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[CONTENTID2] The deep orange glow of the morning sun was peeking through the gauzy curtains when Yoona opened her eyes. She stretched mildly as her pupils focused slowly on her surroundings.

The memory of the day before came flooding back to her, and every detail of the eventful day replayed in her mind. She remembered the wedding dress, the church and the ‘supposed to be wedding mass’. She remembered Krystal’s interruption and the reunion with Yuri, but on the top of it all, she remembered the conversation with Yuri. A simple conversation that she would never forget.

She remembered being very nervous with Yuri’s seriousness. Her heart choked with anticipation when Yuri asked her, in very hopeful expression, if she wanted to marry her. Yes, Yuri had proposed to her yesterday, right after they had for the first time ever.

It was very understandable. After all that happened, after Yuri nearly lost her to someone else, it was understandable she did not want to wait any longer; she couldn't take another risk.

But it still felt surreal that they finally opened up and held that kind of conversation. It was surreal to the point Yoona couldn’t sleep last night. She was having a hard time believing it was true, and she was so afraid that if she fell asleep, she would wake up with the fact that it was only a dream. But it wasn’t. It was real. Yuri was real and she was sleeping next to her right now, her arm draped over her waist, her face buried in Yoona’s shoulder.

Yoona couldn’t help but take in every little detail of Yuri’s sleeping face. Her hair covered half of her face, her bare shoulder moving rhythmically from the steady breathing. She couldn’t wait to live this moment every day for the rest of her life.

Deciding that she couldn’t go back to sleep anymore, Yoona lifted herself slowly out of bed. She felt sunlight hit her bare skin, warming her up just a little bit, considering she was . She reached Yuri’s wardrobe to get some loose sweats and T-shirt before walking out the room.

Yoona entered the minimalist kitchen, thinking about making something for Yuri. She was not good at cooking but she was certain there must be something she could make - just a simple thing that could show Yuri how grateful she was for being here with her.

After rummaging through the refrigerator and finding nothing, Yoona gave up and decided to make coffee for Yuri. She was in process of stirring the coffee when she felt a pair of arms hugging her from behind.

“You're up so early,” Yuri’s hoarse voice spoke as she rested her head on Yoona’s shoulder.

Yoona smiled; she could feel Yuri’s hot breath tickling her neck. “I tried to make you breakfast but I can't find anything in fridge.” She turned around to meet Yuri’s bare, morning face.

Yuri sighed, leaning on the counter next to her. “I've left my apartment for a week now, and I think I really need to do some groceries.“

“At least I managed to make you coffee,” Yoona said and she smiled widely when Yuri’s arm found her waist again and pulled her closer.

“You're so sweet,” Yuri whispered against Yoona’s lips, as the latter bit her lower one in anticipation. “But I prefer you than coffee right now,” Yuri breathed before she pressed her lips against Yoona.

It took Yoona a bit by surprise but she was enjoying the affection too much to complain, so she reciprocated by putting more pressure on their kiss. She put her arms around Yuri’s neck and felt the latter pressed their body against each other.

Yoona’s lips were parted as she let Yuri’s tongue brush inside in a wet kiss. She exhaled loudly, feeling her body ache for more contact. It was amazing to know that despite how many times they had kissed, the sensation was still the same: fabulous and blissful. It felt like she would never get enough of Yuri, no matter how close they were, but just when Yuri grabbed the hem of her shirt, the apartment door flung open.

“Holy sh*t,” Sooyoung exclaimed while Tiffany standing next to her, smirking smugly.

“Could you guys hold your hormones? It's still early in morning,” Tiffany closed the door behind them and walked in to meet Yoona and Yuri who had parted, both flushing.

“How did you get into my house?” Yuri asked when the initial shock wore off.

“You gave me your spare key the day you two ran away , don't you remember?” Sooyoung put down two plastic bags on the dining table as she spoke, “Anyway we brought breakfast.”

At this, Yuri didn't protest anymore and just walked over the dining table. Yoona and Tiffany joined them soon while Sooyoung pulled out some tortillas, yogurts and fresh fruit from plastic bags.

“Where are Taeyeon and Jessica?” Yuri asked as they sat down around the table, started to eat their breakfast.

“They stayed at Tiffany’s,” Tiffany answered shortly, referring to her bridal salon.

“And probably are hovering around each other right now,” Sooyoung added as she took the first bite of her cheesy tortilla. “They are having a hard time keeping their hands off each other lately.”

Yuri could sense Yoona’s uneasiness with the topic direction but she tried not to pay attention to Sooyoung as she sipped her coffee in silence.

“Maybe the part is just too good,” Tiffany chimed in.

“Really guys?” Yuri responded quickly as she glared at her friends who appeared to be very comfortable with the topic. ”We’re eating.”

Sooyoung rolled her eyes at Yuri’s words as she served herself a yogurt. “Oh please Yul, don’t act like you two haven’t done it yet,” she pointed into the crook of Yuri’s neck mischievously.

Yoona choked from whatever she ate as Yuri let her hand run through the skin where Yoona probably liked too much to not leave a visible hickey.

“Oh my goodness,” Yuri groaned, knowing her friend would hold this over her head forever now.

Sooyoung and Tiffany laughed at Yuri’s reaction while Yoona bit her lips as she gave Yuri shy smile.

“Anyway I’m so happy you’re fine now,” Tiffany said after a long laugh. Finally, it seemed like she decided she had teased Yuri enough. “We were frantic when Yoona’s cousin informed us that you two were caught.”

“Yeah, we tried to find your whereabouts,” Sooyoung said, peeling the banana as she finished her breakfast. “I’m sorry we couldn’t help much, but trust me, we tried our best to help.”

Yuri smiled as she detected sincerity in her friend’s voice. As much as she hated them for always making fun of her, she knew she wouldn't trade them for anything in world.

“It’s okay unnie, we appreciate your effort,” Yoona spoke up for Yuri, smiling warmly. “At least it’s over already, and let’s hope it's for good.”

Yuri took this opportunity to place her hand on top of Yoona’s hand and intertwined them. Now, she couldn’t keep the grin off her face as she looked at her friends. It was right time to tell them. “Honestly, Yoona and I have decided to get married next month,” she announced happily as her friends eyes widen. “It will be a simple city hall wedding, but we will need your help with the dress and others.”

“You two serious?” Tiffany asked as Sooyoung clasped her hand together.

“Finally!” the shikshin exclaimed. “We’ll happily help you. Oh my God, congratulations!”

“We also decided to move to California,” Yuri continued, trying to speak louder to drown out her friend’s squeal of excitement.

“Califor-what?” Sooyoung stared at Yuri in disbelief, looking equally thunderstruck with the additional news.

“Yeah California,” Yuri confirmed.

“But why's so sudden?” Tiffany asked, giving Yuri her full attention now.

“Well, something needed to be changed. We just think there are too many painful memories hold us here and we agreed to give it a try. Starting our new lives in a new place is the best option. Besides, I lived there a few years ago so it won’t be so hard for us. And some friends of mine there also agree on helping me start my career as wedding planner,” Yuri explained as Yoona kept bobbing her head up and down to show her support.

“We’ll miss you for sure,” Tiffany mumbled in silence.

“And I will miss you guys too,” Yuri replied. She knew telling her friends this would be the hardest part. No one else would keep her in this city other than her friends because they were her only family she left since her mom passed away.

“Oh come on, don’t get this moody!” Sooyoung stood up as she smiled at them, “We’ll definitely celebrate this happy news!”


Sooyoung’s definition of celebration could only mean eating, and after a long celebration session that included loads of chips and cokes Tiffany finally managed to persuade Sooyoung to leave Yuri’s apartment.

And now that they were finally alone again, Yuri took this opportunity to take a bath while Yoona sat in the living room, her mind wandering to yesterday's event again. The image of her mom confronting her dad flashed through her eyes once again, and it was still very much weighing on her heart that she had treated her mom unfairly.

The rules of what was acceptable from her parents and the pressure her dad put on her only blinded her and she ended up releasing bitter mouthfuls of anger toward the only person that she always took for granted.

“You okay?” a voice next to her asked, and Yoona diverted her gaze from the blank spot on the wall to meet Yuri’s gentle gaze. The latter had finished her bath and was currently wearing blue denim jeans and casual cotton blouse.

“Yeah, just thinking over something,” Yoona answered lightly as Yuri sat down on the couch.

She touched Yoona’s hand gently. “Is it about your mom?”

“How did you know?” Yoona asked in surprised, causing Yuri to chuckle at her reaction.

“It's written all over your face,” Yuri explained as she watched Yoona struggle with her thoughts. “You know Yoong, you can go to see her if you want.”

“I don't think it's good idea.”

“You'll never know until you give it a try,” Yuri said, the back of Yoona’s hand with her thumb soothingly. “I really think you should get whatever's in your chest off and lay it on the table with her. She is your mother after all.”

Deep down, she knew Yuri was right. It was probably going to be painful for her, but it would also give her the opportunity to have a heart to heart conversation with her mom, but she was just such a coward.

She hadn’t changed at all. She was still the typical of girl who was afraid of facing her problems, and always chose to run away rather than face it. But she had her own reason.

“What if doesn't work? What if we end up in an even worse situation than we already are?”

Yuri leaned in to her to give her some sort of comfort. “At least you would have tried. You'll find the answer and it won't bug you anymore.”

Yoona sighed. After a long self-debate, her sad eyes looked at Yuri. “Why do you always manage to convince me?” she asked, trying to sound annoyed as she added, “I hate you.”

Yuri smiled cheekily as she kissed Yoona’s pouting lips. “Let me drop you there before I go to the office. I need to talk to Hyoyeon about my leaving,” she said, lifting herself as she held out her hand to help Yoona up.

Yoona grabbed it gladly as she let Yuri lead her out of apartment, knowing they were taking another important step to their future.


Mixed feeling raced through Yoona’s veins all at once as she walked into the porch of her house. She had spent most of her lifetime around this house yet it felt so strange and unfamiliar to come back now.

The house looked quiet and deserted , there was no security at the front gate or gardener who usually maintained the plants and flowers in the yard. And Yoona started to wonder if she should come back another day when the front door opened, revealing a pale, fatigued, middle aged woman.

“I know you'll come,” Mrs. Im gave Yoona a small weary smile. For a few seconds they looked into each other eyes as Yoona shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

“You do?” Yoona blurted out timidly, feeling her heart dropped to her stomach at the sight of her mom. What happened to her at the last few hours? Why did she look even more tired than she ever been?

“Yes, if you wanted to move out, you'll need to move your belonging as well,” Mrs. Im answered casually as she opened the door wider to let Yoona in.

“That's right,” Yoona mumbled as she followed her mom walking into the living room. Yoona let her eyes travelled around the house. It looked as quiet as outside with no sign of life in here.

“It’s all was still in your room,” Mrs. Im spoke again. It was obvious that she tried to act as relaxed as possible around Yoona but somehow her mom’s easiness demeanor suffocated Yoona. Didn’t she want to talk about yesterday? Didn’t she want to know what happen to her after yesterday? Did she still care about her anyway?

Maybe she had decided that she had enough of Yoona’s disrespectful behaviour.

“Alright,” Yoona responded as she walked away from living room to her bedroom. She didn’t need to bring so much stuffs with her because Yuri said the apartment they will lend at California aren’t too big.


Yoona spent almost an hour for packing her belonging into language before she dragged it out of room to found her mom sitting in the living room, she was sipping the afternoon tea.

“It's done?” Mrs. Im asked as she put the the cup and looked at Yoona who was standing in the middle of the room with only one language next to her.

“Yeah I only packed important stuffs,” answered Yoona as she let her eyes met her mom’s. The awkward tension already threatened to straggle her again but she knew if she wanted to talk, she should open it up right now. “Honestly, I come here to talk to you.”

Yoona saw her mom’s eyes flickered in worry for the first time today as she battled with all doubt and fear inside her head.

“Come here,” Mrs. Im finally said, ordering Yoona to take a seat next to her that Yoona obeyed quickly, her heart was racing.

“Where is Dad?”

Yoona couldn’t believe herself that it was the first question she asked, but she had been curious about her dad’s condition as well. Despite all of the nasty things her dad had done to her and Yuri, she came to realize that holding a grudge over his head forever wasn't healthy.

“He is in his working room, he barely comes out,” Mrs. Im inhaled sharply, bringing her hand up to rub her forehead as she continued, “He is dealing with some stuffs since the news about your wedding leaked out. Reporters come and go, trying to get information about the relationship between our company and Lee’s.”

Yoona looked down to her hands, thinking about the whole situation that surrounded her family now and as if Mrs. Im knew what she was thinking, she placed her hand on Yoona’s gently.

“Don't be guilty over it honey, he is taking responsibility for his mistakes,” Mrs. Im said wisely. “I told him not to invite press into your wedding and now his plan backfired against him.” Mrs. Im was calmer than Yoona expected. The older woman turned and the replica of Yoona’s brown eyes looking back at her. “Anyway what do you want to talk about?”

Yoona took a deep breath, “I.. I want to apologize to you. I had treated you badly all of this time without thinking that it was so unfair for you.” Yoona stopped for a while to take another breath as Mrs. Im sat still, waiting Yoona to continue. “But I never mean to hurt you. I was just so frustrated and angry with my situation and it blinded me. I'm sorry for taking out my emotions on you,” Yoona said, her voice pitched higher at the end of her sentence as she tried to control her emotions.

“It's really fine honey,” Mrs. Im Yoona's hand in a comforting gesture. “I should be the one to apologize because I had failed to be a good mother to you. I was so cowardly and I was too afraid to stand up for you and protect you from your father's selfis

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
215 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x