GANG BRAWL 24 - Ice Lord's Girl

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credits: tbd_07


The excited murmurs of InterSAT students filled the school. The news about Ice Lord’s girl spread like wildfire. There were always speculations before that he is involved with either Dara or Riko, yet nothing has been confirmed. But after almost everyone witnessed Ice Lord and Dara holding hands and kissing, their question has been answered and the fangirls’ dreams have been crushed.


Dara gave another lopsided smile as a random student whom she doesn’t know waved at her. Some of the girls, on the other hand, who were huddled at the corner of the hallway, were eyeing her with contempt. She sighed and hung her head low, thinking that the mixed reaction of students will take a lot of getting used to. When she decided to give that punishment to Jiro and let everyone see that they’re involved, she didn’t imagine it will explode in epic proportions.


“You gained a lot of friends and you gained a lot of enemies. But don’t worry, they won’t touch you”, Namee said as they reached their lockers.


“I don’t even know half of them”, she replied in frustration.


“It’s not easy being tagged as Ice Lord’s girl.”


“I’m beginning to regret it. I can’t function with all these eyes focused on me. I knew I’ll kiss my peaceful student life goodbye, but I didn’t expect it to be this bad.”


“What is so bad about this? Girls who are aiming for Montecillo, like Riko for example, will now be discouraged”, Namee mused.


Dara closed her locker while heaving a deep sigh. “You’ll be disappointed, Namee. I don’t think the girls will be discouraged to go after him. And Riko is a special case. He’s helping her because she helped him. Besides, I still can’t act normal in front of Jiro. He’s too intimidating at school.”


“Forget about Riko. Girl of the past has no chance with the girl of the present. And can you stop acting meek in front of Montecillo? You’re a disgrace to the female flag”, Namee shot back. “Just act like how you did yesterday. Hold hands with him! Kiss him!”


Dara did not respond, making Namee frown. She can tell Jiro has the upper hand between the two. He got her friend wrapped in his hand, which she cannot accept. They should be at least in equal footing!


“I have to go”, Dara said, shutting her locker close. “I’ll see you later.”


Namee watched as her friend walked away, a number of students stopping her on her tracks to talk about Ice Lord.


“Namee”, Picaro’s voice entered her ears. She turned around and a smile immediately broke on her face when she was welcomed by the deep eyes of the future father of her kids (wheee!!).


“Hi Picaro!”


“This is what you chose from the pictures of the doodles I sent you, right?” He asked, giving her a piece of paper with drawing in it.


“Yes, thank you”, she said appreciatively and carefully placed the paper inside her locker.


“Ice Lord is coming!”


“Isn’t that the Bridge Rose girl?”


“Wait. How come he’s not even greeting her? I thought the two are together?”


A round of murmurs was heard and Namee and Picaro turned their attention to the subject of the stundents’ gossips. They saw Jiro walking past Dara without even glancing at her, and the girl did the same – scurrying away like her is on fire.


“What the hell?” Namee murmured. “Why is your leader acting like that?”


“Like what?” He asked, leaning his back against the lockers and crossing his arms over his chest.


“He’s ignoring Dara.”


“Even if he’s not showing it in public, it doesn’t mean he cares for her less.”


“I understand that. But, wouldn’t it be better if he at least show it once in a while?” Namee argued.


“It’s awkward.”


“My friend is going to lose face with what he’s doing. It looks like he was just coerced in doing what he did yesterday.”


“He was coerced yesterday. Our leader is not into cheesy stuff that you girls like”, Picaro said matter-of-factly.


“You’re totally siding with him, aren’t you?”


He shrugged his shoulders, making Namee twitch her lips. This cannot go on. No. She will not allow her best friend to be controlled by that stoic guy.


“Just accept it. Your girl is whipped”, Picaro said, a proud smirk forming on his lips. Namee cocked her eyebrows at him, an intricate battle plan forming in her mind.




Dara’s POV


“Why are you staring at me?” I asked as we sat on the ground at the university garden behind the Arts Building.


“Hmmm”, Namee murmured, her eyes never leaving mine. “I have a plan.”


Namee has been activated. And by that, I meant she’s on the move to destroy someone’s life. I need to steer clear or I’ll be one of the casualties. The ‘plan’ she’s talking about probably involves getting ourselves into something stupid or mortifying or both. I’m pretty sure it will end up in a spectacular failure.


“Count me out”, I said and hurriedly gathered my things, but Namee latched herself on me, wrapping her arms around my body.


“You’re not going anywhere.”


“Watch me”, I said and tried to pry her hands but she went full drama queen on me so with a sigh, I stayed on my spot.


“Good. Now listen”, she said as she loomed near me, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “This is about you and Ice Lord but this is actually more about you being whipped. I feel the need to help you in upholding the female flag.”


“Hey! I am not-…”


“Yes, you are. Seriously Dara, this isn’t event funny anymore. Whenever he’s near, I can see your soul running to the other end of the world.”


“I act normal when he’s around, excuse me!”


“Your fear is leaking on the floor. And I can’t sit still seeing that my girl is on the palm of Ice Lord’s hand, ready to do his every bidding. After everything you’ve gone through, don’t you want to at least rattle him a bit?”


Call me crazy, but Namee’s words are getting into me. Is she using the whisper of darkness again to make me comply with her sinister ways?


“Rattle him a bit? How?” I asked, and her face lit up. Ugh! She got me and she knew that. To be honest, Jiro affects me in so many levels and I find it hard to resist him. That’s why breaking his icy exterior once in a while appeals to me.


“Remember what you did yesterday? Just turn it up a notch. Stick with him and act cheesy. I noticed he’s not comfortable with being showy when other people are around. Use that weakness.”


“That’s totally embarrassing on my part!” I screeched. I should have known her plan is going to be completely stupid!


“Think about how flustered Ice Lord will be”, Namee smiled mischievously. “It will be a fun thing to see.”










“What are you doing?”


The students at the hallway stood transfixed on their spot while staring at Dara who was hugging Ice Lord from behind. Jiro was walking on the hallway when the girl suddenly lurched towards him from behind and wrapped her arms around his upper torso.


“I’m hugging you”, she said.


“Cut it off”, Jiro pried her arms off him and started walking towards his classroom but he stopped and shut his eyes firmly when Dara wrapped her arms around him again.


“Ramirez…” He sighed and removed her arms as he turned around to face her. “What the hell is wrong with you?”


To everyone’s surprise, Dara hugged Jiro again and rubbed her cheek on Jiro’s chest, a playful smirk slipping on her lips. She must admit, his reaction is quite amusing. She is enjoying Namee’s plan so far.


“People are watching us, Ramirez.”


“It’s okay.”


“Why are you doing this?” He removed her arms again and frowned at her.


“Nothing”, Dara gave her a cheeky smile and strode away, her shoulders moving up and down while chuckling. Jiro’s eyebrows furrowed deeply, still wondering what the hell the girl is up to.




The entire Black Dragon’s gang was frozen on their seats, their eyes widening in shock at what they are witnessing. The cafeteria’s buzz became louder as students craned their necks to see the spectacle that is happening at the table where the Black Dragons are at.


“Say ahhhh”, Dara said while holding the spoon, trying to feed Jiro. The guy massaged his temple and exhaled irritably. Whatever the girl is playing, he is not liking it at all. This has got to stop.


Bonsai and Picaro exchanged glances, and the former burst out in a fit of hysterical laughter. The other members followed suit, making Jiro frown.


“The next thing we’ll see is Dara changing Ice Lord’s diaper”, Bonsai said while laughing.


“Damn it, Bonsai”, Jiro hissed.


“Ssshhh. The adults are talking”, Bonsai teased.


Dara bit her lips to stifle her chuckle. Things are going on as planned and she’s enjoying seeing his tortured face more than she expected.


“Babe, say ahhh”, she pressed on.


“Babe?!” The Black Dragons said in unison. Bonsai was already turning purple from too much laughing.


“Ramirez… Stop this”, Jiro said warningly.






“Honey bunch?” 


Jiro stared at her in silence, his eyebrows mashed together in suppressed annoyance. The table turned quiet in an instant, fearing that the Ice Lord’s wrath will be unleashed any moment.


The girl, however, seemed unperturbed by his sour mood. A collective gasp was heard when Dara leaned forward and kissed Jiro on the side of his lips, startling him.


“Okay. I’ll not disturb your lunch anymore”, she said and immediately left. Jiro shook his head while following her with his gaze. Only a moron will not notice that Dara is doing the mushy act intentionally. Something is definitely wrong.




Picaro was leaning against the wall while Bonsai was slumping on the floor as they loitered on the hallway. The two watched as Jiro turned around to evade the smiling Dara who was running towards him. They can almost hear him groan in frustration when the girl attached herself to him, intentionally letting everyone see the ruckus she’s causing and possibly enjoying Jiro’s exasperated and helpless expression.


“She’s doing that on purpose, isn’t she?” Bonsai grinned and pointed at the two who were standing at a distance. “Mannnn, his Ice Lord status is ruined. Girls are scary beings”, he chuckled.


Picaro remained silent. There is a small voice at the back of his mind telling him that he’s forgetting something.


“You know what’s more ed up?” Bonsai continued. “When girls do the water works. That’s emotional blackmail right there. I can’t deal with that .”


Being the second youngest among four brothers with only their dad raising them since their mom passed away when he was still young, there was no one to balance the testosterone level in the Tsai residence.


“You can deal with that ”, Picaro finally spoke. “When you find the right one for you, you can.”


Bonsai opened his mouth exaggeratedly and eyed him in shock. “The ONE for me? You are making my quiver. Get a hold of yourself and do not cross the dark side.”


“What? You don’t think you’ll eventually find a girl that will sweep you off your feet?”


“Sweep me off my-… Holy . Control yourself.”


“Can’t handle the truth? We will all eventually get old and settle-…”


“Do you want to discuss this over tea and cupcakes with… I don’t know, a ing flower tucked in our ears? Because I’m sooooo comfortable with this girl talk. Maybe we can organize a group hug meeting with the rest of the Black Dragons.”


Picaro stifled his smile. He knew that a talk about the future and settling down irks Bonsai beyond words. The guy lives one day at a time and he intends to keep it that way. Discussing about future and having a girl that will tame him is like disturbing the delicate ecosystem that Bonsai thrives in. It’s amusing actually. One that Picaro intends to use from time to time to annoy the living crap out of the idiot.


“When you find the girl for you, you’ll move mountains, Bonsai. And then, you’ll wear couple tees, couple rings-…”


Bonsai groaned and stood up. “This talk is officially over, mom”, he said and scampered away.


Picaro laughed softly at his escaping gang mate before shifting his gaze back to Jiro and Dara. He frowned when he saw a girl who was hiding behind the pillar while giggling in amusement. Namee Cheng. He furrowed his eyebrows, his mind wandering back to their earlier conversation at the lockers. It can’t be-…


He strode towards Namee and poked her, startling the girl. “This whole thing was your idea, wasn’t it?”


“What do you mean?” Namee blinked at him innocently, the mischievous smile never leaving her face.


“It was your idea”, Picaro confirmed, arching his eyebrows at her. Namee chuckled and turned her gaze towards the two. Jiro started to move but Dara is still holding onto him, hugging him from behind as they walked together.


“See that? Jiro can’t even say a thing.”


“Competitive, aren’t we?” Picaro said.


“Aren’t we all?”


“I’m warning you, Cheng. Your girl makes fun of our leader, your girl will pay.”


“Just admit it, Rostelli”, Namee smirked at him. “My girl won.”




It continued for the rest of the day and Jiro can only grunt in frustration whenever the girl pops up and do cheesy things. Picaro, on the other hand, observes in the sideline. He is already suffering from secondhand embarrassment by just watching the two and he can only imagine what Jiro is going through considering how reserved and stiff their leader is at school. Although Ice Lord receives a lot of attention, it was never the kind of attention that Dara is causing.


“Ramirez, stop this. What’s gotten into you?” Jiro said, his hands shoved inside his pockets while looking down at the girl who was still clinging to him, her arms wrapped around his neck. The students were either peeking through the classroom window or huddling in the corner while eyeing the two.


“I miss you”, Dara said.


“No, you don’t.”


“Yes, I do!”


“You just saw me earlier.”


“It doesn’t matter. I still miss you”, Dara tiptoed and tried to kiss him on the lips but Jiro reclined back, preventing her from doing so. He has a deep scowl on his face, clearly annoyed at what she’s doing.


“I don’t find this amusing, Ramirez”, he muttered between gritted teeth.


“I’m not being funny”, she said and tiptoed again, puckering her lips.


“ENOUGH!” Jiro growled, making everyone wince with his thunderous voice. Dara gingerly removed her arms from him and met his glare with sad eyes, her lips slightly pouting and a pained expression crossing her face. Without uttering a word, she started to leave, not even glancing at Jiro.


“Ramirez”, he called out exasperatedly, grabbing her wrist before she can walk past him. “Fine. What do you want?”


Dara instantly smiled and clung to him once again. “A kiss”, she said and playfully puckered her lips. Jiro sighed and peered down at her, settling his hands on her waist. He ducked and gave her a quick peck on the lips, trying very hard to ignore the fact that they are in the middle of the hallway with all eyes of the students on them.


“Mmhmm”, Dara murmured in satisfaction, enjoying the gasps of shock (and horror, courtesy of Ice Lord’s fangirls) all around them. “One more”, she demanded.




“One moreee”, she whined.


“When did you become so needy?”


“One more, Jiro”, she whispered. He shook his head in defeat at the girl’s insistence and eventually leaned down, pressing his lips against hers. The kiss lingered for a moment before he pulled away, staring at her face, her eyes still closed. He gave her another quick peck and whispered, “Enough. Okay?”


“Okay”, she said in contentment.


Dara finally left him alone and hopped merrily towards her next class. As soon as she was out of earshot, Picaro approached their leader who was still following Dara with his gaz

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Hi All, i'm re-posting the chaps of my other fics in line with wattpad ^_^ pls bear with me. You will be able to read it again after I posted all the chaps.


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Chapter 42: Such wonderful story!! I hope you write more DG stories here authornim..

Thank you so much for your undying you!!
Chapter 39: Go for it Jiroooo!!
Chapter 37: Awwwww this is so heartbreaking Jiro crying..I cannot!!
Chapter 33: I know he wanted her to be happy.. but his choice of ways is too selfish.
Chapter 25: Aiyoooo ahahah
Chapter 19: Jiro the fool that you are
Chapter 18: RIKOOOOOOO! I'm going to kill you.
Chapter 15: Owwww
Chapter 14: Okay ! I'm team DG jiro now
Chapter 13: Ow em geeeee!!