You're Not Leaving

Miracle For You

Yesung quickly jumped out of his bed at once, sunlight peeking through the curtains. The alarm clock on his nightstand was ringing out throughout the house. Must have been a dream... a really bad dream. Angels don't exist... right? He soon began to smile, believing that it was all a figment of his imagination. That is, until a certain laughter came from his desk. Turning his head around, he could see Leeteuk playfully swing his legs back and forth.

"You weren't dreaming at all." 

"AHHHHH!!!" Immediately Yesung fell out of bed, slamming his head against the wall. His hand soon rubbed against the bruise. Then the door swung open and Jongjin, his brother, came rushing in.

"Hyung, is everything alright?" A look of worry appeared on his face.

"N-no, I'm fine! Just a little nightmare, that's all..." Yesung replied trying to laugh it off.

"If you say so..." Jongjin said, not really believing Yesung’s words. After Jongjin closed the door, Yesung breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, surprise! I'm still here!" said Leeteuk, yet again scared Yesung as he went crashing into the wall, almost knocking down Ddangkkoma's tank.

"Please don't scare me like that!" His hands gripped the bed sheets above him, trying to gather his shocked self back together.

"You know, I'm not going to leave anytime soon," Leeteuk said as he kept staring at Yesung.

"That's until..." Yesung's voice began to quiver and shake.

"Yes, that's until Kyuhyun dies."

Tears began to well up in Yesung's eyes. "Why? Why does he have to die?!"

"I'm sorry, I don't know... If I knew, I would tell you." Leeteuk turned away, his head hung low. All of a sudden, Yesung wiped away the forming tears and rose from his spot with a determined look on his face.

"Fine then, I'm not gonna let anyone take Kyu away from me! I will fight for his life!"

"It's easier said than done... Yesung-ah you're going to go up against destiny."

"Well, I got to at least try!" Yesung exclaimed—his voice filled with confidence.

"Uh, speaking of which... Yesung, shouldn't you be going to school about now?" Leeteuk's little hand pointed to Yesung's clock.

"Huh?" Looking up at his alarm clock it was clear as day... Half past seven.

"OH NO! I'm going to be late, again!"


Walking towards their school, it was like every morning; Kyuhyun with his headphones, listening to music and Yesung next to him. However all that Yesung could think of were Leeteuk's words, your precious friend Kyuhyun... is going to die... That's until Kyuhyun noticed it.

"Yesung-ah... are you alright?" Yesung quickly looked up to see Kyuhyun's genuinely worried face. It's unlike Yesung to be this caught up in thought.

"I'm fine, really. You don't have to worry about me Kyu." However at that moment, a young man passed them. He appeared to be an average college student. But, what shocked Yesung was that there was another kid like Leeteuk walking beside him, except his wings were jet black. The little kid stopped, and then looked up to face Yesung.

"Huh? You can see me? That's awesome! However... I won't be here much longer..."

"Wait! What do you mean?" Yesung replied.

Looking on, Kyuhyun immediately noticed the strange look on Yesung's face. "Yesung, what's going on?"

Slowly Yesung raised his hand and pointed at the college student. "There was this boy..." However the sentence was abruptly stopped when the college student all of sudden collapsed down onto the sidewalk. The boy Yesung saw next to him was gone. By-passers that were around them began panic. Many whispered, asking if they should call for help or even run away from the scene. However, Kyuhyun calmly rushed up to the man and checked his pulse. 

"He's dead," Kyuhyun said with a grim look on his face. Those words frightened Yesung. No... this can't be happening! After the incident, Yesung ran to his house, rushed up to his room, and slammed it shut. Standing there, he recalled the horrors of that afternoon. And then, he slowly slid down to the floor. Will Kyuhyun have the same fate as that student? Soon fear and sadness came back, rushing towards Yesung like a tsunami. Soon, Leeteuk reappeared.

"I told you Yesung, we are not just a figment of your imagination. We're real," Leeteuk said as he crouched down next to Yesung. However, Yesung remembered something odd. The little kid that was next to the college student had jet black wings.

"Wait... Leeteuk, why don't you have black wings?"

The question took Leeteuk by surprise. "Oh, that. Well, when our wings turn completely black that's when the person is ready to… you know..." Leeteuk trailed off, not wanting to hurt Yesung any further. Unfortunately, Yesung already knew the ending to that sentence. When that person is ready to die you mean. A realization then came to Yesung. That means when Leeteuk wings are black then... Kyuhyun would be ready to... Yesung shivered at the thought. It was a harsh thing for him to swallow.

"Can I see your wings?" Yesung asked immediately, and quickly Leeteuk obliged. Revealing his wings, it was clear that they had a very faint tint of gray. No... the wings, they've started to change. 

Quickly, Leeteuk hid his wings once more. "I'm sorry. It's just that I can't do anything to change what fate has planned out for Kyuhyun." 

Yesung gently patted Leeteuk on the head. "I know. It's not your fault, you just do what they tell you to do." Silence followed soon after as the two just sat there, not sure of what would happen tomorrow.


For the next few days, no major incidents plagued Kyuhyun nor Yesung. However lately, Yesung had been sticking to Kyuhyun like glue, never leaving his sight. Yesung's plan, if he's there, Kyuhyun won't be in any harm because he would prevent it. It is a little suspicious, however it's not like Kyuhyun was annoyed or anything. In fact, he actually liked it. Spending more time with Yesung was always a good thing in his eyes. 

One day, as they were walking home from school Kyuhyun just couldn't hide his curiosity anymore. "Ne, Yesung, why have you been sticking to me so much? It's not like I'm annoyed or anything, I just wanted to know." 

Immediately, Yesung stopped in his tracks and stared at Kyuhyun. "I-I don't know what you're talking about Kyu." Yesung's eyes were staring back at Kyuhyun. 

Those eyes... Kyuhyun could look at them all day if he could. And in response, Kyuhyun just nodded and didn't question Yesung any further. However, Kyuhyun couldn't help himself but to keep looking at Yesung. And then a blush of his own began to appear on his cheeks. Damn, I fell hard. Yesung... you make me go crazy.

Walking down the street, they soon found themselves on the crosswalk that led to their houses. Casually strolling along, everything seemed normal. But, Yesung noticed a car going really fast. A shining bottle that was in driver's hand had caught his attention, and the car was heading straight towards the both of them. There was only one thing running through Yesung's head. No... not Kyuhyun... He can't die now. With little time to react, Yesung immediately shoved Kyuhyun out of the way. In a flash the car struck. Pain rushed to all parts of Yesung's body.  Blood was flowing from his head and his arm. Everything was turning spotty. The darkness soon greeted Yesung as the last thing he could hear was Kyuhyun crying out his name.

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 6: Relieved that they are safe, healed and together, but my heart aches for Leeteuk.... a true ministering angel <3<3<3
Chapter 6: Oh gosh. Whew. Thanks Angel Teukkie
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 6: I really wanna hug teuk now ㅠㅠ
dyazbluish #5
Chapter 6: Ouwhh,, little Teukie >~< Thank you so much Angel Teuk!
I still don't get what little Teuk mean in Yesung eyes? I mean he's usually a hyung to Ye but now he is a kid.. Can I have little Teuk as KyuSung family please?? ^^
redcoral #6
Chapter 6: Oh my angel teuk T-T.
Eggums #7
Chapter 6: y 3 y that was beautiful~
dyazbluish #8
Chapter 5: Was Teuk going to be a human again?
What would happen to Kyu? He isn't die, is he? Noo,, i don't want it ><
Aaa,, can't wait for the update >< Thank you for this..
redcoral #9
Chapter 5: Oh no kyuhyun isn't going to die please T-T
dyazbluish #10
Chapter 4: it's so complicated,, happy yet sad, joy yet stressful ><
Great to see Yesung could enjoy his time with Kyu and vice versa
but still the truth of being known someone you love will die anytime soon is so torturing