Chapter 6

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I walked in the unfamiliar hospital hallways awkwardly. All I could see was gloom although the building was dominated by bright colours. If I could, I would choose to not come here but I've promised to pick up Donghae because his car was sent into a garage for a monthly service. And to avoid intense traffic jam, I've decided to drive here earlier but I soon regretted it as I got to the hospital much earlier than I expected.

Donghae's shift would end in half an hour and I decided to take a little walk around the hospital building to kill time. It's not a nice tour actually since I could smell medicine everywhere but finally I reached a small park located on the right side of the building. I walked to the bench under a large tree and I was just about to sit down when I heard a woman's voice. "Im Yoona?"

I turned towards the sound's direction and found a woman with a white coat standing in front of me. My heart stopped for a few seconds when I realized who she was. "Dara unnie."

"It's been a while." She smiled at me, even though I knew she was just doing it out of politeness.

Sandara Park, I knew her as one of my high school's senior, but when I started to date Donghae I just found out that she was my fiancé's ex-girlfriend. I didn't even know if she could be called an ex because they were never really dating each other back then, but I've heard several times about her dislike towards me. Since Donghae dated me, they stopped hang out and she seemed to blame me for the lost of their relationship.

I've never talked to her when I was in high school since she was older than me and Yuri, but I've met her once at Donghae's family party. I learned that she was not only close to Donghae but their families were close too.

"What are you doing here?" she asked again as I just stood dumbfounded.

"I-I came to pick Donghae." For some reason she still made me feel nervous. I didn't know whether it was her intimidating personality or because of her age that made me a bit awkward whenever I was around her.

"So, it means you two are in the serious stage?" She sat on the bench and all of sudden, I lost my intention of sitting there.

"Our relationship is always serious. We will soon be married," I confirmed immediately, hoping it could add my self-confidence but apparently, it didn't give any effect.
"Well, congratulations then." The smile was still on her face, which I believed was just a fake one.

"Thank you," I replied before she continued slowly, but it was clear to me.

"Nevertheless, he shouldn't marry the wrong woman."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"He deserves a better woman." She smirked and I felt my head boiled by her words. Did she just imply that I was not good enough for Donghae? I opened my mouth, wanting to shoot her back when my cell phone rang.

I grabbed my phone and saw Donghae's name on the display screen.

"My fiancé has been looking for me. I have to go now," I announced loudly before turned around and walking away from her. Even in a distance I still could feel her sharp gaze bore into my back.


"Am I keeping you waiting too long?" Donghae met me in the hospital corridor and immediately brought me into a hug.

"Not really, at least there was someone who accompanied me," I replied with a slight tinge of annoyance.

Donghae pulled off and looked at me with confusion. "Really? Who is that?"

"Sandara Park."

Donghae eyes widened when I mentioned the name of the woman who had been so close to him but I turned around and started to walk out of the hospital before he could respond. I couldn't stand being in the same building as that woman any longer.

I was entering the parking lot when Donghae caught up with me.

"I never thought that you would meet her." His voice sounded nervous.

"What's she doing here?"

"She is a therapist at our hospital," Donghae answered and I felt a bit annoyed with the fact that she had such good profession. Now everyone would admire her. They would never find a reason to hate that woman.

I didn't say anything and just nodded in knowledge and got into my car. Donghae followed me and I handed him the key to let him drive.

He the engine and we left hospital area soon afterwards.


For the first ten minutes, the car ride was silent until I felt Donghae's hand grab mine, it gently as we had entered the highway.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier," he apologized which surprised me. Did he think that I was jealous?

"No, you don't have to apologize. It was not your fault," I answered.

I was angry, but I was angry because of my conversation with that woman. I was angry at that woman who had insulted me. It was nothing about Donghae. It wasn't the fact that he had to work with a woman who had a relationship with him that made me mad.

It may have felt like someone had put a hot pack on the back of my head but it was different from the hurt or pain as if someone stabbed my heart with a knife. It wasn't an inner turmoil. It wasn't swirled insecurities, helplessness, possessiveness that choked me till I couldn't breathe. It was more like a fire that burned in anger. It was far from jealousy. . .

But wouldn't it make more sense if I felt jealous? My fiancé was going to spend most of his time working with that woman, his ex, or whatever they called it. I tried to tell myself and get some sense of jealousy but I found nothing worried me.

I sighed in frustration and turned my head to look outside the car window. My eyes were looking into the distance as I tried to convince myself that it was just because I had faith in Donghae. I didn't experience any emotional roller-coaster because I knew Donghae was good guy and he would never cheat on me. Yes, it must be the reason of it. . .


"It looked good on you," Krystal praised me as we walked into the dining room.

I just realized that I had worn my new glasses for a day. Surrounded by a thick book for the last few of years wouldn't leave me without any consequence and now  I got my new symbol of neediness.

"It's so uncomfortable." I fixed my glasses' position.

"Nah, you're just not used to it yet." I eyed my cousin from head to toe with suspicion. I didn't know what's wrong with this girl, but usually she turned nice to me when she wanted something.

However, I hoped her kindness was only because our family's banquet. This was our extended family's tradition to gather around and have dinner together. Tonight, the dinner took place at my house and I got really excited because it was my first banquet after I returned from Oxford.

My entire family arrived and just in seconds my house was crowded. They greeted each other enthusiastically because some of them were really busy working and didn't have time to meet or catch up with other relatives. I was hugged by some family members who haven't met me since I returned. And I was basically passed on from one hug into another one and I had no idea who they were until I was released.

After the very warm welcome, everyone gathered in the dining room to have the dinner that was served by maids.

"It was always nice to be able gather around like this." Uncle Woo-jin, Dad's third brother started the conversation this evening. He took his place at right side of table with his wife next to him.

"That's right. It seems like the last time we sat together in same dining table was a year ago," chimed Uncle Young-jin but got nudged by his wife.

"The last time we held this dinner was four months ago, which was in our house. You were always exaggerating things."

Everyone in the room laughed. Uncle Young-jin was my dad's youngest brother. He had a habit to exaggerate everything meanwhile his wife always corrected him patiently. They just married three years ago and looked very good together.

Dad was the oldest in the Im family, while Aunt Jun-hee, Krystal's mother, was the second child of the family. Krsytal and I were the oldest cousin of this family. I had other cousins but most of them were still teenager and kids.

"It's sad that Young-hee couldn't make it," Dad who was sitting on the edge of table said for the first time tonight, and I just realized that I had forgotten someone. I was too preoccupied with the other relatives that I didn't aware about the absence of my second aunt.

"I feel sorry for her to experience such hard situation." Krystal's mom looked sad and I was curious automatically. I turned my head to Dad and gave him with a puzzled expression.

"What happened to Aunt Young-hee?"

"Her son just made a trouble." Dad replied but it didn't fully answer my question, so I looked at my mother who sitting beside me for further explanation.

My mother put down her wine glass before looking back at me. "Hyun-joong, your cousin brought a guy to his apartment and introduced him as a lover."

"It was really crazy." Uncle Woo-jin reacted before his wife nodded in agreement.

"Staying too long in New York and away from his parents caused Hyun-joong to get into wrong society. I just hope Young-hee could cope with his son."

"I could feel Young-hee's pain. Basically, every parent prepares themselves for their teenage mischief such as getting drunk, fights, even... the pregnancy. But this case was out of limits." Aunt Jun-hee shook her head.

My heart sank instantly. Seeing how strong their reaction about love between same genders made me feel sudden nausea. It was a new and strange topic for my family but wasn't that unfamiliar of an experience for me.

My eyes were automatically drawn to Krystal who was sitting on the other side of table and found that she was also staring at me right now. We exchanged looks and I wondered what was on her mind.

"I'm grateful to have my daughter back from Oxford in good condition," My mother said before looking at me. "I just have one child, and I know she will never let me down with such shameful trouble, right honey?"

I felt my mom's hand touch mine. Her warm hand was caressing my right hand while her eyes looked at me  full of hope and pride. There was tenderness in her touch but for some reason, it just burned my skin. I couldn't even look her in eyes because it just caused so many mixed emotions, swirling around inside my heart.

"Yoona unnie is a good girl who knows about ethics and manners. She wouldn't do anything that violates the moral boundaries." Krsytal's statement sparked my anger because I knew her real intention. Of course she was happy with how our family reacted to this case, because that means she had all of their support.

My fist clenched at my thoughts and I turned my attention from my mom back to Krystal again but my Dad's voice caught my attention.

"I know my daughter won't let me down. No, she never let me down before. She will soon get married with the eldest son of Lee's family." His voice announced proudly, praising me as if I was a good kid.

How could one compliment bring so much shame and guilt to me?

"Of course, Yoona was very lucky. I'm so happy for you." Uncle Young-jin raised his glass for me.

"I heard they just bought a new yacht."

I couldn't stand being here any longer. This conversation sickened me and I rose from my chair, leaving my practically untouched meal on the table. "I apologize on my behalf, but I have a huge headache right now and I don't think I could proceed this dinner."

"Are you okay honey?" My mom's voice sounded anxious.

"I just need to rest. I'm going up to my room right now. Please excuse me." I bowed to my families who were looking at me now, before leaving the dining room.
I made my way to my bedroom and was about to close my room's door when I heard the sound of footsteps following me from behind.

"It's rude to leave the dining room before dinner is over." Krystal closed the door and stood in the middle of my room but I turned away. Instead of facing her, I fixed my eyes on the bed which was just few steps from where I stood.

"Then why did you leave the dining room as well?"

"I checked on your condition."

"You've seen my condition, I'm fine. Now can you get out of my room?" I asked back without looking at her. My hands were clenching as I held back my emotions but then Krystal's hand touched my shoulder.

I flinched, avoiding the contact quickly.

"What's wrong with you?"

"You asked what was wrong with me after what you said in dining room?" I turned to face her. I was trying my best to control the ticking time bomb that was ready to explode at any moment soon but she kept pressing wrong button.

"Is this about your mom's question? I was helping you."

"I never ask for your help Krystal!" I snapped angrily.

Krystal was taken aback and stunned by the high pitch of my voice. "Why do you have to be so angry? That wasn't something worth to fighting for. Even if you feel like I offend your previous relationship with Yuri because of that same gender's love, you don't need to overreact like this. What happened between the two of you was the past, so this topic shouldn't be this sensitive to you anymore."

"Unless you still have feelings for her." Krsytal went on hesitantly but I stood still, didn't reply or react to her words. I didn't know how to react. I couldn't find my answer.

Yuri and I just met again after the long separation and I didn't want to assume my own feeling and risk our relationship once again. I just wanted to enjoy our freshly rekindled friendship but I was lying if I said I didn't want more. There was always something inside me that yearned for Yuri and Krystal's eyes widened in an instant panic.
"Tell me that you don't have any feeling for her anymore." She put her hand on my shoulder and made me look at her but something in my eyes increased her frantic state.

"Oh my God! I knew this would happen!" Now she was pacing back and forth in my room. She kept holding up her right hand while the other hand running through her long hair. "You must be careful with Yuri! I know she came back to ruin your wedding. She just pretended to be a planner but actually she wanted something else from you!"

"What the hell are you saying?"

"She's up to something. She came to mess your life. She-"

"Stop it! You don't know anything about her so don't accuse her as if you know her that much. Stop interfering with my life Krystal!" I yelled.

I didn't care anymore if my families down there heard my voice. My cousin had gone too far already, and I was ready to fight with her but then her face changed. A hurt expression showed in her face and her eyes were teary for some reason.

"Do you know what I hated the most

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
216 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x