GANG BRAWL 11 - The Truth About Namee

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credits: ThisIsAnneca

credits: trpplr_c


Dara’s POV


WHY WON’T YOU KISS ME?! Somebody please tell me I was just dreaming! Did I really say that? Argh! The shame!


I groaned exasperatedly and planted my face on my palms. I just woke up with the mother of all headaches threatening to split my skull open and when I recalled what I did last night, I seriously want to disappear. How can I face Jiro again?! No no no. I will NEVER appear in front of him again. To hell with my promise about not running away! I will avoid him until he forgets my existence.


As I got off the bed, I caught sight of my reflection on the mirror and gasped. Oh my God, who are you?! I shrieked like a wounded animal and stared at myself on the mirror again – messy hair, puffy eyes, and red blotches on my skin. I acted like that last night while looking like this?! GAHH!


Something is seriously wrong with this week, I can feel it. I hastily prepared for school, ignoring the pounding in my head. As I went to the kitchen, I saw a bowl of soup and a medicine on the dining table with a note.


‘Don’t go to school. I’ll ask your noisy friend to tell your professors that you’re sick. – Jiro’


I read the note multiple times, a smile slipping on my lips. Just thinking that I’m the only one whom Jiro treats this way, my heart flutters a bit. But when my mind replayed what happened last night, the humiliation crept in my system again.  UGH!!


I thought nothing would top the embarrassment I had after I kissed him on the cheek when he prepared me a packed lunch but last night’s events won by a landslide. I can now vividly recall how I rubbed my cheeks on his chest and purred like a cat, asking him why he wouldn’t kiss me! GAH! I don’t know what to do anymore!


I shook my head in frustration and hastily ate what Jiro prepared. Even though my body felt like it weighs a metric ton, I had to drag myself to school since we have a scheduled group presentation today. I don’t want to be a burden to my classmates just because of last night’s stupidity.


 “Munch…kin?” Bullet roamed his eyes on my face in astonishment when I came across him in the hallway. It was quite obvious he has not seen a walking zombie before. I knew I looked like someone who freshly crawled out of hell so I should be expecting such mortified looks from other people.


“What happened to you?” He asked.


“Got drunk”, I grunted.


“Is that because of me? I told you I’m willing to be your man!”


“Arden Lee”, I stated in a threatening tone. “I’m seriously not in the mood and I feel like strangling just about anyone and your neck is within my reach, so please…”


“Whoah”, Bullet draped his arm around me and I’m too weak to even protest. I can’t even bring myself to care about his ‘fan girls’ gawking at us. He tilted his head to hold my gaze and chuckled. “You really are in a bad shape.”


“I am. I feel terrible”, I complained.


Bullet’s smile faded and he looked at me intently. I almost want to apologize for looking like crap.


“Should I accompany you to the nurse’s office?”


“No. I’ll be fine. I already drank medicine.”


“You should go home.”


“I can’t. We have a group presentation.”


Bullet fell silent and he stared at me while pondering. I had to avert my gaze because I swear, I felt like my is folding itself in fear with the intensity of his gaze. He can be quite intimidating when he’s not smiling.


“Should I go get Jiro for you?”


“What? No! He’ll be pissed if he sees me”, I exclaimed in alarm and roamed my eyes to make sure he’s not around.


“Then, can I accompany you to your classes? I’ll just sit in some of the lessons during my vacant hours.”


“I’ll be fine, Bullet”, I said. That was a lie. My head still hurts and I feel like vomiting right now. If we continue standing like this in the hallway, he will be dragging an unconscious woman to the infirmary very soon. I want to sit now and rest for a while.


“You look pale, munchkin”, he noted. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. “Come on. I promise I won’t bother you”, he insisted.






Namee blinked multiple times while staring at the tall guy with a penetrating gaze and deep voice in front of her. She was on her way to one of her classes when the guy blocked her path. Even though the two has not been formally introduced yet, she already knew who he is. Of course, she knew him. She has been observing him from afar ever since she entered InterSAT.


Picaro – the sturdy pillar of the Black Dragons and Jiro’s most trusted member. He may be weird at times but all the gang members listen to him well. He’s the one who keeps them in check, especially the small guy named Bonsai.


“Hello”, Namee’s lips curved in a smile, her cheeks puffing up and her eyes forming a crescent moon shape.


Picaro has absolutely no idea why Dara’s noisy friend looks so ecstatic to see him. Does she know him? Well, most of the InterSAT students know him because he’s part of the Black Dragons. Or maybe Bonsai told her something. Bonsai DID tell her something! Otherwise, she won’t be smiling like she knew his soul. BONSAI. He will kill that little shrimp later.


“A request from Jiro”, Picaro started. “Please tell Dara’s professors that she will not be coming to school because she’s not feeling well.”


“Oh. But she went to school.”


“She did?”


“Yes”, Namee’s grin widened while Picaro’s eyebrows furrowed deeply. Her creepy smile is making him curious. But then again, almost anything makes him curious – like the whispers of the students around them, the ticking of the clock, the birds flying freely in the sky, the air he breathes… Why is the sky so blue?


Namee’s giggles pulled him out of his trance. He cocked his eyebrows in wonder as he stared at her. Most of the students in InterSAT get scared whenever he becomes unusually quiet – thinking that they made him mad so it’s time for them to die.


It must be his eyebrows; or the way his lips form a thin line when he’s in deep thought; or the creases in his forehe-… Anyway. The truth is, he just tends to think a lot, which is the reason for the awkward pauses and attention lapses. Picaro is actually the most stiff, or rather awkward, member of the Black Dragon gang. Not many people know this that’s why the students are scared of him. It works for him though; he can’t deal with idiots anyway. Except for idiot Bonsai.


But the girl in front of him is not deterred by his imposing presence. Oddly, she really looks…happy? Or probably, she’s laughing at him. But why? Did he say something funny? Nope. Does he look funny? Does he smell funny? What the heck is a funny smell?


“Hey”, Namee waved her hand in front of his face, startling him.


“I’m sorry, what did you say?” He asked.


“I said, my name is Namee Cheng”, she beamed at him.


“I know. Is there anything else?” Long conversation is really not his cup of tea. There are so many things he can do with his precious time, like finding out how long he could hold his breath for example.


“Uhm…Nothing”, Namee replied.


“Okay. Thanks. Bye”, Picaro strode away and headed towards the stairs. He was already at the top of the stair but his steps halted when Namee suddenly came rushing towards him

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Hi All, i'm re-posting the chaps of my other fics in line with wattpad ^_^ pls bear with me. You will be able to read it again after I posted all the chaps.


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Chapter 42: Such wonderful story!! I hope you write more DG stories here authornim..

Thank you so much for your undying you!!
Chapter 39: Go for it Jiroooo!!
Chapter 37: Awwwww this is so heartbreaking Jiro crying..I cannot!!
Chapter 33: I know he wanted her to be happy.. but his choice of ways is too selfish.
Chapter 25: Aiyoooo ahahah
Chapter 19: Jiro the fool that you are
Chapter 18: RIKOOOOOOO! I'm going to kill you.
Chapter 15: Owwww
Chapter 14: Okay ! I'm team DG jiro now
Chapter 13: Ow em geeeee!!