Anxiety. (CH. 8 XLVII)

A secret place.
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Before I focus on our thesis, I would like to give an update hehe. So, to the long time friendly readers, I hope you'd be patient enough to wait till I can update again. And to the new ones, I hope that you can catch up to reading from the first to the latest (which is this one).

Enjoy this update and see you again this October~



"What is the commotion about?" Jin asked when the Im's weren't having their breakfast like the usual 
"Abuelito, Can I not go to school too?" Pleaded Soyou while the couple sternly answered a 'NO' 
"Im Soyou, Come here" 
"Why aren't you going to school for?" 
"Because oppa isn't" 
"Sweetie, just because your oppa isn't going to school means you too won't" He explained before proceeding to sit - to join them for breakfast 
"No! What if, What if that ahjussi goes to my school this time? I'm scared abuelito! Umma also has this scary ahjumma as a friend" 
"And why is this scary ahjumma added to your reason of you not wanting to go to school?" Asked Jessica with a furrowed brow  
"She always try to fetch me when umma isn't there to do so" She frowned "I'm just not telling you because she likes umma" huffed her 
"Alright" Jin concluded "But starting tomorrow onwards, you'd be going to school with a guard, okay?" 
"No" Jessica disagreed "Dad, No. They can go to school without guards. Having one would only drag more attention" 
"That's right .." Yoona seconded "And, I don't have work so I could be the one to do so" 
"I won't hire someone who guards like the ones celebrities have. Instead, I'll have my hoobae's to do so. They're just teenagers who works in my gym, they could be the kid's friend too" 
"But dad …" Yoona sighed. She doesn't really like the idea of kids being treated specially. Because all she wanted is the kids growing up like how a usual one should 
"I know. I know what you're trying to reason with. But it's my grandchildren we're talking about. Whoever that 'ahjussi' is, he messed with the wrong kid/kids" 
Yoona was going to retort but Jessica held her hand. She know that her father won't change his decision anytime now. Also the fact that Jin looked so determined to do so. 
"That guards … they won't leave me or oppa, right?" Soyou asked  
"Yes sweetie" 
"Oppa almost got taken yesterday" Frowned her as she tells the story of what happened yesterday 
"I know. You've been telling me countless time" He smiled at Soyou with a pinch on her nose while Jessica could only grunt. Now she knew why her father got persistent about having the guards – Soyou must've told exaggerating stories. 
"Abuelito said that I can not go to school. I can sleep again, right?" She asked but left without getting any response from parents 
"I know you don't like the idea of guards and the special treatment. But when I refused to sue him before, doesn't mean that I'm allowing him to do what he wants to my grandchildren"  
"Sue?" Yoona asked confusedly 
"You don't know?" Jin asked back "When Nath had the allergies, Sooyeon became wary of that guy" 
"I … I forgot to tell her dad" 
"So you two aren't in good terms yet, huh?" 
"Well, I won't meddle to that since that is not something for me to do so. But one thing I can say, whatever you're fighting of, don't show it to the kids" 
"Yes dad" Yoona glanced at Jessica before answering Jin.  
"How's my baby doing?" Asked Jessica when she saw Nath watching tv at the living room. Katherine have told the couple to put an extra care to him as he might be very fragile and sensitive at the moment causing him to trigger unwanted fears or other bad signs for a kid. 
"You don't have work, mommy?" 
"I went to work when you were still sleeping. I finished what I had to do and went home ~" She smiled, returning the gesture "How's your sleep?" 
"I woke up with Soyou talking in her sleep beside me" Chuckled him "But don't tell her I told you" 
"I heard that" Scoffed Soyou while descending the stairs "I don't talk!" 
"Have you eaten?" 
"I'll just have my brunch since umma is already cooking lunch" Answered him before whispering "Agree that she doesn't talk" 
"Maybe I heard it wrong. Right mommy?" Soyou looked on 'Mommy, agree that she doesn't even if she does hehe' 
"No, You talk" Yoona stuck her tongue out before giving Nath a ham sandwich, scrambled egg, and orange juice 
"Hmp!" She sulkily crossed her arms over her chest as she sits beside Nath 
"You said that umma is making lunch but she gave you a breakfast instead" She pointed out to Nath who already started devouring the scrambled egg "How about my other baby? Why aren't you having your breakfast yet?" Asked her tucking Soyou's hair behind her ear – she's still like before, doesn't care if she has a messy hair. 
Instead of answering, she opened her arms widely – for Jessica to carry her. 
"Aigoo, What does my baby want?" 
"I just want to be with you. I have work in …" She stopped explaining and using her fingers to count "I think 4 days" 
"You have work?" 
"Yes! The PD-nim called this morning and said that I could take the job" Grinned her. Soyou would really love to work with Taehee in her upcoming new drama. 
Jessica nodded "Wifey, Why aren't you giving my baby her breakfast?" 
"She said that she wants chicken when she wakes up so I promised her that we'll have the chicken she wants later for lunch at the park. And you? Home early or?" 
"I went home early. There were only some paperworks left for me to do" 
"Oh? I didn't plan on cooking …" 
"It's okay, whatever is good for me" She assured before heading for the fridge "Let's see what dooyou could eat" 
"Corn dog?" Asked her when Soyou pointed to the box of corn dog "You and your umma likes hotdogs and sausages that soon you'll be competing who's going to turn into one first" 
"Changed my mind. I want what oppa is having. Let umma be the one who turns into a sausage" 
"What would you do if I turn into one?" Asked Yoona as she grab what she needed in preparing Soyou's 'brunch'  
"Eat you! It's a sausage party!" Jessica giggled as Yoona pouted "Mum, You're a giant sausage!" 
"Wait patiently for your food, okay? Mommy's going to change clothes" She let Soyou to sit on the counter but Soyou won't let her go 
"Drop me down, I'll eat oppa's food" 
"I'm already cooking yours" Yoona side glared "Don't bully your oppa" 
"No, share-share. I'll share mine to him later" 
"Okay" Jessica dropped her down while Yoona shouted a 'Hey! Make sure to do so" to Soyou who already ran towards Nath 
"Mum, Put salt in Soyou's egg. Mine's bland!" Nath showed up with a sad face. His intention is to gr

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
917 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
928 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲