Chapter 22

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[CONTENTID2]"They look cute."

"Shhh.. you might wake them up."

"Can I take a pic of them?"

Yuri's eyes snapped open, and was met with a mischievous pair of eyes that examined her very closely.

"Soo! Wha- what are you doing here?" Yuri sat up, forcing Sooyoung to back away to avoid the collision of their head. She heard a soft laugh from the other of the room. Taeyeon waved her hand to her, smiling. "We came to see you before you run away."

Yuri blinked again, the memory from the day before restored to her mind quickly -- the conversation with Tiffany, running away and the night with Yoona at Tiffany's apartment.

Next to her, Yoona stirred as well. Just like Yuri, Yoona looked surprised with number of people in the room. Sooyoung was standing next to the bed, holding out a phone in her hand as if she was ready to capture a picture. Taeyeon was sitting on the edge of their bed, Jessica's head on her shoulder. The latter's head kept bobbing, as if she was half-asleep. She reluctantly glanced at the clock on the wall. It was freaking 5 am.

"Unnies? What happened?" Yoona asked, confused.

"We are here to say goodbye," explained Taeyeon and just then the door opened and two more figures stepped in.

"I told them what happen last night," Tiffany informed. Krystal walked next to her. She had already changed her clothes which mean she went home last night.

"We're your friends," Sooyoung added, her voice sounded offended. "We deserve to get the information as well. Can you imagine how afraid we would be if we suddenly get information that you disappeared with Yoona?"

"It's not even a goodbye," eased Yuri as she stretched out her arms. "We'll only escape for a few days. We will come back again after the wedding day through."

"Yes, it is your plan," Taeyeon chimed in. "But what if things go wrong? What if you are caught on the road, and Yoona's father finds you? Did we have another chance to say goodbye?"

The atmosphere around the room changed instantly. Krystal stepped in, glaring at Taeyeon for speaking out their fear. "It will not happen," assured Krystal firmly. All they needed was some sort of support right now, not a reminder of what consequences they must face afterward. When no one moved in the room, she pulled out two containers of food. "Go get ready and eat your breakfast. We have to go soon."

They stepped out of the room to give Yoona and Yuri time to get ready.

The breakfast ran with light conversation, with Sooyoung trying to steal Yuri's food. Yoona sat at the end of the table with Krystal, seeming to have their own conversation while Jessica kept whining at the noise they made.

"I'll drive you to the station," Taeyeon offered when they finished their meals. She was trying to make upseeming for her fault.

"It would draw attention," Tiffany disagreed. "Just say your goodbye here. Krystal and I will drive them."

Everyone agreed and they approached Yuri and Yoona one by one. Even Jessica woke up to give them a hug.

"Thank you everyone," Yuri said, as she hugged Sooyoung. She couldn't help but be grateful to have their support. And she was relieved because they didn't blame her for always hiding her problem with Yoona. Nor did they put pressure on her by asking questions.

She promised herself that when this is over, she will be becoming more open to them.

When they arrived at the terminal, there are only a few people there. Maybe because this was the earliest train so there was no crowd yet.

Not wanting to be outdoors for too long, Yoona and Yuri soon said goodbye to Tiffany and Krystal. They hugged each other before Yoona and Yuri walked towards the train.

Yoona pulled her black hoodie over her head to cover her face and put on her sunglasses. Yuri followed Yoona's movement as she put her own glasses and used her hat and entered the train.

The train was spacious and clean with two rows of seats on both side.

"Sit here," Yoona pat the seat next to her as she took an empty window seat near the very back. "How long does it take to get there?"

Yuri sat down next to her. "We need around 3 hours to reach Busan Train station. Then we'll take the bus to Geoje Island," she explained as she glanced at their surrounding warily. There were few passengers around them and she took a deep calming breath.

"I can't wait to get away from this city," Yoona sighed in content as she reached Yuri's hand, intertwined them together.

Yuri gave Yoona a soft smile. She knew why Yoona wanted to get out of this town, and she couldn't help but feel the same. The past few month was very hard time for both of them, and escaping for a while seemed to be a very refreshing idea. It was good for them, both mentally and physically.  "We'll get there soon," Yuri assured, her free hand stoke Yoona's hair gently. She still couldn't believe that she could finally do it; she could show her affection to Yoona, just like she always wanted to.

Yoona stuck her head to look over the window as the train kept moving, picking up the speed. The scenery outside lost shape as it became a fast blur. "Are we there yet?" she asked impatiently.

"The train has only been moving for like half an hour," Yuri replied amusingly, only to get a pout from Yoona. The latter slumped back down in her seat, crossing her arms.

"It feels like hours already."

Yuri chuckled. She found Yoona's pout adorable. She pecked her lips. "Why don't you help yourself to sleep? It'll help you pass the time and when you're awake, maybe we've arrived at Busan."

Yoona let out a huff as she considered Yuri's offer. Moments later, she scooted her body closer to cuddle against Yuri's side. "I'll sleep only if you're willing to be my pillow."

"I'll be your human pillow willingly anytime you need it," Yuri said, she kissed Yoona's temple as her hand slipped into Yoona's waist, pulled the latter closer to her.

"Yoong, wake up," Yuri nudged Yoona's arm gently, earning inaudible mutter from Yoona. Her hair is sprawled all over her face as she is still deep in sleep. "Yoong, we're here," Yuri said louder and this time, it worked. Yoona's eyes shot open almost instantly. Her entire demeanor shifted into a hyper person.

"We're at Geoje!" Yoona clasped her hands together excitedly.

Yuri smiled at the lovely sight. "No, we're at Busan," she explained patiently as she started to get up and collect their bag. Luckily, they only brought one backpack with them, so it didn't trouble them. "Let's have lunch before we go to find the bus," she suggested as they moved out the train along with other passengers.

Yoona nodded happily, letting Yuri lead her out into the fresh air.  They walked straight to the the escalator to get out from station underground. There was a greater crowd here compared than the atmosphere when they left Seoul this morning. People around them moved quickly as they began their daily activities.

"Let's eat there," Yoona pointed to a street food tent that located right outside the train station.

Some people sat comfortably inside the tent while having their breakfast.

"No,” Yuri disagreed, as she pointed to the small restaurant across the street. “We'll eat inside that restaurant. We're not supposed to be spotted, remember?" She explained carefully as she lead Yoona to cross the road.

"Alright," Yoona shrugged lightly. It didn’t matter where she eat, as long as Yuri accompany her.

They entered the dull restaurant with a shabby-looking room and peeling wallpaper. There w

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
216 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x