Chapter 9

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

Chattering filled the auditorium. Students slowly filled the empty chairs. Some of the members of student council were ushering the juniors to take the front seats. The student council vice president, Tao, was checking the mic on stage. Meanwhile, the president was standing in front of the stage, looking uneasy. Nervous, to be exact.

Baekhyun was biting his thumb nervously, eyes were on the hall’s main entrance, looking for a certain giant. “Where the hell is Chanyeol?” he muttered.

“Baekhyun, just sit down. I become nervous just by looking at you,” Jongdae said, sitting in one of the front seats. The front seats were actually for the student council members only. But, that , Baekhyun said earlier, he needed Jongdae to accompany him.

Turned out, Jongdae wasn’t enough. “Where’s Chanyeol goddamit?!” Baekhyun snapped.

“Relax, would you? He might be still on the way here,” Jongdae said, trying to calm the president down. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

The school hours had over 10 minutes ago. All the students had been informed to come to the school’s auditorium immediately after the class. Baekhyun thought that other students needed to be told as soon as possible so they won’t waste any more times to prepare for the school festival.

“You want me to look for him?” Jongdae asked.

Baekhyun looked at him, and his eyes turned into puppy eyes. He nodded frantically. “Yes, please. You know which one is he, right?”

Jongdae rolled his eyes and stood up, “seriously, who doesn’t know him after the confession?” He tapped Baekhyun shoulder, “I’ll find him in a minute. Just calm down, okay?”

Baekhyun smiled and nodded, “thank you, Chen. You’re the best.”

Jongdae rolled his eyes once again, and punched Baekhyun’s shoulder lightly, “why are you my best friend?” he chuckled then walked away to search for Chanyeol.

As soon as Jongdae was gone, Baekhyun began to feel nervous again. This was the hard part at become a leader. When something bad happened, you were the first one who need to step forward.

More than half of the hall was filled when Baekhyun heard his name was called.


Baekhyun turned around and the person he waited was standing in front of him, “Chanyeol, God finally.” He let out a relieved sigh and looked at Jongdae who was standing behind Chanyeol, “thank you so much, Kim Jongdae.” The latter grinned and  imitated a prince’s bow.

After Jongdae got back to his seat, Baekhyun turned his attention to the tall boy in front of him, “what take you so long?” Baekhyun asked, slightly raised his voice.

Chanyeol raised his eyebrows, “Hey, calm down.”

“I feel like I’m about to stepping on a piranha pool,”

Chanyeol laughed.

“Chanyeol, I’m serious. Can you see that your future husband here is about to die in a minute?”

Chanyeol stopped laughing, and frowned for a mere second, surprised by Baekhyun’s word. But then he slowly smiled. Seriously, if the situation wasn’t this serious, Chanyeol could immediately hug Baekhyun there. Instead, he took Baekhyun’s small hand and looked at the older’s eyes, “you know, Baekhyun, they chose you as the president because of one reason. They trust you. They knew that you’ll be able to lead them, that you’re capable.”

Baekhyun pursed his lips into a thin line. Looking at Baekhyun who kept silent, Chanyeol continued. “and yes, you’re my future husband, so if they want to kill you, they need to fight me first,” he grinned.

It succeeded to make Baekhyun laughed and Chanyeol was relieved. “How did you do that?” Baekhyun said between his laughter, “you’re not even funny, but you make me laugh.”

Chanyeol grinned become wider and he just shrugged, “uhm...because I’m your future husband?”

Baekhyun chuckled, “sure, you are.”

“Hyung,” Tao called, and both of them turned their heads to Tao, “all students are here, now. Are you ready?” he said a little bit awkward because he had interupted their moment.

Baekhyun looked at the auditorium, and Tao was right, the auditorium had fully filled with students, but no signs from teachers or principal. He sighed, “Yeah, I think so,” he said to Tao.

Chanyeol rubbed Baekhyun’s hand before he finally let it go. He muttered a simple ‘fighting’ to his boyfriend. When Baekhyun turned around and walked to the stage, Chanyeol took a seat beside Jongdae.

“Now I know why he was looking for you,” Jongdae said when Chanyeol finally sat beside him.

“Sorry, what?” Chanyeol confusedly asked.

“You made him laugh when I, his best friend, couldn’t even make him sit down.”

Chanyeol still didn’t understand what Jongdae meant by that, but before he asked further he heard Baekhyun’s voice from the speaker.

“Test, test,” Baekhyun did mic test. It worked fine so he took a deep breath before he finally put a smile on his face, “good afternoon, everyone. I’m Byun Baekhyun from the school student council.” The students clapped and Baekhyun continued, “I’m sorry for holding you guys to go home, but there is a serious matter that I need to inform.” The crowd turned silent and it made Baekhyun gulped his nervous lump, “so, as you all know that I was called to principal’s office this afternoon. He asked me to deliver the news that...” he his dry lips, “...the school festival will be move to 23rd October, which is two weeks from now.”

The hall fell silent for only a second before it was filled with gasps and suddenly all students were yelling, some of them were even standing up from their seats and began protesting to Baekhyun which the latter couldn’t really catch the words because it was too noisy.

“Guys, listen to me—“

“It’s impossible to prepeare for only two weeks!” One of the students yelled.

“Yes, I know that. The student council already planned it for early November, but the school moved it forward,” he tried to answer calmly.

“And you agreed with the decision?” Another student yelled.

“I’ve tried my best to change Mr.Lee’s decision, but it was fixed. He didn’t listen to me,” Baekhyun answered.

“Maybe you didn’t try hard enough!”

Other students followed yelling and protesting at Baekhyun. And he honestly didn’t know what to do because he was still also processing it. He bit his lips and lowered his gaze to the floor. He mentally cursed the principal but then he remembered what Chanyeol had said to him earlier.

They trust you.

He looked up and his eyes landed on Chanyeol who was staring at him with a concern look but then a reassuring smile curved in his face. Just like that, Baekhyun found his strength again to speak.

“Quiet, please. Two weeks is a really short time, I know. We need to make a concept, after that we need much money, we need to make the decoration, costumes, and stuffs we needed. If we think about it, yes, it’s impossible. But we need to remember that we will do this together, as a whole. There are more than 700 students here, and a class has more than 30 students. If we prepare it seriously and dilligently, with a good team work. I’m pretty sure that two weeks is nothing. Time is not an obstacle.”

The students started to nod in agreement and the noise changed from yelling to saying the encouragement words between themselves.

“I promise that the student council, especially me, will help as much as we can and try to ease your burden. You guys just need to focus on your own class event, while the student council will deal with the school festival in general,” Baekhyun smiled with confidence. “As long as we work as a team, then there will be no problem. We will make this year’s school festival become a huge success!”

The students were now yelling again but with different emotion. They were now eager to make the school festival a huge success just like what Baekhyun had said. The latter smiled bashfully as he looked at his friends and juniors who jumped excitedly and enthusiasticly.

“You guys were allowed to come up with your own ideas. Every classes’ president must come to me to give the themes from each class. The deadline is tomorrow after school at student council room,” All student nodded, accepting Baekhyun’s command. “Thank you so much for your understanding. Once again, I’m sorry.” Baekhyun bowed to all students, after that he smiled again. “And don’t forget to wear coat or jacket starting tomorrow. The temperature’s starting to drop. You’re permit to go, thank you very much, guys.”

Baekhyun waited until the students started to move to leave the hall before he finally came down from stage. Tao and the rest of student council members were giving him two thumbs up.

Jongdae came to him and pat his shoulder, “cool speech, you did great, bro!” After that he left for theater practice.

Lastly, Chanyeol walked to him, grinning from ear to ear. He hugged Baekhyun as soon as he reached him. Baekhyun gasped a little but as he felt Chanyeol’s warm embrace around him, he began to loosen up. He didn’t realize that he was so tensed.

“As expected, our president,” Chanyeol pat Baekhyun’s hair, “you were so cool.”

“Thanks to you,” Baekhyun said as he broke the hug. “I won’t be able to stand there without your words.”

Chanyeol pouted, “just because my words?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, “fine, it’s because of you I can do it.” And he chuckled at the sight of the younger grinning childishly. “I’ve said to you that you’re ugly when grinning like that, right?”

At that statement, Chanyeol could just laugh. He was also nervous back there when all students were shouting at Baekhyun. But then, seeing Baekhyun could handle it easily with just a minute, it made him really proud of his boyfriend.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Chanyeol opened up his backpack and put out a sandwich. “Here, take it. You haven’t had lunch.”

Baekhyun looked surprised and took it, “when did you get this?”

“I bought it in the cafetaria before I came here because I know you didn’t eat when lunch break.”

Baekhyun’s mouth hung open. So Chanyeol was late because he bought him a sandwich? He partly felt guilty for being a spoiled brat who can only whinned over his boyfriend’s whereabouts when Chanyeol actually cared about him a lot.

“Thank you, Chanyeol.”

“Nah, it’s just a sandwich, and it’s really cheap.”

Baekhyun laughed, “not that, you idiot. I mean...” Baekhyun stopped and stared at Chanyeol who eyed him like a puppy, waiting for Baekhyun to continue speaking, “...thank you for everything.”

Baekhyun’s saying was so soft but Chanyeol could catch it clearly. The latter smiled before he finally took the president’s hand and intertwined it with his own hand. “Let’s go home,” he said.

Baekhyun nodded and let Chanyeol dragged him out of the hall.

“You want me to open it for you?” Chanyeol referred to the sandwich that Baekhyun was holding. Baekhyun gave the sandwich and Chanyeol opened it without breaking their hands apart, instead he held it tighter than before.

As they walked toward the school’s gate Baekhyun started to think, seriously, what he had done in the previous life to deserve someone like Chanyeol.



Four days had passed since Baekhyun announced the important news about school festival to all students. And the school was extremely busy like never before. Students never went home straight until the school hours were over. They always stayed at school to make decorations. Other students were practicing for the performance which will be held at the end of school festival, the of festival.

To sum up, everyone was busy.

But not as busy as Baekhyun who although he had retreated from his own class responsibility, and just focused on his job as students’ president, he was still the busiest person in school. Along with other members of students council, Baekhyun worked really hard to make this event successful and won’t let down everyone’s expectation on him.

But everything slowly got into his nerves. It was tiring because he needed to stay late at school everyday. It was frustrating because he needed to make sure every single aspects were handled. It was confusing because his to-do-lists seemed keep increasing.

The only thing that could make him sane was Chanyeol. Baekhyun admitted that Chanyeol was like the most understanding boyfriend on earth. He always the one who comfort Baekhyun when he was frustrated. He always taken care of Baekhyun when the president didn’t have the time to eat lunch, or even breakfast. He always waited for Baekhyun if he worked overtime at school.

But when Baekhyun was being moody and his y side was on, Chanyeol could only stay quiet. Like one of the case when Chanyeol was standing quietly at the school’s council room, looking at the president a.k.a his boyfriend who was currently on the phone with a tents retailer for the school festival. And surely, the president was really pissed of.

“I had said I book it for October 23rd.........No, I clearly said 23rd, not 22nd......Wait, what?.......You want to cancel it? Are you kidding me? I’m the customer here, I should be the one who cancel it........You know what, sir? You can go to hell!”

Baekhyun harshly clicked the red button on his phone and threw it to the table. He groaned loudly and pulled his magenta locks frustratedly, “arrghh, ing retailer. I hate everyone!”

Chanyeol pursed his lips into a thin line, didn’t dare to utter a single sound while his beloved boyfriend was indignant like that. He knew too well that if he said something wrong, then the anger will be thrown at him.

Or another episode of moody Baekhyun when he was confuse for the school festival main theme and he asked Chanyeol’s opinion. Emphasized on Baekhyun was the one who asked Chanyeol’s opinion.

Chanyeol said, “I think since it was almost winter, we could go for winter theme, all white decoration, maybe some fake snow here and there. The music performance maybe—“

“Chanyeol, can you shut up? I’m trying to think here,” Baekhyun cut Chanyeol off.

“Bu—but you’re the one who as—“

“I didn’t ask your opinion, okay? So, be quiet.”

In the end, Chanyeol could only shut his mouth off until finally Baekhyun said his opinion which definitely the same with Chanyeol’s.

Baekhyun also turned scary just because a simple thing, like when Chanyeol had asked him if he had lunch or not. “Baekhyun, have you grabbed your lunch?”

The said boy only shook his head as he continued to write the progress report about school festival.

Chanyeol sighed, “seriously, you need to eat. I literally can see your collarbones, you’re getting thinner.”

Baekhyun frowned for a second before he put down his pen to the table harshly and glared at Chanyeol, “So, what now? You didn’t like me being thin? Well, I’m sorry for being thin. If you don’t want to have a small boyfriend like me, you can just date Kris or Tao.”

“Wh-what?” Chanyeol panicked, “Baekhyun, that’s not what I meant.”

“Whatever,” Baekhyun said as he continued writing his report.

And Chanyeol was left once again in confusion how his boyfriend’s mood swing could be this terrifying.

But Baekhyun drama queen episodes never always on. There were some times when he was in a very good mood, being normal and all sweet. Like right now, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were having lunch at not-really-Baekhyun’s rooftop when Baekhyun suddenly asked a question that successfully made Chanyeol choked.

“Chanyeol, should we have a pet name for each other?”

The younger boy who just finished drinking his mineral water immediately choked and coughed a little, “what did you just say?”

Baekhyun grinned widely and put down his chopstick, “pet name, like a nick name. Something like Jongin has been calling Kyungsoo by Kyungie.”

Chanyeol’s eyes wide opened, “you want a pet name? Really?”

Baekhyun nodded excitedly, “why not? We have been dating for almost two weeks and we haven’t even called each other with our own nickname.”

Chanyeol blinked in disbelief, “o....okay? Sounds great,” he said, a little afraid of saying something wrong that would ruin Baekhyun’s mood. “What should we call each other?”

Baekhyun pouted as he was thinking for a nickname. At the time when Baekhyun was all cute like this, Chanyeol asked himself how someone as cute as Baekhyun could turn into a scary witch.

“Uhm...” Baekhyun hummed, “I guess Yeollie or Yeol is good. It’s cute and sounds a little dumb, so it suits you.”

Chanyeol laughed gleefully at Baekhyun’s analogy of his nickname, “fine. So, should I call you Baek or Hyun?”

Baekhyun shook his head, “No, no, no, Hyunnie is how my grandma called me.”

Once again, Chanyeol laughed and ruffled Baekhyun’s hair, “well, Baek it is. My Baekkie.”

The said boy’s lips formed a big smile, “I really like it.” Then Baekhyun grabbed his chopsticks and began eating again. Chanyeol also continued his lunch. After a minute of silent Baekhyun raised his head, “Yeollie,” he said.

Upon hearing the nickname, Chanyeol’s stomach flipped in happiness, “What, Baek?”

“Nothing. I just want to test out our new pet name,” Baekhyun said excitedly. Both of them continued to eat until Baekhyun called his boyfriend again, “Yeol?”

Chanyeol chuckled, “What, now?”

Baekhyun remained silent for awhile that Chanyeol thought for a split second that Baekhyun was having his mood swing again, but then Baekhyun started to speak, “I’m sorry for being such a this passed four days.

Chanyeol stopped eating, surprised by the smaller’s sudden apology.

Baekhyun let out a heavy sigh, “I was being mean to you and you don’t deserve all of those.”

“It’s okay, Baek, really.”

“No, it wasn’t okay, and I’m really sorry,” this time Baekhyun lowered his head. “I’m having the busiest and most tiring days in my whole life that I can’t control my own mood and mouth. I know that isn’t supposed to be the excuse for my rude attitude towards you, but—“

Baekhyun’s words was cut when Chanyeol put his hand on Baekhyun’s chin and he lifted Baekhyun’s head so he could look straight into Chanyeol’s eyes, “Baekhyun, it really is okay. Yes, I was having a hard time to handle your mood swing but I don’t mind. I totally understand your condition.”

Baekhyun bit his lips, “you could leave me if you can’t with me anymore.”

“Baek,” Chanyeol brushed his fingers over Baekhyun’s hair on his forehead, “you know I’ll never leave you.”

Baekhyun smiled weakly, “really?”

Chanyeol nodded, “don’t worry, if I’m so done with you, I’ll let you know.” That statement made Chanyeol earned a smacked on his shoulder.

“Yah!” Baekhyun yelled.

“I’m just kidding, Baek.” Chanyeol smiled at the sight of his boyfriend pouting cutely.

But Baekhyun slowly smiled again, “thank you, Yeol.”

Both of them started to clean up their lunch because the lunch break time will be up soon when Baekhyun said something that made Chanyeol choked two times in a row today.

“Hey, Yeollie, should we go on a date this weekend?”





I was having a really hard time writing the student protesting and Baekhyun's speech part in the auditorium. So sorry for that awkward scene *sigh*

And, thank you so much for reading, subscribing, commenting, and upvoting. thank youuuuuu I love you all <3

hope you like this chapter

love :*

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


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161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!