Bad Habit.

A secret place.
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Some things were vague and meh. But I created this after not having to sleep for more than 24 hours lol. Still, I hope you'd like it ^^ P.S Didn't undergo proof reading ._. 



Yoona is a chain smoker; And Jessica is just another pack of her cigarettes. 
Tiffany sighed when she woke up and saw Yoona smoking on the balcony of her apartment. 
"You're up" Yoona smiled when she entered and saw that her girlfriend is already up. Tiffany only gave her a stoic response while looking on the cigarette bud that she stepped on a while ago "No" 
"Won't you ever stop? At least, not for me. Not for her, but for you"  
"Yoong …" 
"Tiff … Look, I know you mean well" She cupped Tiffany's face "But I just … can't. Believe me, I tried. I am trying" 
"Or the fact that I am trying to make you the stuff she already wanted you to?" Asked her and removing Yoona's hand away from her face. "Bad news: It will hurt, It will always hurt. But Good news, I am not like her. Not everybody is like your ex. I am not like her who will ask you to stop the habit you're already fond of then leave you hanging afterwards" 
"My gut feeling was right in the first place. I shouldn't have entered this relationship because you're just not as ready yet" Added her and leaving the bed. She took the car keys that was on the coffee table 
"And all I have now is a pack of cigarettes. How ironic" 
"No, the question is, does my words have moving power to you? You think that I don't know? That, when I ask you to stop smoking like your ex did, you just can't because it reminds you of her infidelity. It reminds you of the night you saw her kissing some other guy" Tiffany stopped on her tracks just to tell that. 
"Yoongie~" A blonde pop out of nowhere and gave Yoona a hug "Did you wait for too long?" 
"Not really" She smiled, assuring the blonde that she didn't wait at their meeting place for too long 
"Lie" pouted her and pointing to the cigarette buds on the floor "You already had 2" 
"But it isn't long that I am waiting for you" 
"You know that I don't like the smell of smoke. When will you stop?" 
"You don't? But you still kisses me" She answered poking the blonde's nose "My baby is whining again" 
"Hmp!" She stomped her foot and going ahead, leaving Yoona behind 
"Okay, I'll lessen" 
Weeks have passed by and Yoona really tried not to smoke as much for the sake of her whiny girlfriend. 
"Baby, I'm going to your house tonight. I have something to tell you :)" Messaged her with a smile. She and her girlfriend hadn't meet for the past few days because they were both busy. Only now that they found the chance to be together. 
Truth is, today is a 'miracle'. It has been 18 hours and she hadn't lit up a cigar. 
And so she thought it as one. Because the moment she reached her girlfriend's residence, she saw her girlfriend kissing a guy and the box of cigarette in her pocket was the only thing that was there for her. 
*End of Flashback* 
Yoona went to work as usual. What is a heartbreak? It's not like it's the first time anyway. Sure, when she and her ex broken up before, she didn't have the power to go to work. Maybe Tiffany is right. She isn't as ready like how she thinks she is. 
"Miss Im" The clerk at the lobby called out to her "Someone is waiting for you" 
"He's waiting for you at the lobby" She ushered to where the visitor is waiting. "He is the one, Miss Im" Informed her before bowing to leave 
"Hello, Miss Yoona. I am Donghae. You may not know me, but I do. Well, sort of" 
"I see. And how can I help you?" 
"Talk to Sica … please" He pleaded and Yoona had a stoic reaction. Her heart breaks a little hearing the name of her ex-girlfriend. Right. She still has some feelings for the girl, they didn't broke up feeling out of love anyway. She still continues to love the girl despite the infidelity she experienced. 
"No" She answered sternly. Talk? And then what, break up? Who is she joking? She would be throwing herself under the truck if that's the case 
"Just once … Even just once … It would mean a lot" 
"No" Disagreed her "I bet you're done with your business here. However, I wouldn't be able to grant such favor" 
"Please … give her hope" The guy pleaded again and this time going on his knees 
"Is she that important for you to do this?" She asked, totally surprised at the guy's action. "Who are you even? Her boyfriend?" 
"I'm her best friend, and yes, she's important to me. I don't want to lose her" 
"Lose? Wow. Big word" 
"Yes, big word. I might lose her if I don't do things quickly. You're my last card, and I'm begging you" 
"Still a no" 
"In case you change your mind, I hope you will. You can see her here" The guy stood up and gave her a piece of paper that has an address in it and a room number from it's looks. 
Yoona sternly answered no. She doesn't want to come – She doesn't want to break her heart again and again. But why did she keep on staring at the piece of paper throughout the night? 
Why is she, in front of the room where Jessica is said to be? 
"Excuse me nurse … But, how is that patient going?" 
"Ah, once the surgery is done and chemoradiation is finished, she can be discharged" The nurse answered  
"I was supposed to visit her, Can I stay inside even if she's asleep?" 
"Yes" The nurse smiled so she entered but hid behind the curtain when Jessica moved to her side 
"Miss, It's time for your meals" Informed her casually. Yoona looked on, she can see that Jessica wasn't asleep at all. 
'Aren't you eating again?? Go eat! At least have one or two' She heard her own voice and only then the bed shifted  
'Annoying donghae. He sure knows how to make me eat' Mumbled Jessica and taking two spoonful of her food. It was Yoona's voice message that Donghae used as an alarm notification every lunch and dinner time when he found out that Jessica isn't touching her meals. 'I miss you' remarked her to their latest picture they took. 
And that was the part she feared the most. Getting swayed by her feelings. Her heart aches but she also wants to tell that she misses her just as much. 
Yoona muffled so she won't make any noise as she cry on that corner. 
"You ate" Donghae entered with a smile, unaware of Yoona's presence in the room  
"So annoying. Do you really have to do that?" 
"Of course! So, Are you going to undergo the surgery?" He asked, thinking that the two talked already  
'Surgery? What surgery??' 
"No. It's of no use, hae. It's already in it's stage 3. It's spreading" 
"Have some hope, okay? It's only on its 3rd, it's still a big chance for you" 
"Yoona isn't smoking too" 
"Can I go out?" 
"I want to thank that girl" She answered with a smile despite having her heart torn into pieces. How can it not? The said girl has been with Yoona for only a month and yet she managed to make the latter to stop smoking meanwhile, she, who had been together for a year, didn't manage to do so. 
"Would talking to her, give you a little push?" 
"You know that you can't, unless you have the doctor's permission" 
"Then talk to him for me. He's your friend, isn't he?" 
"All right. But you must return here before lunch time, okay?" 
"Wait for me until I have the permission" 
Yoona left at the same time donghae did so it wouldn't make a sound on the door. Donghae proceeded to the doctor's office meanwhile Yoona stayed outside to watch.  
Few minutes later, a nurse came in to assist Jessica in removing her IV drip. Donghae had called that the permission is approved but she can't go back to the ward as there is an emergency meeting at his company. 
Yoona follows Jessica who's walking lifelessly out of that hospital. The blood on the floor from Jessica's hand didn't slip from Yoona's eyes. 
What would the blood be? 
Where is it coming from? 
Is she badly hurt? 
Does it hurt a lot? 
She wanted to ask such question but she lack the courage. She could only follow Jessica until the latter had flagged a cab. 
She said no when donghae pleaded to her. 
But why is she following the cab Jessica took? 
Why is she, so concerned? 
"Xiao unnie, Can you do me a favor?" 
"Sure thing, what is it?" 
"Can you trace where Tiffany could be?" 
"Not a problem. Give me 15 minutes" 
"Thanks unnie!" 
15 minutes is far too long. But she can't demand more. She know how difficult it is to trace a person. But Xiaoxiao, sensing the rush of need from the younger, sent the info 5 minutes earlier as promised 
"In her apartment??" She asked when she looked at the address "We're not going there though??" 
'Thanks unnie' 
"Where is she going?" 
Her question is answered when the cab took to a halt. It stopped to the park where they usually meet before. 
"Why here?" 
Unlike the former question, her question wasn't answered because Jessica just sat on the bench and not uttering any words at all. 
"How nice it is to be back here" Jessica smiled with her eyes closed and inhaling the scent of lavender surrounding that park. 
'How sleepyhead …' Yoona mumbled when Jessica's head keeps on falling to the side after a few minutes. She sat beside and let the head lay on her shoulder 
"I miss you Yoong" Mumbled Jessica on her sleep and a lone tear fell of her eyes. She knows that Jessica mumbles in her sleep at times, but why does it came as a surprise? 
She said no to donghae’s plea, but why is she doing all of this? 
When the phone rings and Jessica shifted, Yoona took that opportunity and stealthily walked a meter away 
"It's time. Come back now" 
"I’ll be there as soon as I can" 
"Did you two talked?" 
"Then where are you??!!" 
"Hae, I’m going back and that's okay" she answered standing up to leave the park 
"Okay. Be safe" 

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
910 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
917 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲