Chapter 18

Nobody But Yours.
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“I swear she’s doing this on purpose.”

Everyone with the exception of Sunny rolled their eyes at the sight of Yuri sitting on the ground with the sulkiest expression they had ever seen from her.  Taeyeon bent down beside Yuri and pinched her cheek, “who asked you to make her jealous yesterday?” Yuri crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from Taeyeon, giving the leader her back.

“No wonder Yoong says she’s dating a baby all the time…”

Yuri snapped her head back, glaring at Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon was about to apologize when all Yuri said was, “I’m not a baby,” before going back to her position. Jessica just chuckled, shaking her head at how Yuri would probably never grow up because of Yoona’s constant pampering. Knowing that no one else would bother to entertain Yuri other than Yoona, the tanned girl just headed to her room with heavy shoulders.

Just as the room door shut, the bathroom door opened and it revealed Yoona, freshly showered and sweet-smelling. “Where did Yuri go?” Yoona asked, drying her hair. Without a word, everyone pointed their fingers to their bedroom with defeated looks.


Yoona walked into the room, ready to entertain a child with a bad temper when she saw Yuri lying on the bed with the covers thrown over her entire body, a calm breathing pattern spotted. “Yul? Baby?” Yoona whispered, moving closer towards the bed with light footsteps.

When there was no response, Yoona was certain her baby of a girlfriend was definitely asleep. She gently landed her on the bed, sitting next to the breathing lump. Yoona bent over and carefully peeled the covers off Yuri, revealing a messy-haired Kwon Yuri, a pout still plastered on her adorable face.

Yuri was the meaning of perfection and by that, Yoona meant in every single way. No one else could love her like Yuri did and it was proven on so many levels. She has never felt safer with anyone else than Yuri and it made Yoona beyond happy, knowing that she has finally made the right choice in her many wrong choices. Yuri was the choice she was going to make for the rest of her life - Yuri > everyone else. 

But for now.... Yuri was going to have to suffer for making her jealous. 


Yoona was waiting for Sunny in her car, the two were supposedly going to a club just to let off some steam; not that they had any steam to let off, their main purpose was to merely make Yuri and Sooyoung jealous. Sunny waved and walked towards the car, “hey, Yoong! Ready to go?”  

“Did we go too far, Unnie?”

Sunny’s lips curled at the end, a smile forming on her face – Yoona was being way too thoughtful and sweet. They hadn’t even started anything but here she was worried that she would push the boundaries. Sunny, on the other hand, knew how to play the game better.

“We haven’t started anything, babe. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

Yoona finally closed her eyes, resting her head on the headrest of the car as she let Sunny take her to wherever they were supposed to go tonight. Sunny couldn't help but chortle quietly; Yoona could be such a worry-wart sometimes and it led to her spoiling Yuri too much, especially when Yuri was already behaving like a kid when she was with Yoona.

“Yoona-ah, do you think I’m that bad? I won’t go to a club without the person I’m dating.” Sunny grinned and Yoona opened her eyes, whipping her head towards Sunny’s direction. She pouted and started to whine, “Yah… then why did you make Yuri think that we were? She’s probably pissed off now.”  

Sunny rolled her eyes and knuckled Yoona's head, “did you forget that they were the ones who made us jealous first, Yoongie? They should be grateful that we aren’t really going to a club.” Yoona thought for a while before nodding in agreement, maintaining her silence once more.



Sooyoung nudged the sulky black pearl sitting beside her in the passenger seat, her eyes focused on the car in front of theirs. She and Yuri had been following their girlfriends for the past hour or so and it didn't even occur to them that Yoona and Sunny were well aware of them following their car. She knew it was wrong but they wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if they didn't make sure Sunny and Yoona were safe. 

“Yah. We’ve already established that they aren’t going to the club so stop sulking for a minute, will you?”

“But still… I didn’t mean to make her jealous,” Yuri pouted in helplessness, kicking her leg against the seat, “that girl came to me and asked if I was single first! I told her I wasn’t and all she did was wish me well in my relationship…” 

Sooyoung smacked her forehead, “then you should have explained yourself to Yoona before she could get jealous, stupid. You actually brought this upon yourself, so stop sulking before I kick you out of my car!” Sooyoung discreetly smiled when she realised Yuri had stopped sulking and was now focused on Yoona's backview. 

“Well, if they’re not going to the club then where are they going? They’ve been driving around for almost an hour, Soo.” Yuri said and finally gasped in realization, “do you think they know that we’re following them?” Sooyoung's mind also formed a light bulb over her head; she should have realised that they would know sooner or later. 

“Then, let’s make it look like a pure coincidence.”

That being said, Yuri and Sooyoung unbuckled their seatbelts before adjusting their crumpled clothes. If they were going to fool their smart girlfriends successfully, then they had to make it look convincing first. Yuri turned to Sooyoung and held out her palm, “ready?” Sooyoung clamped her hand down on Yuri’s, giving her a high five, “ready.” 

Yuri confidently opened the door and........ fell flat on her face. “OW! What the hell…” Yuri yelped as she looked back down on the floor, fi

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Chapter 32: Aww i love this story so much :D i am a yoonyul & taeny shipper but there is so much love in every couple.. And their hugs and kisses are so cute ^_^ thnkuh so much for this lovely story <3
Chapter 32: Love it
hkinki #3
Chapter 32: Big applause author !! You are great !!! Please share more stories with us soon!!! Pretty please :)
Chapter 32: I enjoy it so much and ready to read another story from soon!!!!
1130 streak #5
Chapter 32: So taeny and SooSun doesn't have plans of getting married and have their kids? Authourssi?
Chapter 32: I love it. Thank u for this story :)
Chapter 31: Finally they're married :) I do love it.
Thxxxx u for the update xD
Chapter 31: YoonYul !!! They are already married and yuri's jealousy is totally cute. Anyway, thank you so much for this. See you soon, FIGHTING !!! (^_^)