Chapter 21

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

Chanyeol slammed his head to the cafeteria table and let out a loud and long frustrated sigh.

“What the hell is wrong with him?”

“Let him be, Jongdae. He has been like that since day one Baekhyun left,” Kris waved his hand carelessly at Jongdae whom decided to join the group today.

“Shut up, hyung,” Jongin interrupted, “if I must be separated from my Kyungie, I also will be like that.”

“Chanyeol oppa, should we date while Baekhyun oppa is still away?” Namjoo too, who was now frequently hanging out with them, tried to cheer Chanyeol up. Looking at the others were glaring at her, Namjoo pouted, “I’m just kidding. Geez.”

“But it’s only...what, six days, right?” Jongdae said as he took a gulp on his orange juice. “Nine days more.”

“Oh God, I think I’m gonna die,” Chanyeol looked up and put his chin in between his palm, pouting and sighing became his hobby nowadays.

It had already been a week since Baekhyun left to his leadership camp, and Chanyeol had tried his best to keep himself alive by doing anything related to Baekhyun, like watching the record of him and Baekhyun sang in the school festival, ate Baekhyun’s favorite food although Chanyeol himself didn’t like it, went to the ice-cream shop by himself, had lunch in the rooftop, and still went to the bus stop though he didn’t need to take bus.

Yes, Chanyeol was a creep but he thought it was okay to become a creep as long as it was for Baekhyun, his own boyfriend.

But of course all of them won’t heal his main problem. He still missed Baekhyun so much that he didn’t know if it was humanly possible. He hadn’t had to see Baekhyun’s face and hear Baekhyun’s voice since one week ago, and it made him wanted to pull out all of his hair.

Coming to school certainly didn’t help either. School was just making him missed Baekhyun even more. Every place remined him of Baekhyun, the cafeteria, the corridor, the locker, and the rooftop. His teacher, Mr.Heechul, repeatedly scolded him because he kept daydreaming during the class. Not to mention he got to witness Jongin and Kyungsoo acted like a love bird in front of him.

 It didn’t do well on his mood either. His three best friends had witnessed the worst of Chanyeol, and this one was one them.

He called Baekhyun’s phone numerous times, hoping that Baekhyun would answer from the other end, but it always went straight to voicemail. But at least Chanyeol got to hear Baekhyun’s voice through the voicemail, so he was fine by it.

Though his friends, especially Kris, told him that he was too overreacting, Chanyeol thought if he didn’t do all of those things, he might combust from whatever feeling beyond missing he felt in his heart.

“Why don’t you eat lunch, Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo broke the silence when he realized Chanyeol hadn’t eaten anything.

Chanyeol answered by shaking his head, not having the mood to talk, let alone eating.

Kyungsoo sighed. Being the most motherly among his group of friends, he felt like he had the responsibility to take care of everybody. “You need to eat or you’ll be sick.”

“Yeah, hyung, eat something. What do you want? I’ll buy it for you,” Jongin joined.

“I want my Baekhyun,” Chanyeol put his head back down again on the table and stuffed it under his hand. And once again, he sighed loudly.

Kris stared at Chanyeol for a while before he eyed his other friends one by one and mouthed ‘leave him alone.’




Chanyeol was wakened up by the sound of his phone ringing. He took a nap after he came back from school. It was supposed to be just one hour, to recharge his energy after he emotionally and mentally exhausted today. But it seemed like Chanyeol was too tired that he slept until it got dark.

He tried to shake the drowsiness as he reached out his hand to grab his phone at his bedside table. He needed to blink a few times before his sight got clear, and he clicked the answer button without looking at the caller ID.

“Hello?” Chanyeol said with his hoarse voice.

“Hi, are you sleeping?”

Upon hearing the sound of voice he had been longing for these past six days, Chanyeol was now completely awake, eyes wide opened and ears perked up, “Baek?”

“Of course it’s me, who else.”

“I...I—“ Chanyeol took a look on his phone, and yes, it was Baekhyun, “I didn’t look at the caller ID, sorry.”

Chanyeol could hear Baekhyun was laughing, and it made his stomach flipped.

“Stupid. What kind of people who didn’t look at the caller ID when they received a call.”

Chanyeol was still trying to process that Baekhyun was calling him, and the fact that he just woke up wasn’t helping either, it made him thought that this was just a dream.

“Am I dreaming?” Chanyeol asked wonderly.

He heard Baekhyun laughed again.

“No, you didn’t.”

“Why are you calling? What’s wrong, Baek?”

“The committee allowed us to take his phone tonight. I guess I’m supposed to call my mom, but I call you instead. I’m such a bad son.”

Chanyeol thought that God must pity him a lot after looking at his poor condition today. Just as he thought that he couldn’t take it any longer for not hearing any news from Baekhyun, now his boyfriend called him.

“Yeol? You still there?”

“Yes, yes, I’m here,” he cleared his throat and tried to push down the overwhelming feeling of happiness inside him, “how are you?”

“Shockingly, I’m fine,” Baekhyun laughed, “The schedule isn’t as full as I thought. We actually have so much time to play and rest. It’s just like a holiday, in my opinion. We had some seminars, workshops, and group discussions. But, we also had outdoor activities, and those were my favorite, Yeol. We were having some kind of games which pumped our leadership’s soul,” he laughed again.

Chanyeol stopped listening to what Baekhyun said about a bunch of games he had tried with his new group of friends. He lost it when he realized how he missed Baekhyun’s voice, and decided to just enjoy Baekhyun’s voice rather than actually listened to what Baekhyun said. He thought he could listen to Baekhyun’s voice for the rest of his life.

“Seriously, are you listening or not?”

Baekhyun’s annoyed voice made Chanyeol came back from his enjoyment. He shook his head and blinked a few tims before he answered, “So—sorry, yeah, I’m listening. I was just...I was listening to your voice.”

“Wow, my boyfriend is a creep.”

“You just know that?”Chanyeol chuckled at the fact that Baekhyun didn’t know that listening to his voice was nothing compared to what he had done for this one week because of the absence of Baekhyun.

“What about you? How are you, Yeol?”

“Is it supposed to be a rhetorical question? Because you should’ve already known the answer, Baek. I’ll never be fine without you.”

Chanyeol should’ve felt delighted because one of his wishes, which was hearing Baekhyun’s voice, was granted. Instead he felt like he wanted to tear shreds of skin from his lips, making it bleed and hurt, so it would distract it from the hurt inside his chest.

 “I miss you so much,” Chanyeol said as he lowered his head, looking at his crumpled t-shirt and hardly swallowing the lump in his throat.

Chanyeol didn’t hear anything from Baekhyun as he only heard the faint sound of some people’s voice in the background. But he somehow can hear Baekhyun’s steady breathing from across the line, and surprisingly it made Chanyeol felt relax.

“I miss you, too,” Baekhyun finally said. “Everytime there were some things happened, good or bad, I always wanted to tell you immediately. Then I remembered I can’t.”

“If I could, I would come visit you right now,” Chanyeol said in a very desprate tone that he himself was surprised by it. It scared him how much he needed Baekhyun. “Or you’re in this room with me.”

“What would you do if I were there?”

Chanyeol stayed silent for a moment, and said, “I just wanna see you,” Chanyeol then lied on his bed, looked into the ceiling and smiled, “I wanna hug you, kiss you, make you smile and laugh.” He closed his eyes and tightened the grip on his phone, “just lie on the bed next to you, cuddling, then we’ll fall asleep.”

“Sounds really nice,” Baekhyun said, and Chanyeol could imagine that Baekhyun was smiling when he said it.

Chanyeol nodded although he knew that Baekhyun can’t see him,

Both of them ended up talking for more than an hour. They set the mellow and gloomy moods aside, and replaced it with brighter topics to talk about. So much had happened in just one week that they had so many things to catch up, and one hour certainly wasn’t enough.

But Chanyeol can’t be more grateful. This made him kept breathing.




“Because this is our last day here,” Eunhyuk said loudly so everyone can hear what he was saying, “I think this is the perfect time for us to share our last stories to one another, don’t you think?”

All of them, the students’ presidents along with Eunhyuk and Donghae, whom were Baekhyun’s favorite mentor among all, were sitting and forming a big circle in the aula.

Today was the last day of the camp. Well, not exactly the last since they will actually go home tomorrow after the closing ceremony, but the camp had unofficially today ended because they had done all the activities.

Baekhyun was really really excited to go home, but he also felt a bit sad for saying good bye to his good friends of these two weeks. The camp was incredibly fun, and educating, to be honest. Baekhyun made friends with almost all of them, including the committee. These two weeks were surely memorable, but Baekhyun can’t wait to go back to Seoul.

He didn’t do really well in the last activities today since his thought was preoccupied by Chanyeol, or to be exact, meeting Chanyeol again. The thought of seeing his boyfriend again after fifteen days succeeded to make him lost in the last game, but Baekhyun didn’t care. He had won many games anyway.

Now the dinner time had passed and everyone gathered in the aula to share some stories. They had done this plenty of times, but this will be the last.

“As always, you guys can tell any story, preferably interesting stories,” Donghae giggled, and looked at his ‘children’ with a caring look, “let’s have some fun,” he said the usual slogan of their sharing session.

“Okay, who’s up first?” Eunhyuk yelled as he clasped his hands together with a high spirit.

Baekhyun watched his friends, one by one, telling their interesting stories. There was this beautiful girl named Yura from Jeongdeok High School who was telling about her experience when she auditioned for an entertainment agency and how she received the highest score and immediately trained. And there was this somehow creepy guy named Leo from Kyungho High School telling about how he sometimes can see ghosts, and it succeeded to scare the hell out of everyone in the room. Then there was Daehyun who told a funny story of how students council presidents, including himself, in his school must undergo a weird tradition which was cross-dressing for a day at school.

And as always, if Daehyun got the turn, he will choose Baekhyun to tell his story right after him. Baekhyun grinned when Daehyun pointed his finger at him from across the table, and he his lips before he move his body closer to the table so everyone can see him.

“Okay, my turn,” Baekhyun cleared his voice. “My story might be a little weird but please bear with me. It’s a story of how I met my boyfriend.” Some of them were giggling, and Baekhyun continued, “Actually, how my boyfriend confessed to me. It was kind of...different and weird at that time, but I can’t help to think that it was quite romantic, actually.”

He looked at his surrounding, and found everyone was looking at him curiously. Except Daehyun ,whom Baekhyun thought that his expression was indescribable right now.

“It happened on the first day of this new semester, after I gave my speech in front of Yeolshin students,” Baekhyun continued. “When I came down from the stage, my boyfriend, his name is Chanyeol if you guys don’t know, he came to me and yelled my name.” Baekhyun smiled at the amusing memory, “the school auditorium was still full of students when he confessed, with his freaking deep and loud voice.”

“And all students turned silent, didn’t they? Just like in a movie,” Sungyeol, who sat beside, interrupted.

Baekhyun nodded, “yeah, exactly like that, and just when I thought it couldn’t be worse than that, he confessed. And the way he confessed, seriously guys, it was freaking creepy.”

“What did he say?” Minah, one of Baekhyun’s new close friends in the camp, asked excitedly.

“He said, ‘Byun Baekhyun, you might not know me at all, but I’m your future husband.’ I swore I almost fell on my knees at that time. And it wasn’t finished yet,” Baekhyun put his index finger on his lips when he saw Eunhyuk was about to interrupt. “He continued blabbering of how a fortune-teller told him that and how he wanted to marry me after we graduate college.”

“Oh my God,” Donghae said.

“That was...really freak,” Myungsoo exclaimed.

“No, it was romantic,” Luna denied.

“Yeah, I thought it was really creepy at first, but then now I think it was a really nice pick up line, you know?” Baekhyun agreed.

“And you accepted him?” Eunji asked.

“Weirdly, yes, I accepted right away,” Baekhyun answered.

“Wow, you’re also a freak, then,” Myungsoo said.

“Shut up, Myungsoo,” Sungyeol snapped, “so, you still date him, right?”

Baekhyun smiled and nodded, “yes, we’ve dated for almost three months now.”

“And will the two of you get married?” Daehyun questioned.

The question made Baekhyun flustered and shut his mouth. This was the first time Daehyun opened his mouth since Baekhyun told the story. From across the table, Baekhyun could see that Daehyun locked his eyes at him, “I don’t know,” Baekhyun answered, “but so far, I couldn’t picture anyone else other than Chanyeol becomes my husband.”

Baekhyun’s answer got a loud reaction by the others, but Daehyun was still looking at Baekhyun intensely, “correct me if I’m wrong, was Chanyeol cheated on you?”

The others turned silent, and Baekhyun’s jaws tightened, “no, he never cheated on me. What do you mean?”

“When I visited you at your school, he was begging for your forgiveness,” Daehyun stated.

“It was just because of a misunderstanding. He didn’t cheat on me.”

“But still, he hurt you, right? Why did you forgive him so easily? And now you said you can picture him as your husband?” Daehyun replied back.

Baekhyun never imagined that his story would lead to this little stupid argument with him and Daehyun. He could feel the tension in the room that the others were just remained silent as they didn’t want to interfere. Daehyun was the closest to him during the camp, but it didn’t mean that he could attack Baekhyun with this kind of personal questions.

Baekhyun really wanted to answer him with a simple ‘it’s none of your businesses’, but it meant that Daehyun was right. Baekhyun didn’t care about Daehyun, but he certainly won’t let the others to think that Chanyeol was bad.

“Yes, he hurt me,” Baekhyun answered calmly, wanting to show them that he wasn’t faltered by the damn questions. “But Daehyun, do you actually know that relationship isn’t all rainbow and butterflies?”

Baekhyun smiled when he saw Daehyun was a bit startled by his response.

“Chanyeol is probably the stupidest boyfriend on earth, he admitted it himself. Like I said, it’s not always rainbow and butterflies, sometimes it ,” Baekhyun stopped for a while to take his breath, then he continued, “But, the important thing is when you still want to be there when everything . And I, even though I was hurt, I wanted to be with him, so I forgave him, as simple as that.”

Baekhyun truly didn’t know where all of those words came from. The others were just watching in awe, and Baekhyun felt a little awkward.

“Besides, Chanyeol might be dumb, but other than that, he’s as perfect as a boyfriend and a future husband could be, so I guess yes I’m gonna marry him,” Baekhyun concluded his story in a very dramatic way as he put his chin on his palm and smiled proudly, and earned an around of applause from all his friends. Except Daehyun who was forcing a smile on his face.

As the story session went on, Baekhyun couldn’t help thinking at Chanyeol. He was really glad that this ended well because for a second he thought his story would backfire at him because of the ing ridiculous statement from that ing Daehyun guy (yes, Baekhyun now could see why Chanyeol hated him so much). But of course no matter what, Baekhyun wouldn’t let people think bad about his relationship with Chanyeol and about Chanyeol himself. Because Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol wouldn’t let it happened if he was the one in Baekhyun’s position.

At the end, Baekhyun smiled at the thought that Chanyeol must be grinning ear to ear if he knew how Baekhyun defended him. Not to mention that now practically 35 high schools in Seoul knew that Baekhyun was Chanyeol’s.







God bless Chanbaek moment at oak valley tonight. Can they just get married ;;;~;;;

yeay, Baekhyun comes home in the next chapterrrr. please look forward to it ;)

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


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161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!