Finding Little Miss Kim

The Baby Problem

Tiffany is driving around their neighborhood hoping to find Lauren, her daughter. She didn’t know what came over her husband to say such things and the worse of it is when Lauren heard it herself.

She already called Sunny and told her what happened, Sunny promised her that she’s going to help finding Lauren. She would always stop by every house in their neighborhood then asked if they saw a little girl running around but they only answered her with a no.

Tiffany’s tears are already flowing down her cheeks, she decided to get out of their neighborhood and try finding her daughter all around Seoul. Fear started to flood her mind, she hope nothing would happen to Lauren cause she couldn’t forgive herself if that really happens.



Lauren is walking around the place she recognized as a park. She tried going back home but always find herself getting more lost than she already is.

Her crying didn’t stop, she’s hurt at what her daddy said but at the same time she shouldn’t have run away so her mother won’t be worried.

Lauren stopped walking and looked around, she saw a swing near a big tree and run up to there.

She sat herself comfortably as she cried and cried, she called her mother many times now hoping Tiffany could hear her.


Tiffany called Sunny and asked to meet up in the only place they haven’t searched yet, the park. As soon as the two meet up, Sunny could see the swollen eyes Tiffany have from the excessive crying.

The two split up, Tiffany would looked on the right side of the park while Sunny would look at the right side.

They both searched, informing each other from time to time. The sun is setting down but the two didn’t lose hope, they would find Lauren.

Sunny looked around the playground inside the park, she don’t find any kid there. She was about to turn around to looked at other place, she caught a glimpse of a kid sitting down the swing.

She was silently praying that this little girl is who they’re looking for, she slowly walked towards the kid when she’s sure its Lauren then she immediately call Tiffany.

She approached Lauren, squatting down in front of the crying kid.

“Lauren-ah~” Sunny called softly as she tried to lift Lauren’s face

“A-aunchy!” Lauren tackled Sunny as soon as she recognize who it was

Sunny lose her balance so she end up sitting on the ground with little Lauren in her arms. She caressed the kid’s back as the latter only cries harder, she pulled her phone out and call Tiffany again.

“Hello Tiff ?”

“Sunny, where are you ? I can’t see you”

“We’re at the swing near the big tree inside the playground”

“Okay I’ll be there”

“Okay be fast. Bye”


As Sunny wait for Tiffany, she tried to console the little girl in her arms that keep on crying and wasn’t planning to stop unless it’s Tiffany. Minutes later they heard a footsteps coming, Sunny could see a silhouette of a woman coming towards their direction.

Lauren looked up from Sunny’s shoulder and immediately escaped from Sunny’s hug to run towards the woman. Before Sunny could react, she could see Tiffany coming to her with the little girl in her arms.

Tiffany seated herself in the swing as she tries to calm Lauren, as Lauren calms down, she securely seated Lauren on her lap as the little leans her head on her mom’s chest.

“Lauren-ah ~” Tiffany called softly as the little girl looked up at her “Wanna go home ?” she asked only to be replied with a shake on the little girl’s head

“Daddy don’t wike Lauwen” Laurens softly said almost like a whisper but the two adults hear it

“That’s not true, daddy like Lauren. Daddy is just shocked” Tiffany tried to changed Lauren’s mind but as the gripped on her shirt gets tighter she knows that kid won’t change her mind.

Sunny looked around them, the sun is finally set and they’re the only people inside the park. She looked at the mother & daughter and can’t help but smile, she always wanted to see this kind of sight.

She knows how much scared Tiffany is until now but it’s slowly fading away thanks to the help of Lauren even though the kid might not know this.

Her thoughts was cut off when her phone rang, she looked at the caller ID to see that her husband is calling her. She excused herself for awhile to answer the call, few minutes later she returned to the duo.

“Tiff, I need to go home. Soo is already home and his already hungry, you know him when he can’t control his hunger” Sunny said making Tiffany chuckle

“Okay, we’ll head home too. The little princess is already asleep and I still need to talk to Taeyeon” Tiffany replied back as she stand up from the swing walking alongside Sunny

“Hope that midget will change his mind. Lauren is such a sweet girl” Sunny said as she the little girl’s hair

“I hope so too but if he still not changed his mind, I’ll ignore him until he learn to accept Lauren”

The two finished their short conversation when they reached their cars, Tiffany bid Sunny goodbye as she unlocked her car and put Lauren at the backseat, carefully so she won’t wake the sleeping princess. She then went to the driver seat, put her seatbelt on and looked at Lauren one more time to make sure that her daughter is safe.

Half an hour later, Tiffany and the sleeping Lauren finally got home. Tiffany takes her daughter out of the car and went inside their house. As the two get inside, Tiffany saw her husband sleeping on their couch, she decided to put Lauren on the guest room first then she decided to wake Taeyeon up.

Taeyeon started to wake up from his sleep and the first thing he saw is his wife, looking back at him with a blank face. Tiffany stand up from her position and went to the kitchen as Taeyeon followed her.

“Fany-ah ~ I’m sorry” was the first thing that came out of his mouth, sensing that Tiffany won’t talk to him unless he apologized or so he thought.

Tiffany heard what her husband said but didn’t bother to replied back, she wanted Taeyeon to realize that he should apologize to Lauren and not to her. Yes, she’s hurt but the kid is the one who got hurt most.

She place the plate with his food on it on the table, she ushered him to take a seat then she place the glass of water.

“Eat, I’m going to bed” that was all she said before she went out of the kitchen and went to the guest room.

Taeyeon is left dumbfounded.


A week had past but the feud between Mr. Kim & Mrs. Kim is still unresolved. Taeyeon knew what mistake he did and he started to accept Lauren after knowing her fully. Taeyeon is very fond of the little princess, he’ll buy her toys and all the things the kid needed.

He learn that Lauren is such a sweet, cheerful kid just like his wife. She’ll kiss him whenever she thinks that his tired or she’ll try to cheer him up whenever his wife ignored him.

Taeyeon can’t take this. No, he is not going to let this feud to stay longer. He knows his wife, Tiffany is the type of person who likes romantic stuff and he’ll do all romantic stuff for his wife to forgive him. And since mother’s day is just around the corner, his planning to surprise her for it’s the very first mother’s day she’ll celebrate.

Project Mrs. Kim’s surprise is on!



Heyyyaaaa~! Chapter 4 is doneeeee!

Sorry for the long wait ^^ , something happened and I need to rewrite everything :3

Enjoy reading <333

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Chapter 4: Author sii~ where are you???
Update pleaseeee ~~~
qwan91 #2
Chapter 4: please update this story T~T.
Chapter 4: update juseyooo~~~
Chapter 4: update soon please author sii~~
Update pleasee author sii~~ :'''"(
Chapter 4: update pleaseeee author sii~~~ >.<
Chapter 4: Update soon pleaseeee
Chapter 4: update pleaseeeee~~ :'')
Chapter 4: author sii~ update juseyo~
tae1810 #10
Chapter 4: new reader here, great story you have here author ^_^