Chapter 20

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband


Many people said to him that he had a great social skill. Baekhyun always had this wonderful ability to easily get close with everyone if he wanted to. He was friendly, talkative, and a good listener. Maybe that was why he had many friends and all of them loved him. Because he had this bright and cheerful aura, and people just wanted to befriend him.

So it wasn’t really a problem for Baekhyun to get to know almost half of the people on the bus when they were on the way to the camp. In the five hours of the journey, Baekhyun suceeded to lighten up the mood at the back part of the bus when he just randomly talked and chatted, telling funny story and sometimes joking around with the others.

Everyone loved him already in those five hours.

One of the camp committee told them that they will arrive at the camp in just twenty minutes, so Baekhyun decided to get back to his seat and rested for a while. He was just about to close his eyes when Daehyun came to sit beside him.

“Why is it so hard to talk to you?” Daehyun said jokingly.

This was the first time Baekhyun saw Daehyun out of his uniform, and he needed to admit that this Daehyun guy, that was how Chanyeol called him, was really good looking. Not as handsome as Chanyeol, Baekhyun thought, but good enough.

“Sorry if I’m so popular,” Baekhyun replied also jokingly. His mood was really good 100 percent since he got to see Chanyeol before he went, and the thing Chanyeol whispered to him before he left...damn, Baekhyun sure it could lighten up his mood for the rest of two weeks.

Daehyun laughed rather histerically, and some presidents around them were looking at them. “Sorry,” Daehyun said as he shed tears in his eyes, “you’re so fun.”

“I get that a lot,” Baekhyun smiled.

“So,” Daehyun turned his head to face Baekhyun, “how’s your head? Is it okay for you to go to the camp with that condition?”

Baekhyun raised his hand, touching the small bandage on his forehead, “it’s okay now. Doctor said I could remove the bandage anytime by myself. I don’t want to remove it yet because the scar must still look pretty hideous.”

“You’ll still look pretty though,” Daehyun exclaimed, and it made Baekhyun a little surprised. “I meant it as compliment. You’re really beautiful.”

Daehyun smiled at him, and Baekhyun returned the smile rather awkwardly. He never knew how to react to that kind of compliment like that. And, this was Daehyun who was speaking, so it doubled the awkwardness.

The bus stopped without Baekhyun noticing, and Daehyun stood up and left to his own seat at the front. Baekhyun, still dazed from what Daehyun said, blankly wore his red jacket again and grabbed his bags. Then he slowly followed everyone out of the bus.

In total 36 schools and 36 students presidents joined this leadership camp, and they all now stood in front of a big house, or should Baekhyun said a villa, where they will stay for these two weeks.

Baekhyun swept Daehyun away from his mind. He remembered Chanyeol last request for him, ‘stay away from Daehyun’, so he will do so. He tried to focus on what the committee was saying at the front.

“This is the house where we will stay,” the committee named Donghae said, “half of the program will be held there, and the rest of it would be outdoor activities. Now Eunhyuk will read the room arrangement.”

The said man named Eunhyuk stepped forward and took his place beside Donghae. He opened the paper he was holding and looked at the group of students presidents in front of him before he spoke, “listen carefully guys. I’ll read the list, and I only say it once. Okay, first...”

The list went on, and Baekhyun got that one room was filled with four students. It was almost near the end when Baekhyun finally heard his name was finally called.

“Room 28, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Myungsoo, Lee Sungyeol, and Jung Daehyun.”

Baekhyun almost choked when he heard the last name Donghae had called. Seriously, from 35 other students here why he must share the same room with Daehyun.

He moved his gaze to where he knew Daehyun was standing, and when he found him, Daehyun was already looking at him, smiling widely.

Chanyeol cannot know about this at all, Baekhyun thought, or he needed to risk the possibility that his boyfriend will come to this place and teared the place down. Well, Baekhyun was a little exaggerating, but who knew.

Eunhyuk finished reading all the list, and everyone already had their rooms and roomates, so the committee guided them to the house.

Baekhyun had gathered with all of his roomates. He knew Daehyun and Sungyeol, but he hadn’t knew Myungsoo. They exchanged hand shakes before they finally went to search for his room.

Baekhyun tried his best to not standing too close to Daehyun when they were searching for their room. And when they had found the room, Baekhyun took the farthest bed from him, near the window.

They were given the time to rest until evening, the opening ceremony of the camp which will be attended by many very important academic people in the city. So, Baekhyun and the others decided to just stay in the room after a long bus ride.

Baekhyun was just starting to unpack his bag when Myungsoo stood from his bed, “I want to look around the house. Anybody want to join me?”

Jerking up from his own bed, Sungyeol immediately took his hoodie and put it on, “I’ll come with you.”

Myungsoo nodded and turned his head to Baekhyun, “what about you, Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun smiled and shook his head slightly, “No, you guys go. I want to get some rest.”

“Me too, I’ll just stay here with Baekhyun,” Daehyun exclaimed. Baekhyun was totally forgot that Daehyun was there for a while.

“Fine. We’ll bring snacks if we find some,” Sungyeol waved to them and opened the door with Myungsoo followed behind him.

With Myungsoo and Sungyeol gone, Baekhyun was left alone with Daehyun. He tried to shrug it off, hoping that Daehyun won’t try to talk to him or anything because Baekhyun didn’t have the intention to.

It was awkward, and Baekhyun had never been the type who could shut his mouth off for a long time. So Baekhyun took out his phone instead, and decided to text Chanyeol that he already arrived. The phones will be collected after the opening ceremony tonight, and they can’t access their phone until the committee decided to give them back, which was still unknown when.

Baekhyun spared Daehyun a glance, and he was also checking his phone. After that, Baekhyun turned his phone on. Not long after, his phone beeped and showed a message which was from Chanyeol.

From: Park Chanyeol

Baek, have you arrived yet?

Baekhyun smiled and felt that his shoulder had loosened up from the tension. He put his fingers on the buttons and began to type the reply for his boyfriend. One minute late, Chanyeol would be freak out.

For: Park Chanyeol

Arrived safely J

“Nice phone strap,”

Just after Baekhyun pushed the send button he heard Daehyun’s voice from across the room. He blinked once before he realized that Daehyun was actually talking about his metal phoenix and sun phone strap.

Baekhyun cleared his throat nervously, “Thanks. This is a couple phone strap actually.”

Daehyun lifted one of his eyebrow, “oh, so I guess the other one is with Chanyeol, then?”

“Who else,” Baekhyun said, stating rather than questioning, as if it was really obvious. Which made him slightly felt guilty to Daehyun. “Sorry.”

“What for?”

“For being such an today,” Baekhyun put down his phone on his bed and focused on Daehyun, “I’m sorry, it’s just that Chanyeol didn’t want me to come near you. No offense to you, seriously, he’s just a really jealous and protective type.”

Baekhyun was afraid that Daehyun would get mad, but he was laughing instead of get angry. “Chanyeol really doesn’t like me, does he?”

“Don’t take it hard. He once wanted to strangle his own best friend just because I said I had a crush on his best friend in the past,” Baekhyun joined him laughing.

“I can picture that easily,” Daehyun stopped laughing. “Chanyeol is seriously lucky for having you as his boyfriend.”

Baekhyun also quickly stopped his laughing. Gulping nervously before he scracthed his head, “I think I’m going to take shower.”

Baekhyun didn’t wait for Daehyun to response anything and quickly jumped off his bed and took his towel inside his bagpack. He entered the bathroom fastly as he missed the soft smile creeped on Daehyun’s face.

Leaving Daehyun behind, Baekhyun cursed himself under the shower of warm water. He didn’t like being fluttered by Daehyun’s statement. Only Chanyeol who was supposed to be able to make him felt like that. And Baekhyun really hated himself for being like that.

Baekhyun shut his eyes close, feeling the warm feeling throughout his body because of the water, and tried to calm himself down.

He missed Chanyeol.

It hadn’t even 24 hours since they parted but Baekhyun already missed him this much. The thing about Daehyun just made him wanting to be in Chanyeol’s side even more. Baekhyun didn’t even know if it was possible.

He turned the shower off before he dried himself and wrapped his body in comfortable clothes. He was thinking to call Chanyeol after this when he opened the bathroom door and found that Sungyeol and Myungsoo had came back.

Baekhyun let out a sigh of relief and stepped out from the bathroom, “hey, how’s the house?”

The three of them, who seemed busy with the snacks Myungsoo and Sungyeol had brought, turned their head to Baekhyun. “It’s really nice,” Sungyeol replied, “I guess the government spent a large amount of money for this program. I actually feel honored now.”

“Our room is just beside the yard, you know? We could sneek out at midnight,” Myungsoo added.

Baekhyun laughed in response, “really? That’s nice then.” Baekhyun walked to his bed after he took some cheese ring snacks. He didn’t notice that Daehyun was following behind him.

He put down his damp towel and realized that his phone wasn’t in its place before, on the bed, it was on the table beside his bed instead. Just as Baekhyun creased his eyebrows in confusion, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

“Chanyeol called when you were in the shower,” Daehyun said from behind him.

Baekhyun turned around, “who?”

“Chanyeol. It kept ringing, so I picked it up,”

 Baekhyun nodded and picked his phone up. Then it just sank in him that it meant Chanyeol would mostly knew that Baekhyun shared the room with Daehyun. If he was lucky enough, Daehyun might not introduce himself. But the probability must be really small, and Baekhyun thought that his luck was never on his side.

“Please say you didn’t say your name to him,” Baekhyun asked with a clear horror in his eyes.

Daehyun blinked once,  a little confused by Baekhyun’s reaction, “ugh, yes? Of course I said I’m Daehyun. He asked me who am I, so—“

“Oh, ,” Baekhyun immediately tightened his grip on his phone and ran out of the room, leaving Daehyun in daze, and Sungyeol and Myungsoo looking at him curiously.

Baekhyun closed the door behind him as he pressed some buttons on his phone, trying to search for Chanyeol’s number. Without him noticing, Baekhyun walked out of the door which led to the large yard beside the house.

As soon as he found Chanyeol’s ID, Baekhyun quickly pressed the green button on his phone. He took a deep breath, before he placed the phone on his ear. It didn’t take a long time until Chanyeol picked up the phone.

“Baek?” Chanyeol said, rather abruptly.

The feeling of relief of hearing Chanyeol’s deep and warm voice was showering him that Baekhyun almost wanted to tear up. He even almost said ‘I miss you’ to him. “Hi,” Baekhyun faintly said, “sorry I was in the bathroom. You called, right?”

“Yeah, but that Daehyun guy was the one who answered it,”

There wasn’t any sign of anger in Chanyeol’s voice. If Baekhyun didn’t hear it wrong, he heard Chanyeol was actually whining. And it was kinda cute.

“He’s my roomate, Yeol.”

“I figured. At least he didn’t take shower with you.” Baekhyun realized Chanyeol stopped for a while, “and don’t ever try to do that.”

Baekhyun laughed, “of course I won’t. You think I’m crazy?”

“It’s not you I’m worried about. It’s him.”

“He’s cool. Don’t worry.”

“Baek, he likes you.”

“Oh please, everyone likes me,” Baekhyun joked, which he regret it right after.

“I know. It’s so hard to have a perfect boyfriend like you. Everybody wants you, and I couldn’t let my guard down or someone will take you away.”

Baekhyun bit his lips, trying to surpress his smile. He looked down at his feet and played with the grass. “You’re such a flirt.”

“I’m not flirting. That’s my insecurities who’s speaking.”

“You’re my favorite person on the earth, how can you be insecure?”

Chanyeol didn’t immediately answer or respond to Baekhyun’s statement that Baekhyun started to think that maybe he spoke the wrong words again. But then, Baekhyun heard Chanyeol was sighing on the other end.

“You don’t know how much I want to hold you right now, Baek.”

Now Baekhyun couldn’t hide his smile anymore, “I’ve only been gone for six hours.”

“I don’t care. Could I go there?”

“Are you kidding me? No, you can’t, Yeol. It’s a private event, and you have school.”

Chanyeol scoffed, “I hate school. Plus now you’re not here, I hate it even more. I basically hate my life in general if there’s no you in it.

“Don’t be such a kid, and promise me you won’t come here.”

“Fine, I promise. But don’t cry when you come home I already dead because my heart couldn’t take it for not seeing you for fifteen days.”

“Oh God, stop it. You’re being cheesy, and it’s gross.”

“People said that you’ll miss something when it was already gone. You’ll definitely miss this grossness of mine, sweet heart.”

“Unfortunately, I certainly won’t miss it. Thank you very much.”

Baekhyun could clearly hear the crispy laugh of Chanyeol, and it made him sad to know that he wouldn’t be able to hear that again for the next fifteen days.


Chanyeol seemed able to hear the faint tone on Baekhyun’s voice, so he stopped his laugh, “hmm?”

“My phone will be collected after the dinner tonight.”

“I know. You’ve told me.”

“I’m gonna miss you,” Baekhyun now bit his lips for different reason. He tried to stop the tears coming out of the back of his eyes. It just hit him that fifteen days were a really long time.

“Baek, please know that I’m gonna miss you more than you’ll ever be. I’m actually scared right now.”

“Two weeks would pass without us knowing. I’d be in your arms again before you could even miss me.”

“Don’t say something impossible like that. I’m gonna miss you as soon as you pressed the red button on your phone, Baek.”

Baekhyun pursed his lips into a thin line and tried his best to not scream his head off. This was seriously frustrating, and he never wanted this call to end. But of course he can’t. He had obligations to do, and he wanted to come home as a new person. He wouldn’t waste his temporary painful separation with Chanyeol for nothing.

“I need to go now,” Baekhyun said after he washed his sadness away.

It took around five seconds before Baekhyun finally heard Chanyeol’s respons.

“Good bye.”

Baekhyun didn’t need the sweet good bye words from Chanyeol. It was all collected in those two simple words Chanyeol had uttered to him. He could hear Chanyeol’s crack voice, his glum and hollow tone, the unspoken words were all combined as that simple good bye, and Baekhyun swore he heard Chanyeol sniffled.

“Good bye,” Baekhyun replied in the same way like Chanyeol’s. Baekhyun removed the phone from his ear and pressed the red button.

And as soon as he did that, Baekhyun missed Chanyeol right away.






Am having a really major chanbaek feels right now so I updated fast. screw thesis.

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!