Choding Day (CH. 8 Special 3)

A secret place.
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The last and final Special for CH. 8





Lips fighting for dominance, hands that is snaking at every part, and shredding of clothes in the process. That's what is Yoona doing to Jessica.

Nath stayed with his aunt and halabeoji while Soyou was borrowed by Soojung for the time being.

'It's my time', Yoona whispered huskily. It's been a while that she've been in an intimate time with her wife and now she's giving her all.

They were intimate before Jessica gave birth but after it, their focus was on the twins which they don't mind anyway. They love the two so dearly that they're fine with sacrificing their time together to the two. 

Now their tongues have joined the passionate moment. They only stopped to catch their breathing. But Yoona ain't stopping tonight. She went down to Jessica's neck and gave a mark on its base that gave her a moan.

Heading down for Jessica's mound, a voice called out and the next thing that happened is that she got pushed to the side while the sheets covered their bare body.

"Mommy~~ Umma~~" She called out slowly entering her parents room

Yoona grunted before asking "Soyou? I thought you'll be staying at your abuelito's?"

"What do I do when aunt sent me here?" She answered. Krystal wanted to carry her up so that her mommy or umma can give her something to drink before leaving but the little girl was persistent about going alone.

"Soojung? Why so?"

"I don't know" She shook her head and so Yoona was going to message Krystal to ask why when the latter already have a message for her

'Your birthday and feast would still be tomorrow so I thought I may not be able to send her, Sorry and :P Happy Birthday though!'

"Woah. Your sister is good at forecasting" She remarked letting Jessica read the message

"Soyou, Can you get mommy's munchkin?" She asked so their daughter would leave the room, giving them the little time to wear their clothes back


"When is Nath oppa going home?"

"Maybe tomorrow. Why?"

"Umma mohae?" She wanted to answer Jessica's question but the sight bugs her. Yoona is hugging Jessica from behind who is cooking Soyou's pancake "If you're sleepy then go to sleep"

"Do you want milk or chocolate?" Yoona asked prying herself from hugging Jessica


She went to the fridge and took the carton of milk and a chocolate chip before grabbing a cup

"Soyou, Where's my gift?" Asked her before giving the cup filled milk

"I had it with mommy! We'll give it to you tomorrow. It isn't your birthday yet"

"Is it pretty?"


"Where is it?"


"If I ask mommy, Will she answer?"

"No because .. me and Nath oppa .. told her not to .. even if you push her to"

"Then, will you tell me?"


"Here's your pancake" Jessica gave the freshly cooked dish yet already cut into cubes "And you, don't push it because it won't work"

"Why so secretive?" 

"Are you going to eat too?" Jessica asked which Yoona answered with a pull on her waist to sit on her lap before actually whispering 'I want to eat you' "Behave!" She gritted her teeth so their daughter wouldn't mind their rated conversation

"Just milk" She grinned raising her cup "Why did you give her a pancake though? Isn't that common for breakfast?"

"She said that's what she wants and I just cooked it. Cereals are for breakfast too. Where do you think she got that from?"

"I said I want you, are you going to serve yourself tonight?" She whispered yet again that caused Jessica to blush madly. Good thing that Soyou is focused on her pancakes

"I miss Nath oppa" She sighed before poking another pancake

"Then sleep. If you wake up tomorrow, Nath would be here" Yoona answered

After that midnight snack, the three went to the master room, yoonsic's room. Since Nath isn't around, Soyou proposed to her parents if she could stay.

It wasn't a problem; It would never be a problem. Unless you're Im Yoona and you can't fight the hormones.

"So ... Since Soyou is already asleep, would you mind continuing what we left unfinished?" She asked with a smirk, hovering on top of Jessica. Like a ninja that she dodged to hit Soyou who is sleeping in the middle of them

"You'll wake her up" She shushed

"That's a yes then" She encircled her arms to Jessica's waist before standing up together. And when she got her balance, she started to devour Jessica's lips as if it is her first time to do so.

"Aww" Jessica halted and winced at the slight bump she felt on their way to the playroom to 'continue' what they left unfinished

"Sorry" Smiled her before totally slumping Jessica to the bed

"Nu-uh-uh" She stopped Yoona from coming forward "Slow down missy. You had your turn, now it's mine"

Yoona gulped and yet liking this moment. What could go wrong with a dominant Jessica anyway?

"I'm now serving myself for you since you wanted it" She whispered before nibbling Yoona's lips and undressing herself

"Shouldn't I be the one to eat you?" She growled

"Nu-uh-uh. You have a unique wife like this" She answered before giving pepper kissed to Yoona's neck, giving love bites here and there. Jessica have this fangs that scrapes now and then. You could've seen that more than once or twice during photoshoots, but only Yoona could tell how it'd feel like when it scrapes in your skin.

Jessica went on, taking her time to devour her gorgeous wife. Yoona took it as a chance to unclasp Jessica's bra and also giving a mark of her own on the base of Jessica's neck.

She stopped giving bites and went down to the 'abs'

She just have to love and her more. How could she make her whip like that? The HIM Yoona?

"Alright done." She flipped Jessica and sat on the waist, impatient about her raging hormones "My turn"

"I'm already ready for you to take me" She smirked again with her lust filled eyes that Yoona mirrored

Yoona went on to satisfy her desires and took on the lead that night. It was their way of meeting the birthdate, I guess.



"Soyou!" Nath called hurriedly yet in a low tone and waking up his sister 


"It's time!"

"I'll wash first. Wait for me" She delightedly woke up and is heading towards for the bathroom. Instead of going down, Nath followed soyou and even assisted in washing

"You don't want to cut your hair ... yet .. you always have it messy" He remarked, trying to hold Soyou's hair so it wouldn't get splashed by the water 

"Tie it for me" Answer her holding her hair so Nath could find an elastic. Soon Nath found one and tried his best in tying.

"Does it hurt?"

She shook her head. Nath learned to tie up his hair during one summer when it was so hot but still refused to have it cut. Before, he would only watch his mom tie Soyou's hair but when he started shooting for some magazines, he would sometimes ask the stylist to put his hair into a man bun, making him look more like his umma.

"I'm done already. Let's go?"


"Is umma up yet?"

"Not yet so we have to hurry before she does" 

The two slowly went out of their room and took the slide down. Yep, their house has a slide for the twin's safety. Going up the stairs is less dangerous than going down. And what? It's more fun to go down using a slide.

Before the arrival of the twins, the couple renovated their house, staying in San Francisco first where they have decided to raise their children. They add up 2 more rooms making it 5 in total. Playroom, Main room, Guest room, Twin's room, Twin's playroom shared with hoggy. Just like as mentioned, they add up a slide for easy access making their house more child friendly than usual. And oh! They also added gates to the stairs to prevent the twins from coming down or up when they were still little. Not only in the stairs, but also at the kitchen, garden and etc. Their house had gotten more family oriented type than a simple house that they just hang - out to be with each other.

Yoona wanted to prevent hoggy from coming in that time too but when she saw that hoggy behaved more at the arrival of their kids, she let the dog stay in the house, making her closer to the twins. Of course she wasn't forgotten. She's Yoonsic's favorite pet (not like they have a choice lol)

"Mommy, are you done yet?"

"Yes I am" Jessica answered scooping some of the seaweed soup she prepared for her wife. She's already done with the breakfast for today and their last task is to prepare the 'cake'

It was a chocopie topped with a single reese. Kitkats surrounding it and making it in a circle. And for the outer core, kisses were shaped in a heart with the note 'Saengil Chuk birthday umma. I love you -Nath, Soyou & Mommy' in it

Jessica placed the candle in the center of the reese and lit it up just in time before Yoona approached them

"Good morning!" She greeted with a smile plastered in her face

"Happy birthday to you ... Happy birthday to you ... Happy birthday Happy birthday .. Happy birthday our lovely umma" The twins sang slowly holding the plate of sweets

"Make a wish umma" S

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
910 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
917 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲