GANG BRAWL 33 - Revenge

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credits: annejiyongi

credits: masterseungri

credits: sillyroch


Weeks had passed that felt like years. There were moments when he forgot he had no right to be beside her anymore. Moments when he had to remind himself why he had to let go, but it was not an easy task.


Jiro halted his steps and took a sharp intake of breath as Dara walked past her in the hallway, her left wrist wrapped with bandage. He clicked his tongue in frustration, battling with himself if he should approach her or not. A ing bandage? What the hell happened to her? His worries began mounting as troubling thoughts entered his mind. He spun around and followed the girl, calling her name when he saw Dara descending the stairs of the Arts Building.


“Ramirez”, he called out. He saw her stiffen when she heard his voice, and he felt the now familiar pinch in his heart with her reaction towards him.


Dara stopped on one of the steps and glanced back at him, her eyes bearing no emotion other than puzzlement. “Yes?”


“What’s that bandage? How did you get injured? What happened?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowing.


“Oh”, she raised her arm a bit to look at her wrist, “this is nothing”, she replied with disinterest. She then turned around and continued descending but Jiro quickly followed her and caught up with her again at the bottom of the stairs.


“Ramirez”, Jiro called out.


“I’m going to be late for my next class”, she muttered without throwing a glance at the guy who was matching her quick pace.


“Wait”, Jiro said and gripped her arm to stop her. Dara frowned and faced him, her expression reflecting her exasperation. They have been doing a great job ignoring each other but what is this?




“How did you get injured?”


“Because of my stupidity, okay? Now let go”, Dara tried to wiggle free but his grip is unyielding.


“How did it happen?” He asked between gritted teeth, suppressing his annoyance.


“I slipped.”


“Why did you slip? Where?”


“There’s a burst pipe in my kitchen and I slipped because of the puddle of water on the floor. Can you let go now?”


“Are you taking anti-inflammatory medicine? Did you get the pipe fixed? Don’t let anyone in your house without-…”


“My God, Jiro! Stop doing this!”


“Doing what?”


“This!” Dara erupted. “Are you doing this because you’re worried for me?” She chuckled bitterly and slightly shook her head. “Do you understand our current situation, Jiro?”


He was stunned to silence, his heart aching as realization settled in, but he concealed what he was feeling. In between his pained breaths, the undeniable yearning buried in his chest, he managed to stare at her with a stoic gaze, as if it didn’t hurt…as if he was okay.


“I just want to know why you’re injured”, he said flatly.


Dara sighed heavily and averted her eyes, her arm hanging limply from his grip. “Why do you have to know?” She asked in a quiet voice before dragging her gaze back at him. “You shouldn’t be doing this.”


“Why not?”


“Because I don’t want you to”, she stated. “You already gave up on me. I told you, you should be responsible for your decision.”


“Ramirez, I told you we should stop our relationship, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop protecting you.”


“Then do it but stay away from me.”


Stay away from me. Her words echoed in his ears as if someone shouted it from faraway. His body became still, his gaze focused on the girl who was staring back at him with equal intensity…those eyes that used to look at him fondly. There was a heavy feeling that was drowning him, and it was becoming hard for him to pretend that he was fine. He lost her. 


“If you don’t have the guts to stay, then stay away. You said you don’t want to see me suffer, but this is making me suffer, Jiro. When you said we should end our relationship, this is part of what we’re ending. This is your choice, remember?”


He lost her. He pushed her away and now, she’s doing the same thing to him. A stiff silence hung between them as he searched his mind for something to say, but no words came out of his lips. He just stood there, frozen on his spot, unable to form any coherent thought.


“You can let go now”, she mumbled and looked at his hand still gripping her arm. Jiro let her go, and he watched as the girl walked away.




“They really broke up. I can’t believe this”, Namee told Picaro as they watched Dara walking away from Jiro. They were sitting at one of the round tables in front of the Arts Building when they spotted the two talking at the bottom of the stairs. “Dara is not revealing much but I have this nagging feeling that this is Takizawa’s fault.”


“I don’t see her hanging around Jiro anymore, though.”


“Yeah, but what does she do when others are not looking?”


“You really have a beef with Takizawa, don’t you?” Picaro eyed her questioningly.


“No, I don’t.”


He raised his brows at her, seemingly unconvinced.


“Fine”, Namee rolled her eyes at him, cupping her face with her palm, her elbow rested on the round table. “I must admit, I’m not very fond of her especially when she kept clinging to Jiro after almost everyone in school learned of my friend and your leader’s relationship. I’m sure she’s aware that it’s awkward for the current girlfriend to see her boyfriend’s ex buzzing around him, but she still kept on doing it.”


“I understand your point, but you can’t deny that she’s quite pitiful. She’s obviously not happy with what she’s doing, but she can’t stop doing it.”


“She’s forcing a shoe that doesn’t fit anymore.”




“Why do you think Ice Lord approached Dara?” Namee asked while pulling a box of Pepero bread stick from her bag.


“I bet Jiro is worried when he saw that Dara is injured. How did she get injured, by the way?” Picaro said, grabbing the snack from Namee and opening it before handing it back to her.


“There was a puddle of water in her kitchen floor because of a burst pipe. She turned off the valve and was about to clean but she slipped and had a bad fall that’s why her wrist is sprained.”


“I see.”


“So, what’s the deal with your leader?” Namee asked while munching a bread stick. “Why did he have to resort to breaking up with my friend when it’s obvious he still cares for her?”


Picaro shook his head lightly, sighing a bit as he spoke, “He once told me that Dara needs someone who deserves her…someone not like him. I think the entire problem lies with how Jiro views himself. I knew he has been through a lot but since we never experienced what he had to go through, it’s hard for us to understand how he sees things.”


“But Dara accepted him. Despite everything, Dara accepted him and is desperately trying to make things work for them. I may not know what his past is and what his worries are, but one thing is for sure, he ruined what they had.”


“Do you think they can start again?”


“Someone has to make the first step to start something. And the way I see it, Dara is firm in holding her ground”, Namee looked somberly at her friend who was walking along the university path towards the next building before shifting her eyes at Jiro who is still standing at the bottom of the stairs, following Dara with his gaze. “This time, Jiro has to be strong and committed enough to fight his way back to her.”




Dara’s eyes widened a bit in surprise when she opened the door and saw Bullet standing there, a wide grin slipping in his lips.


“I’m hereee!” Bullet stretched his arms wide, wiggling his fingers for added effect.


“You’re here”, Dara deadpanned. “Why are you here?”


Without uttering a word, he stepped inside her house, walking past the flabbergasted girl while taking off his jacket. He threw it on the couch and and turned around to face her with a huge smile, placing his hands on his hips like he’s some super human out to conquer the world.


“So… Where are your plumbing tools?”


Dara arched her eyebrows at him in bewilderment as she closed the door. “You’re here to fix the pipes in the kitchen?”




She crossed her arms over her chest, a knowing smile on her lips. “Do you know how to fix it?”


“I’m a man of many talents, munchkin.”


“Is plumbing one of them?”


“I plan to include it in my list.”


“Meaning, you haven’t done it before.”


“Awww, have a little faith in me, munchkin”, Bullet approached her and stood behind the girl, placing his hands on her shoulders and pushing her towards the kitchen. “Now, show me what needs to be fixed and hand me whatever tools you have.”


Dara glanced back at him suspiciously, still unconvinced that the guy will be able to be of any help. “It’s a burst pipe, Bullet. You might kill yourself while trying to fix it”, she warned him.


“You’re forgetting the ‘man of many talents’ part. I’m pretty sure I can handle it.”


The girl didn’t argue anymore and showed him the burst pipe under the kitchen sink. She handed him the tools and slumped on the kitchen floor beside the guy who was inspecting the damage. “I tried to temporarily seal the damaged section with a duct tape, but it didn’t last.”


“Hmmm. Okay, I’ll see what I can do. Watch TV or something while I fix this”, he instructed.


“What do you plan to do?”


“Just go, munchkin. I got this”, he assured her, ruffling her hair.


“Fine”, Dara said and stood up. “I’ll just fold my laundry while you do your stuff.”


She strode away but when she turned the corner, she hid behind the wall and watched what the guy is going to do. A smile crossed her face when she saw him typing on his phone, his face in full concentration as he read something. ‘Google’, she thought. Just as she predicted, her friend has zero clue on how to fix a pipe. Shaking her head a bit in amusement, Dara proceeded to her room.


A few minutes have passed and she has already finished folding her clothes and arranging them in her closet. She was on her way to the kitchen when she heard Bullet grunting in annoyance followed by a string of curses. Then, a loud noise was heard, sound of water splashing and more curses from her friend. She chuckled and went back to her room to get a towel and to prepare a change of clothes. It’s not hard to guess what happened to the poor guy.


Dara went back to the kitchen and suppressed her smile when she saw the disaster that Bullet caused. The guy was slumped on the floor, his arms resting on his bent knees and a C-clamp hanging on his hand, his clothes drenched with water. She walked towards the guy and sat beside him on the dry part of the kitchen floor, handing him the towel.


“Munchkin, you really need a plumber”, he informed him and grabbed the towel from her, draping it on his shoulder.


“What happened to the ‘man of many talents’?” She asked. Bullet glanced at her and twitched his lips somberly, “I thought I can impress you with my awesomeness.”


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Hi All, i'm re-posting the chaps of my other fics in line with wattpad ^_^ pls bear with me. You will be able to read it again after I posted all the chaps.


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0 points #1
Chapter 42: Such wonderful story!! I hope you write more DG stories here authornim..

Thank you so much for your undying you!!
0 points #2
Chapter 39: Go for it Jiroooo!!
Chapter 37: Awwwww this is so heartbreaking Jiro crying..I cannot!!
Chapter 33: I know he wanted her to be happy.. but his choice of ways is too selfish.
Chapter 25: Aiyoooo ahahah
Chapter 19: Jiro the fool that you are
Chapter 18: RIKOOOOOOO! I'm going to kill you.
Chapter 15: Owwww
Chapter 14: Okay ! I'm team DG jiro now
Chapter 13: Ow em geeeee!!