Chapter 22

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband


After a late-night chat finished, the group of students’ council presidents bid their good night to each other before they headed to their own rooms. It was 2AM when Baekhyun and his other roomates got back to their room at the corner of the corridor. They didn’t immediately hit the bed. Despite of the fact that they needed to get up early tomorrow for closing ceremony, they chose to have a little chat. This was the last night after all.

Baekhyun somehow hadn’t uttered a single word to Daehyun since their little heated argument back there, and Daehyun hadn’t, too. Their two friends, Sungyeol and Myungsoo, seemed to notice this, and Baekhyun couldn’t be more grateful to them that they didn’t let the situation became awkward.

“I’m sleepy, let’s sleep,” Sungyeol said while rubbing his sleepy eyes after their one hour chit-chat session. It was 3 AM now, so it was understandable.

“Yeah, me too. Can you turn on your alarm, Baekhyun? My phone’s dead,” Myungsoo asked him as he struggled to cover his body with the small blanket.

All of them had gotten their phones back, including Baekhyun. He shoved his hand into his pocket to get his phone. Baekhyun felt truly blessed that his phone was back to his hands again. Really, he was closed to quickly dial Chanyeol’s number, but it was already passed midnight when they received the phones, and Baekhyun didn’t want to wake Chanyeol up. He could wait until morning. He can handle practically two weeks without talking to Chanyeol. One more night wouldn’t hurt.

“I don’t know if I still have battery or not,” Baekhyun stated as he turned his phone on. “Ah, it’s on,” he smiled when his phone lightened up. He hadn’t had the time to check on his phone, so he immediately clicked the notification menu to check it, not bothering Myungsoo’s alarm request.

Since one week ago, the latest time he checked his phone, he got many messages from his mother, Jongdae, and mostly Chanyeol. It was so many that he actually felt guilty because he kinda felt lazy to open them. But he smiled nonetheless at Chanyeol’s cute rants over him. But then, Baekhyun he spotted unfamiliar number in his messages inbox.

From: Unknown

Baekhyun-ah, this is me Yura. Please call me immediately after you receive your phone, okay? Kisses from me, take care.

Baekhyun’s eyebrows creased. This was the first time Yura texted him. It was weird. And the way Yura texted him was like something was off.

Baekhyun quickly got up from his bed with his confuse face remained.

“I’m going out for a sec,” he said simply to his friends while running toward the door.

His roomates eyed him in confusion, seeing Baekhyun’s expression. Daehyun bit his lips before he stood up from his bed, following Baekhyun outside. He found the smaller boy at the yard beside the house, holding his phone tightly. He decided to stand in a safe distance, he didn’t want to interrupt the boy but he wanted to know what happened to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun look one last glance to his watch, it was 3 AM, and he didn’t know if it was appropriate to call Chanyeol’s older sister at this time. But he was worried, not to mention he didn’t know when Yura sent that message. It could be just today, but it was possible that it was sent one week ago.

Baekhyun just hoped that it was nothing too serious and he wasn’t too late. No matter what it was Yura needed to tell him.

Baekhyun hoped it wasn’t about Chanyeol, but what else Yura needed to tell him if it wasn’t about Chanyeol.

Yura picked up at the fourth ring, and Baekhyun mentally thanked God that it didn’t take long for her to pick up.

“Hello, Baekhyun?”

Baekhyun heard a melodious tone of Yura’s voice. It sounded normal; there was no indication that something was wrong. But Baekhyun didn’t want to let his hope high.

“Yes noona, this is Baekhyun. I just saw your text. I’m sorry I just got my phone.”

“It’s really okay. Why are you still up, Baekhyun? Aren’t you supposed to sleep?”

Baekhyun blinked, “but, in your text you said..., noona, is there something wrong?”

Yura didn’t immediately answer, and Baekhyun unconsciously held his breath.

“Oh, that. It’s about Chanyeol. Don’t worry. I was just panicked.”

“What? What about Chanyeol? Is he Okay?” Baekhyun was now raising his voice. Yura succeeded to make him panicked.

Baekhyun heard Yura chuckled, “don’t worry, sweet heart. Chanyeol is having a really high fever since yesterday. I still up until now because I’m taking care of him.”

No, Baekhyun somehow had thought about this scenario but he truly wished that his gut was wrong. “He’s sick? How? Is he hospitalized?”

Yura scoffed, “he didn’t want to go to hospital because he said you come back tomorrow. Oh, it’s today now. When are you going home?”

“Now. I’m going home now,” Baekhyun stated without any hesitation. He maybe not thinking of the consequences, but the camp had ended anyway. He actually could go home anytime. He couldn’t wait until this afternoon to check on his sick boyfriend.

“Now? But, it’s 3 AM, Baekhyun. How could you even get a ride?”

Baekhyun’s fingers ran down his magenta locks frustratedly, “I don’t know. Maybe by bus, or taxi. I—“

“The bus starts operating at 4. You can go to Seoul by that,”

Baekhyun turned around when he heard a sudden voice behind him. It was Daehyun, standing behind him with his guilty look at his eyes.

“Who’s that, Baekhyun?” Yura asked.

Baekhyun startled. He almost forgot that he was on the phone with Yura, “Egh, it’s my friend. Noona, I’m going home now. But, don’t tell Chanyeol, he’s going to be worried if he knew.”

“Okay, I understand. Please, take care, Baekhyun. See you soon,” Yura said, and she was the one who put the line off.

Baekhyun shoved his phone into his pocket jeans again and put his hands in there to warm them up. He was too engaged with his conversation with Yura that he didn’t feel the cold wind before this.

“You’re saying that there’s a bus from here to Seoul at 4 AM?” Baekhyun now talked to Daehyun, trying his best to sound as cold as the weather. He was still mad at him after all.

Daehyun, who seemed noticed Baekhyun’s cold behavior towards him, slightly nodded, “Yeah, you can just walk to the bus station. And there are many buses with the destination to Seoul operating since this early morning.”

“Okay, then,” Baekhyun mumbled in a low voice before he took one step, leaving Daehyun behind.

But Daehyun caught his hand and hold Baekhyun’s, “Baekhyun, wait.” Baekhyun stopped and turned around again, “I’m sorry for earlier. I was out of line, I shouldn’t have said any of those. Those were really offensive. I’m really sorry.”

Baekhyun eyed Daehyun. He could see that he was sincere of his words this time. Baekhyun knew that Daehyun was actually a nice guy. He was fun to be with, had a nice sense of humor, and easy to talk to. Almost like Chanyeol. Almost. But he knew that Daehyun, or anybody, couldn’t replace Chanyeol.

“I like you, Baekhyun,” Daehyun confessed, making Baekhyun flustered. “That’s why Chanyeol really hates me. I don’t blame him though. If I have a boyfriend like you, I’ll also protect you like there’s no tomorrow.”

“But it doesn’t mean you can attacked me like that,” Baekhyun snapped.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t,” Daehyun sighed. His hand was still holding Baekhyun’s. “I was just really jealous when you tell us about the husband thingy. It wasn’t my intention.”

Baekhyun kept quiet. It was freezing, and his eyes were so heavy. His mind was with Chanyeol right now, and he just wanted to get out of there fast, so he just nodded, “okay, I forgive you. I need to go now.”

“Really? I—thank you, Baekhyun,” Daehyun’s gloomy face turned bright.

“Could you let go of my hand? I really need to go now,” Baekhyun pulled his hand, and Daehyun let it go quickly and muttered his sorry.

“Have you packed? You should pack now. I’ll go to Donghae and Eunhyuk hyung to tell your situation. After that, I’ll accompany you to the bus station,” Daehyun said.

“Thank you, but I could go alone, Daehyun.”

Daehyun slung his hand around Baekhyun’s shoulder and smiled reassuringly, “shut up. This is me trying to pay my fault. Deal?”

Baekhyun honestly felt glad that he made up with Daehyun. He was a really good friend. “Deal.”


Chanyeol pulled his blanket up to his nose to prevent the cold killing him. He might sound exaggerating but he felt really cold like he was outside of the house, despite of the fact that his clothes were wet because of his sweat.

Since yesterday, Chanyeol had fever. He didn’t know how though. He was sure that he always wore coat to school, and he pretty much ate three times a day.

Maybe he was love sick, or whatever it was, because he couldn’t come up with any reason which made sense of why he got fever.

He just hoped that his cold dropped this afternoon so he could go meet Baekhyun when he came home. But looking at his condition now, he didn’t seem to turned any better.

Chanyeol looked at his clock at the wall. With his blurry eyes, he could manage to see that it was already 9 in the morning now. He knew that Baekhyun will arrive at Seoul at 4 PM, so he still had time to sleep. And hopefully, got better.

He turned his body to face the wall, and breathe out loudly. His body was freezing and trembling. He tightened the hug of his blanket as he heard the sound of his door opening. Maybe it was his sister.


He was right. It was his older sister’s voice calling out from outside his room. He turned his body slightly to look at his sister, “what?” his already-deep-voice became even deeper and hoarser. This cold, really.

“How are you feeling? You don’t seem like you get better,” she said as he approached Chanyeol on his bed. She put her palm on his forehead, checking the temperature. “You’re still really hot.”

“I know I’m hot,” Chanyeol joked.

“This kid,” Yura shook his head. “Still joking when you’re dying like this. You sure you don’t want to go to the doctor. I’ll take you before I go to work.”

Chanyeol turned his body back facing the wall, his back was now facing Yura and the door. “No, I’m fine like this.”

“You’re so stubborn,” Yura stood up. “I hope Baekhyun comes fast, so you could get better soon.”

“My fever has nothing to do with Baek,” Chanyeol argued in between his cough.

“You get sick because you miss him, you idiot,” she said sharply, but true. “I’m off to work. Call me if you faint or something,” Yura waved at him, although she knew that Chanyeol can’t see him.

Chanyeol’s throat was too hurt to counter Yura’s statement. After he heard that his door was completely closed, he shut his eyes close. The dim light in his room and his fever made him felt sleepy again. He heard the front door of his unit was closed before he decided to get some sleep again.

Chanyeol was sure that he went to the dream land only for around 10 minutes when he was wakened up again by the sound of his room door opened. Chanyeol sighed annoyed. What his sister wanted now? Hadn’t she off to work alread?

This time, Chanyeol didn’t turn his body and just kept facing the wall. He closed his eyes again and only heard footsteps came approaching his bed. Slowly he felt his bed was deepened, and someone was lying beside him.

“Noona, I really need to sleep. What do you want now?” his voice was still really hoarse, he still closed his eyes, and didn’t turn his body around to see the person who lied beside him.

Then, he felt a pair of arms hugging him from behind. He was startled at first, but then he opened his eyes when he knew that his sister won’t do this, hugging him.

The hands were small. One thing that Chanyeol knew, these hands were too familiar. This hug was too familiar.


Chanyeol could feel that Baekhyun was burying his face on his back.

“I’m back,” Baekhyun whispered to his back.

Chanyeol swore that he just wanted to burst into tears. His weak smiled turned into a huge grinned, and suddenly he felt warm radiating through his body.

His Baekhyun was back. He was behind him, hugging him. Chanyeol could actually hear his voice now. Not only through phone.


“Ssshh, sleep. You need to sleep,” Baekhyun rubbed his back.

“No,” Chanyeol snapped with his hoarse voice. He struggled to turn his body around albeit the fact that Baekhyun was still hugging him. Eventually, he got to see Baekhyun’s face now. “You’re back.”

Baekhyun was hugging him again, now from the front. “Your clothes are really wet. How much is your temparature?”

Chanyeol looked down at Baekhyun’s face was only mere inches from him. This face. This face was the thing that he missed for the entire fifteen days. “I don’t know. I didn’t check.”

“How could you even get sick?” Baekhyun said as he fixed some Chanyeol’s hair which stick to his forehead due to his sweat. “If I’m not mistaken, you were the one who worried I’m being sick.”

“I miss you,” Chanyeol said without any hesitation, burying his face on top of Baekhyun’s head.

“I’m asking you how did you get sick, Yeol?”

How Chanyeol missed they way Baekhyun calling him Yeol. “That’s how I got sick. I miss you. I miss you so much that’s why I’m sick now.”

Chanyeol could feel Baekhyun was smiling on his chest, “I miss you, too,” Baekhyun muttered. “I miss you every time.”

Now Chanyeol was the one who smiling. He still can’t believe that Baekhyun was now in his arm. He was going crazy for the last fifteen days because this very boy. Now that Baekhyun was in his arm again, all the words he wanted to say and all the things he wanted to do were vanished. He just didn’t know what to do except hugging him, afraid that he’ll be gone again, and saying ‘I miss you’ like there was no tomorrow.

They remained silent for a minute. The only sound in the room was only Chanyeol’s hoarse breathing. Just then, Chanyeol noticed the clock on his wall. It was still 9 AM.

“Baek? Shouldn’t you arrive at Seoul at 4 PM?” Chanyeol asked.

Baekhyun hummed without letting go of his hug, “I immediately went here when Yura noona told me that you’re sick.”

“And when was that?”

“Uhm, this morning? I took off from Busan by bus at 4 AM,” Baekhyun explained.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened, and he pushed Baekhyun away from him so he could face him, “what the hell, Baek? You came back here by yourself?”

Baekhyun, slightly startled, nodded slowly, “yeah.”

This was what Chanyeol sometimes didn’t understand about Baekhyun. His boyfriend sometimes simply didn’t think. “It’s dangerous, Baek.”

“Hey, I’m a grown up man, okay? Besides, I’m here now.”

“But still, if something happened to you, I’ll be having heart attack,” Chanyeol sighed.

“But I’m fine,” Baekhyun assured him. “I was worried about you. Really worried that I can’t even think straight anymore.”

The thought about Baekhyun was worried about him was strangely nice. Chanyeol honestly couldn’t think of a better scenario of meeting Baekhyun back. This was really nice although he was freezing like this. At least now Baekhyun was here to warm him up.

“Can you get up, Yeol? I think you should change your clothes. It’s so wet because of your sweat. Your fever won’t get better.”

Chanyeol agreed. His wet clothes started to feel uncomfortable, “okay.”

Baekhyun got up first then he helped Chanyeol to sit on his bed. “Here let me help you take off your clothes,” Baekhyun said as he sat in front of Chanyeol.

Chanyeol stopped Baekhyun’s hand which already at his pajama button, “wait, I can change by myself.”

Baekhyun gave him a look, “You took care of me countless of time. It’s my turn now.” Baekhyun was already undoing Chanyeol’s buttons before Chanyeol can even stop him. His fever really consumed his energy. Or he simply wanted Baekhyun to take his clothes off.

“How could you get in my house?” Chanyeol asked everything that came up to his mind to ease the awkward tension between them. Because now Baekhyun was slowly taking off his clothes, and his own body, for the first time, was exposed to the love of his life. This was an important moment, and Chanyeol wanted to slap himself why the first time Baekhyun saw his body had to be like this.

And the sudden urge to kiss his boyfriend wasn’t helping either. Wasn’t it supposed to be Baekhyun who got aroused by this situation? Damn, fever.

“I met Yura noona when she was out,” Baekhyun said as he got up to get Chanyeol’s clean t-shirt. “Do you want to change your pants too?”

“No,” Chanyeol answered immediately. And , his voice was really shaking.

Baekhyun chuckled, “okay, relax, Yeollie.”

Chanyeol hated himself that Baekhyun seemed really amused by his weird behavior. Baekhyun slowly sat back on his bed, facing Chanyeol now half- body. It made Chanyeol really wanted to shrink.

Baekhyun, on the other hand, was contemplating for other thing, “Hey Yeollie, you promised me something before I went to camp. Do you remember?”

Chanyeol blinked, got confused for a mere second before he realized what Baekhyun meant and he grinned widely, “You want me to say it when I half like this?”

Baekhyun nodded eagerly, “I just really want to hear it, please.”

Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun’s cute face he made to Chanyeol, as if his life was depend on Chanyeol’s words. The latter thought that it was ridiculous. Because he was willing to say those words even without Baekhyun asking him to. He’ll always say those words as long as he was breathing.

So Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand slowly. His soft gaze never let go of Baekhyun’s beautiful brown eyes. Chanyeol smiled before he said the words he knew he’ll never get tired of saying them to Baekhyun.

“I love you.”







I searched at the internet if someone could get sick if they miss someone terribly. the answer is yes :)

and it's not a a crime if I promote my other fic here. right? hehehe please do check it ;;;~;;;

Not Even A Scratch


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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!