweetly asked, jumping up and down on the spot as she repeated “please please please please”. “Jina, we can go to the store and get one tomorrow, maybe there’ll be more snow tonight” Seulgi tried to persuade her tiny relative, not wanting to put Yuri out. “It’s no trouble, really. I’ll just take Hani home to get warm and I’ll bring a carrot back out for you, okay?” Yuri insisted, immediately hugged around the leg by Jina. Seulgi was just as grateful, even if not physically so, “Thanks, I’d hug your leg too, but I’d probably fall over and make an idiot of myself” she laughed, Yuri joining in before heading back to her apartment “I’ll be right back”.

While Yuri was gone, Jina and Seulgi continued their construction, moulding the middle snowball into shape and delicately placing it onto the base. “He needs one arm here … aaaand one over there” Jina instructed, handing Seulgi a stick to put in where she was told. “That lady was nice” the innocent little girl spoke in passing, twisting her stick to make sure it stays in place. “Yeah … she was …” Seulgi started, a smile coming to her lips at the memory of Yuri’s face, and the kindness she had shown them. “And we have to make sure we say thank you when she comes back with Olaf’s nose” Seulgi suggested, doing her best to maintain the teaching of manners to her cousin. “I know I know .. OOH here she comes! Did you bring it? Did you bring it?” Jina yelled out across the park when she saw Yuri approaching. The kindly dark haired saviour held the orange vegetable aloft, earning rapturous gloved applause from both Jina and Seulgi.

“Thank you very much! Olaf couldn’t smell without his nose!” Jina thanked Yuri, taking the carrot and standing to the snowman’s side as Seulgi raised the last snowball up and placed it carefully on top. Yuri stood back and admired the sculpture, the scene before her making her cheeks ache from smiling. “I wanna do it! Let me!” Jina complained when Seulgi wanted to put the nose in place on the middle of Olaf’s face which was just out of Jina’s reach. “Okay, hold on, I have to pick you up” Seulgi said before wrapping her arms around the cutie’s middle and held her at the appropriate height. “There! Perfect!” the brunette proclaimed once the nose was stabbed into place. She put Jina down and they looked Olaf over, “Oh wait, you need to find some sticks for hair” Seulgi commanded, watching Jina shuffle back to the tree where she found the twigs.

Seulgi walked up to Yuri, “hey thanks for the carrot, I owe you one” she smiled, taking off her gloves and reaching into her pocket. “No problems at all, happy to do it. Besides, can’t have Olaf being all noseless” Yuri laughed, joined by Seulgi’s gorgeous giggle. “So, do you live around here?” Yuri asked, pointing at the surrounding apartment complexes. “Yeah, I’m in that one there” Seulgi replied, nodding to the one directly behind the tree from which Jina was shuffling with armfuls of sticks. Seulgi stepped towards their snowman and pushed two white spoon ends that she had in her pocket onto the icy surface, big black dots on them to look like eyeballs, “So here are his eyes that we made before … now you found some hair for him?” she asked Jina, who handed her bits of broken twig which Seulgi stuck on top to finally finish off their masterpiece.

The pair stood beside Yuri and they all admired the finished product. “Oh my God it looks just like him!” Yuri gasped in amazement, in awe of their handywork. “He’s super awesome!!!” Jina declared, jumping up and down and pumping her fists in joy. Seulgi simply smiled, nodding at how much fun it had been and how excited her cousin was. “Can we take a picture to show mommy when she picks me up tonight?” Jina asked, looking to Seulgi who already had her phone out. She took a photo, ushering Jina over to stand beside Olaf for another snap. “Let me see!” the little one insisted, shuffling over, her eyes wide and smiling at the photo. “That’s really amazing. You’ve both done an incredible job” Yuri told them, taking out her own phone and snapping a picture. “Heyyy that’s Baymax!” Jina exclaimed when she saw Yuri’s phone cover, “I love him too. I can walk like him! Watch!” she declared, doing exactly the same shuffling that she’d done ever since her boots hit the snow.

Yuri and Seulgi both laughed at Jina’s antics, exchanging smiles between them. “Well, I better get back to Hani, he’s probably throwing a wild party while I’m gone. It was very nice meeting you Jina, you sure can build an awesome Olaf!” Yuri complimented the youngster, shaking her hand gently before turning to Seulgi. “And it was great to meet you too, Seulgi” Yuri continued, removing her glove to offer her hand. Seulgi pulled off her glove and took Yuri’s hand, the warmth of fingers and palms making them smile at the gentle touch. “Bye” Yuri farewelled them, turning to head back to her apartment. She couldn’t stop smiling, her bottom lip gripped between her teeth at this unexpected interaction. Halfway across the park Yuri turned around for one last look, finding Seulgi looking her way too. The dark haired honey waved and turned back around, walking a little more quickly into her apartment lobby, her heart pounding.

The smile on Seulgi’s face couldn’t be erased. She was shamelessly checking Yuri’s out as she walked away, admiring her form, even in all those layers of bulky clothes. When Yuri turned around, Seulgi thought she was busted, quickly throwing her hand up in a wave to distract from her obvious ogling. With Yuri now out of sight, she returned her attention to Jina who was galloping around Olaf singing about what snowmen do in Summerrrrrrrr. “C’mon Jina, let’s go back inside before we catch a cold” Seulgi ordered, holding out her hand for the dancing sweetie to take. “Okayyyyyy. Can we watch Frozen again?” Jina asked as she skipped alongside Seulgi, swinging their hands. “Again?! But we’ve already watched it twice today!” the brunette complained, receiving Jina’s best sad puppy look. Seulgi rolled her eyes, “Okayyyy” she relented, internally reciting her own poignant mantra “Let it gooooo, let it goooooo”.


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Hani seemed to have his own personal toilet alarm set for 7am every morning. Yuri had still been asleep when her furry friend jumped on her bed and started to lightly tap at her cheek with a delicate paw. But the more she ignored it, the more persistent the dog became, tapping harder and for longer. When it was too much to bear and impossible to continue ignoring, Yuri sat up. She rubbed her eyes and opened them slowly, adjusting to the light streaming in through the gap in the curtains. She took a peek out to see if she’d need an umbrella to go outside, glad to see no signs of rain or snowflakes falling past her window. She shuffled towards the door in her still half asleep state, slipping on her long puffy coat and boots, ready to face mother nature in all her chilly glory.

With Hani leading the way, Yuri flicked through Twitter as she was dragged out her building’s front door. When the doggy stopped to sniff around something on the snow covered grass, Yuri had a big yawn, her eyes scrunching closed as she slid her phone into her pocket. When her face relaxed and her eyes opened, she couldn’t believe it. Right in front of her, being sniffed at by Hani, was a snowman that looked exactly like Baymax.  Yuri’s eyes went as wide open as , examining the creation in detail as she walked around it. “Oh my God … “ she mumbled, returning to the front, looking around for any signs of the person she suspected to have made this magnificent snowmax.  It had to be Seulgi. But when? How? Yuri wanted to know everything, to ask Seulgi herself, to thank her, and to … see her again.

A tug at her wrist woke Yuri from her daze, Hani pulling her towards a nearby shrub to relieve himself. While she waited, Yuri kept looking around in case she saw Seulgi arrive at or leave her building. She headed back over to Baymax, taking out her phone and snapping a picture of him, a smile tugging at her lips when she reviewed the image. After hanging around outside for another twenty minutes, Yuri reluctantly headed back into her apartment, much to Hani’s delight, the poor little pup shivering in his owner’s arms. For the rest of the day, Yuri walked Hani outside regularly, and when they were inside, Yuri kept looking out her window for Seulgi, sadly not sighting her during the daylight hours. Her mind was distracted all evening by this cute brunette who had been so adorable with her little cousin, and had now made a play for her affections by recreating her favourite character in ice.

Yuri really wanted to see Seulgi again, to thank her, and repay her kind gesture. At her latest return to the living room window, Yuri was struck by an idea when she saw her Baymax and their Olaf illuminated by lights in the park. It was time for her to conjure her creative spirits and build a snowman for the object of her crush. But what could she make? She stood quietly in thought, her forehead pressed to the cold window pane. When it became too frosty to bear, Yuri pulled back, rubbing the cold spot to warmth. “Aha!!! Pika Pika!!” Yuri cutely said in her best Pikachu impression. She remembered Seulgi was wearing a Pikachu beanie, so that’s what she was going to build. After researching the little yellow creature on her smart phone, Yuri headed out into the cold night alone to set about making the most important snowman of her life.


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Seulgi was up early today, taking the opportunity of a rare morning off to head to the post-Christmas sales to spend some of the money she’d received from relatives. She tugged on her jacket as she pushed the lobby door open with her hip, hoping she can make it to the bus stop on time. With a quick pause to readjust her collar and pull up the zipper, Seulgi froze when she saw the small familiar cartoon favourite made of snow that grinned up at her. The brunette shook her head, laughing out loud at the amazing gesture. She knew it was Yuri, but she was shocked to see her own deed repaid so magnificently. After taking a photo on her phone, she glanced around the park, seeing Olaf and Baymax still in good shape. Seulgi wondered how many snowmen she’d have to make to be able to see Yuri again, her smile dropping when she saw the bus approach, immediately setting her feet to running to her stop just in time to hop aboard.

Later that day, Yuri sat on the defrosting park bench while Hani sat at her feet. She’d walked him every hour, on the hour today in the hopes of seeing Seulgi. Yuri wondered how her own ice sculpture was received, and if these snowy games were to continue. But mostly, she wanted to finally see the beautiful woman again and at the very least get her phone number. Just as Yuri had resigned herself to missing out on seeing the brown haired honey, a bus pulled up at the nearby stop. Yuri watched in anticipation, whispering just as Jina did when asking her for a carrot, “please please please please”. The only person alighting from the bus bore a striking resemblance to the one Yuri was looking for, her eyes squinting to make sure. With a flick of her long brown hair, Seulgi’s face was uncovered and instantly recognised.

“Yaaaay!” Yuri quietly whispered to herself as she stood up, leading Hani along the cleared footpath in Seulgi’s direction. The dark haired beauty watched the young brunette strut along with purpose, in her own zone and not having yet noticed Yuri’s approach. When their eyes finally met, a big smile came to both their faces, so much having taken place since they were last in each other’s company. “Heyyyy!” Yuri greeted, picking Hani up when he finally caught up with his owner’s quicker steps. “Hiii … I was hoping to catch you” Seulgi responded, brushing her fingers through her hair as she met up with Yuri in the middle of the park. “Me too …” Yuri started, “… thank goodness I finally found you. Poor Hani is exhausted. He’s never been walked so much in his life”.

Seulgi laughed, biting her lip as she nodded, “Aww poor baby, I’m surprised you didn’t get him to help make Pikachu yellow” she joked, giving Hani a pat. Yuri cracked up laughing, putting Hani down to let him roam “Ewwww, no it would have melted him away, and I didn’t think you’d be impressed by a puddle”. “I was impressed …” Seulgi complimented the dark haired honey, “You did a great job, he’s very cute” Seulgi gushed, taking a look over her shoulder to see his adorable form still standing. Yuri was flattered by the praise “So was Baymax, I was totally shocked! I had a feeling it might have been you who made it. It was really sweet. Thank you” she added with a smile.

“And I loved Pika, no-one has ever done anything like that for me. It made my day, seriously” Seulgi genuinely remarked, feeling her cheeks flush in Yuri’s presence. “You’re very welcome … sooo …” the older woman paused, looking down at her boots to muster her courage, “I was wondering if you were doing anything on New Year’s Eve”. Seulgi’s eyes sparkled, a look of pleasant surprise adorning her stunning features, “Ummm I don’t have any plans at the moment, why do you ask?” she retorted, as if she didn’t know why Yuri had asked. She’d hoped it was the same reason she had for preparing to say yes to hopefully being asked out. Yuri nervously muddled through her reasoning, trying to formulate the basic question in a non-obvious format. “Well … see a friend of mine is having a party, and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me. I mean it’s nothing fancy, just casual, drinks, music, dancing, the usual New Year’s Eve stuff” Yuri finally concluded, expelling her nervous energy through a deep breath.

Irresistible and absolutely adorable, Seulgi thought to herself about Yuri and her round-about way of asking her out. “Sure, sounds like fun” the brunette accepted with a sweet smile, “Do I need to bring anything?”. “Nope, just yourself. It starts at 8pm, I can meet you here at like 7:30?” Yuri suggested, making arrangements off the top of her head. “Sure no problem, okay so I’ll see you tomorrow” Seulgi happily replied, her stomach doing flips at these exciting plans. Yuri’s eyes sparkled, “Definitely, OH wait, I better give you my number, you know, in case you change your mind” the happy honey recommended, waiting as Seulgi took out her phone. “I won’t change my mind, but thanks” Seulgi promised, ready to type in the digits.


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After arriving at the party together, Yuri and Seulgi spent time making smalltalk and getting to know each other better. Yuri introduced the y brunette to her friends, and they made her feel welcome right away. Yuri had eagerly discussed the events of the last few days to her closest friends, and they were gentuinely happy to see Yuri so excited about someone. Seulgi was having a great time hearing stories of Yuri’s high school years, and all the trouble she and her friends got into. There was only two years age difference between them, but for some reason Yuri felt soooo much older, her friends quick to tease the ‘old lady’, much to Seulgi’s amusement.

The pair took a moment to sit together in the living room, having a drink and getting some time alone to talk. “So how long did it take you to build Baymax?” Yuri enquired curiously, considering he was so much bigger than her tiny Pikachu. “Ohh … a couple of hours. Actually, I thought I was gonna run out of snow for a while there” Seulgi laughed, picking up her beer for a thirst quenching nerve settling swig. “A couple of hours?! Wow, so I guess if you end up with a cold or flu, I’m gonna get the blame right?” Yuri pondered, taking a sip of her drink. Seulgi winked in response, “Oh absolutely!” raising her bottle to Yuri before joining her in a sip. “Well it’s a good thing I make a mean chicken soup” Yuri boasted, “I might have to take care of you” she cheekily offered. Seulgi crossed her legs towards Yuri, her calf brushing against the y woman’s shin briefly, “I like the sound of that” Seulgi purred in a seriously y tone.

“Would you uhh like another drink?” Yuri asked with a gulp, finding herself growing very aroused in Seulgi’s presence. “Oh … sure” the brunette answered, noticing her bottle as well as Yuri’s were almost empty. Yuri shuffled forward slightly in the slouchingly comfortable sofa seat, “I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere” she insisted, bravely sliding her palm onto Seulgi’s thigh, giving a soft rub with her fingers. Just as Yuri lifted her hand, Seulgi was moving her own hand to join her date’s, the timing instead causing only her fingertips to lightly along the underside of Yuri’s forearm, resulting in a much softer and more teasing caress. Yuri swiftly looked back, her eyes meeting with Seulgi’s in a seductive gaze, both feeling the heat between them grow more intense.

The beautiful young brunette watched Yuri walk away, able to fully admire the magnificent she was working with a swagger in her tight dark denim jeans. became dry with thirst and lust, rising from her seat to seek out the black haired honey and continue this new found flirting and skinship that she’d developed a taste for. When Yuri had asked her out, Seulgi was acutely aware that the older woman had just about guaranteed herself a first kiss as soon as midnight struck. And so Seulgi’s thoughts leading up to this evening were consumed with how she would handle this, and in turn make the magical moment memorable. She assumed Yuri would have been contemplating similar scenarios, and the increase in touch and teasing only served to confirm their mutual desire for something more to happen between them.

When Seulgi eventually found Yuri, she was talking with her best friend and host of this party, so she patiently waited a few steps away for them to be done. It wasn’t long before they parted ways and Yuri was retrieving beers from the fridge. Seulgi took a deep breath and seized her moment, stepping up behind Yuri and running her hand across the hottie’s lower back. “Heyyy there you are” she whispered, Yuri turning around with a grin on her face, loving the touch and accompanying sultry voice. She handed Seulgi her drink and clinked their bottles together before taking sips. The loud music pounding through the speakers suddenly shut off, “Two minutes to go everyone! Two minutes!” the party host announced, turning the music back up as the buzz in the room grew in anticipation.

Yuri and Seulgi stood together nervously, Yuri clearing before speaking “So, are you having a good time?” she asked, leaning in close to be heard, her hand sitting atop the sensual curve of Seulgi’s . “Oh yeah, sure. How about you?” she retorted, her hand gently holding Yuri at her elbow as she leaned in to speak beside Yuri’s ear, the dark haired goddess nodding her answer, a little giggle coming from her lips. “What’s so funny?” Seulgi asked in concern, not thinking her reply was funny. “Oh nothing, I was just thinking … nevermind”  Yuri mysteriously trailed off. By now, Seulgi was more than intrigued, her hand sliding down Yuri’s forearm to her wrist, lightly taking grip as she whispered her next words right beside Yuri’s ear, “Tell me”.

Yuri was struggling hard to maintain her composure, Seulgi’s voice and delivery were sending tingles all through her body. “Well I was thinking how clichéd it is to … like …  have a first kiss at midnight” she brazenly admitted, her eyes falling to the floor in case she was being presumptuous. Seulgi smirked, “You don’t like it?” she questioned, liking watching Yuri squirm. “No, I’m not saying that … but … it is kinda cheesy, you know, counting down to it and everything” Yuri reasoned, rubbing the back of her neck out of nerves. “Yeah, I guess it is” Seulgi concurred, sliding her fingers into Yuri’s palm, splaying out to entwine with the honey’s fingers. “Thirty seconds everyone!” the host interrupted the crowd, keeping an eagle eye on the time.

After looking to the host at her booming voice, Yuri and Seulgi’s eyes returned to each other, frozen in a moment together. Without warning, Seulgi reached up her free hand to the back of Yuri’s neck and pulled her towards her waiting lips, meeting in an unexpected kiss. Yuri’s eyes were wide for a split second until she realised what was happening, closing and melting into the contact when Seulgi’s soft pout brushed against her tingling lips with another much more tender kiss. . Yuri’s free hand wound around Seulgi’s waist and held her at the small of her back. The next rub of lips effortlessly shifted them into a slightly open mouthed connection, feeling each other out and sampling how they liked to kiss. “Twelve, Eleven, Ten …” the countdown began, Seulgi pulling back after one last peck to find Yuri’s cheeks as flushed as her own felt. “Seven, Six, Five …”. Yuri was totally gobsmacked, staring at Seulgi with desire in her eyes.

“There. Now we can have a much less awkward second kiss at midnight” the brunette stated, dragging her thumb along Yuri’s jawline to rub over her freshly kissed bottom lip. Yuri smiled wide, nodding at Seulgi’s words, mesmerised by this unpredictable honey who was swiftly captivating her in more ways than one. “One … Happy New Yeeeeear!!!” the shouts of all the party people rang out, champagne corks flying, party poppers exploding, and horns blasting, the room erupting in chaos. “Happy New Year Seulgi” Yuri wished her date, their eyes only for each other. “Happy New Year Yuri” Seulgi wished in return, faces moving in together steadily to seal this new beginning with warm wishes and hot kisses.


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