
Nobody But Yours.
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In Paris...


Paris was the city of love, where most couples went for their honeymoon and enjoyed some well-deserved quality time together. There were so many people taking in the beautiful scenery and going on dates to strengthen their relationship. No tourists had managed to stay there and make Paris their home so easily but there was one couple who decided to stay. The wife had immensely enjoyed her vacation here and wanted to experience life here, much to her lover's objection but they ended up staying here anyway. The couple, in fact, was enjoying life here like normal citizens without caring too much about their idol status back in their native country.

“Kwon Yuri! Come here!”

Yoona had her hands on her hips, donning the apron she had on with a biggest frown of the week. She could already tell that the baby bump was going to get in the way really soon but not now, definitely not. In fact, Yoona was not going to stay in bed like most pregnant mothers usually did, she was going to have her wife’s head really soon if Yuri wasn’t going to get off her game device. Ever since she got pregnant with their little, tiny biscuit in her womb, her wife had been testing her limits far beyond her expectations.

“Yes, Yoong?” Yuri peeked in from the counter separating the kitchen and the cozy living room. She wasn’t going to into the kitchen before she was assured of her own safety. “You were looking for me because…?”

“You. Come. Here. Now.”

The curling of Yoona’s finger usually did it for Yuri when it came to seductive motions but this one was scaring the wits out of her. Yuri entered the kitchen slowly and cautiously, pouting when she saw Yoona’s glare. She was at the receiving end of Yoona's constant moodswings lately but this was one of the worst by far. Yoona had been dying to cuddle in her arms the entire morning until she decided to bake some chocolate chip cookies for the children residing in the nearby orphanage out of the blue. Yuri wasn't allowed to go into the kitchen when Yoona was busy but now that she was being ordered to... it was dangerous. 

Yoona pointed at herself, “do you see anything wrong with this picture?”

Yuri cocked an eyebrow, shaking her head in confusion.

“This is not my apron!” Yoona pouted, walking towards her wife. She grabbed the front of her own apron and shoved it in front of Yuri, waiting for a genuine reply. “Care to explain why there was only one apron on the rack this morning?”

Bursting into laughter immediately, Yuri slapped the counter multiple times as she continued laughing at her wife’s attempt to scold her for something so minor – it really was the moodswings. Yoona was awfully adorable for getting uptight over something like this, and it was amusing Yuri to no end; it was already more than enough for Yoona to cling onto her excessively. Just the other day Yoona was having a full-on ranting session at Yuri for not turning to another TV channel that was suitable for the both of them… oh, her pregnant wife was really getting cuter by the day. 

“Is it funny? I don’t find it funny.”

Yuri clamped down on her lower lip to hide her laughter, approaching her scary wife with her hands outstretched in front of her. She s her arm around her angry wife’s waist and grinned, “that apron you love so much is in the wash, baby. What’s so bad about using my apron for the time being?” Yuri was sure she shouldn’t have asked that question when she saw the look on Yoona’s face become darker. She had forgotten that pregnant women's emotions were more unstable and unpredictable now; Yoona was very sensitive, even to the slighest things.

Yoona crossed her arms over her chest and stubbornly faced the other way, not giving in to her own temptation to embrace Yuri in her arms. She didn't get her own Rilakkumma-designed apron and had to stick with the Mickey Mouse one her wife adored so very much.


“You sleep outside tonight.”

That being said, Yoona planted a soft kiss on Yuri’s lips and pushed her wife out of the kitchen. She was going to begin baking and no one was going to disturb her, not even her wife who was whining so irritatingly. Yuri pouted and went back into the living room, resting her chin on her palms as her elbows propped her up. She threw her legs upon the sofa and sighed, mentally thanking herself for not having to do any volunteer work today; last night had been both taxing, fun and pressurising on her – imagine making love to a pregnant woman for 7 hours straight and after work at that.

Yoona was, however, enjoying the sight of her sulking wife on the sofa, playing the video games as if she had a grudge to hold against the devices. She was ultimately grateful for whatever Yuri had done for her the past few months. 

“Behave, baby.”

“I am!”




“And she sulked till she fell asleep. Isn’t that cute? When I found that kid, she was sleeping on the floor with her Mickey Mouse. God, it should be a crime for someone to be this adorable.”

“Yes, Yoong,” Tiffany deadpanned. She had missed the young ones a lot but God forbid; Tiffany had been listening to Yoona gush about their black pearl for almost an hour now. “I know Yul’s cute and all but she’s not my bag of chips, darling. I’d rather hear about your life there now.”

Taeyeon smiled to herself when she heard what Tiffany said; it was so difficult to control their doe-eyed member from talking excessively about Yuri. She was still popular world-wide due to her God-gifted voice but Taeyeon was no longer an official idol; it was more of a freelance job for her now. Tiffany, on the other hand, had been invited to collaborate with many artistes here in the States but she turned them all down. She was done with the entertainment industry for now, and she was not planning to dive into it head-first anymore. Besides, she had another business to focus on right now. 

When Tiffany finally got off the phone with Yoona, she saw the incoming pop-up window staring back at her on the laptop. A bright smile appeared on her face and she begin typing furiously.


jessi ⛄ STEPHANIE HWANG!!!! what jung sooyeon how dare you send my designs in for tailoring!!! they were beautiful i couldnt help myself dont lie :(  i'm not i sent them in because they were perfect and you were going to change them again :( i hate you miyoung you love me say it i love you good girl goodnight jessi


“Is Sica bothering you again?” Taeyeon rolled her eyes when she said that but she almost passed out when she read the last few lines of the conversation. “Yah! Why are you demanding to be loved from Sica?”

Tiffany raised her fist and knuckled Taeyeon’s forehead for being an over-jealous girlfriend. She stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend when she received a pout from Taeyeon; this was so normal nowadays. “Don’t be so sensitive, TaeTae. It’s just Jessica that’s receiving some love from me. I love everyone just the same.” Tiffany said and resumed her typing furiously, continuing to send out Jessica’s designs as she said she would. 

That’s right.

Jessica and Tiffany were now working hand-in-hand, so while one promoted in America, the other promoted in Korea – the business was doing really well because of the global promotion. Tiffany was such an independent businesswoman and Taeyeon wondered why she even wanted to be with someone like herself in the first place. All Taeyeon had to offer was her beautiful voice, and only in her own view of course. She had completely no idea of what Tiffany saw in her which was unfortunate, really. It was also one of the reasons why Tiffany always made sure to check on her girlfriend's emotional and

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Chapter 32: Aww i love this story so much :D i am a yoonyul & taeny shipper but there is so much love in every couple.. And their hugs and kisses are so cute ^_^ thnkuh so much for this lovely story <3
Chapter 32: Love it
hkinki #3
Chapter 32: Big applause author !! You are great !!! Please share more stories with us soon!!! Pretty please :)
Chapter 32: I enjoy it so much and ready to read another story from soon!!!!
1130 streak #5
Chapter 32: So taeny and SooSun doesn't have plans of getting married and have their kids? Authourssi?
Chapter 32: I love it. Thank u for this story :)
Chapter 31: Finally they're married :) I do love it.
Thxxxx u for the update xD
Chapter 31: YoonYul !!! They are already married and yuri's jealousy is totally cute. Anyway, thank you so much for this. See you soon, FIGHTING !!! (^_^)