Hidden Love, Unexpected Twist

Miracle For You

Falling towards the ground was a small little white feather. It was emanating innocence and purity. And underneath it all lay a true miracle, waiting to be discovered… waiting to happen.



Chapter One: Hidden Love, Unexpected Twist

Kyuhyun raised his hand towards Yesung’s cheek, as if he was caressing the soft skin underneath.

“Yah, Kyuhyun, can you not touch me like that?” Yesung pouted, grabbing Kyuhyun’s hand and pulling it away from his face, trying to recover the lost heat.

“Says the one who loves touching my philtrum…” Kyuhyun retorted as he went back for the warmth of Yesung. 

Immediately Yesung jolted back as he yet again tried to shove Kyuhyun’s hands away from him. “This is different Kyuhyun! Your hands are like they just came back from Antarctica or something. Go find your own warmth!”

“Come on, I’m a cold-blooded animal... I need some of your warmth! Yesung, please share the wealth!” Soon enough, they were fighting like an old married couple. Little bits and pieces of sentences were heard as the two of them couldn’t stop bickering.



“I’ll unleash Ddangkoma on you!”

“Ddangkoma doesn’t scare me Yesung, he just a land turtle!”

“Land turtles can still bite. Just watch him bite your hands off!” From behind the chaos, some of their classmates were just laughing at the scene the two were making as their teacher stared on and sighed knowing that the fight might (more like will) last a long while. On the other hand, their best friends Ryeowook and Donghae also giggled at the two as they themselves were getting ready for class.

“Those two never change, Donghae,” Ryeowook said, as he rolled his eyes playfully.

“Yeah, even though Yesung’s a third-year and Kyuhyun’s a second-year, they still have time to fight like little kids.”  Leaning back on his chair he smiled, looking back at the two who were still fighting. Ryeowook brought his chair over next to Donghae as they both looked at the pandemonium in the hallway.

“Well, you know Donghae they’ve been friends since they were little kids. Of course they’ll find time. It’s their way of being together.”


Yesung stared intently at the last few math problems. 10 minutes until the end of school, and his brain was in a jumble. I seriously don’t get how Kyuhyun can solve these types of problems, I mean they’re like in some weird cryptic language that's impossible to decipher! Slamming his head onto his desk in frustration, Yesung quickly scribbled what he thought were decent-looking answers before dashing out and away from math hell-on-earth. Waiting patiently was his best friend Kyuhyun, who was leaning against the cement wall as the wind blew in his shaggy hair. Immediately Yesung stretched his hand out for Kyuhyun and gently swiped his finger across Kyuhyun’s philtrum.

“And hello to you too Yesung. Looks like someone just died in math today,” he said while smirking at the tired Yesung.

“Save your breath Kyuhyun… You know that I at math,” Yesung complained while placing his hands on his knees in exhaustion. His head hung low as he groaned in annoyance. However Kyuhyun just laughed while extending his hand out for Yesung.

"Let's go."

Wordlessly, he nodded in agreement and they made their way down the street. The harsh wind blew in their face as Kyuhyun began to shiver, trying to use his breath to heat up his frigid hands.

"Yesung, I forgot my gloves again... Can I use you as my heat source again?" 

"Fine," he said as he rolled his eyes and they clasped their hands together.

"You know, when it's your birthday I'm giving you ten pairs of gloves so there shouldn't be an excuse as to why you don't have them. And also so that you won't have to use me as your gloves."

"But I like using you as gloves..." Kyuhyun's voice trailed off as he just stared at the shorter one with a loving stare, but it was oblivious to the clueless Yesung. He, on the other hand, was recalling that morning and somehow a blush came across his face as thoughts began to run through Yesung's head. We've been friends for so long... And now I feel this tingly feeling inside. Could I be in...? No, I'm sure he doesn't feel the same anyway. Why bother? And he shoved those thoughts aside. Coming to the intersection, they soon were pulled in the different directions, both with the same hidden feeling of love.


The next morning, Yesung sprinted as fast as he could. I'm going to be late, he muttered to himself as he could see Kyuhyun yet again waiting for him in the same spot as always and in the same position. His headphones were on as he was humming to a song. However something, or rather someone, unusual was beside him. There was a small little boy standing there, with orange tinted hair and a soft dimpled smile as he turned to face a shocked Yesung.

"Hey Kyu, there's a cute little boy standing next to you."

Kyuhyun quickly looked around as he himself could not see this boy Yesung was talking about. "What are you saying Yesung? I don't see anyone else." His face showed confusion as he stared back at Yesung.

"What? How can you not see him?! He's right next to you! Are you ok Kyuhyun?"

"Me? I should be asking you! Are you ok Yesung?"

Yesung then bugged his eyes out in shock as Kyuhyun just walked right through the boy. Am I the only one who can see him? Is he a ghost or something? Soon he gathered himself together and answered, "Uh... Yeah... Sorry I must have been hallucinating. I thought I saw the little boy." Suddenly he could feel Kyuhyun's hand on his forehead. Immediately Yesung could feel a blush coming on, but not noticed by a distracted Kyuhyun.


"Are you sure you're not sick or something?" Quickly Yesung shook his head back and forth, indicating a 'no'. Then instantly, both of Kyuhyun's hands came rushing towards his face.

"Geez Yesung, then why are you so warm?! Give me some warmth!" 

"Aish Kyu! Not again! When will you get ever get warmer?" Yesung shouted as he shoved Kyuhyun away from him. While on the other hand, Kyuhyun just pouted. In response, Yesung couldn't help but laugh at the sight he was seeing. "A pout definitely doesn't suit you." 

Kyuhyun's pout faded as he stared back at Yesung, pretending to be mad. "That was a hit to my self-esteem."

"Whatever, you narcissist." 

"Yah, Yesung!" Soon there was an abrupt ring of the school bell from a few meters away. They both cursed inwardly as they dashed to school, forgetting all about that mysterious boy.


Closing the door to his home Yesung sighed in relief. 

"Finally, the end of another day," he quietly muttered to himself as he dropped his backpack to the floor. Then out of nowhere was a soft giggle that was coming from the living room. Shocked and scared, Yesung crept his way to the living room where the small boy he had seen that morning was sitting happily on the window sill. 

"Oh! You're back!" the little boy exmaimed to the statue-like Yesung. Instantly Yesung screamed in surprise and in terror as he dashed behind a table.

"Haha! I won't hurt you. But this is so cool! I didn't know a human would be able to see me! You must be weird," the little boy said as he twirled in delight.

"H-Hey! I'm not weird!" Yesung retaliated, still staring at the little boy.

"Ok, then. Oh! I forgot to tell you who I am!" Immediately he jumped on the couch and revealed his iridescent white wings."My name is Leeteuk, and I'm an angel."

At this point Yesung's eyes were about to fall out of their sockets. "You mean like those angels who sit on clouds and shoot people with arrows of love?"

Leeteuk sighed."No! We're not like that stupid Cupid stereotype! Though, we do sit on clouds..." Leeteuk started. But immediately his voice began to change, stricter and darker."Let me tell you why I'm really here. You see, you're precious friend, Kyuhyun--I believe that's his name--is going to die. And I'm here to guide him after. That is what I am here for."

No... This can't be! Kyuhyun can't die!


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 6: Relieved that they are safe, healed and together, but my heart aches for Leeteuk.... a true ministering angel <3<3<3
Chapter 6: Oh gosh. Whew. Thanks Angel Teukkie
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 6: I really wanna hug teuk now ㅠㅠ
dyazbluish #5
Chapter 6: Ouwhh,, little Teukie >~< Thank you so much Angel Teuk!
I still don't get what little Teuk mean in Yesung eyes? I mean he's usually a hyung to Ye but now he is a kid.. Can I have little Teuk as KyuSung family please?? ^^
redcoral #6
Chapter 6: Oh my angel teuk T-T.
Eggums #7
Chapter 6: y 3 y that was beautiful~
dyazbluish #8
Chapter 5: Was Teuk going to be a human again?
What would happen to Kyu? He isn't die, is he? Noo,, i don't want it ><
Aaa,, can't wait for the update >< Thank you for this..
redcoral #9
Chapter 5: Oh no kyuhyun isn't going to die please T-T
dyazbluish #10
Chapter 4: it's so complicated,, happy yet sad, joy yet stressful ><
Great to see Yesung could enjoy his time with Kyu and vice versa
but still the truth of being known someone you love will die anytime soon is so torturing