Chapter 20

Nobody But Yours.
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Yoona heaved a sigh and turned to lie on her side, seeing another bare body in front of her. She instinctively formed a smile and reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face; last night had been amazing and out of this world. Gently moving towards Yuri, Yoona supported herself on her arms and hovered above the sleeping black pearl. The view in front of her was completely mesmerizing, Yoona could only hope she would be able to do this everyday. 



Yuri was still on her knees and the sacred words had already left her lips, Yoona still didn’t break her silence. She was rendered absolutely speechless at how thoughtful and meaningful Yuri’s proposal was; Yuri had indeed covered all the important and insecure things that Yoona had been thinking about all these years. Now that Yuri finally popped the question along with the solutions for her insecurities, Yoona didn’t know what to say or do.


Yoona must have been silent for way too long because Yuri grunted, getting on her two feet. She huffed and snapped the box shut, standing in front of Yoona with a teary pout. “Here,” Yuri pushed the box into Yoona’s hand, “you can think about it and if you accept me, put it on. If not… just throw it away.”

The doe-eyed woman looked at the box in her hand with teary eyes, unable to believe what Yuri had just said. She had the perfect woman standing right in front of her; what the bloody hell was she doing, letting her slip out of her grasp like that? 

Yuri held onto the arms that were wrapped tightly around her waist and shook her head. She tried to pray Yoona’s arms off her waist but to no avail, considering that Yoona was using all her strength to trap Yuri in her embrace. Yoona felt tears slide down her cheeks without stopping, unable to hold herself together at the thought of Yuri not spending the rest of her life with her. 

“Don’t force yourself, Yoona.” Yuri whispered, turning around to face Yoona. She gently cupped Yoona's face and placed a kiss on her forehead, shutting her eyes before resting her forehead against Yoona's, “I will wait for you to be ready. We’ve been through so much and for us to end up together, it’s obviously fate.”

Yoona took hold of Yuri's hands on her cheeks and planted soft kisses on her knuckles, “I love you, Yuri. I love you so much and if you propose to me… I will always say yes, because I trust you.” Yoona’s eyes flickered upwards to meet Yuri’s and she smiled at the sight of Yuri’s teary puppy eyes. She mimicked each and every one of Yuri's actions before beaming a smile, “yes, I will marry you.”​

Flashback end.


As to how they ended up in bed like this... I'll leave it your fantastic imagination. 

“Are you having dirty thoughts about me?”

Yoona’s eyes widened and she looked down upon Yuri’s face, finding her fiancée’s eyes still closed. She could swear she heard Yuri say something but the latter was still sleeping. Yuri tried to stop herself from laughing when Yoona's fingers was starting to rain pokes on her cheeks; Yoona could never stop playing with her face, ever since they started dating for the first time. 

“Stop…” Yuri whined, grabbing hold of Yoona’s fingers, “I’m awake! I’m awake!”  

A knowing smirk formed on Yoona’s face and she poked Yuri’s nose this time, “I knew it. You can’t fool me, not when you’ve been doing this for so long.” 

Yoona pecked Yuri’s nose and got off her fiancée, laying her head atop her arm. “Why are you awake at this time, Yoong? It’s not even five yet… don’t tell me you’re hungry because I have no energy.” Yuri asked, turning to look at Yoona with a small yawn. “Yah, do you really think I’ll make you cook before dawn?” Yoona asked, glaring at the tanned woman grinning back at her.

“Then why are you awake?”

“I was just looking at you…” Yoona said, moving as close as possible; she moved till her breath was starting to tickle Yuri’s lips, “and I couldn’t go back to sleep.”

Yuri was about to say something else when she was momentarily blinded by a shiny item in her midst; as if it was on cue, a refreshing, beautiful smile soon surfaced upon her face. She turned towards Yoona and pointed to her ring finger with her lips, “it looks gorgeous on you.” Yuri could only stare at Yoona, awe-struck when the latter giggled shyly along with a dark pink crawling up her cheeks.  

“Your words really did wonders back there,” Yoona admitted in a bashful confession, “I can’t believe you managed to remember everything I was worried about ever since pre-debut. I mean, I don’t even remember some of the things I said but you managed to, and that’s what made me agree to your proposal.”


Yoona shrugged, “pretty much, yeah.”


Yuri’s shout could jolly well wake everyone up but she couldn’t care less now; she wanted to know what in the world Yoona was talking about. She sat up in a fit of anger and stared at Yoona who was giving her a smug look, absolutely proud of herself for riling Yuri up like that. Yoona rested her head on her arms and stared up at Yuri with her innocent doe eyes, waiting for another reaction. 

Yuri crinkled her nose and moved to straddle Yoona’s waist, ignoring the wide-eyed expression coming from the latter. “Really? Was that all you said yes to?” Yoona gulped loudly, her gaze going way below Yuri’s face and below

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Chapter 32: Aww i love this story so much :D i am a yoonyul & taeny shipper but there is so much love in every couple.. And their hugs and kisses are so cute ^_^ thnkuh so much for this lovely story <3
Chapter 32: Love it
hkinki #3
Chapter 32: Big applause author !! You are great !!! Please share more stories with us soon!!! Pretty please :)
Chapter 32: I enjoy it so much and ready to read another story from soon!!!!
1131 streak #5
Chapter 32: So taeny and SooSun doesn't have plans of getting married and have their kids? Authourssi?
Chapter 32: I love it. Thank u for this story :)
Chapter 31: Finally they're married :) I do love it.
Thxxxx u for the update xD
Chapter 31: YoonYul !!! They are already married and yuri's jealousy is totally cute. Anyway, thank you so much for this. See you soon, FIGHTING !!! (^_^)